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Feb 2017 · 676
Best of You.
Impulzez Feb 2017
Photos Speak; Photos don't think
What they say ain't what you think
A Photo's worth a thousand words, init?
Yet it's dumb as a Sheep's bleat

A Photo never confuses itself of its beauty
Of all the 1000 words, none'as thought by it
How do you Speak? How do you think?
How do you picture your self's unspoken worth?

How many words are you really worth?
If I was a still image what would you see?

Beyond the impression i leave you with
May i paint your mind with words i speak

There's no better Picture of you
Than the one you create of you
Camera lenses, naked or glassed eyes
Don't see what you see of you
How you see the whole of you
is made a better painting only by you
If you were a painting on your wall
What would be your first words of you
A Picture is worth a thousand words
A painting is worth a million words
You are worth more than any words
Many words can't truly paint you
Less you Speak how you feel of you
and paint you in all those many feelings

My words of you are
**You are the Best of You
11/01/17 05:28pm
Jul 2016 · 637
Money is closer than Blood
Impulzez Jul 2016
"Water has no Enemy";

"Blood is thicker than Water";

"Money is closer than Blood";

"Love of Money roots all Evils";

"Perfect Love casts out Fear";

"Fear of God begins Wisdom";

"In all getting, get Wisdom".

Jul 2016 · 1.1k
I got what I Love...
Impulzez Jul 2016
Eni tanfe la ni
eni tani la nfe

iwo mo fe tokan mi fe
iwo mi ni tonje kinma mi


ina sonki
ina sonka

Ohun ti o gan iye ni ohun ti
o padanu, ko ohun ti o ni

mo ni ikan ti mo fe
mo ni ikan ti mo fe

What you really value is what you miss, not what it is
Oct 2015 · 859 You I love
Impulzez Oct 2015
I'm still gonna write
I'm still gonna sing
I'm still gonna let you know
In You I Love

I never knew love
till i knew
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
My Pride; My Bride
Impulzez Sep 2015
You are my Pride.
Your lips speak soft sweetness, your touch a cool caress. Oh for a tender touching hand of caring love with no demand. I'm a river clean and pure, Who in your fairest ocean finds his rest. How fortunate we are that we have found the love so true that everyone dreams about. I like the way your mind works. I love the way your body walks. I love the way you touch me, Always sending chills down my spine. I love the way you say, "I Love You," I love the way you make me so happy, And the ways you show you care.
YOUR LOVE reaches the crevasses of my soul, Only YOUR light makes it glow. I love the way you look at me, Your eyes so radiant and true.
 The touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine.. Knowing that I could never find this feeling with anyone other than you is so head bursting. I am so glad I only In this world wakes up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheeks.  Each facet of your being both physical and spiritual is an ensnarement from which there is no release. But I do not wish to be released. And though at times a thread may break. A new one forms in its wake for our loves' everlasting bond   renews like morning dew. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold, Gently nestling us to the fold. It wraps us up in its cocoon, And holds us fiercely in its womb. 
Like silken thread it holds us fast, our bond would last forever. A spiritual bond, A deep passionate loving bond, that wraps us in ever lasting ecstasy to bind us closer and keep us stronger. . My love, long ago I have tried with all my being to grasp a form comparable to thine own, but nothing is worthy. You hold a heart in your hands, That has never before been given away. Did I ever tell you You make the best pancakes. I think of you each morning, And dream of you each night. In our special world, where we belong I am lost in your magic, My heart beats within your chest. A special world for you and me, A special bond only we can see. 
Your uniqueness is astonishing. I think of your arms being around me, And cannot express my delight. You are fantastic. And then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils. In harmony, we dance together, Lost in ecstasy and love forever.
Oh! My Drop Dead Gorgeous, Beauty sheds a tear, even as the trees smile because of your charm, for Beauty never saw one so Beautiful as you, nor have I. 
With sweet unmemoried scents: My honeymoon delight. I brush my fingers through your hair, Lost in your love and full of care. Within those magic tents, rich hues our marriage first laid. 
My senses, leave me deaf and blind to all but you, swept by the tempest of your love. Lost as a light but always in your eyes.  Plunge me deep in loves deep. How few! yet how they creep, Through my fingers to the deep. Grasp by grasp, then with a tighter grasp! O God! can I not have this moment forever. It's a beautiful feeling,  a moment never comprehended. An ****** of Miracles, A joy of love at its peak, Trembling to welcome it. Yet burning in it's impulses of fire. A love burn. Bonded our bodies become one, Moving in rhythm it’s begun.
You're my Woman, my Queen of kings, the jewel in my crown. And I am your Man
A spirit beautiful and bright, Yet I am I, the Owner .
 Sweetly secure and feeling complete, I lay in your arms and fall asleep. 
I stand amid the roar, Of a surf-tormented shore and wheel it's fiery waves.
Take this kiss upon your brow for you're my Bride.
Written for my Bride, my Pride
Sep 2015 · 1.9k
Love Cycle
Impulzez Sep 2015
Stranger meets Stranger
Inside the banking hall
Stranger adores Stranger
And is unable to ignore
Stranger watches Stranger
And is confused to the core
Stranger talks to Stranger
They bond like never before
Stranger dates Stranger
What a marvelous score
Stranger loves Stranger
And this forever more
Stranger becomes a Lover
Lover waits for Stranger to love
Lover offends Stranger
And is reminded 'you're
still a Stranger' nothing more
Love Cycle recycles and soars
A Lover is reborn
Lover becomes a Partner
Partner loves Stranger to Lover
Partner waits for lover to Partner
Partner wants to marry Partner
For this he is sure
Partner changes pattern
And kicks out partner for
Partner keeps fighting Partner
The home is abandoned and empty
Partners revert to Strangers
Love Cycle recycles
Partner proposes to partner
Partners' marry and live happily ever after
Love Cycle Recycles
love cycle is how many times we love and keep loving the one we say we love even when we have reasons not to love. its a forgiveness cycle.
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
*Ife Orogbo*
Impulzez Jan 2015
Love is Young; Love is Old
Old love in age Young love at heart
A never dying feeling felt more in death
The Sweetness of Love is always better than its bitterness
Yet the feeling of Loves' bitterness is why we love more

