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I've been watching the clock
daydreaming of us holding each other,
the sun in our eyes and the bright blue skies,
the smell of the grass and the white noise of chatter,
the wind sending us cold kisses on our cheeks and
whirling your chestnut brown hair,
the way your lips curl with your charming smile
and the way your eyes sparkle melts my soul,
I've craved feeling your skin against mine,
your touch that sends me to the highest of places
as our fingers interlace gently,
your lips pressed to mine as I can feel
how much we've missed each other, passionate yet tender
and every nerve in my body sends into this rush of longing for you
and here, all I want is to stay in your arms a little longer,
stare into each other's eyes a little longer,
I want us to just stay at this moment for a little longer
but for now, you're alive but only in my mind
missing you extra hard every single time
waiting till I see you again
counting down the seconds till I can.
lockdown thoughts got me missing and craving for intimate moments and I've been imagining when I'm finally in your arms again
do you believe in it?
if this time around,
you knew it would come true,
what would you wish for?

it never hurt anyone to try
and believe so you tell yourself,
“even just a sliver of hope
in it won’t **** you.”

wishes are meant to be kept secret
so i’ll whisper it to myself
wishing you all the happiness and love in the world
with or without me in it.

i love you enough to want the best for you
and here i will always save my wishes for you.
I think of you every time. Shooting stars and 11:11, it doesn't hurt to believe in something even for a little bit. I care for you more than you know, I will always make my wishes for you and I always hope for my wishes to come true.
a coward holds the lovers card upright in his hand
told them both he’d take to the promise land
torn between two queens, all confused
didn’t want to leave any of them bruised.

a naive youngster held the fool in reverse
fell for all the tricks and games was the curse
she gave in full but took none, always came at second best
time wasted being used, finding out again she was just the guest.
a man afraid to choose so he led both on because he didn't want to hurt any
a woman believed him and she was always an option but never the choice
It has been a minute
Since I’ve last spilled my words
Every time I write
The lines blurred.

I tried to write about the countdown
Till I see another face again
About hugs, the front-liners, different battles,
The quarantine— when it’ll all end.

But every time I wrote
I was reminded of the truth
2020 hasn’t been all that smooth.

When I would write
A flood of feelings from the past
Told me that moment was
The first and the last.

It was hard to write about the future
Hope disguised as expectations
When reality bled through the sutures
Giving me palpitations— a figment of my imagination.

When I would write about the present
The pain that it came with,
People dying and front-liners crying,
Stupidity preaching the virus is a myth.

Writing poetry
Made me miss people even more,
The outside world
With anxiety kicking down my door.

So I escaped in dances
Music and exercise
Downing six white claws
Playing video games and the ukulele till sunrise.

Writing was my coping mechanism
But I couldn’t stomach this
So here I write, trying it all again
Hopefully it wont hurt as much as it did.
I am happy to be okay to write again.
sitting across from me
was you and your big smile,
the way your eyes would squint as we were
laughing about the different oreo flavors
watching you pull out packs and packs of them
eagerly from your backpack
dunking it in a purple shake -- the sweet taste
of ube and the little pearls sitting at the bottom,
our table filled and soon our stomachs,
the steam of freshly cooked rice and the sizzle of pork sisig,
the clanking of the utensils and the sound of the conversations
you started,

i can hear it all in my head.

a scene that almost played out but didn't,
a moment i wish took place,
excitement was now a shade of dark blue
and the plans we've made turned into dust.

i wish i've known what was going on inside your head
and here I am talking to you in mine
whispering for you to come home
but you are.
a humble, humorous, sweet and thoughtful young man. a year hasn't even gone by and you were one of the many blessings i received in 2019. i keep thinking about how i should've messaged you that day and how i should've told you i cared. until we meet again, J.
she is a happy ending,
not everyone can wait for.
you feel
too much
all the time
every single **** time

and time and time again
you tell yourself
"don’t make that same mistake again"
"don’t give too much again"

and when things don’t work out
you hurt, feel that aching pain
a thousand times more
over and over

and you tried to step back
have one foot out the door
you tried to be ready
but you will never be ready

you locked your heart
so far in a safe box
for the next person
but you end up spilling yourself
all over them like you did
the last time

it’s okay to give
it’s okay to feel
but honey,
guard your heart
and love
with no regret.
i wasn't ready to know you were in love with someone else
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