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Ian Robinson Mar 2019
Lemonade, fresh squeezed
Brown sugar sweetener
Cubed ice
Paper cups
All a summer's dream
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
When Life gives you lemons, remember you planted the tree
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Let me put you in a spell
I want to make your life hell

Let me pull you back out
I don't like listening to you shout

Let me pull you of a funk
I don't want you packing your trunk

Let me put you in your place
I will get up in your face
my perspective on toxic people
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Let the Sun
Rain it's light on me
For it has been too long
Since the Sun has shone
So today, I'll be your sun
Until my own comes back
and rains it back down on me

Let the Shine
From my heaven
Fall on my shoulders
Because I love how the weight feels
It let's me know I'm stonger than I used to be
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
I'd rather everyone be brutally honest
Than lie to me to make me feel better
Because lies
Hurt forever
While the truth only hurts
Until it's no longer true
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
I'm glad i got to spend these last few years with

We didn't always get along
We had our fights
Our good times too
4 years going
you held out for 3 before that
2 years after we gave you your official name
and I miss every single moment

You came to cuddle with me the other night
You never do that

You sat at my feet
you were telling me you loved me
And I barely knew it

Now you are gone
and that's okay

Your life was hell
Before you knew us
And you knew it
We all did

But to continue through
One must experience
R.I.P. my poor kitty
Ian Robinson Feb 2019
Walk the desert to the horizon
A wizened old man longs
For a taste of translucent liquid
To fill his can up full
His old man always said take a bull by the horns
But never uttered a word about life with all its strife
Much like attempting to bed a wed wife-
If it's easy, you're not doing it right
So the ripened old man walks the barren land
In search of knowledge
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
I want to be in love
Falling deep into the
Bottomless ocean
Swimming deeper
Where I can breathe easier

I wanna stay in love
Feeling the butterflies
Deep in the bowels of my stomach
Because I always eat better
When you're around

I wanna experience heartbreak
That stabbing nuisance of knives
Where butterflies once resided
So I can say I lived as selfish as that seems
Ian Robinson Feb 2020
Like Calamity loves to disrupt the Calm,
Like A Bad Day loves driving one, unloved child off the edge
Like a cat loves to eat her first child
Like a bee loves to help a flower ****
Like a crackhead loves their first pipe
like a Saying loves to be painstakingly true
Like how you love me
I will love you
Been a while
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
To love someone and to be in love with someone are two completely different things. To love someone, is to openly show affection and intimacy; to share life with them through happiness and sadness, through pain and glory. To be in love is to be happy where you are in your relations. Maybe that’s why there are quarrels in relationships. Someone in them isn’t in love, someone isn’t happy. Therefore they were never truly in love. Love is unconditional but to receive that love, certain conditions must be met. That’s why I say, “I love everyone, but that doesn’t mean they are allowed to see that love from me.” But I’m happy with life, so maybe, I’m in love with the world.
First attempt at prose
Ian Robinson Aug 2021
I smell the steak you grilled last night,
It lingers

I feel the chills and instinct run heel to head,
Urging my forward gentle belligerence

I hear the faint disjointed breaths that take an eternity, and no time at all when you sleep

I taste the emotions that overpour from your steam engine and cap, remember to release the pressure sometimes

I see only what's in front of me, and what will be in front of me and all I see is you.
Ian Robinson Mar 2019
Let's walk together
Down South Main Street
A place of lunch and movies
A place of music and beauty
A place to dance and be alive
Somewhere to jump and jive
Let's be lovers down South Main Street
Without a care in the world
Proving to others our undying
Inspiring ourselves and others
Let's grab lunch on South Main Street
Down by the plaza
Dinner by the square and stargaze
In the park
Let's be lovers on South Main Street
I keep talking about south main street like it exists in my world, it's just a figment of my imagination
Ian Robinson Jan 2019

What do you want your last words to be?
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
To lie
To cheat
To steal
All to get what I want
Sounds like psychopathy and
Narcissism put together
I care about others
But more about my own goals
Good thing i have none
I learn more about myself every day
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
All you have to do is pay attention to me
And understand I need a lot of it

