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Aug 2024 · 299
LD Goodwin Aug 2024
And the children said' "that's my teacher."
And the team said, "that's my coach."
And the soldiers said, "that's my sergeant major."
And the wife said, "that's my husband."
And the state said, "that's my governor."
And the district said, "that's my representative".
And the workers said, "that's my protector."
And the LGBTQ said, "that's our champion."
And the lady candidate said, "that's my running mate."

And his son said, "that's my dad."
Aug 2022 · 1.7k
Of Flesh and Sun and Rings
LD Goodwin Aug 2022
**** the clock, leave me be
I have an itch that can not be fully scratched
a hunger never sated
a Jones that never peaks

I am a slave, a concubine,
a conscript to words
they shiver up my spine
and are as a Dragon's flame

I need more to live
like air, and water and love
or the wind's subtle touch
and my muse's flesh against mine

For she has shown them to me
Her rings of passion
that shimmer in the sun
and I swell, hypnotized

**** the clock
rest your hands
I am bewitched
and must needs be met

Leave me be
to our fantasy
She waits for me still
true and wanting

My drug calls
my veins throb
the words, the words
they tell her where I am

I am still here
and the Dragon
must be appeased

Oh tenderness
the sweetness left in my memory
for my wild imagination
to ferment like wine

Drunk now on these visions
impaired with temptation
I taste their milk of love
and suckle to sleep.

**** the clock
though I can not stay here
nestled within her *****
safe from the Dragon's flame

Aye, I must leave
but a spark of permanence remains
a tattoo on my brain
of flesh and sun and rings
*as always, thank you for your inspiration*
Aug 2022 · 971
an Orphan I become
LD Goodwin Aug 2022
With my first breath, I become
to wander till the last
to be and be and be some more
time slow at first, soon fast

And with his last draw of this world's breath
an orphan I become
His time well spent I take my place
to hear my distant drum

Dark dying thoughts once swallowed me
like harpies chattering on the wind
But with the truth of death fresh at my door
I greet him as a friend

Together we shall walk and talk
and leaves and stars will fall
I will see the patterns unfold
once hidden revealing all
Last year I lost my Dad, Sister, and my Sister-in-law. The naturalness of death brought me thoughts of my own.  They are not morbid thoughts anymore but rather peaceful truths.
Oct 2017 · 825
Thank You For Listening
LD Goodwin Oct 2017
Do I escape here
To my cave
My therapist
My priest
An ear
Does anyone hear

Is it just minutia
words that get moved around the page
like dust bunnies swirling in the noonday sun
why do I want you to know what goes on in here
inside this cerebral mass
why do I want you to witness the excising of my existence
the vomiting
lancing of these boils
the expressing of **** glands
emptying the dark places
only to fill them up again

I have always wanted to write down my feelings
what I see......emphasis on “I”
I always have felt that I see it differently than you
Not egotistically speaking,
but that I see it the way this mass of cells called Larry sees it

It is me in here
The one speaking to you now
And if you are reading this
Thank you for listening
I arose early......this is what you get.
Oct 2017 · 806
Dying at Home (a Blitz)
LD Goodwin Oct 2017
Dad is home
Dad is old
Old and living
Old and dying
Dying alone
Dying free
Free to be
Free at peace
Peace is work
Peace is hard
Hard to walk
Hard to hear
Hear the TV
Hear the groans
Groans of pain
Groans of time
Time won't stop
Time speeds up
Up at 6
Up and moving
Moving bowels
Moving chores
Chores don't stop
Chores keep strength
Strength to move
Strength to prove
Prove you can
Prove you're a man
Man must live
Man must die
Die someway
Die someday
Someday will come
Someday Sister calls
Calls about Dad
Calls on the phone
Phone calls me
Phone from Dad
Dad eats oatmeal
Dad plays poker
Poker is fun
Poker is life
Life is fleeting
Life is dying
Dying alone
Dying at home
*My Father will soon be 99 years old. He lives in his home and for the most part takes care of himself. He cooks, cleans, shops, does his chores, and plays poker.*
Feb 2017 · 747
I Get Lost In You
LD Goodwin Feb 2017
I get lost in you
your dreams imbue
my mind
like flower and sun
we become as one
they ne'er cease to give
in my heart they live
LD Goodwin Feb 2017
I will not bend, my heart is true
and I will not kowtow to you
I do not fear your will on me
I am the might of one you see

I'm not alone nor have I been
truth holds us fast from your dark sin
and so wave not your flag at thee
I am the might of one you see

So turn your words around and 'round
till down is up and up is down
mine eye will not its gaze be free
I am the might of one you see

a day will come our voice will roar
your thrown will fall, your voice no more
unmasked and all alone you'll be
I am the might of one you see
*Kyrielle originated from troubadour poetry, and is often religious. (Not this one).
Typically written in quatrains with rhyming couplets... in this pattern... aabB ccbB ddbB eebB etc. Typically written in iambic tetrameter.*
Feb 2017 · 950
Your Soft Touch (a Sedoka)
LD Goodwin Feb 2017
a longing for you
over took my pen tonight
for your voice was the night wind

and then with closed eyes
and full heart you came to me
your soft touch from miles away
Thank you R for keeping me alive.......

