You're beautiful, To me,
my hope in the morning light and dream in the dusk of night
The sight of you opens more doors in my life than even the greatest of writings
Your beautiful eyes make me shed more tears than the Grimmest funeral
I see no earth, no creation without you in it.
Importance opens my eyes, as I do not have love for people, I cannot see a world where I must live without you.
Your auburn locks shine through my very soul, the sunlight gives your face a heavenly glow, so radiant that only a fool wouldn't fall for you,
My Angel, forgive me my carelessness but I feel only love for you and I don't believe that any words could ever describe your beauty and divinity but tried I have to explain the extent of my feelings for
you as I sit here and think, I hope to see you again and open my heart to you personally
Like I always desired in the first place.
My first ever love letter, dedicated to that heavenly girl for whom my love knows no bounds.