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Eleanor Sinclair Jan 2019
The mist often lifts in the presence of the sun
The same way my heart does, and the way I hold air in my lungs
You seem to make the dark days feel light
And when my eyes catch yours there is nothing better in sight
You make my pulse quicken when you touch my skin
Now I know how Henry felt when he looked at Anne Boleyn
Trust now that what I say to you is true
Due to our time together I've reached a break through
You really are all that I need
You coarse through my veins, so not to lose you, I choose not to bleed
Seraphina Dec 2018

So I misinterpreted you
And what you would do
He tried
I tried
It turned out ugly
I may have my own mugshot
And so does he
But it's not a life sentence
Or a death penalty
I have to live out my time
And do the best to correct it
When I know I will never be able to
But everyone tries
Sometimes people just forget
But others, they remember
Maybe it'll be the same for you
But just remember this: There are always bumps along the road
And this is nothing else but


You ask why I did this
Sometimes words can't mean anything
Because, as, they always say, a picture is worth a million words
Because they're just a cent
But combined with others, they can be powerful
And sometimes, you lose a cent or two
This changes the entire meaning entirely
Maybe I lost some words
And maybe I just don't know how to make them a dollar
I try combining them, but it just doesn't work
Maybe I'm trying too hard to find that one cent
That could change everything
But you just don't know
How to explain


But it'll take a long time to heal
If it heals by itself
Maybe the only known cure
Is letting it be
You don't think he's the cure
But he is for me
You always thought it wouldn't work
But we have to stay on where fate tells us
Although how cruel it can be
We've gotten this far
So don't waste it
And we have to keep going
We can still do this, though
We can do it
Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
If money is not the problem...

right? Goes wit out sayin' jus'sayin'

sup posed over your mind? You know?

Confirmed bias to ward what
ward off evil?
toward, in the direction away from evil

do anions attract cations?
how do things go
round and round, if positive attracts negative

and negative attracts positive

What is the problem, old man?

I can't say.

Stateless state asked for a cookie,
cookie monster,
as prophesied on Sesame Street

accepting cookies
will some day be the only way

strangers may arrange dangers
tested servants arrive saying please take
my cookie so the quants
can see
they are blind
otherwise, just think
these things as your bias confirms

they were intended.
a question I was asking and answering and so on
Pyrrha Dec 2018
You saw them suffering everyday as you passed by
So somedays you threw money in their little tin can
But their pain lies far beneath the surface
Homelessness is an illness that costs more than pocket change to cure
Starvation and injustice can't be paid with a full tin can
Their lifestyles cant be changed with ten thousand cans of change
Emma Dec 2018
cough and sneezing at day
headache and wheezy at the night
teatime cure needed now
I had to leave school early because I was sick asf. I've missed 7 days of school so far...ugh I hate my immune system's weakness :( I know that I'll be getting even more sick in the future?
Keith Mitchell Nov 2018
pub magnolia
Friday night thoughts
remembering the dish
still dreaming of
savory eggs benedict
too many moons to count
the vibe
remains free
spirited bliss
fires raging here there
smoke is ******* **** up
IPA is tasty
sausage is spot on
smiths playing
forgetting the turmoil
air is so fresh now
young goddess
pan out
smart girl
so wonderfully pretty
the Cure love cats
classic moment in time
so fond of your smile
shine on
precious gift
Experimenting while having a drink and bite... the fun part was letting the young goddess read it as I was walking out. Poetry is one Love
raphæl Nov 2018
"Come, sit down." the healer says
as her patient gazes emptily.
Clinic was dim, table's a mess
"Here's a cup of tea."

The healer dusts her hands on her coat
stained from making medicine.
"What are you here for today?"
"Same as last time, but I have caved in."

"I know just what you need,"
the healer unsheathes a frame.
The patient woefully sighs and
sobs without a bit of shame.

"I can't look again, it reminds me of her!"
to a portrait of a mother and daughter.
"Don't worry," says the healer,
"Tomorrow, it will get better."

The clinic was her art studio;
the medicine were the paintings.
The healer was an artist—
an empath in broken things.

"Through art, dismantle your heart
embrace the facts of your pain.
The wounds of the past shall heal
and your love for life shall remain.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
writing about you
mends my heart
just like your existence does
it's you baby
you're all i need

RN Nov 2018
Can you please examine my blood?
You'll see that I'm not that bad
I'll give you everything I've got
Will love you from the stars and back

Stick with me when I'm sick
You're the medicine that reacts so quick
You're the O and I'm the Stik
The only flower I wanna pick

Give me some medicine lady boss
I'll pay it with love, you'll overdose
In this love game, that we can't pause
You'll be mine and I'll be yours

You're the disease also the cure
You're the pain I'll need to endure
For me, one thing is for sure
My love, my love for you is pure
Rhymes in my Mind
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