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Veronica May 2017
Havent been in this for a while
I tried to let my feelings and thoughts locked inside.
Thinking everything would change
Maybe its just me seeing this people and world the wrong way.
Boy, was i wrong?
Today is my birthday an instead of celebrating im inside this room crying in silence
My so call boyfriend was planning to take me out and ended up cancelling.
He told me he would take me here and then changed his thought to another.
Then told me he didmt have money to take me there.
He said if you really want to go why dont you take out money and we'll go there.
Im just sitting here thinking i cant believe he woke me up and told me to get ready for this type of ****.
I wish i could say i had a good birthday with my family and my little baby whose on the way.
I guess my life was meant to be a living hell.
Anie Rose Tiu Mar 2017
You never told me you were leaving, I waited for days, weeks and months.
You promised me something, do you recall?
"Life must go on" they say,
"I dont want to move on, so I'll stay"
Where are you?? I can still feel you,
Can still hear you, Can I see you?
I'm alone taking fries and sundae while writing on my artwork doodle notebook. I put my earphones on my left ear just to stay inspired as music can figured my way of thinking.

There are a lot of people at the moment
Since it was a cold midnight on 14th day of March.  Im at Mcdonald's by the way.

Intendedly, I'm on the thirteenth table
Good for four on the thirteenth chair where my bag is seating right beside me
While on my left is a mirror where I can see the gloomy atmosphere.
Jon Po Dom Mar 2017
Hi ugly gray cloud
Why are you sad?
You are making me sad
There is no pleasure in you
Your misery is contagious
If only strong winds would soothe your pain
And put a smile on you
So Mr. Sun can shimmer with glee
If only.....

JM 3/7/17
Mitch Prax Dec 2016
Empty night
Fading light
it was raining glass
in the broken part of town
Hollow night
Dying light
The stars comes to pass
And I am going down
Like the moon
Gone too soon
Waiting on the sun
When all is said and done
Rowena Pagao Dec 2016
Today, I heard the wind
whispering on my ear,
"No matter how far
You wander, and get lost.
Please don't forget,
That I am waiting here,
Because you're my home."

And it was sealed with a kiss,
slowly penetrating my lips.
President Snow Oct 2016
Why do you have to be pretty like her
When you can be pretty like you
Be you
Laniatus Oct 2016
These words seem blank
and unrelated...
My flow and vision has either weakened or died.
Too long it has been.
The lines are too thick
to fit my ridiculous, empty words within...
Even paragraphs desist from existing,
and implode like dramatic hills
attempting an evolutionary growth into mountainhood.
Rivers weaving, in-between, around and through
salty salmon bear jaws -
Like the pain of love between the *****.
President Snow Oct 2016
Drip drop drip drop
Watching it fall from the top
Drip drop drip drop
Why can't it stop?

Walking down the path
She's walking on a world full of wrath
Mischievous persons everywhere
This pain, how can she bear?

There she was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
How can she get out of this place?
She don't know, she don't have strength to fight

Shouting and judging
Now her ears , she's covering
Tears are now falling
Her heart has stop beating

Eyes that as lonely as the darkest hue
She is alive but don't have a life
She is smiling but don't have a bright
Why can't she have the joy you have in you?

Now she's holding a cold piece of metal
Yes! She's picking the last petal
Hoping all the pain will vanish away
The deep cut will take it all away

Drip drop drip drop
Bloods are dripping from the top
Drip drop drip drop
Finally! The pain has stopped.
thehiddenwriter Sep 2016
You just sit all alone
Somewhere, where its still dark in the day,
Sheer silence and
Your screaming demons
Which now have become your best friends.

Darkness is now what you seek
Hoping somewhere,
it'll fill your creeks,
But daily as you sit and
not break those self created walls,
Life goes by
while you just fall and fall
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