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Chris Vans May 2017
I left you in the woods
Now you can haunt me
Chris Vans May 2017
I drove to nowhere
This is where I found you
Chris Vans May 2017
The wind howls as it hits the sheets
A face is hidden that I can't see
A light cold drizzle opens up slowly
Teasing and boiling
The storm drapes over the pillars
Nothing I can see
Fully engulfed as my legs become weak
Paralysis penetrates my body
The wind howls dampen
The pillars descend at rest
Leave a smile in the comments if you get it
Chris Vans May 2017
Lock the doors
Drive off to the vanishing point
Lock the sky
Turn off the vocals at one point
Lock the music
Waves vibrate to the ears at one point
Lock your eyes
Deteriorating humans at one point
Unlock your gun
Unfleshed zombies at the front point
Pull the trigger
It's only you and me at one point
Chris Vans May 2017
The devil calls my name
And I answer
God forgive  me
I'm not for you
Chris Vans May 2017

She whispers the end
All dressed in black
Skin white as an owl
I saw the back of her long brown hair
Emptiness flooded the room
I just saw my lover walk out the door
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