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Oct 2017 · 595
electra Oct 2017
I've diagnosed myself with astrophilia,
after years of realizing I've become addicted to space.
it started when I was sixteen,
when I had spent the summer at my father's,
and he took me to the mountains to see the night sky.
I remember being so emotional,
at the thought of a billion stars twinkling in the sky,
and how small we are compared to a trillion of nebulas,
floating so elegantly in the night sky.

After that I became deteermined to memorize every constellation,
every planet in each galaxy,
each and every little thing about astronomy.
Eventually, one day I was able to go to the moon-
I had endless adventures in space,
coming face to face with aliens,
where we went to mars and talked about human life,
and what else lies in the deep galaxy.

A year later, I went to go and live on mars.
And once again found the friendly aliens-
We held meetings in my home,
where we spoke of nebulas and stars,
as if we were speaking in tongues.
We were so addicted to space as if it were heroine,
injected into our veins.
Aug 2017 · 464
electra Aug 2017
It's lonely over here,
Everything always disappears,
But tonight,
I've got something new to write,
The boy with hazel eyes,
And his mysterious lies,
Who roams around,
Moving from town to town.
He seems pretty cool,
So tonight I'll chase him like a fool.

Let's drive through the desert,
I'll show you all it's hidden treasure.
The lost blue heart,
That made this place fall apart,
And the blood diamonds,
That'll take you to the horizon.

I want to feel your love tonight,
I want to feel it ignite,
We can make love in the desert,
And I'll promise no one gets hurt.
Tell me all your secrets,
And it's dark deepness,
Because tonight it's just you and me,
And I'll show you things you want to see.

Let's drive through the desert,
I'll show you all it's hidden treasure.
The lost blue heart,
That made this place fall apart,
And the blood diamonds,
That'll take you to the horizon.

What are you waiting for,
Is there something more?
Surrender yourself to me,
And I'll set you free.

Let's drive through the desert,
I'll show you all it's hidden treasure.
The lost blue heart,
That made this place fall apart,
And the blood diamonds,
That'll take you to the horizon.
Aug 2017 · 405
Your Summer Skin
electra Aug 2017
Your summer skin,
It's like home to me,
Of when we were younger,
And everything seemed impossible,
At least to me.
You used to hold me in your arms,
And I'd listen to your heart beat,
Until it was time to go.

With your summer skin,
Always came with the scent of your cologne,
The scent I'd want my sheets to smell,
To drug me to sleep.

Your summer skin,
Always came with trouble.
Doubts and infidelity,
And I could not help but to wonder,
If I was worthless,
And if there was someone better.

Your summer skin,
Was good while it lasted,
Because when summer was over,
So were we,
And I just couldn't look,
Because it was killing me,
To see your hand entwined,
With someone that was not me.

Your summer skin,
Was my heaven.
It's as if summer was yesterday,
But I cannot relive the past,
To revive the monster in you.
Perhaps you live in regret,
But we're not young anymore,
So cherish me in your memories,
And you'll forever live in mine,
And so will summer.
Aug 2017 · 376
electra Aug 2017
Today, I have decided that I will start living. I will live for those who did not see the light today, for those who lie sick in their hospital beds, and for those who only choose to exist.

I was seventeen when I watched a fourteen year old die, yards away from me. I watched him die along with hundreds of other people. It was supposed to be a day of happiness, joy, and peace and little did I know that I would witness a boy die that afternoon.

My heart broke into a million pieces over a dead boy who I did not know but I could not help but to feel pain, to feel the dreading feeling that he would not come back to life again. I watched a man perform CPR on him for several minutes, pumping his chest, lifting his head and blowing air into his lungs over and over and over again until they realized it was no use. They even tried to restart his heart by shocking him and yet he still laid on the sand motionless.

My mom found me in the crowd of people. She had tears in her eyes. She had saw the boy being pulled out of the water and brought back to shore. She had told us his body was yellow and once they took off the oxygen mask, blood spilled out of his nose. She was horrified at what she saw.

I watched the men take the boy back to the ambulance, trying to get past the crowd and hiding the sadness that was in their eyes that the boy would no longer live another day.

I went back to my spot by the lake, pondering over everything I had saw and wondering if that would be me anytime soon. I was lost in thought for the rest of the afternoon wondering over the boy's life and his death. His death had such an impact on my life and made me realize death is all around us.

Death will never warn you when she comes for you. She's like a thief at night, waiting for the right moment to steal your last breath.

Today I have decided I will begin to truly live, to fully appreciate every second of my life. There's a famous movie I've watched, Titanic. Jack made a speech to all the rich people and talked about how life is a gift and he didn't want to waste it. Life is precious, it's a gift that can be so glorious if you don't waste it doing pointless stuff. Today is the day when we can change things. Yesterday is the past and the future is too far ahead of us but right now is the time to do whatever the hell we want.

