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Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Reptile conscience

Liars eyes, reptile conscience,
Forked tongue whispers, secret heart.
Your fire, echoes of broken promises,
Far gone is all that which we are.

Ice berg, the ruination,
Your words all begin to disintegrate.
My words are now a termination;
No chance of our love lasting past the end of this day.

Heart break, this is your hotel,
I am just your ******.
My life, my life; my Hell.
I think that you should go.

You can take all of the lies with you,
Scatter clothes across the floor.
I see no future, no way through;
I change the locks on all my doors.

Taken away, never to be returned,
This should have been a beautiful day.
Now I am torn, now I have heard,
No place I can escape to; nothing left to say.

The damage is done, we are no more.
Chasing dreams away for they are only nightmares.
You had your fun and watched me fall;
The grenade you leave inside my chest leaves me without air.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I need love.  That is all I want from you.
I don’t need money,
I don’t need things…
I do not care about Jimmy Choo’s.

Just give me love and I will give you more.
What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is yours,
As long as I can get fifty percent of your love;
The rest you can keep for yourself, for good.
Please never give away your shares in love,
Because I will not share your true love heart.
If you go with him, then he is yours
And I will vanish like an exploding star.

All that will remain inside of me, without you,
Is my black-hole heart.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
*** in the Marital Bed

Upon a fair and blowing wind, a sound is heard a singing.
A quiet voice with echoed choirs, the bells shall soon be ringing.
Come one, come all, to gaze upon the setting sun of one man’s heart.
For this day shall pass and no more will laugh,
For the spirit will be taken from Love.

Lovers lie,
Back to back.
No whispered I love you’s.
No apology forthcoming.
Something is wrong in Cupid’s kingdom.

The arrow struck gold and bound two souls,
But they are each forever alone with each other.
The winter is drawing in all around them.
They try to embrace and roll face to face,
But words are like daggers, cutting away.
Enough has been done and said in the marital bed,
To leave them to conclude that love is at its end.

A list of affairs, as long as your arm.
This heart has lost every one of its beautiful charms
And through no intention meant and on through regret,
They lay side by side in the marital bed.

An eerie sound of nothingness, sits between them.
Never been nearer to drifting apart.
The stone silence, at last compels them to speak their true feelings,
Once and for all.
And so they start…

And by the end,
The end has come.
Like the sound of a gun,
This love…
It is done.

All that remains of a once true love bonding,
Is scattered ashes, broken pictures and tarnished memories.
These wedding rings are a bargain!
And here once more, the zombie-mind crawls,
Unable to talk about love at all.

His last, is has been said;
He caught his death,
Like the coldness of steel.  The life; so quickly taken.  The pain so real.
The sacrificed good times when she was his wife,
But those days are lost to fire, she burns his picture,
Upon a pyre made from his clothes,
As she weeps her endless tears of ice,
And in the end all that remains is a stain.
Proof they are through.
Begotten unto you is a message of love,
As dust is to dust; marriage is no longer the way.

Lovers of love lose love so easily.

Lovers are lost to new lovers daily.

Lovers of love lose love so easily….

Lovers are lost to new lovers daily…

So sign your name in blood across my chest;
Bind you to me forever faithfully…

Or leave me for dead.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I only open future doors,
And any door I pass through,
I close it and lock it behind me.
Once I have passed through,
The key is destroyed,
So no matter how loud you knock on the door,
It will forever remain shut;
And you will be left alone and annoyed.

You can shout obscenities and question my motives or my person,
But I am no longer the great listener that I once was,
For I am too busy flirting,
With a new romance; you missed your chance.
I have found a new person with whom I want to naked slow-dance.
All that which you have lost will never be repeated,
So repeat after me “I did not cheat.”

The door behind me is becoming the door to a mouse house.
So small in its importance; for I have left purgatory behind me.
I am awaiting what is out there to be seen.
Love is on the way and you are way behind me;
Are your pastures green?

Remember what you will never again have.
You had a chance; you took your chance for granted.
You missed your chance for a first dance.
I have a key in my hand; this door locks from the inside.
I hope the weather stays nice outside.
I am closed to the past;
You shall become nothing as soon as,
A new door looks quite appealing;
Maybe it is her time that I should attempt to be stealing.
Wasting away with me in my twilight years,
Will be my one love; after years and years.
She will only speak beautiful words of truth…
And you?...

The door behind me is left to rust.
Bottomless pits for the ashes.
This truth,
This trust,
This love…
Is dust.
I hope this makes you happy.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Dying Star

A falling star; a dying heart.
A step too far for a shot in the dark.
A burnt out car; the ruins of a castle.
You cannot defibrillate love inside a hospital without a chapel.

A smile without fidelity;
Two eyes of glass.
A poison without a remedy.
Never take them back.

Clouds of clarity;
Give to charity.
Peace love and empathy…
Embrace the misery.