24/7/365 I need to be your sunshine
i don't know why but the nicest girls are who i fall for
Ian Robinson Dec 2018
One deep... breath
Pushing the daily grind
Contemplating in his mind
The thoughts of an old soul
In a young man's heart

Still as the world revolves
But not his
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
The Man With The Mask
Who dressed in all black
Showed up at my house
And carried a mouse

He ushered himself
Inside to the shelf
Where he now lies await
For when he must create

Now I sit alone on that shelf
Next to the Man With the Mask
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
With masks all around
I walk up to you

I want to know how someone so faceless
Can be beautiful too

"I'll lead but just for you"

Taking your hand
we waltz as two
Marauding in this
Meant for you
Ian Robinson Feb 2019
Maybe it is me
Actually it is me
You are quite the dream

Truth is a burden
Heavy sets the beating heart
Even on that day

Beating hearts and a falling start
Recreate the scenes of us falling apart
Incandescent lights
Disrupt the flame
Giving off a new sort of spark
Effectively entrapped in an entangled waltz
Spiraling into the wall


Beaten and battered by frivolous exchange
Understandably we're upset
Reacting not acting
Nevertheless we swing

Lightning flashing
Inside the mind between the hearts
Grasping what we understand
Hoping for the rest
Truly serene

Truth may be a burden
Hardly to fallen stars
Enticed to try again

Wishing for a chance
A way to find the end
Yet I'll I hope we'll never see
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
I am the grey
That lives after the light
But before the dark

I am the twilight

I am the emotion you feel
When neither option is right

I am option three: Neutral

I am the scream of the teenage girl

Who knows what it really means

I am
Ian Robinson Mar 2019
Get you a moon, and the stars will never shine quite as bright
Get you a star and the moon will never shine in your eyes
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
If you wake up in the morning
and you feel cold air
you know your heart is truly warm
Ian Robinson Feb 2019
I grew up
      Learning about car models
             Not knowing
I was just another one
      To my father
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Post-apocalyptic talk has me scared
That World War III is coming
And that trees
will look like mushrooms in the breeze
Ian Robinson Feb 2019
I think and I ponder
And sometimes I wander
About what is my *** of gold
and what I want from it
Ian Robinson Feb 2019
When I watch you grow
I realize, a thick stem is better
Than a long one
For a thick stalk does not break as easily
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
I seem to have a thing for the women
Who don't exactly love themselves
But it's okay because once they do,
They leave
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Every day I take a nap
Deep in the protection
Of my mattress
my blankets and pillows
I dream of happiness
In your warm embrace
I wish I knew you
But I know you exist
And for now
That's enough
True story
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
black skies turn red
then blue
                 as fear turns to dread
the mourning heavens rained
          a morning mildew ensues  
"Another soul, another day"
               as an angel pulls
to polish so it may start anew
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
I want a Number One
I wish for someone
I can’t stifle this heartless desire
And quell this fire

I want to be a best friend, a boyfriend
I wish you’d love yourself even if it ends
I tried melting your heart
But it really is a complex body part

You wanted left alone
You wished someone would throw you a bone
You wouldn’t let me in
So I started to get bad again

You desperately wanted attention
You wished for love and correction
You wanted a Number One
Yet we were blinded by the sun
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
I wanna feel the harsh
Salty breeze hit my legs
I wanna feel the crashing waves on my toes
while my heels are buried in the sand
I wanna fly high at sea level
humming along to the summer day
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
the matching orange firmament
matches the burning flames of hell
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Oh, Love
How creative be you
bring me up when I feel blue
bring me to me knees
give me a clue

Oh, Life!
Joyous as thou might be
i propose to you on one knee
to no avail
somehow filled with glee

my first ode
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Everything has an equal opposite
hate; love
like; dislike
cowardly; brave
Hope; fear
so why isn't together a strong enough opposite of
Ian Robinson Mar 2019
A man of few words knows fewer problems
Ian Robinson Aug 2022
Tear drops from the sky
Replay in my mind
Swinging heartstrings