*A Sedoka, pair of Katauta as a single poem, may address the same subject from differing perspectives. A Katauta is an unrhymed three-line poem the following syllable counts: 5/7/7.*
LD Goodwin Feb 2017
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
"The New Colossus" is a sonnet that American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–1887) wrote in 1883 to raise money for the construction of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.[2] In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal's lower level.
LD Goodwin Feb 2017
I write the wind that blows today
wind that chills me to the marrow
It's furry takes my breath away
brings fear of my tomorrow

What power o're this wind to slay
none that I can see
I write the wind that blows today
that's all that's left for me
*Sorry, feeling powerless tonight*
Harrogate, TN
LD Goodwin Jan 2017
Verse I
I am the tired, I am the poor
one among the huddled, yearning
where's the lamp beside your golden door
alas it's made only of gold now

No asylum for me within,
the thunder of walls are forming
I foresee the stench of émigré camps
and gates sadly, slowly closing now

Verse II
once again it's common place,
for a people to live in persecution
driven out, and locked within
these once hallowed halls

you turn your hearts, bury your heads
and call it retribution
your gates will rust and they will cease
by the guise of your ******* up laws

Who will be the one
when your judgment day is done
who says yea or nay
who will wield that gavel

Who will turn the key
and darken a land once free
like Jesus to the cross
or Barabbas to the rabble

Verse III
I am the wretched from distant shores
tempest-tossed and dying
now you are locked behind your doors
no longer free and brave

maybe someday when seasons turn
and yours is the soul that's crying
perhaps I'll be the one who'll spurn
and send you to your grave

Who will be the one
when your judgment day is done
who says yea or nay
who will wield that gavel

Who will turn the key
and darken a land once free
like Jesus to the cross
or Barabbas to the rabble
Harrogate, Tn 1/30/17
Jan 2017 · 431
The Darkest Knell
LD Goodwin Jan 2017
Clouds blacken o'er podium's farce
avowal mumbled, besmirched, dishonored
a liar's hand aflame upon a book of truth
as jackals cackle in the wings

Clouds darker still in the noonday gloom
the reciting rabble, “what is to become of us all”
this unreal thing set in motion
why must this albatross to wear

In the distance, the tolling, the darkest knell
piercing the wind and rain
to harp upon our ears like shattered glass
while the schoolyard bully smiles
Harrogate, TN 1/19/17
I tried to write a nice poem for our departing POTUS and our First Lady, but this rolled off my tongue.
Oct 2016 · 860
The Death Room
LD Goodwin Oct 2016
Into the death room I was led.

Where nature's last sparks of electricity
pulse through a familiar body,
barely stimulating a heart to pump blood
through frail and ag'ed  mottled skin.

Where light behind once azure eyes
slowly dim to opaque blue.
Eyes open, but not seeing,
ears hearing, but unable to respond.

Dentureless mouth agape,
taking almost mechanical shallow bursts of breath
in marionette fashion,
as if strings pulling bony shoulders sharply up and slowly down
were methodically, dramatically, skillfully manipulated
by a hand unseen.

Sunken face reveals the hidden shape of the skull within.
Smooth, silky flesh
stretched o're an unfamiliar, emotionless, flicking gaze.

No incoherent moaning today,
no unconscious slowly floating arms,
nor grasping of my fingers to let me know
.....I am still here.

The light switch is being turned off.

In the death room the dash between ones all important dates is born. Mary Elizabeth Fields Goodwin .......Born 7/31/18 - Died 9/17/16
… a babe, the dash is delivered.

Was it a full life, this dash?
Was it meaningful?
Was it loving, giving, humble?
Did this one get to do all that it wanted?
Did it finally arrive at where it had hoped it would be?

Or was it filled with regret and remorse,
or hatred, pain and sorrow?
The death room puts it all into perspective.

It was a life.....
It was a life lived.......that is all.
Nothing can be added or taken away.
Nothing was ever missing, broken, or damaged.

Who would dispute this in the death room with its finality?
Its silence,
its soul-less body that had never been perfectly still in over 98 years?  

This life that lived exactly the amount of time that it lived.
A leaf in Autumn, spiraling slowly to the ground,
with no parade, no fireworks, no angelic chorus,
just a husband of 79 years, a daughter, a son.......

Draw near and say your goodbyes now......
the death room is almost here....

It's all right Mom, it's alright to go now...... We'll be Okay.......
A stroke of the brow,
a last breath.......

Let go of a lifeless hand.......... and the death room is born.

*This poem is for all of you poets who have encouraged me to keep on writing. You know who you are.
10/5/16 Miamisburg, Ohio
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Tommy and Ahmad
LD Goodwin Jun 2016
Tommy accepted Jesus
the day he turned twenty-two.
When you're raised neath the cloth,
that's just what you're suppose to do.

Down at the river
they washed away his sins,
gave him a new start on life
so he could begin again.

With a bible and a rifle
he took his "righteous" stand,
gunned down 50 "sinners",
who weren't in his God's plan.

Then he took his own life,
thinkin' heaven's waitin' for him in the blue,
but just because you believe in somethin'
doesn't always make it true.
Ahmad prayed to Allah
5 times every day.
A faithful boy of Islam,
then his heart began to stray.

Isis gave him food and shelter
if he would join the fight,
gave him a shroud to wear
that was black as the night.

With the promise of the virgins
fixed in his brain,
he pressed the cellphone button
and let the terror reign,

somewhere in the Koran
he believed Allah told him what to do,
but just because you believe in somethin',
doesn't always make it true.

