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Kay Mar 2015

1. Love fully and without fear. Love is the most powerful verb you can teach to someone else.

2. Do not be passive. No one will give you a badge for standing down or sitting still.

3. Tea and Yoga are not for the faint of heart. People who can remain calm enough in times of peril to make a nice *** of Earl Grey are more powerful than you can even imagine. Yoga can and will kick your ***.

4. You do not have to be religious or even believe in God to appreciate the value of the Bible, or prayer.

5. There is no such thing as false hope. Your hopes and dreams and goals and deepest desires are all valid. No one can tell you otherwise unless you let them.

6. The only person who can truly love you entirely for who you are is yourself, so you had better do a good job of it.

7. If the letters you write always sound like apologies, do not send them. Take pictures and send those instead.

8. Do not let yourself be reduced to a set of numbers. You are so much more than careless red ink.

9. Abandonment is never beautiful. The only beauty is in the peace you may take from it.

10. Live fully and without fear.
My AP teacher made me cry on the last day of class because she is the kindest soul in the world, so I wrote her a poem to get back at her.
Though Life itself
may well be the best Teacher,
only truly exceptional Students
come to comprehend her lessons.
Yeah, it's a challenge. So what?

Cassidy Shoop Mar 2015
I can’t stop thinking
about how you always hated your teeth
and the way the ones in the front go sinking
towards each other like mountains too steep
to climb. You say it happened in a car
accident, that the force from the crash
is what shoved them together that way but I know you far
too well not to point out that you are the last
person who would admit that you were
born with any sort of flaw at all.
You are the type of person to slur
your words until they fall
from your tongue wearing a disguise,
just to get me to grieve over your demise.
I had to write a sonnet for my poetry class and I never write sonnets cause I hate rhyming but I think I did okay
svdgrl Feb 2015
Silly me, sitting in a new class,
feeling like a social disaster.
At the front, there's no one
to hide behind,
no one who'll turn around
to ask for a pen.
That first interaction-
a distraction from reclusive habits.
There is a bag and jacket
sitting in the seat behind me.
My writing is all that dares
to converse with me.
It's quiet company
amongst the chatter of my peers
the voices I wish I didn't hear.
When teacher asks our names,
and I stutter to respond
there are whispers in my ears.
Am I the only one?
Who doesn't know a soul-
who couldn't say hello,
when that girl's smile showed?
It's not a place I'd call home,
so I keep my nose in the chicken-scratch-
reading the syllabus
silly me, in a new class,
whispering social disaster out loud.
jordan Feb 2015

-talk to him again

-love him again

-finally forget him
Andrew Wenson Feb 2015
Escape from Planet Hipster
They're nostalgic for a time
When wearing the peace sign
was a revolutionary act;
Now propaganda of the deed
is free shows on ghetto borders
Craft IPAs, grandpa's clothing,
and dismissal above all.
Àŧùl Feb 2015
Release date: 14th February, 2015

Pre-order this fantastic saga of love, deceit, career, patriotism, class divide, and science.

Decorated with romantic, patriotic & social message-conveying poems, 7 Seconds is a great story revolving around the protagonist named 'Akshant' who is trying to search out his main motive in life in petty romantic escapades till a serious accident changes his world and he becomes serious towards his career. He works for the betterment of the entire globe by discovering a novel method of easily producing high-quality biodiesel. Towards the end, he is involved in a fight against the terrorists on a flight to Hamburg where he is going for participating in an international biotechnology conference.
Alternatively, buy it on Amazon's Kindle eStore:
Em Jan 2015
I know a girl who cut her hair short
My freshman year
Because a boy had pulled it so hard it
tore out her heart

I know a girl who cut her wrists
When we were in 8th grade
Because her mind was not good enough
For her boyfriend.

I know a girl who cut class
My sophomore year
To ***** a senior
Who had ****** every girl in the school
"except me" she said
"We make love" She said.

"We were great" She said.

"We weren't meant to be." She says.
Boys are strong and can break sticks and stones, but they can also hurt me.
Madison Claire Jan 2015
I don't understand all this poetry ****.
The monotony of similes, metaphors,
rhymes, and metonymy.
All this "interpretation" from imagination.
Because you know what?
Sometimes a man ******* in the woods
Is just a man ******* in the woods.
Brittle Bird Jan 2015
The room feels heavy,
sleepy morning smiles
and satiate English words
clinging to to air.
They reach out,
trying to pinch me,
as insistent as
the professor's smile.

Some of us still feel
as we do at 7 a.m.,
though our minds are
overflowing fountains
of new knowledge
as we try to hold
and scoop it back in.
they're drowning me,
the letters are drowning
and too tired
to swim.

It's the feeling I get
of a stomach ache
and not being able to tell
whether it's because
I'm actually sick,
or just overwhelmed
with possibilities.
*What will I do?
What will I be?
Maybe I should
just try to focus
on what's in front
of me.
This is how I procrastinate, write poems about the exact thing I'm procrastinating on... well it's a start, right?
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