Life falls through my eye
One left closed and blind
Safe in Memory

Rain plops on puddles
Drowning syncopation

Unbeknownst, Unrealized
Some how enshrined
Time doesn't just pass by

World forever lost to time
Marching on ahead of mine
Idle idealation tends to be the cause of human demise.
Ian Robinson Oct 2021
If you write poetry to live,
You'll die.
You you live to write poetry,
You'll die trying to write poetry
If you write poetry to write poetry,
You'll only make prose
If you live to live,
You'll only ever survive.
If you truly live, you'll write poetry
When you write poetry, know you are truly living.
Ian Robinson Nov 2020
Cool coconut caresses
The open sores in my mouth
From not eating.

I can't help it,
"I don't need it"
I tell myself

It burns but in the least satisfying way
I'd rather swallow fire than
Let myself eat a hole through my empty soul

Trudging through this creative poison
Using it like I use this
Eating away at the different layers of what I need to live
I don't like this one but i wrote it anyways
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
sleepless nights
         incur frightful
            locked in torpidity
as anxiety
           dashes up the sheets
i practice
                this waltz with death
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Trees only bear so much fruit
The grass can only be so green
Writers block can only block so much
Snow can only fall so fast
And now
Ideas can only come in a blue moon
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
What is thinking? What does thinking actually mean?
How do we think so well with all these problems we
face daily? I Like to believe it stems from a natural
instinct to have a roll in our packs. Much like wolves,
humans run in groups. We call it family; other animals
that act like this run in packs or herds. Every animal
has a roll to play in their own world. So what if we're
no better than pack animals? Is there a better, higher
way to think? I like to think so...
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Wind, oh Wind come blow away
This Rain today
The dogs want to go out and play
Ian Robinson Sep 2019
Broken glass
Crunches under the feet
Of those lost to the sunset
Behind the corner store
Where it all went down
Something lost and nothing found
Waking up, remembering what’s right
To see what’s not left
And realizing what you are.

Pulled into the bubbling depths
Of what’s left of your soul
Clawing your way up
Ready to blow away all in sight,
All in reach.

Words drop bombs
Blowing away
Lying a foundation
Building in contrary to destroying
The walls grow higher.

What was said and repeating,
And saying it again, repeating
A fire storm of insults and pleas
Begging to keep it up

For no one wants to shoot the last breath.
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
I call out
To a shallow cave
And in return
I get a shallow reply
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Return to me
As all things should
They come from nothing and return;
All things must flow back to me
I am God
This is a reverse poem please enjoy
Ian Robinson Mar 2019
Ripped jeans are holy
For the memories they induce are priceless
It's time to listen to our souls
For each one has a story to tell
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Every rose
Has at least one thorn
On it's stem

Every heart
Should have at least one scar
on its sleeve

Otherwise, it wouldn't know
how to love
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
hush, hush...
you don't want them to hear us

breathe, breathe;
you don't want to pass out

Eat, Eat.
you must keep your strength up

stretch, stretch,
you must be ready in case we must...

Run. Run!
you don't want them to catch us

goodbye, goodbye...
you must live
Ian Robinson Jan 2019
Center of the corridor
Sits a seat
One for those with immeasurable feats
It sits above the third floor

It is old and rusty
Wrinkled and dusty
He who rules from his Iron throne
Shall forever hear the ominous drone
Accompanied by sleepless nights
And dastardly fights

A king must be strong
Mentally ready to bear
Burdens of the chair
Must be able to right the wrong

He must Love, be feared
If these requirements have been cleared
He may sit in this throne
And call this place his home
Ian Robinson Feb 2019
Oh! What a world!
Santa's reindeer
Have runaway!
And now he is without a sleigh.

So for a while he sits and he ponders;
He comes to the conclusion
that the best solution
Is to find something that wanders.
So he sits, without sonder
and declares he'll take volunteers!
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