Live your life today, truly live it. If you are in love with someone and haven't confessed it to them, today is the day to do it. If you're holding a grudge against someone for something that happened a long time ago, forgive them before it's too late. If you want to do something that you're passionate about, do it today, you have nothing to lose. Today is the day to live your life to the fullest and leave a mark, to leave a legacy. Life is a gift, make yours count.
Jul 2017 · 651
electra Jul 2017
Do you remember the love affair that killed us all?
The one that made you feel something your marriage did not,
The one where you fell in love with a *******,
And she fell in love with you, a married man.

The mighty God above watched you as you smiled at the glorious kiss you shared on her lips,
Her lips that tasted of cheap wine and her strawberry chapstick.
Does your wife taste her when you plant a kiss on her lips when you come home?
Does she taste the lies between your lips?
Or the love you made to your lover in the days inn hotel?
The girl you lie about to your mother-

Tell me, how does it feel to hide away in a hotel?
To hide away your lover and tell her the things you never dared to tell your wife?
How does it feel when you walk into church and feel so unclean?
To be surronded by the holy and be the only impure man in the room.
Wash away your sins in the love you make to your lover,
Wash away the blue,
Wash away the sadness you feel after a few beers,
Bury yourself away in those suicidal thoughts you have at night,
Tell yourself everything is going to be okay,
Lie to yourself like you always do,
Drive yourself crazy,
Drive yourself away from the perfect life you live,
Shatter it all like a vase,
Shatter yourself away-

Do you remember when you left your wife?
After months of hiding your secret, your sinful affair,
After all the lying and all the fights you caused,
The broken home you've created, the living fear you started.
How did it feel to make her cry?
How did it feel when you unleashed the deadly lies?
Jul 2017 · 483
electra Jul 2017
You're a mystery Heath.
What's that love you hide underneath?
It seems that you're chasing love again,
Spilling it like brand new champagne.
You watch her dance in lavender spectrums.
You must of fell hard for Electra,
Cause now, you roam the desert,
Killing for nothing but treasure.

A never-ending love ride,
It's almost like you can feel the high tides.
Oh, how she's such a bliss,
Such a babe to share a kiss.

Can you feel your heart on fire?
Every inch of her is your desire.
Pour that love into the drain,
Before the blood begins to stain.
She now cries in red colored spectrums,
And you're somewhere faraway from Electra.
Run, here comes the boys in blue,
Sacrifice yourself before they get her too.

A never-ending love ride,
It's almost like you can feel the high tides.
Oh, how she's such a bliss,
Such a babe to share a kiss.

The desert is miles away,
And you've been locked in jail for days.
Yet, there's no sign of Electra,
Could she be distracted by the spectrums?
What has this become?
Is there still more to overcome?

A never-ending love ride,
It's almost like you can feel the high tides.
Oh, how she's such a bliss,
Such a babe to share a kiss.
This is the third series to Electric. To have a deeper understanding of this poem you can read my poem Electric, which is published on here, and then you can check out the second one called Electra.
Jul 2017 · 546
electra Jul 2017
You dance in lavender colored spectrums,
Causing trouble with your lover,
Playing cops and robbers.
He asks her, "Babe, you wanna?",
"Let's get high on marajuana.".
So you both drive through the desert,
The place that has become your home treasure.
Be careful with the boys your mother told you to stay away from,
Because the evil in him is what you've now become.

Love twisted minded devils,
Turning the world into blindsided rebels.
Don't hide your gun,
Because you know the fun has just begun.

You're still dancing in lavender spectrums,
But you're running out of time,
The boys in blue have declared wartime.
Summertime is ending,
The thrill of the desert may seem never-ending,
But surrender your gun,
Before they chase you toward the sun.
You should of listened to what your mother said,
Cause now, you're about to end up dead.

Love twisted minded devils,
Turning the world into blindsided rebels.
Don't hide your gun,
Because you know the fun has just begun.

Now you cry in red colored spectrums,
Alone in the desert.
Maybe you remain unhurt,
But your heart bleeds for him.
He's somewhere in the dim,
Screaming your name locked in an empty cell,
Now you're stuck in a never ending carousel.

Love twisted minded devils,
Turning the world into blindsided rebels.
Don't hide your gun,
Because you know the fun has just begun.
This poem goes along with another poem I wrote which is callled Electric. It's not necessary to read electric but it's a good background/introduction to everything.
Jul 2017 · 473
electra Jul 2017
It's what I hear from you,
It's what I hear and see when I visit you in your hospital bed.
I wait for something,
Anything hoping some day you'll wake up,
And I'll see those beautiful green eyes again.

