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216 · Sep 2020
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
In the end it's not everyone who we laugh with that stays
Random thoughts
216 · Nov 2018
Ma vie
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
How can you be with people and feel so lonely
Maybe its only me who feels tt way
216 · May 2020
Flash back
Poetic Eagle May 2020
As the heart bleeds
It only gets stronger
214 · May 11
Hi poet
Poetic Eagle May 11
From getting used to your text
To getting surprised by your text
  Wait, poet, he remembers
But again if he did  he wouldn't have forgotten you don't like being left on read
Sigh if he remembers he would have known why you disappeared last week

Oh no he is not the first person person you told
So l guess diary knows the crax of story

But you made his favourite food
And you he told you how his day went
So much chaos, but you are sure history will have a replay
In 2 weeks max,
you told yourself you would ask him again

Check your calendar today sounds like right on time for a good story

Oh no poet its been over a month
So over a month no hi,
You didn't ask how is he either
Why are you surprised by his text
Spoken word communication is 2 way
214 · Feb 2020
Poetic Eagle Feb 2020
You give your heart away to the ones who already have enough love from others so yours may not mean anything. You left empty and it  is that vaccum that kills slowly. Accepting love from others that care may seem reasonable but the difficult part comes when you can't reciprocate the same love because yours has already been given away. Without knowing you have broken a heart already and that makes two people hurting. Life would be so much easier if you didn't expect to get exactly what you give. Just love everyone the same way Jesus loved the church. The ones you love don't love you and you love the ones that don't love you. Its karma. The cycle will go on, mental illness n depression will never cease. Why not open up to change. Don't give away your heart just give the love and don't expect the same thing in return. It's not risky at all coz love has never failed......not yet
Random thoughts
212 · Jun 11
Poetic Eagle Jun 11
What then is friendship
because the bond that defined ours
Doesn't exist anymore
When we said our first hi
You were just an idea
The most beautiful stranger
After knowing your name,
I matched your face to perfectly fit the "idea"
A couple years after we still writing our story
But every plot twist has lead to the same ending
I keep flipping to the next chapter
Hoping the plot takes a different turn
I have never been right
So should l turn another page
Or it's time to close the book?
Gradually becoming strangers with the people closest to you
212 · Aug 2019
lesson 1
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
its not my fault
life taught me not to care
random thought
211 · Apr 2018
Poetic Eagle Apr 2018
I'm not a dreamer
But a seer of my future reality
So l cant say im always dreaming
209 · Mar 18
Poetic Eagle Mar 18
In your silence
I listen to your actions
Letters to my befriend
208 · Jul 2018
You beautiful
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
Beauty is what you see
When you look in the mirror
You beautiful, drop a comment
207 · Apr 2018
Poetic Eagle Apr 2018
Action is a seed of thoughts and imagination
Think right to act right
I'm having crazy thoughts
199 · Sep 2020
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
slowly the memories fade
before you know it, there is nothing left to hold on to
random thoughts, loving people from a distance
197 · Dec 2018
Thought l were unique
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
I find pleasure in comments
Good or bad
So they defined me as abnormal
The definition of different differ sometimes
197 · Jun 2020
Silent shouts✨
Poetic Eagle Jun 2020
When words fail
Silence does the talking
But l guess mine ain't loud enough
Random thought
197 · Jul 2019
random thought
Poetic Eagle Jul 2019
time heals all wounds
but doesn't take away the memories
how true is that
196 · Nov 2020
Poetic Eagle Nov 2020
I was chasing the game
When l was meant to be playing
Random thoughts
193 · Nov 2018
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
The ones who can make us smile
Usually cause us the worst pains
The ones who can heal us
Are the ones far from reach
. Maybe it only happens to me. Correct me of im wrong  . Its funny how life can play such tricks
193 · Jan 20
Midnight thoughts
Poetic Eagle Jan 20
I don't know how to move on
Without loving you
Your love is all l know, for now
191 · Dec 2023
Poetic Eagle Dec 2023
Once l loved you, you hurt me
Twice l forgave you and myself for expecting so much
Thrice l only asked for your presence, you gave me hope and crushed it