Love is Pain; Love is Gain
Painful Love is Jealous
Gainful Love is Humorous
Old Lovers die in gain
Young Lovers hurt in pain
The experience of Love
When it is from the wrong place
a sweet feeling hurting a thrilling
As the tastes of the Bitter Kola
stays bitter until chewed and swallowed further
Then the sweetness sips in sweetening
Ife Orogbo; an old love that loves long
bearing all through thick and thin
In Sickness and in Health
till death do you part
like gold in fire; fish in water
Ife Orogbo; True Love Grows Old
the love of old
Jan 2015 · 612
Omó tò rèwá
Impulzez Jan 2015
Omó tò rèwá
I know you're fine yes I do
Beauty is written all over you
You've got the aura with a beautiful heart though a lonely one yet a happy one...
You are admirable, adorable, angelic, appealing, beauteous, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling and delicate
Omó tò rèwá
I know you're fine yes I do
Your pictures always reflect a joyful enveloped personality
You stand awe and endowed with nature's shapeliness
You are delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful and grand,
Omó tò rèwá
I know you're fine yes I do
though I ain't seen you physically before
Your graphic images in pixels reflect an alluring splendid statuesque
You are ideal, inviting, lovely, magnetic, magnificent, marvelous, mesmeric, nice, pleasing, pretty and pulchritudinous
Omó tò rèwá
I know you are fine yes I do
though I have never kissed you yet I know you lack no kisses
No one kisses Ugliness
You are radiant, ravishing, refined, resplendent, shapely, stunning, sublime, superb and symmetrical
Omó tò rèwá
I know you are fine yes I do
though I've never made love to you but I know you lack no love
Yet I can't wait to make love to you
Omó tò rèwá
You are fine yes you are
You are Beautiful beyond words
that's what you are
  You are taking, tantalizing, teasing, tempting, well-formed, winning and wonderful.
Omó tò rèwá
The Beautiful One
"The Beauty of My Love"
You and I are Beautiful together
the only Beautiful one
Impulzez Jan 2015
Islamists are not Muslims
They are Islamists ; Extremists
I am a Born Again Christian
Christianity is not a religion
It's a way of life to eternity
Through Christ Jesus
We preach the Love of Christ
Who died to set us all free
That's the Religion I know
That is the religion that can stop
All these killings and conflicts
Love... Yes! Only Love can
The Language of Love is One
It sheds abroad all Tribes, Races
Ethnics, Religion , Beliefs, etc
God is Love. Love is God
The Language of Love is God
Show Love; Show God
Only God can save us
Only Love can save us
That's the Religion I know
The Religion of Christ's Love
Christ's Love
Jan 2015 · 432
Hungry Imaginations!!!
Impulzez Jan 2015
Go down these stairs with me
        In naked eyed imaginations
               A Briskly Grilled Unfeathered
                     Turkey Savoured in Hot honey
Jan 2015 · 340
"Tell Me Of Your Love"
Impulzez Jan 2015
Tell me
I'm listening
Scribble it
I'll read it
Whisper it
I'm all ears
Say them to me
Anyway you feel it
Just write it to me
The way you see it
Tell me of your love
By 'noon or by moon
In shadows or in the lights
On silent nights or happy nights
How do you love?
How do you want to be loved?
Tell me.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Undying Love