It eats me up every single time.
I want it to end.
I have come to the conclusion that silence is violent and cruel.
You not waking up and lying in a hospital bed is violent and cruel.

You've grown too close to me.
You have become like air,
Everything I need in order to survive,
But it's time for me to unhook you from my veins,
And to say goodbye.

You are no longer needed,
You are no longer welcomed into my life,
Because you have brought nothing but anger and frusturation.
I look for something different now,

I want you to bleed away,
Carry yourself away and the emptiness you've brought into my life,
And into his.
Leave the way you came into our lives,
You are now dead to me.
Jul 2017 · 4.5k
It Was a Rainy Day
electra Jul 2017

It was a rainy day,
When your love slipped away,
When the houses were set on fire,
And you lost all your desire,
But bridges burned,
And tables turned,
Cause it was a rainy day,
When you walked away.

It was a rainy day,
When your love slipped away,
When you left me on the streets,
Left me staring at my feet.
My mind couldn't rest,
But I knew I tried my best,
But you don't love me,
Why can't I let that be?
Cause it was a rainy day,
When I cried away.

It was a rainy day,
When your love slipped away,
When all the rumors spread,
And you messed with my head.
I sat alone on the bus,
Trying to forget about us,
Cause it was a rainy day,
When you slipped away.

It was a rainy day,
When your love slipped,
I caught you holding hands with someone else,
I guess I never knew how much love sells,
But I pretended I was okay,
And there wasn't much I wanted to say,
Cause it was a rainy day,
When you pushed me away.

It was a rainy day,
When your love slipped away,
I tried to erase you from my mind,
But without you I'm colored blind,
I don't want to forget you,
And you don't have a clue,
But it was a rainy day,
When you faded away.
Jul 2017 · 591
electra Jul 2017
Her love was electric,
He could sense it in the air in that second,
It was her taunting green eyes,
That he saw her forever in his life.
Perhaps it was just the *** talking,
But as she kept walking,
He knew he was stuck under her love spell,
She was an angel sent from hell.

Oh, her love was electric,
That his heart became infected.
Oh, how could of this happened?
This love that he never imagined.
She ruled his kingdom,
She had become his heart's rhythm.

His love had become electric,
Now they're souls were connected.
She fell for his taunting hazel eyes,
That she saw him forever in her life.
Perhaps, it was all fantasty,
But he had become her gravity.
But she needed to capture him under her love spell,
To save her from hell.

Oh, her love was electric,
That his heart became infected.
Oh, how could of this happened?
This love that he never imagined.
She had ruled his kingdom,
She had become his heart's rhythm.

Her love was electric,
And his love became electric.
Their souls had become the champagne,
That the stars could not contain.
Their souls emerged into the sea,
Ruling over the world so the people could see.

Oh, her love was electric,
That his heart became infected.
Oh, how could of this happened?
This love that he never imagined.
She ruled over his kingdom,
She had become his heart's rhythm.
This poem tells a story through a series of poems. The second part to this is Electra (which is published here). Electric is an introduction to the entire story and to see what happens please feel free to go check out electra. The other poems will be written as I find inspiration but for now, these two are avaliable for you to read.
Jul 2017 · 424
electra Jul 2017
My heart is in an endless of constellations,
Kissing the night sky.
I hold on tightly to that desire,
Wanting to slip away with it,
For how I fear being left alone,
In this room,
In this world,
With no hopes of surving this ****** war.
Take me with you,
Take me away from this world,
From the boy who broke my heart,
From the man that left my mother,
And from the men that took my father,
And from this life that swallowed my freedom in a whole.
I am raging war,
Kindles fire,
Wanting to explode,
Hatred and rage fills my heart.
It's a cold world,
What have I done to deserve this pain?
To be left alone,
To be forgotten and unloved.
My heart and dreams lives freely like the colors in the sky,
Soft pinks, red and blues that make a soft essence of lavender,
Stars that twinkle in the night sky.
My mind aches to run free like the clouds and to kiss the heaven,
Where the mighty God sits on his throne,
Admiring his creation,
Take me God to the heavens,
Where the angels sings,
And my heart aches for you.
Give me the crown of life,
Have mercy on my soul...
I want to dance through a field of flowers,
I want to live in a garden full of red roses,
For they remind me of the boy who lives in my dreams,
The boy who loves me and makes me happy-
I bathe myself in poetry,
The words that slip off my tongue and make my heart beat faster,
The words that make my world spin,
And make me fall in love with earth again.
Renuevame mi Dios,
Guts, glory, and pain,
I want it all.
My mind ponders over my million never ending thoughts,
I can feel my soul feeding off of lavender skies,
A heaven haze.
I am nothing but an outcast,
A shadow in the meadows,
Nothing but a soul who's heart lives in the heavens,
Wanting to be free.
Jul 2017 · 533
electra Jul 2017
Where are you?
I've looked for you in the allies and the hills,
Where the rivers meet,
But you've disapperaed somewhere along the way.