Let the sunlight shine,
Or find a place to hide.
We are all ugly on the inside.
Every day becomes a night.

Try to find your Feng shui,
Or find your own path.
Who can say,
When it is your time to begin again or to turn back?

Plant a foot;
Plant a seed.
Plant a thought…

Just make sure you succeed.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Savannah Mar 2018
A moment arrives and you let it take
    away any empathy you had
Dull, lifeless I lie dying, beating inside
    your heart, captive
Unheard, I wait for you to finish your
    assault against our love
Lecherous mountain of meat,
    disgusted by you, I can't help but
Turn away, can't bear that
    unapologetic face, so stoic
Essentially, you succumbed to a more
    favorable *****, so you can
Run off for a wet, foreign kiss, but
    please understand
You can never come home
Thanks for reading
Savannah Feb 2018
I hate that you did this to me

You're a venomous pain to my mind
Tearing me apart from the inside

Making wish I could rip out my gut
To erase the hurt that comes with each passing thought of us

I would do anything for a relief
Even suffer a different fate from the one you forced me to face when you decided to leave

Never come back, I just want to forget that you ever existed
Even though that will never happen because the emptiness you left me with is relentless

Thanks for reading
You have a million ways to leave me.
took all of them
your cellphone beside me
lovers away from me
in the distance you can't be touched
blaming of your mental illness
admitting you don't love me, silently.

were late on our anniversary, from ******* his ****,
it's not that I mind, it just measures your respect of me.
I'm not surprised when you can't touch me after
or look in my eyes

everything you do, is fine.
you only do what you want.
I am so lucky, for any time at all
for three days in a hotel room
for three days I wait, for you to look at me.
screaming at a window.

we wont admit the window is only when we look at each other.
when our backs turn, it's roses
isn't it funny.
a million miles between us, content with our illusions
two key cards, the truth too loud to sleep.
buzzing static in the space between our chests.
I want so badly to touch it
flies part when I swat.

You used to moan when I kissed your ear
your muscles tense
I stop kissing your ear
you used to blush when I would stare at your body
you change in the dark.
I stop staring, where you can see me.

I witness your new lovers
you tell me they force your head down, how you liked it.
if I tried that, the amount of guilty in me would tear me out of my body.
you would stay silent and guilty, I won't touch you
I am the one man who wont touch you
I am the one man you won't let touch you.
his pregnant wife moved out of his house
you would raise his baby, you say.
I cry through desperation
You ask if I regret my decision
through tears, deep silence
I say I am proud of you.

I am proud of you.
I know the love
the hope you feel.
it's not my place to stop it
only show you how it burned
Do I regret it?
it was the most wonderful love I could imagine
I'm not saying it will hurt "except the good parts"
I am saying it will hurt
Especially the good parts.
there is much to gain, in losing your childhood.
Please, don't stay a child.

it isn't fair to compare you to her.
you chose her favorite color
your new lover calls you the name of my unborn daughter
I can't stop it, but I cry sometimes.
you sound like her
the body language in your "****"'s.
did you know she hated drinking? until she could not stop.
I convinced her to take the first sip,
when you drink ***** I cringe.
she left her daughter for heroine.
when you tell me you want to feel numb, I worry for the baby you are leaving behind
as you foregeo your childhood

his pregnant wife left him because of you,
he hates children
you are 19.
he is 38.
yet he says he loves you, with his snake tongue
I have seen your body
I know it's siren call.

You are not a monster,
or safe in this skin you hate.
around me.

We are still in love.
you haven't left me.
I've been twisted by this vacancy sign in your lawn
I'm going to die on this memory of you raising the family I wanted.
You are some new version of yourself, in the same beautiful skin.
your limp old body draped over a children's empty bed frame
I am such a monster, I would **** it.
Just to be inside of something familiar.

while I sleep next to you in this hotel room.
you are wearing jeans.
my engagement ring.
and his cologne.
Francie Lynch Jun 2017
I'm taunted by another,
Allured by the attention,
Polishing vanity to a reflective glaze,
Like a winner's cup, held up by the ears,
To display, kiss, and smudge,
Then returned to the rightful owner.
It's an enviable snare,
One may think is sincere,
From here, looking over there.
Cerasium Jun 2017
My life was empty and uneventful.
Then you walk right into my heart.
The world turned to color.
And I rose out of my rut.

My life turned happy.
Though I could not believe it.
My heart grew to love.
And to why I'll never know.

You came to me when my heart ached.
Patched it up and made it new.
You loved me for the way it looked.
But how do I know you truly do.

My heart starts to ache watching these things.
Things that appear to prove you don't.
My breathing fastens as my heart beats.
How do I ask you about this?

I wonder painfully about the thoughts.
That keep poking into my heart.
I ask myself the question that I fear.
Is he really doing this or not?
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