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Aa Harvey Jul 2019
When the ship goes down

The ship is sinking, flee with the rats.
The end is nearing, do not look back.
Memories change and soon they will fade.
The ship is sinking; move on, find a way.

The ship is sinking and I am drowning,
In total apathy for everything.
I am no longer singing; I stay out of misplaced loyalty.
I saw the truth and it destroyed me.

I know my time is temporary.
The ship is sinking…
Wait with me.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
M Solav Jul 2019
The mind at play is a rocking boat:
It goes along the flow of our thoughts
Between destination and arrival ports.
And on the boat we learn of causality.

The mind at rest is a quiet pond:
Its surface mirrors the world
As the edges are all withdrawn.
And in the lake we learn of unity.

The mind in a rush is a storm:
Waves collides in a frenetic waltz
Where one sees hills in eruption.
And in the storm we learn of identity.

...if we could get the vessel across;
...if we could face our own shape;
...if we could settle on the hilltops;
What more would be left for us to behold?
Written in June 2019 - for an exhibition in Peking.

— Copyright © M. Solav —
This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Ashley Kaye Jul 2019
fresh white sails
clean air of possibility
f r e e
undoubtedly as

I cast another anchor
into the vastness of blue
tethered by that which I
cling to.
There is joy in the ebb, the shore
but the choosing
is what kills the air;
stifles my sails

I can hear the ocean beneath my feet
I can see the distant horizon

They say “set you sights”
But what if I’ve lost
the looking glass?
Another ocean poem and I’m not even on vacation... Sunday July 7, 2019
MisfitOfSociety Jul 2019
Swaying to the sails,
As the ocean wind blows in all directions.
Over an ocean of whales.
As they ascend,
You ride them to the sunset,
And set in the sun,
Rising in the morning,
To spread across the ocean.
Like the yoke from an egg,
You hatch into a new life.
The embryo from the sun,
Running down the coastline waves.
To touch every soul down there,
Except for the ones in their caves.
Mitch Prax Jun 2019
I’m shipwrecked,
left in the dark - stranded
in a never-ending sea of despair.
I was sailing for nowhere,
doomed from the start.
No need for an anchor
when I have no destination
or no home to call my own.
TheIdleOwl Jun 2019
Anchored to the ground,
But free to float,
Is there a more peaceful existence,
Than that of a boat?
Juno Jun 2019
I’m lost somewhere far away.
I passed the point of no return long ago.
I row my boat, searching for life.
I’ll find it soon, but ‘till then I row.
CM Lee May 2019
"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

- Evan Huang
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