We're all raised
in different lands,
with different holy books
in our hands.

Brainwashed to believe,
we never truly think it through,
just because you believe in somethin',
doesn't always make it true.
*Miamisburg, Ohio June 13, 2016*
Jun 2016 · 343
The "Tell"
LD Goodwin Jun 2016
Do not tell me not to talk so much,

while you sit there in your stoic, vague, unreadable, silence......

Playing your life-like a poker game,

looking for “tells” in everyone,

feeling lucky,

deeming us out here as damaged,



Constantly awaiting my next **** up.

That **** up that you know is going to happen.

Coldly, methodically critiquing my every move,

painting me incapable of producing a life worth living.

How clever you think you are, to not laugh at my jokes

or not carry on conversation unless you deem it worthy.

You do all of this to not give up your “tell”.

Not let anyone into your world.

Do not tell me to not flail my hands when I talk,

because you are not as excited about your life as I am.

In fact do not think you have authority to deem anything I do as right or wrong.

You do not have that luxury.

If and until you learn to love yourself

your ego will continually feed itself by debasing,  

feeling the need to change everyone around you.

How tiring it must be to sit in judgment of me,

picking apart my existence.  

What goes on in your narcissistic mind, that makes you not accept me as I am?

Why is my freedom less important than your picture of how I should be?

Although, not intentionally, from your dysfunctional life,

you have produced a seeker of the truth.

And Love was the stimulus.

The love that I never saw.

I learned to love myself.......unconditionally.

But where did that enlightenment come from?

It came from Love itself.

Tapped me on the shoulder,

wrapped its arms around me,

and led me to the light of truth.

You will turn around one day and look for me,

I will be gone.

You will have no one to share the rest of your life with.

This short, meaningful, time we have on this earth,

the one you ****** with and lost.......

There will be no one willing to play your poker game,

and you will have to die alone.

I believed you,

I looked at myself through your eyes

and I saw the misfit that you believed I was,

and I bought it.

After all, you are the one from whom I was to learn life.

But I did not get the education I deserved.

I was formed out of your mind,

from a mistake you made.

And I was made to believe that I too was a mistake.

Because you couldn't keep your **** in your pants.

I am the product of a hot August, unairconditioned night of sweaty lust.....and it was probably my Mother's manipulative doing.

She needed to keep you around, so why not another kid to suckle her *** and make you go out and make more money.

Was I planned, did you look into my Mother's eyes and lovingly say, let's make a baby?

I think not.

You ****** up.

Enter the rearing of a mistake.

****, you will never know just how incredible I am, you will never see me as I am, you will never see anyone as they truly are.

You are so brainwashed with you prejudice, playing your poker game, looking for your “tell”.........
May 2016 · 2.2k
Acts 3
LD Goodwin May 2016
{Act One-Darkness}
There are no stars tonight,
only the cold lifeless dark.
No hearts on fire,
nor passion plays.
Only the faerie dance of fire flies,
and the myth of love.

{Act Two-Searching}
Are we just bags of hormones
either fortunately or unfortunately
imbued with the chemicals of life?
Will there be a day that we will be singled out
for our levels of hormones?
Will a new prejudice arise?
Oh... she's 68.3% hormonal,
he's 97% hormoneless.....
Will there be hormone police,
checking your levels before you buy a gun,
or have a baby,
or get married?
(I should have reversed the order of those lines.)
Are we just bags of hormones?
Can we blame the lack of, or the abundance of,
the chemistry in our bodies,
infecting the knee **** reactions of our power hungry egos?
Menopausal, testosteroned, endorphined, dopamined,
all influencing the limbic system.
Soon, very soon a storm is coming.
A storm complete with tattooed bar codes
describing our perspective hormonal levels.
In the year 2025,
separated by island walls.  
Are we just bags of hormones?

{Act Three-Light}
You can't love me,
you don't love yourself.
If and until you completely love yourself,
you can not completely love another.
The level of love that you have for me,
can only be the level of love for yourself.
You can't love me
........not yet.
LD Goodwin May 2016
Oh to hear our pens together
scratching out dreams
on Italian linen paper,
while espressos cool
in the noonday breeze.
Wiping creme from your wind burned lips,  my toes find your cycling socks
and our eyes meet as if to ask.....
let's stay another day in Toscan....
Rome can wait.
Italy cycling love dreams espresso
LD Goodwin Apr 2016
I watched her for a while,
the lady with a babe in her arms.
With tender care she brushed back its hair,
and sweetly smiled into its face.
Gleaming eyes gaze into her past,
when she was whole.....
when she was a Mother.
But now in her last days,
her death days,
scooting slippered,
wheelchair feet
down forgotten halls,
lovingly holding her babe in a pink blanket.
Occasional drool drips on its plastic forehead,
crystalline blue eyes look into green glass,
searching for some signs of life.
Apr 2016 · 849
Song Of The Enlightened One
LD Goodwin Apr 2016
My dear friend was a day
older today
with the rising sun.

We all gathered 'round
to celebrate
and to find some fun.

The presents were grand
we sang him the song
that is always sung

I could see in his smile
that his battle
was finally won.