The place where my heart blossomed,
And the flowers opened their petals for each other,
The warm springs,
The constant coolness of the wind,
Have you blown with the wind too?

I miss the beating of your heart,
Your soft whispers at night,
Your fragile lips whwen they touch mine,
I miss the sweet soft essence of your hair.

You've slipped away from my hands,
And you flew where the wind went,
Setting yourself free,
Into the light,
Where you are nothing but a memory in my head,
And the place we've built together will always be known as Roseland,
And your name will forever live in the cosmos.
Jun 2017 · 309
electra Jun 2017
I am trapped by mirrors,
They trap me in a circle,
Forever stuck in the desert,
Only having my reflection staring back at me.
I stare at myself,
Watching the sweat drip off my forehead,
Into the burning sand of the desert,
Where I will soon be a part of,
Just like the grains of the sand.

The reflection of the sun burns into my eyes,
No matter which way I look,
The reflection follows me everywhere,
Wanting to put an end to me.

I am trapped by mirrors,
With no way of escape,
So I surrender myself to them,
To the mirrors,
To the sun,
To the killer desert,
This is where I was destined,
I was brought here to die,
To die in the desert and become a part of her.
Dec 2016 · 498
I Kissed the Autumn Wind
electra Dec 2016
I kissed the autumn wind tonight,
And she took me with her and shared a bliss of delight,
While the night was young and the world was fast asleep
In a dream far too deep.
I thirsted for the rain to come pouring down,
And she brought the rain over town.
I danced in the autumn rain in the middle of the night
And for once everything seemed alright.

I kissed the autumn wind tonight,
Where we soared in the sky, taking flight.
We kissed the stars,
And wished from them afar.
I wished for love,
So perfect like white doves,
And the autumn wind wished for the night to never end,
For fear that tomorrow the winter night sets in.

I kissed the autumn wind one last time,
Where we shared our last laughs and rhymes.
The autumn wind tucked me in bed,
And she sang to me, while caressing my head.
I awoke the next day,
To see the first day of winter peeking through the bay,
But I still felt the kisses burning on my cheeks,
That were left by the autumn wind, my love, who she seeks.
electra Sep 2016
I once fell in love with a man that went to the moon,
he told me that he'd love me forever.
He took me to see the stars
And all the planets,
He promised me he'd give it all to me if I married him.
I married the man that went to the moon
And that took me to see the universe.
I gave him a child
Who we named Leo
And he too grew up and went to the moon like his father.
I grew old with the man that went to the moon
Where our hair looked like the stars
And our eyes beamed like the rings on saturn
But just like that,
The man that went to the moon died,
I was left alone,
With no one who to gaze at the stars with
Or travel to outer space with,
Or sing to the sky with.
My man that went to the moon was gone,
Now he's somewhere in outer space,
Shinning in the night sky.
electra Sep 2016
Yellow dandelions and pink bubble gum stuck to my hair
Oh, how life used to be so fair.
I went out to the front yard of my simple little home,
I ran free and in my little head and I went to places I roamed.
And the one place that never failed me,
Was my dad’s bright red truck that took me places to see
Parks, beaches, my favorite stores
I really couldn’t ask for more.
Not only did I find comfort in long car rides
But I found comfort in my bed where I slept peacefully and where I could hide
From the scariest monster to ever exist, the cucuy, who lurked in the shadows
Where you can feel his evil presence hiding in the low.
And just maybe he figured out how to control my life
Who seemed to split my family up like a sharp knife
With my lonely mother, who’s so fragile, crying, in bed over a man
Who left her for another woman
He barely knew and left his wife of ten years
Who shredded so many tears
And her four year old daughter watched her mother cry and didn’t understand such a thing
Cause love never made any sense to me, it all seemed like broken strings.
But the little girl who roamed the world in her front yard
Continued to be happy and I wish I could turn back time cause nothing back then was hard.
Life was just an abundance of sunshine with a touch of rain.
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
electra Apr 2016
Art is not defined by a brush,
Or the type of lipstick you wear,
Nor the picture through your lens.

Art is the beauty within you,
The beauty of the world you carry through your eyes
And the happiness you bring to this world.


    Is meant             to be

— The End —