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Mari Aug 2019
high up in the

Mari Aug 2019
Talent lies in the blood.
When it floods
A master-piece is made.
Mari Jul 2020
Sunlight makes
the leaves
the greenest
they can be!
Mari Jul 2019
There she was
standing in front of the mirror
with pale skin, showing ribs
and a shrunk body.

There she was
standing in front of the mirror
starving, listless
weak and powerless.

There she was
standing in front of the mirror
comparing herself with
all the girls on the internet.
"You're beautiful just the way you are." ☄
Mari Aug 2019
I was chased by
But was never
Maybe I was
too happy?
Mari Dec 2019
You said that you don't
trust me like you trusted her.
I cut off our friendship.
Friendship without trust is toxic.
Mari Oct 2020
We believe they
are true friends
until that day comes,
when you really need them.
and they won't be there, of course.
Mari Oct 2020
Either love me
Hate me.
Don't be two-faced.
Stay or leave. Don't confuse me.
Mari Aug 2019
I accepted
When I least
expected it.
Mari Feb 2020
I'm constantly checking my phone
to see
if there's any
text from you.
Mari Jul 2019
Anacondas and vipers
are the serious biters.
Cobras and mambas
can create deadly dramas.
Garden snakes and kingsnakes
tooth marks still ache.
Be cautious
or else you'll end up being nauseous.
Just wrote a quick poem to create awareness about how deadly snakes could be.
Mari Nov 2020
Coffee's bitter.
But why do
People love
It so much?
Mari Sep 2019
This is why I don't
share my opinions-
They won't listen.
They think I'm strange.
They think that they're always right.
They make me feel guilty
even though I didn't do anything wrong.
But still,
I won't stop.
Mari Jun 2020
They say when
you're in love
you get better.
But why am I
getting worse?
Mari Feb 2020
My love life
is wrecked.
because of you
Mari Jan 2020
It was good to know,
That you cared.
Like I did for you.
Mari Sep 2019
You put the blame,
spoilt my name.
I was surrounded with the
people who hate,
but still, I had my fate
that you would
love me
like you did before.
You never did.
Mari Feb 2020
I think we're
too young
to be talking
about life.

— The End —