From the light of the candles
flickered the truth
I saw the years in his eyes

but not the years of age,
there was something more
eons of something wise

free of his past,
freedom at last
no verses were left unsung

I could see in his smile
that his battle
was finally won

Surrender now,
surrender to
what was falsely
taught to you

incessant myths
that once abound
are now to him
but just a sound

I can rest in the knowing,
his future is clear
now that he's found his light

just as sure as the night
follows the day,
and day follows the night

I only hope
he knows that his journey
has just begun

I hear in his laughter
the joyous song
of the enlightened one

and his pain is naught
but the sound
of a distant drum

and I see in his smile
that his battle
is finally won.
Mar 2016 · 2.1k
Distorted Words
LD Goodwin Mar 2016
Distorted words from holy books,
hypnotized by the *******.
Whirl the swords 'round our heads,
while making their incursion.

A snowball out of control
a firestorm a reining
beliefs too strong to see the winds
of peace within them straining.

We wake to fear, and fear, and fear,
and soon will come the numbing
left by the sound of egos blasts,
cadences of ancient drumming.

Bullies in the school yard,
disgruntled husbands batter wives
Too many with too much and still unhappy
ruining other peoples lives

Who then among us
will take up the banner now
and love themselves, change the world
unfurl their angry brow

I will move the universe.
I will love my life.
I will throw away the gun.
I will sheath my knife.
*Peace upon Brussels*
Mar 2016 · 790
The Dying Place
LD Goodwin Mar 2016
I look at it with different eyes now,
and see it for what it truly is.
A dying place.

To leave ones house, ones home,
leave a life out there in the living place,
never to return.
To squeeze out a space and settle into dying.

There's the constant stench of stale ***** and constipated excrement.
The unconscious moans of the unfortunate discarded souls,
those “I don't know what else to do with him” bundles of flesh
that lay fetal on their last beds.

The aged, fully cognizant eyes,
staring at too loud plasma screens,
incapable of fulfilling their dreams.
Locked in a body
too decrepit to live,
too alive to die.

Do I say hello? Or rudely say “how are you today?”
I walk the halls and feel so out of place
for I..... can leave,
I can ride my bike with the wind on my face,
I can live free in my living place.
They glance at me as I walk by as if to say,
your day will come,
my dying space here in this dying place
will be yours someday.

I no longer hear the moans now,
they have melded with the disinfectant,
Wheel of Fortune, chicken *** pie,
squeaking wheelchairs in the hall.
I have become a member of this dying place,
I am the free one from the living place,
the one that visits his 97 year old Mother
with the broken hip.....
*Last week my 97 year old Dad placed his wife in a "nursing home".
LD Goodwin Feb 2016
She took her dreams to the ocean
to walk among the sand and foam
to rake away the sleep from her eyes
to role away the stone

Shedding clothes that fit no more
the chains they forced to wear
she breathes the freshness freedom brings
she breathes the salty air

No selfishness in this change
no running from, or to
one must surrender to the wind
do what it whispers do

enlightened now, she feels the sun
and worships every rise
needing naught, from dusk til dawn
til time must close her eyes.
For my Sister Wanda.........
Feb 2016 · 424
I Wish
LD Goodwin Feb 2016
I wish for you
a sun filled sky
fun shaped clouds
drift slowly by

a daisy field
to lay and dream
soft ripple of
a meadow stream

Your cares surrender
to come what may
on birdsong wings
they drift away

And if I could
I'd take your hand
And walk no path
to wonderland.
*A friend was blue, so I dreamt a dream for her.......*
Jan 2016 · 375
LOL Hiaku
LD Goodwin Jan 2016
Hiakus are easy
but sometimes they don't make sense
Dec 2015 · 546
Vignettes #1
LD Goodwin Dec 2015
I raked my fingers
'cross half slept slits
to peek at yet another rising
Moon gone, stars faded
and proof that I am once again
to live another day.

Trillion year old orb you,
to shed your beams on this dash
the dash that is my life
the dash that separates my birth from my death
I am just a thought
flesh here now, and wind tomorrow

Cold nose greetings
tails a waggin'
eyes a fixed
round yodel of contentment
whole body undulations
pure excitement.
And in a moment
total trust
head in my lap
eyes closed, dreaming of rabbits
paws twitching
running, chasing

And with the sun comes the day
to wash away what went before
although I know I have today
… many more, how many more?
Harrogate, TN
December 16, 2015
Dec 2015 · 534
LD Goodwin Dec 2015
These are my eyes
they see only what I see.
My red is my red, blue, blue
My vision of God, my feelings of love.
My thoughts, atypical, unique.
It is not that I wished it this way,
it is as it always has been.
There has never been anyone like me,
and there never will be.
I can't help being me,
I don't do it on purpose.
If you asked me “Do you believe in God?”
I would have to reply, “In order to answer that question honestly,
I would have to know what your rendition of God was, completely, and I don't think that is possible. ”
And so it goes,
one person looking through their own tiny little holes
at their own world, thinking that others see it the same way they do.  
Though we think it is the same, it can not be.
It is in that thought that I find Power.
In the uniqueness of being.
Together we make up a whole.
Some parts at peace and healthy,
some ridden with the cancer of hate and revenge, misled by ancient beliefs,
and yet it is there that I find my purpose for being here.
In the power of just being here.
To witness myself in this fleshy body, and in the collective body as well.
Dec 2015 · 465
Andalus 18.
LD Goodwin Dec 2015
Chip away now
remove what need not be
reveal the vision
the shape
the form
the dream
the vision
my vision
my dream
Find what lay beneath “the mechanized hum of another world” (from Third World Man by Walter Becker and Donald Fagen)
this world
the one that I live in

Chip away and tell the tales
rime the rhymes
Hurrah, a poem, a prose, a tinkered set of words
While bombs go off, and shots **** the innocent
while the replacement hormones surge through my veins
I am finally finding a place in between the titrations.

