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Dear Mother Earth,

Please forgive me, for I am of those who have wronged.
I do not know where I am, but I do know for sure that I am lost.

My eyes and feet are swollen, and my voice is fade.
For I have prayed and prayed, that I cannot find a word left unsaid.
And I have paid and paid, that I do not know what price is left unpaid.

I am working, but nothing else is.
Everything else is walking, but I am still.
I have cried and cried, that my tears are drowning me.
I am but a child, please forgive me.

It is dark here, please tell my star to shine its light,
For I do not know if to turn back, left or right.
I am confused and lost, tell me what more I am to sacrifice.

There are too many doors, give me just one blessed key.
For I feel trapped, and do not know of any truth that can set me free.

I still believe all things shall pass away, but I fear my faith might sway.
Please show me just a way, for my hair is turning grey.

Your confused child.
Cursive N Jul 2021
There's a girl I couldn't stop thinking about
She often smiles, she gives when she has none to give,
And she likes to do the right thing.

There's a girl I'll never stop thinking about
She winked, she took when I had nothing left to give,
And she liked what power could bring.

There's a girl in between that I sometimes forget
She did not talk, she had nothing to give,
And she liked to be honest in everything.

The girl I am is probably memorable
I flirt a lot, I give when there is something to get
I like a piece of each of them.

Where's the catch, where's the fairytale
I'm playing a game, all to no avail
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2021
i guess it's time to finally let him go
gotta choose some self-pride
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2021
why can't i let you go?
let things be like before
i saw you standing there
of my interest- unaware
with your friends in deep talks
that made me pause my long walks
you're trouble knows my heart
yet seeing you makes it start
with a beat so profound
that it makes sounds
for you to notice me too
and exchange a word or few
but I battle with my brain
attraction is something to refrain
for all i've known is pain
and i can't go through it again
i try to kick you out of my mind
yet in the corners do I find
you lurking there in deep
making me want to keep
looking for you everyday
yet stay shut without a say
because i know this through
i ain't the one you'll want
so i want to not want you
because your ghost will forever haunt
me and my stupid senses
that are making me type these sentences
I've never faced temptation this strong............and like all other aspects of my life, I'm all alone in this. Why can't I just go back to being aloof? I don't want more mess in my already messed up life.
This is nothing, just stress + hormones = chemical imbalance. I'm not the "romance in real life" type, yeah? Moreover, I am unlovable! So why can't I let him go? Why am I dreaming of him? Why is he up here in my head when I clearly know that I'm not in his head too?
Strying Jul 2021
I've tried to hide my emotions for so long,
I'm starting to forget what I'm hiding.

It sometimes comes back to me,
like a dark wave of awakening,
and then back to the light and fake smiles I go.
been really sad recently, it's like sometimes i forget and think ill be fine and make it, and then i go back to being exhausted and wanting to cry all the time.
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2021
w h y

c o u l d n ' t

t h e y

a b s t a i n

t h a t

o n e

d a y

just that one single time
J Jul 2021
Have you accepted the horrors you have unfolded?

Or has the deceit you’ve engulfed yourself with now become your truth

For do you know of the monster you have created?

Or do you stand ignorantly as it lays its dread on this world
jocethepoet Jun 2021
I’m sitting here thinking
Role playing life to myself
The life that I wish I had
Or the moments in life that I want to happen
I don’t feel like I’ve given up
But I also dont feel I have the strength to keep up
I don’t know what to do with my life
Brumous Jun 2021
I've lied
but don't we all?

As we grow,
a part of us dies.

Like an onion skin
layers of lies envelop me
They said that I've changed,
yet I don't know which way

I've played pretend,
tried masks and
eventually forgot
which one was
truly mine.
Who am I supposed to be?
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