Until l learnt where l stand in your life
Your heart was with everything else except me
Pay attention to when people need you
184 · Aug 2019
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
it doesn't hurt
its all in your head
181 · Apr 2018
Poetic Eagle Apr 2018
You can only go as far as you can see
Dream big and go far
177 · Dec 2016
Poetic Eagle Dec 2016
No guts no glory
No risk of failure ,no fun
Enjoy the game while it last
And take the challenge
Failure fun life games  challenge
177 · Mar 2019
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
Eyes talk
That's why your silence doesnt hurt me
I still have hope your eyes says it all
176 · Oct 2020
Life flip
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
Used to sleep to see your face
Now l sleep to forget you
Times change
169 · Oct 2018
Poetic Eagle Oct 2018
You away but l feel your gaze
All my dreams are hunted by your embrace
Tried to run away
But ended up trapped in your arms

Your smile keeps me warm
Out conversation give me hope
I'm broken but I'm not bleeding
Although I'm alone now, with your memories will never be lonely

Forever is a long time
But l thought l would have you for a lifetime
I can't turn back the hands of time
Just to see you one more time

It's hard to be focused
When my only inspiration vanished
But l will keep you on a sacred place, my heart
Until time brings you in sight
Couldn't find a title
169 · Jul 2020
Poetic Eagle Jul 2020
My love for you is like counting the stars
It gets tiring but still beutiful to look at
Random thought
162 · Mar 18
Girl talk
Poetic Eagle Mar 18
What hurt you
Can't heal you
It can only deepen the wound
158 · Feb 2019
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
So used to being hurt
That pain has become a part of me
My better half
There comes a time when u cant differentiate if it hurts or not
157 · Oct 2020
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
I am not sad
Just realised l was never happy
Midnight thoughts
154 · Jul 2020
Heavenly birthday 🎂
Poetic Eagle Jul 2020
Happy heavenly birthday best friend
It's been seven years
each year moving us closer to eternity
On this day 7 yrs bc we celebrated her last birthday with us
If only l knew it would be our last
149 · Mar 2020
Facade ✨
Poetic Eagle Mar 2020
The lines in my poetry are nothing but a facade

But how else could l tell the story of my life
If only you could read in between the letters.....If only
144 · Aug 2020
Poetic Eagle Aug 2020
4am,we at the threshold of a new dawn
Sunrise are the most beautiful
But today I don't want to see the light
As soon as the sun shines, we saying  goodbye
And then we oceans apart
But friends till end of forever
farewells are never easy
141 · Aug 2020
im tired
Poetic Eagle Aug 2020
lm tired of looking in the mirror and failing to recognise myself
lm tired of having a voice but l cant speak
lm tired of speaking only for me to listen
lm tired of dreaming , waking up to see a different reality
lm tired of looking exactly like the person next to me

At times l ask myself if friendship was the only thing l had to offer
how big will my circle
how many people will still be will to roll with me

Not everyone who is rolling with you is rolling for you
some are rolling against you
if you fall today how many people in your circle will still be willing to as much as you do for them

Now l ask again do l really have to be like
you so that you be for me
l thought being different was the beauty of life
My colour together with yours combined to make a beautiful rainbow
but no we all have to sing the sane song
lm tired of dancing to the same rhythm
l need a different melody

So society lm sorry
But lm setting myself free
society has taught us how to live that we have lost ourselves on the way. you don't have to be anything but yourself
141 · Mar 2020
Words ✨
Poetic Eagle Mar 2020
Your words are seeds
Speak today
See it into existence tomorrow
Yeah speak your mind but mind what you speak. All your words come to pass
141 · Oct 2020
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
she looks at the moon
And still see his face,even brighter

"I atleast deseved a goodbye"
Random story
134 · Feb 2020
Poetic Eagle Feb 2020
Nothing is loyal except for your shadow it never leaves
In the dark it's not visible
But it's always close
Random thought
124 · Jul 2020
Poetic Eagle Jul 2020
I feel like writing
But can't put the feelings to words
I can't understand myself either ✨
122 · Oct 2020
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
Your eyes spoke
when words failed
Midnight thoughts
121 · Aug 2020
broken and happy
Poetic Eagle Aug 2020
I saw love in your eyes but it was definitely not for me
and l still find solace in them
random thoughts
95 · Sep 2020
Amour 💕
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
Even the oceans failed to understand how deep our love was
Random thoughts

— The End —