I am alive again. I am here and now
Chipping away with my Andalus font size 18
      noun ti·tra·tion \tī-ˈtrā-shən\
Definition of TITRATION

:  a method or process of determining the concentration of a dissolved substance in terms of the smallest amount of reagent of known concentration required to bring about a given effect in reaction with a known volume of the test solution*
LD Goodwin Oct 2015
All the ghosts are here tonight
from underneath the bed.
The ones from closets thought forgotten,
the ones within my head.

Harpies sing from hymns unsung,
shadows one step behind.
Spider crawls along my finger,
inspires my troubled mind.

Of darkness I speak, of darkness and doom,
cold blackness all mine alone.
The bones of all that went before,
they weep and sob and moan.

This is my hell, to sort and find
the passage to some light,
but I'm dinning on my flesh you see,
on this All Hallows' Night
Harrogate, TN October 25, 2015
Dec 2014 · 805
It's Time To Go
LD Goodwin Dec 2014
And now you know the truth
my little one.
Of untold secrets,
on the wind

The omnipresent being
you have become
all too soon,
to begin again.

I do not see the souls
of creatures small
as any less
than you or I,

though my innocence
lost time and time ago,
theirs is sleeping still
'neath the noon day sun

Though they feel the pain,
they know not its name
yet know it's time to go.
Harrogate, TN
LD Goodwin Dec 2014
'Tis darkest midnight of the year,
fire blazing in her eyes.
She dances 'round and 'round the womb,
of Spring's hope, of nature's prize.

Her sunset hair and wind rose skin,
enchant, affix, my gaze.
Naked she moves, as floating leaf,
veiled by moon and blaze.

She dances for the Springtime,
to wash away the mire,
calling me to take her,
join her in the fire.

'Tis the darkest midnight of the year,
hearts find their hidden mirth,
and dance as one, well in the trance,
of life, and love of earth.
Harrogate, TN 2014
Dec 2014 · 545
For Mr. Williams
LD Goodwin Dec 2014
Strike the tents, the circus is over.
The sad clown has put his faces to bed
No more wild and silly laughter,
No more voices in his head.
Robin Williams   7/21/51- 8/11/14
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Calavera Nightmares
LD Goodwin Dec 2014
The Rusted creaking lies,
whispered through putrid crooked teeth,
from underneath his ragged brim.

Time-worn top-hat sits tilted on his bony head,  
yakking jaw, spitting prostulations, intimidations,  
while swirling tattoos filled my eyes and propagandized, and hypnotized.

He is here, he is there,  
on mossy rock, on broken chair,  
floating phantom through foggy air,
to tear into my heart with his dark despair.

His words......his words, I can not trust
they haunt me as the moon.
His chilling breath fowl with death,
my skull becomes my tomb.

And then I hear a distant bell,
it breaks his grip on me.
I run and fall in gentle new snow
and am once again a child.

I close my eyes and drift to our place,  
away from his gaze and grumblings,  
to our mosaic covered Sacristy.

And you take my hand to bring me back.
You, with your Spring scented breath,
kissing away my hoary dreams.  
The bells clang pure as midnight snow,
and I am safe again in your arms.
Harrogate, Tennessee  December  2014
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Thanksgiving 57'
LD Goodwin Nov 2014
On my 5th Thanksgiving
my parents took me to my Grandmothers house.
It was a short drive from Miamisburg, Ohio to Liberty, Indiana.
Over the Little Miami River, past empty harvested fields.
Dairy farms, and towering silos.
Frozen horse troughs, and soon to be rustic barns sheltering small livestock from the cold.
There was snow on the ground and roof, and the cattle, sheep and goats were already having their dinner.
There were no Christmas tunes on the radio of our Ford, but rather “Let Us Break Bread Together” by some local church choir.......... A sadness came over me as I looked at the animals in the field, and I whispered in my Mothers ear........Mommy, do the animals know that it is Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Harrogate, TN Thanksgiving 2014
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
Frazier (another Shanzi)
LD Goodwin Nov 2014
My Whippet gone,
now dust once again.

I've given him back,
from whence he came.

To run again
in cosmic fields,
waiting to be born.

*Shanzi is a syllabic poem in seven lines  4/5 5/4 4/4/5
Lines 1 and 2   INTRODUCE the SUBJECT
Lines 3 and 4   AMPLIFY what is affected by the image/subject.
Line 5 thru 7    Focus on NEW SUBJECT that complements and provides a meditative conclusion.
Shanzi may be Titled

Harrogate, TN  November, 2014
On November 4th, we put down our dog, Frazier. He was in our home for 17 years.
Jun 2014 · 438
2 River Haikus for a friend
LD Goodwin Jun 2014
Toes in the river,
Just a little wade said she
and it felt so good

Much water has passed.
Lonely flesh, near forgotten,
guarded, she ventures deeper.
Middlesboro, KY June 2014
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Thoughts of my Father
LD Goodwin Jun 2014
Black coffee
2 eggs looking at you
buttered Wonder bread
morning paper
horn rimmed glasses.
neatly pressed short sleeve summer shirt, with a Fruit of the Loom tank.
work trousers and oil resistant black shoes
Old Spice, and Brylcream
Howdy Doody in the background
the screen door slams
a white Ford Farlane 500 starts up and pulls away

awaiting the sound of the Ford
wash up for dinner
pork chops, sauerkraut
green beans
evening paper
maybe the Flintstones or Dragnet, but always the Friday Night Fights
late night visits to the fridge for a sip of Malox.

