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Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
I thought I could handle life
But before very long
My entire world flipped around
And I'm losing "right" and "wrong"
Some words are life changing,
And once you say them
You can never take them back
So think before you say something hurtful
Or something that will not only change your life
But the lives of people you love
You're decisions don't only effect you
But all those around you
So think
Austin Bauer Jul 2016
I close my eyes among the trees,
Hoping that the forest will tell me what
I want to hear.
Inside me is a cesspool of anger 
And wanting-to-stay-this-way.
But the forest is alive with
Joy and jubilation, life and happiness.
I breathe in her song 
And join in the refrain.
complexify Jul 2016
my mind is fickle
constantly changing

some that know me
might say that i am indeed
the most annoying person
they ever met

and some others
might say i'm a kind one.

my mind is volatile
it never sticks around
you might say i'm a calm person
the next day
the most turbulent person
on the entire planet.

hypocrisy maybe?
i don't think so.

a hypocrite doesn't have a stable stance
they tend to be fake
towards others
and towards their own self.

i'm everything but fake
and i know exactly who i am.

i'm ever-changing
and i'll always will be.
recently, my mind is going empty. i cannot focus in my studies and i feel empty all the time. i cannot even think about one single poem.  i guess i need a catalyst to start writing again so here it is,m sorry if it's so stupid.
James Leggett Jul 2016
rereading this in 10-15 years
may do little by way of
conjuring nostalgic pleasure

it may be like that painting in your house
which you swore you knew the origin of
but suddenly it's nothing but a stream of colors
and it prefers if you look away

the room is so cold and empty
you half expect dust to rise from your lungs
not being the first thing to leave you

placing a date at the top of the page
may feel like historical value
when really it's just some numbers
drifting further into the sea of memory
hoping one day it'll rush back with the current
crashing an eclectic wave through you
as unrealized wisdom will greet you
like old friends

the girl you swore would find you
may have found a different future
the guy next to her doesn't look a thing
like you
but they look good together

the boys and girls
who took shelter in bars
may be doing the same thing
but with faces of men and women
while that boyish look of yours
turns into something strangely beautiful

those worries and fears
which flew around you like demons
cursing your existence
can melt under a candle
standing on top of extended hands

all of this could read
like some ancient dialect
belonging to a person
who lived their own life
Nathan Collins Jul 2016
Summer falls to autumn's grip
As skies fade to grey

Green is siphoned from the leaves
By autumn's chilly, windy thieves

A swift swarm of burnt Amber
A growing flame;

A leaf tumbles from a tree
Tossed about the solemn breeze

For from its home it must now flee
To join its brothers

A single glowing ember
A remnant of September

Now lay strewn amidst the others
To be trodden by winter's feet
Charly Lou Davis Jul 2016
She's such a sweet chameleon
of shifting shades and dreams,
her kaleidoscope of colours
is never what it seems.

If you force her into focus
she'll only twist and fade,
until you're alone, longing for
the vivid love she made.
Alienpoet Jul 2016
I have heard future generations talking about changing the world for better
I’d like to write them a love letter for being this way
But if you’re a slave to the wage packet you will soon part of machines racket
Another slave to the way the world is was and will be
Nothing changes without pain.
I am telling you in changing the world you will suffer
The world will sell you happiness as an ideal
Married with a partner a job and two kids
The world will get in the way
Life is slavery we were made to serve
Soon all manner of distractions will form a net
and although you may have the weight of numbers
The content person slumbers
The only way to change the world is go against the grain
and endure pain after pain
Speak out, be the change you want to see
People will still diss you
You might have the words to cause an earthquake
But people still won’t follow you unless they see results
And saving the world is as hard as going through the eye of the needle.
Maddy Van Buren Jun 2016
you were so different
when I loved you
or at least I thought you were
were you?
gosh, this mind
what a funny thing
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