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William de klerk Sep 2019
Our beginning , like new life
was pure.

So far away are the days that like the horizon seemed filled with eternal promises to face
side by side.

First as friends,
then as frolicking fools
too blind to see the roads sharp fork
that would divide like a deep chasm.

Still, we rushed forward
on passions temporary fuel
hitting the first bump,
soon to be trapped in a cycle
of blissful agony,
like new life growing only to wilt
in the unceasing cold to come.

But, as a dead flower leaves a seed,
So did we leave scars,
that tells a tale to carry each of us
with the other as we move on.
A lesson learned or a wound
to be examined on colder days,
that like the markers along
a journey
guides us going forward.

So as dents display the wisdom our once
fresh bodies did develope on our trip,

We learned to seek out bumps to avoid
and though we drive different roads
In opposite seasons,
peace floods me as
the passing road markers
down memory lane become
like the grave stone on that forking road
where I layed each wilted petal
of the flower on the dash
to rest along the road on that autumn trip.
Love like a fresh flower on the dash of ones first car, where freedom is found, wilts in the sun as we drive forward on our paths, someday we may pull over in a beautiful field and pick a new flower after the petals from our first love have completely fallen off and we are ready to lay then go rest in an unmarked grave
Danica Sep 2019
It was when the rain start
as my heart skip a beat
I heard yours in triump
Thumping and pumping so fast

You smile mischievously
And sing for me endlessly
Oh!  How hate and love collide
Just like heat after the summer kiss
And the cold breeze of snow flakes bliss
It was all clear to me oh!  How I miss you  badly

Years after years
Decades strike straight through me
Wrinkles and lines visible on my face
As the smell of your perfume filled my nostrils

And now it's my time
To go back to our old days my love
The film of life is done with me
And I'm ready to go free
Empire Sep 2019
It’s fine
I’m fine
It’ll go away
All on its own
It won’t last long
Tomorrow will be better
(Tomorrow is never better)
You’ll feel better if...

What game are you playing now?
You said this last time
When you thought you lost your mind?
What did you say?
C’mon. Tell me.
What was your perspective on the issue?

You said,

And I quote:

“It’ll go away on its own...”

And guess what

It got so much worse.
ignorance is bliss

until you start desiring death
Enas Sep 2019
October 4th 2016

You know what day this is.

I was smiling quietly when you told me. I suppose I could say I feel happy & proud beyond measure, but that’s not quite all of it; more than that, in this big day, I’m fulfilled, four words that mean the world are realised & a dear promise of a lifetime on a torn page sees the light of day because of you.

You are my bliss.
Adam Saunders Sep 2019
Sleep easy for nothing that rests will duress,
Lie in safety as your warden I'll be,
Comfort of a kiss to please the dreams possessed,
Meet me in a land with both our minds undressed,
Draw near and see vulnerability,
Sleep easy for nothing that rests will duress,
Naked in spirit as with nothing suppressed,
Fall victim to the possibility,
Comfort of a kiss to please the dreams possessed,
Guilty in love with this surrendered arrest,
Sharing moments of peace and tranquility,
Sleep easy for nothing that rests will duress,
We're trapped in this place yet feel oh so blessed,
Never to find latent hostility,
Comfort of a kiss to ease the dreams possessed,
It's only with you that I feel at my best,
Paving the way for only nobility,
Sleep easy for nothing that rests will duress,
Comfort of a kiss to please the dreams possessed.
Ashlee Reyes Sep 2019
last night your kisses
made the moon brighter
we'd smoked before
but inhaling you
made me higher.

i went back to my empty apartment
dreamed of you real sweet

but i know better
than to text you
and wish you the
most decent day

i wanna believe in the concept
"ask and it is given"
but i know better
than to expect you to stay
Xant Sep 2019
The man's Mr. Rogers
by God he had been sent to fly
And now, he is on his seventh's sky

Sometimes he misses life,
his two kids and his wife,
also the earth where he once thrived

But alone he must go
on this sea of galaxies he must row
and although he feels no sorrow
he fears being lonely

So he sings a tune familiar to all
This time no red sweater nor piano
not even children singing along
for he is alone in the cosmos
heading to the bliss where he belongs
"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you."
This Poem is a tribute to Fred Rogers, a wonderful soul.

Read this poem in another perspective :
Julie Grenness Sep 2019
Ah, this is everyday bliss,
Fave author's new book, a kiss!
There are some people like me,
Who read the end first, tee hee!
Then unfold the plot's mystery,
In my book nook for literacy,
Daily reading time is bliss,
Open a new book, do I kiss?
Feedback welcome.
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2019
What matters?

Being a part of
The story
At the end of the day
Just remind
Never ever forget
To smile

Let's say
Let's try
Genre: Philosophical
Theme: Are you happy?
Author's Note:
How many times
You smiled?
How many times
You want to smile?
Were you the reason
To smile?
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