My Father does not believe there is a heaven, or hell
he says when you die, you just die.
But I don't believe he ever knowingly lied to me.
He voted for George Wallace, but he also Voted for Barack Obama, twice.
He served in the Army during World War II, and still cooks hash brown potatoes every Tuesday night for his local American Legion, where he also plays poker and most of the time wins. When I asked him how to win at poker, he'd smile and say... "Luck." When I asked him how do I get some Luck, he said "count your cards."
He doesn't want a funeral, no music, no wake, no one to say anything about him. He wants to donate his body to science. And cremate the rest.
He says, "shut up and let people tell you who they are."
"Everybody is OK son , most don't know it though."
"Never count your money in public."
He has a small tin on the kitchen counter full of twist ties, hundreds of them.
There are shelves in the basement full of canned food and paper goods.
Depressionites are always ready for the next one.
When my Father and Mother go to their class reunion, they are the only ones left in their class.
I asked him what was the hardest thing about being 95, and both of them said, "all of our friends are gone, all of them."
My Father is 95 this year.

Happy Father's Day Dad

*Thank you for letting me ramble here, I feel so much better. I am ready to have my eggs and coffee now."
Harrogate, TN Father's Day 2014
Jun 2014 · 468
She Kissed A Boy Today
LD Goodwin Jun 2014
She kissed a boy today,
and red birds picked at strawberries in the field.
Soft Summer wind tousled her hair,
as his lips touched hers.
“It is so nice to be wanted, desired”, she thought.
Her heart swelled with an almost forgotten rhythm,
but the swaying of the tall grass sounded like the ocean
and she was free again.
Free to feel again.
She kissed a boy today,
and red birds picked at strawberries in the field.
Harrogate, TN June 2014
Jun 2014 · 669
LD Goodwin Jun 2014
She was thin and svelte,
And when I held her, a perfect fit.
I’d caressed her face,
and she knew me.
My fingers found her every button…..and I could turn her on.

But alas,
she is like a fragile flower behind glass.
I have locked her in a dungeon,
safe from harm.

She wears armor like a medieval knight.
and has become an urban soldier.
Though still steadfastly by my side,
she has grown cold,
a number.

But sometimes late at night,
when they are not watching,
while the cruel and shattering world sleeps,
I slowly undress her,
take of her skirt of mail,
and in the fully charged glow of togetherness,
we are once again,

*Uninspired after enclosing my new Galaxy s5 in an Otterbox.
Midd;esboro, KY June 2014
Jun 2014 · 635
LD Goodwin Jun 2014
The caves of childhood dank and gray,
hickory musk linger on their walls.
I hid there..... from words.

Words of a worn out relationship,
too tired to leave,
they wore each other down to a nib of a human.

What hell it must have been
to squeeze out a drop of peace from each day,
knowing there would be more words,
and another attritive tomorrow.

Meaningless rantings echo still,
stinging and bighting at my heart.
Words,  petrified me.

I do not want to follow them.
I want to seal the caves,
dynamite the portholes,
never to return to the words.
How so, these many years,
I find my solace in words?
But my words, are my words.
They do not berate, or demean,
for I watch them like children
crossing a busy road.
I place them on the page
with care and respect,
yet I know not from where they came.
These words that save me,
words that raise me,
words that knead me, into me.
Middlesboro, KY June 2014
Jun 2014 · 974
The Forgotten Side Of Town
LD Goodwin Jun 2014
Running naked through the ruins of Detroit,
deep embrace against a graffitied wall.
The clink of spent bottles chime with passion's song,
and echoed down a forgotten hall.

Bombed out, Nagasakieque, sur-reality,
a strange and desolate aphrodisiac.
Ghosts watch our post-apocalyptic tryst,
through every wrecking ball crack.

With patchouli scented hair of reddish brown,
she's taken me to the forgotten side of town.

Paradise, hidden among the rubble.
But only for the discerning eye.
Her pen painted poetic justice here,
and tried to reveal the reasons why.

Street coney's and cold bottles of Stroh's
could not be scuttled in the wake.
Its someone's hometown, no matter what,
though it looks like hell for heaven's sake.

With patchouli scented hair of reddish brown
she's taken me to the forgotten side of town.

Like some lost and lonely stray, she takes it in,
dusts it off, and holds it to her heart.
Sees promise in every burnt out factory,
and hope in every unattended park.

Empty crack houses sleep down the darkened alleyways,
like effigies awaiting to be burned.
The clock tower is stuck on borrowed time,
with hands waiting to be turned.

With patchouli scented hair of reddish brown
she's taken me to the forgotten side of town.

And on our cardboard mattress
and the last few sips of wine,
the stars never looked so good to me,
her body never so fine.

Perfection amid controlled chaos,
eloquent profanities.
She dances naked in the moonlight,
and quelled our insanities.

With patchouli scented hair of reddish brown
she's taken me to the forgotten side of town.

