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Springsteen sang about glory days
and I laughed
and swore that wouldn’t be me.
I looked around this small town
at these large fishes
and knew I’d find a bigger pond.

But here I am
holding up jerseys
reading newspaper clippings
looking at old pictures
valentine’s roses
yearbook autographs
picture day poses

and can’t stop talking about
glory days.
I unravel the scrolls hidden
Deep, dark secrets unwritten
Wordless experiences
The blank pages of your heart
No pen and paper relay

All your fear and pain
All the loss and gain
Those things you put away
Reflecting off your face
Though not written, I read

And you ask if I can mend
The emotional cuts that tend
To take a little piece of you
Slowly making you less and less
But I don't know where you went

A stranger is all I see
And I can't say we're meant to be
But if you're still in there
Somewhere, hidden, I swear
I'll unravel you

JM 4/26/17
a question troubles, island’s peace is lost,
am i who i am?” eager land inquires.
disturbed, the once serene and calm water,
enraged waves sent off, crashing onto shore.
the answer that you seek i cannot speak,
straightforward answers, never meant to please.
a storm threatens a downpour of yes, no,
confusion flooded, train of thought submerged.
surveying islands, bird’s eye takes the view,
clouds fleet along, marveling at it all:
a lake, a river, waterfalls of hope,
a hill, a valley, mountains of regret,
grown with experience, plants and trees stand,
learning through challenges, animals flock.
what an amazing sight!” wind blows soft breeze,
what an amazing mind!” whistles the bird.
land and water, both finally, calmed down,
resolves to address the troubling question:
am i who i am?” echoes the island.
wind and ocean answers in unison:
a tiny plot of land, blessed by the gods,
but with one’s hands, an island has emerged
this is a poem in blank verse i wrote for my shakespeare class
Quoting a wise man, she said:
Be the change you want to see
In others

I hope she doesn’t change
Since she
Is a garden of flowers
And I
A broken mirror,
With no powers.
Sometimes we don't want people to change, because we just like how they are...
you said
lets keep it simple
so we did
we loved
we worried
we cared

something changed
and it wasn't
so simple

and we may be
great at simple
but terrible
at complex

can we
go again
my love
to simple
simple love
I am a glass,
sitting full on a mattress,
ready to spill across
your linen sheets.
I feel your heart shift,
and it tips me.
To change one thing
We need everyone
Why does it only take one
To change everything?
Nothing to you
Because they look like me
Hashtags, forgotten in a Facebook feed
Should have done this, should have done that
All becomes irrelevant from a rata-tat-tat

Quick on the trigger, when color hits the eye
That racial bias keeps fatalities high
But that's me too, in case you forgot
Behind every tragic black body shot

Always a moment away
From a cop's bad day
They'll take their leave from work
And still get paid

The facts exist, believe it or not
Silence is compliance, so we'll still get shot
I'm white and black, but they'll only see the latter
So stand with me, shout Black Lives Matter
Even on the bottom branch
sometimes, you must be the first
and only
leaf to bud.
National Poetry Month Day 28.....(I can still post these in May, right?)
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