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Apr 2017 · 540
How I Feel About You
Nicole Raymond Apr 2017
My heart beats wild and without rhythm
as your tender fingerpads brush
my embered cheeks.

Yet I want to claw the skin you touch
til my face is set ablaze with blood.

I yearn for the blood burn of your lips
at the base of my neck,
breath warm and sweet as tea.

Though I grip my neck in despair,
choking that you cannot love me.

Every time I catch your gaze,
tensions rise from the pit of my being
like freed birds.

Still my eyes run as late spring rivers
as your tongue cuts me like fresh poultry.

My mind flurries with crisp thoughts of you,
each gentle and pure as fresh snowfall.

Nonetheless, I can only endure
the blue-limbed blizzard of self-loathing and blame
that should not be mine.

Toes curl in ecstasy
like vines in bright sunlight as we become one,
how I always dreamed.

Now my dreams turn to nightmares
as my blistered toes carry me mindless through
the desert of complete isolation.

My own warm fingers brush your face,
down the slow ***** of your nose
to the petals that are your lips.

However, they hover,
unsure that the frame they grace
contains the paradox I love.
Oct 2016 · 814
Nicole Raymond Oct 2016
The cup cried coffee tears,
Spilling over behind pale lips,
Pouring its soul down the throat
Of my sleepless addict.
Oct 2016 · 936
Nicole Raymond Oct 2016
She drifted through the night,
Feeling nothing and everything all at once.
The music beat deep in her core
Pulsing harder than her own soul.
Her skin was caressed,
But she could only float.
She admired the strangeness of it all,
Arms stretched to the sky.
Her body twisted and shimmered
As she gave her all to the thought of flight.
Oct 2016 · 821
i waited for you
Nicole Raymond Oct 2016
i waited for you
on the dark side of
the front porch

pinching the filter
of my cigarette
between my teeth

as the smoke
leaked from
beneath my tongue
Oct 2016 · 412
At the beginning
Nicole Raymond Oct 2016
At the beginning
We are lost,

Forced to amble the
Surface until we have
Created something great.  

Our feet firmly planted,
No doubts in our minds,
We are not afraid of the
Places we have not

We are content with
What we haven’t seen
Because we
What lies there.


We’ll allow our closed minds
To wander to the unknown,
The places unmarked on the
If only for a moment.

We’ll lift our heads against
The force of our own realities
To finally face what lies above.
We’ll see the vast Abyss
Of lost opportunities
Within the stars.

Our hearts will sink to
Our bowels,
And for once in our
Egocentric lives,
We’ll believe in some
Greater meaning.

We’ll suddenly fall
Simplistically short
Of all fantasies self-held.

We’ll realize
What we gave up
To be who we are.
Oct 2016 · 954
Summer Sparks
Nicole Raymond Oct 2016
I am the summer sparkler,
Clutched between the
Sticky fingers of a child.  

I burn bright and fast,
My shivers lingering
Behind closed eyelids.

I shutter with light,
Brought to life with a match,
Dripping with flare.

I am kindled and caressed
By the night air and
The eyes of all.

I am a short lived passion,
Marveled and held tightly
Until I sizzle into darkness.
Oct 2016 · 666
Cigarette Magic
Nicole Raymond Oct 2016
Taste me on your fingertips
Taste me on your Tongue Touched lips

Soot stained,
Rub me on your window pane

Light me up and watch me burn
Crown me with a flame
Name me queen of Cancer Mist

Exhale the exhaust of your
Machine running on empty

But twist me with speculation
Before you Breathe me in

Hold me deep within your lungs
Feel my fire before you choke

Light me up and watch me rise
Unfurling before cloudy eyes of

Senseless addicts

Sizzling in the morning dew

— The End —