*Inspired by "Ghost Gardens" a poem by Rebecca Askew
Harrogate, TN December 2014
May 2014 · 2.0k
Centaur and the Faerie Queen
LD Goodwin May 2014
As she twirls a blood red tulip between her fingers,
dogwood blossoms fall and cling to her hair like snow.
It is deep in Springtime
and midday sunlight filters through new leaves,
making, ever changing, antique lace patterns on her skin.
Teasing my view
I now and then glimpse the efflorescence of her *******,
and her body's perfect design.
The Faerie Queen,
strolling, floating, in a wildflower glade amid the newness of the season.
A ****** unknown to her,
through dreamy eyes, I secretly peer, drunk with the vision of her.
Tittled by the nakedness of her toes combing blades of grass,
with her eyes fixed on waxwings in a puddle bath,
she quietly laughs.
Startled, I laugh along with her.
Breaking my silence,
I drop my lyre.
The strings play an eerie dissident chord as I run off to the wood.
My hooves throwing sod,
my hair streaming in the wind.

*To the poets who sometimes do not feel inspired, I was inspired to write this poem by falling dogwood petals, and I have always wanted to use the word tittled in a poem
Harrogate, TN April 16, 2014
May 2014 · 1.3k
A Visit Home (in 4 Acts)
LD Goodwin May 2014
You can never go home,
not to the home you left.
When you leave, you get bigger.
Not necessarily in girth, but in consciousness.
When you come back,  everything,
even the walls of your parent's house,
seem to have shrunk.

Here comes the parade.
With its paper mache floats
and twirling batons.
Cub scouts and boy scouts,
all in a neat blue and drab green row,
followed by a high school marching band
playing "Stars and Stripes Forever".
From bygone wars, limbless surviving soldiers flinch with every cymbal crash.

I watched billows of cottonwood clouds
swirl down a summer hometown avenue,
they met on the street corner for a song........
"Alley Oop", or "I Like Bread And Butter"
These ghostlike voices will live there forever,
innocent, asleep, numb, waiting.
Soon, the postman will bring your future.
Soon, you will be just a number on a lotery ball.
Soon, you will have to dissect luck or fate.

I took my 87 year old Father to gather his tools
from his long time place of work.
The instruments of his livelihood.
He did not need them anymore, he had retired.
Some tools he had used since World War II,
some he made for a specific job.... never to use again.
All neatly placed in toolboxes built in the 30s and 40s,
yet not a trace of rust.
These were the tools of a tradesman,
a (Tool and Die Man).
He once told me, “Son, if I can’t fix it because I don’t have the right tool, I will make the tool”.
I thought him to be Superman.
But there I was, loading up my Father’s history,
to take home, to be sold to the highest bidder.  
I myself have made my living playing music for audiences.
I also have tools.
Guitars, amplifiers, harmonicas, microphones.
There will come a day, in the not too distant future,
when I will have to “retire” the instruments of my livelihood.
Though I will not be as stoic as my World War II Father,
I will go kicking and screaming to the pawn shop,
remembering every song that fed me,
and every chord that made people dance.
Middlesboro, KY May 29, 2014
May 2014 · 536
For Maya
LD Goodwin May 2014
Putting the pieces of my life together,
a puzzle unfolds with every breath.
Where am I going to?
Where do I belong?
I belong here,
I belong in this moment.
Here is where I am needed.
With the hells of my past to guide my love filled heart,
I will right the wrongs of this prejudiced world.
No longer silent, I will speak out against the injustices of this society.
I am colorblind, I am statusblind, I am genderblind.
I will dance, and sing, and scrawl the truth on poet's paper.
I will wear the coats of all colors,
and I will be big.
Bigger than the events in my life.

*Maya  Angelou  
Born 4/4/1928  Died 5/28/2014
Poet, civil rights activist, dancer, film producer, television producer, playwright, film director, author, actress, professor
Miamisburg, Ohio May 28, 2014
May 2014 · 632
LD Goodwin May 2014
To this world he is an oaf,
an idiot,
a simpleton.
Towering over the crowd,
his clubbed foot shuffling through the mall,
bottom lip drooping,
maybe with a drip of unaware drool.
His clean, and at one time,
neatly pressed attire
now disheveled, unmatched.
It tells us that someone cares for him,
yet they give him his much needed sense of pride.
He greets you,
and though you do not comprehend a word from his oversized head, you understand perfectly that he is humbled in your presence.
There is a smile hidden on that face though.
Not the blank smile of an imbecile,
but the constant grin of a truly happy man.
A man not of this world,
but of a world void of care and worry.
  His feeble mind was not born with the integrated chip of despair,
or infected by someone else’s insanities,
it was and will be until his death,
filled with loving words,
positive and uplifting prayers,
and nonsensical songs of long ago.
For this man is not alone in this cruel world,
this place of daily criticism.
he has a Mother,
and her kind and loving face will be there in the morning,
and she will be the last voice he hears as she tucks him in at nightfall. A Mother that bore him,
and though she took not an oath,
will be the one with him
when he takes his last breath.  

Happy Mother's Day

*Inspired by "Ox" and his Mother I met today at the Mall
Middlesboro, KY May 1, 2014
Apr 2014 · 554
Going, Going, Gone
LD Goodwin Apr 2014
He never thought that she would leave him,
it never crossed his mind.
He thought forever, meant forever,
until the end of time.

