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Rays of Sun baptismal,/
Glisten upon my /
Sol- Dazed epidermis /
As I /
Waft in throes /
Of Beauteous romance & /
Wax hypnotized by /
The sweet nothings of my/
Desiderata Materialista Transcendentalista. /

Resting in the algid embrace of /
The Hiemal Winds /
Atop my /
Voluptuary Ivory Tower, /
In this cup I, I savor the flavor, /
Of ambrosia stimulanté: /
—Rousing me with each sip, /
Of sweet deific nectar, /
Starbucks Pike Place with White Chocolate Mocha Creamer. /

The former barista in me, /
Waxes & wanes in waves; moreover /
The past is derelict, /
The future is nigh, /
The present is luminous /
As I /
Wonder Upon /
The seasons, the distance, the space, and the time,/
That separates me from mi amour, ~ a moment in time. /

(—Se’ lah)
Purcy Flaherty Jul 2021
Every killer is in pursuit of life,
I suspect that the key to a long life, is in deaths commonality.
I've no doubt that obstacles such as cancer and diabetes will be the key to our longevity; not because we eradicate them, but because we include them in some way.

(Its just a feeling)
It's about re-interpreting what developments your seeing.
Iska Sep 2020
The sunset was the kind that was like syrup dripping from the skies and if you were to drink it it would be the ambrosia that tasted like a life time
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2020

Her beauty unmarred
Ambrosia flows in full
Serves with a sweet smile

Back again with another Woman of Myth, this one is for ****
The Goddess of Youth, haha!
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Brandon Conway Aug 2018
Come lay with me and let me
Feast upon the ambrosia
And **** the sweet nectar
Of your slender body
Until we both feel immortal
And push fear aside
For one night
Then let’s do it
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2018
The dahlian air
rich with colourful blossoms
Each playing a melody
Sitting in my gazebo
Sipping warm floral dreamtime

My body is soothed
As I sip long, deep and calm
The flavours blossom
Apricot tarts, honey drips
and classic vanilla kiss
Another Tanka for the night!
Just finishing a cup of herbal tea called 'Dreamtime' before bed.
First time trying it and it's super delicious.
Night guys,
Queen Lyn ***
Dog Years Jun 2018
As we spoke I could only think of honey
It was in the flow of her velvet hair
The brown nectar in her luscious eyes
It was in her voice
The taste of her sound
Never have I heard a tune so sweet
Soft red-berried tones
Humming through her sugar powdered lips
Pouring sunshine into my empty cup
An elixir fit for the gods
Blessing my mortal soul
My sweet Ambrosia
All that and much more
Ariel Aug 2016
I feel the warmth in my chest and I know I am alive.

Im dead almost 24 hours a day.

My thirst is unimaginable.

My nector is also my drug.

My lungs take it in greedily while my liver cries tears of acid.

It's killing me.

I think’

I down another bottle.

I live in the sweet warmth of my ambrosia.

Diving in the lake of fire.

It burns my insides and my throat.

I down another bottle.

My money is dry as so is my supple.

I do a strange dance for my addiction to be sated.

As the dollar's fall the liquid flows.

The faster the merrier the cheaper I feel until i'm worth no more.

I take a breath for the first time in my life.

I scream for help i'm drowning, i'm drowning

No one helps No one cares

Finally I stop breathing I stop struggling.

I drown
Drinking is an addiction and a drug. It can **** you and it can seem like an ambrosia. Its warmth is alluring and deadly.
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