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Hello Poets,

I've noticed the 300 poet poem gaining some traction again,
And with all the new writers joining recently,
It shouldn't be hard to make stick.

But there'll still need be more,
When everyone on here has joined,
So I ask of you one thing,
Bring out all your artists wherever they may hide,
And lets make dream reality.
Earlier today the original post about this started gaining some traction, and I got 3 new submissions. I know it may not seem it, but I'm doing my best to get this thing together but it is nearly impossible to pioneer an online personality to the reach I nee it to go. So I ask you all my fellow poets, please forward this anywhere you can or to anyone you think is interested. You can reach me at or private message on here. To submit for the project all you have to do is write up a line(s) of verse and email or private message it to me. You may submit more than one, but I can not guarantee all will be used. Thank you poets. 30/300
showyoulove Dec 2024
Lord come to our aid: in your mercy help us

Hear us when we cry out to you Oh Lord
Though we sail the sea of faith
We are buffeted by the trials of life
Tossed about by waves and wind
Lord come to our aid: in your mercy help us

Protect us from danger and grant us peace
Watch over us in our waking and our sleep
Help us remain ever vigilant in our watch
That not one lamb may find itself lost
Lord come to our aid: in your mercy help us

We know you hear our prayers Oh God
For you are good and gracious indeed
You hear the cries of your beloved children
Oh Lord, come swiftly in our time of need
Lord come to our aid: in your mercy help us

When troubles come and hard times assail
Remind us that evil will never prevail
You overcame the world so we shall not fear
Nor, for anything, want as long as you are near
Lord come to our aid: in your mercy help us

You consecrate our lives in your blessed truth
In your compassion fill all of our youth
With love for you and the world outside
Shine your light upon us, your face do not hide
Lord come to our aid: in your mercy help us
May we learn to tread lightly on older and newer paths in our personal lives that lead onwards and upwards into the continuing
restoration of our inner worlds rising like Main Sequence suns to aid in replacing that which was lost in ever-darkening outer worlds.
©2024 Daniel Irwin Tucker

The term "main sequence sun" refers to the phase of the sun's life when it's fusing hydrogen into helium in its core. This phase is the longest part of a star's life, and it's when the star is most stable. Our sun is still shining at its peak.

So, let's start shining or continue to keep on
shining into the darkness of this
world through our own
individual light.
Maria Etre Aug 2024
I severed
and all I have
to give you
is a band aid
to stop the
for I am robbed
of all my
of affection
Ghxstcxt Apr 2024
Those words were painful to hear when you told it
I don't know if you know it
Because I certainly don't show it
And won't bring it up in conversation
Only via written representation
Can I say it without hesitation
So here goes it...

You know you lied...
(To yourself mainly)
A total fabrication
One that destroyed my vision of someone sacred
Altered love to blind hatred without persuasion
From which I'm now trying to retrain
Because I've missed out on important days
That should've been filled with celebration

Why not just give me an honest and open statement?
Like what you asked of me from an early age...
Was it to minimise the ache?
To save face from something failed?
To create distance from the ways in which you assumed everyone would frame it?

That's me saying it as plainly as I can say it
About the way that you behaved then
And maybe
Just maybe
What I've said here
Will aid you in
Bringing closure to anything remaining
So that each and every day
You can pave more of your way
In coming to terms with all the hating
That you seem to linger in after waking
Jamesb Nov 2023
Your verse speaks of
Constraints from beyond
The grave as if love
And life and joy are
Forever taken from you,

Yet your life is far
From wrecked by that man,
And you so much greater
And more amazing than
You it seems perceive,

Your soul is great
And good and pure,
Your beauty burns from
Deep beneath your
Alabaster skin,

And even if you
Cannot see the worth of you
Or hurl aside that vile constraint,
You have a counter at your side,
One to protect your from the storm

A counter that costs you
Not a penny nor a dime,
A counter to carry you
That's always there and free,
And lest you wonder where or what

That counter,


Is me!
Been burbling a while this. Recent events finally brought it to birth
Kitt Sep 2023
They ask you again and again,
What happened? Tell me the whole story
And you repeat yourself
Each time thinking it’s been received
But then a new ear, a new clipboard,
And they make you tell it again.

“What happened” becomes more important
Than “what’s happening now?”
Because they care about the mechanism
More than the injury

So what will they do when you go radio silent?
When your heart breaks do you need to rehash how he hurt you,
Again and again for each secondary witness?
At what point does the sordid story end
And the sequel begin?
Or will the pursuit of healing,
The treating of trauma,
Forever be defined by
the mechanism of injury?
Poetic T Jun 2020
I wasn't just that band aid,
          that was  going to heal
   you with faint kisses.

And peel off useless after I'd
                      been there a while.

My intentions were to
          rejuvenate our blemished  

And yes there will scars,
        but we'll heal together.
Lyka Mosca Apr 2020
Help him.
Whether he asks or not,
Whether its heavy or light.

A little assist,
Won't take much time

A while is enough
To ease a broken heart
Mark Toney Oct 2019
don’t get caught standing
you’ll fall backwards or forwards-
Ambien’s effect
5/8/2019 - Poetry form: Senryu - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
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