How could love that felt so right,
turn out to be so wrong?
She's like the setting sun, when the day is done,
it's going, going, gone.

He pours another shot of whiskey,
tells himself that he won't cry.
But he knows he's much too sober,
to believe that lie.

Had his last drop of courage,
just before the dawn.
Like the setting sun, when the day is done,
it's going, going, gone.

Now she is nothing but a memory,
he's like an empty shell.
Searching for heaven in a bottle,
slowly dying in his hell.

There are no other verses,
to this sad love song.
Like the setting sun, when the day is done,
it's going, going, gone.
Harrogate, TN June 6, 2012
Apr 2014 · 468
Right Here, Right Now
LD Goodwin Apr 2014
I never though I would get this far,
on a dream and a bag of tricks.
A word whispered in my ear,
and some borrowed licks.

I searched and searched for some lasting peace,
when all the time it was here and now.
Hidden in plain sight,
for me to find somehow.

Then I let go of my tug of war,
no more push or pulling anymore.....

I’ve always been right here, right now.
I’ve always been right here, right now.
And I'll always be right here, right now.

My thoughts always got in the way,
incessant voices from the past,
till I heard the silence,
of peace at last.

"Someday-Oneday" would never come,
though I thought it always would,
so I'd rearrange and rearrange
the best I could.

Then I let go of my tug of war,
no more push or pulling anymore.....

I’ve always been right here, right now.
I’ve always been right here, right now.
And I'll always be right here, right now.

*Haven't been writing poetry much lately......kinda dry. I thought my followers would like these song lyrics.
Harrogate, TN March 15, 2014
Apr 2014 · 421
Tell Me Of Spring
LD Goodwin Apr 2014
This is a calling out to all of my fellow poets, from the dungeons of home renovation. You no doubt wonder where I have been, I am deep into duty, and my writing has taken a backseat for a while. Spring is passing me by and I need your prose.......please dig deep inside and give me back my Spring. Thank you.**

Tell me of Spring dear poets,
do the colors drip with dew?
For I'm locked inside my responsibilities,
and must do, what I must do.

No one should miss a season,
for there are so precious few.
So pen for me your visions,
whether dremt or whether true.
LD Goodwin Dec 2013
Puce fresnel washed its light on his over sized African patterned dashiki,
while paisley notes poured from his reeded dreams.
Like the Hamelin piper I was mesmerized by hypnotic tones,
every sweet and spicy slur, every bend of every breath,
I followed him down history’s path and heard the world come boldly through.

“You got to keep the magic”, was his advice .
“Don’t give away too much of the theme.”

Through fake fog he swirled his love,
his passion, his calling.
“Summertime”, played on an oboe
is like hot liquid southern summer ***.
It crawls up your spine and explodes in your brain,
and you understand the songs meaning without one word sung.
Hundreds of years of vassalage reenacted in every blue colored measure.

This man did not think of himself as a descendant of slavery though.
He was, like all of his brothers of color,
a descendant of great Princes and Kings,
stealthy Hunters and fearless Warriors,
grand Land Owners and Wise Men,
Great Leaders of Peace and Brotherhood,
and he lived out his life as they did,
changing the world one note at a time.
He played the music of all people,
“World Music” it later came to be known.

Listen….he is in the rhythm still.
Wherever there is an ethnicity holding on to their heritage in song.
Wherever there is an indigenous rhythm, a harmony, a feeling……
Yusef is there, and he will be there forever.

*Yesef Lateef
Born October 9, 1920 in Chattanooga, TN
Died December 23, 2013 Shutesburry, MA

Musician, author, spokesman, educator

Instruments: tenor saxophone, flute, oboe, bassoon, bamboo flute, shehnai, shofar, arghul, koto

Recalling a magical night at Stratton Mt.,Vermont, in the winter of 1975 when I opened for Yusef Lateef.
Knoxville, TN December 2013
LD Goodwin Dec 2013
Don't look so sad, I know it's over
But life goes on and this old world will keep on turning
Let's just be glad, we had some time to spend together
There's no need to watch the bridges that we're burning

Lay your head, upon my pillow
Hold your warm and tender body close to mine
Hear the whisper of the raindrops blowing soft against the window
And make believe you love me, one more time, for the good times

I'll get along, you'll find another, and I'll be here
If you should find, you ever need me
Don't say a word about tomorrow, or forever
There'll be time enough for sadness, when you leave me

Lyrics and music by Kris Kristofferson 1970

*I tried to write something for this great Country and Western singer, but I think this song says it all.
Remembering Ray Price
Born: January 12, 1926, Perryville, TX
Died: December 16, 2013, Mount Pleasant, TX
Dec 2013 · 521
She is Leaving
LD Goodwin Dec 2013
She is leaving,
leaving things behind,
they are just things she says.

                  She is leaving,
                  had enough silence,
                  deafening silence she says.

                                    She is leaving,
                                    and he won't know it,
                                    he doesn't even know she's already gone.

                                                          ­          She is leaving,
                                                        ­             starting over anew,
                                                           ­          to sleep alone, but sleep she will.

                                                          ­                                        She is leaving,
                                                                ­                                  naked to the sun,
                                                                ­                                  to be what she wants to be.

                                                            ­                                                                 ­                       She is gone......

*.........for a friend.........
Harrogate, TN  July 2013
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