Impulzez Jan 2015
Love don't die easy
You starve it of affections
Uncrown it's expressions
Stand it up for 100 years more
Abandon it in the rain for centuries
There just ain't no way to **** it
Even in Death,
This Crowned Love is never lost
In a room full of so much love
There's still that emptiness
Only filled by this Crowned Love
Some call it an Addiction
Others birth it an Obsession
It's love being itself
"Adeife boni lara ju Ewaife lo"
Love won't be denied
Love does what it does
It's just that same Love
That don't die easy
A perpetual crescendo
Unleashing explosive lovettos
"Love goes by haps;
Some Cupid kills with arrows,
some with traps.... "
Some just love hard
One that never dies...
Nov 2014 · 880
Hi Poetry
Impulzez Nov 2014
I never imagined
I would one day
feel like replying a website's name
Hello Poetry; Hi Impulzez
Nov 2014 · 685
Impulzez Nov 2014
Sweeter than Sugar
Love beyond borders
Soothing and Exciting
The Spur of Life
Every Inhale taken
Climaxes exhale given
The Savour of Dulcet
Sweetness and soothing
That moment of Splenda!
I just wrote this ...
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
"Love You Real Slow"
Impulzez Aug 2014
The falling leaves of fallen hearts
We have greatness in what we feel
Time alone will reveal its presence
Time can also break a waiting heart
November is a passionate fellow
But passion isn't about crushing lips
And hugs and kisses, sensual feelings
Nor climaxing the zenith of soughs
Passion is a balance of what we feel
Don't feel and want to so eagerly feel 
Did no one ever kiss you so tenderly
Don't press them so tightly
Make them moist and air free
Slow sweetness starts passion
Passion hurts when its rushed
Gush! My Sweet November 
Great November victors passions
For it always ascends in elevating
Love is not a power struggle
Its more than mere kissing
Victory is sometimes found in surrender
The slower vengeance ripens
The sweeter when plucked
You're are my Sweet November
I love you from here to the moon and beyond
Really slowly
Sweet November Vol 1.
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
"Lonely Baby Honey"
Impulzez Apr 2014
She has a baby, the other has a honey, the last is lonely
three ladies all loving, sweet and independently hot
they all having various mediate metamorphosis
the beats of a Barry white song airing my sensors
i feel like they're all with me in this studio hut
what do i say to get away from this love prone stampede
she has a baby so only a voice like Barry White
can suite her flaring flames of Mother hood
"Believe me , I used to but I ain't a boy anymore
there's no love that can touch me anymore than
all you've given me, My baby carrying my baby..."
exhales in slow paces, how do i survive this longer
the beats of a Usher Raymond song hits me up
**** mama, you're the same girl i saw with him
oh! no i ain't jealous of your man, i'm just sure
he ain't man enough for you like i would
don't call me when he wants you no more
take this i got to go, i really have to go now
i ain't leaving you, if you're going with me
Exhales in heightened paces, i'm getting there
loneliness only brings you closer to your inner man
togetherness brings out the best in you and your man
at the corner of the crowded dance floor beauty sat alone
glaring at all the gesticulations and rigorous body movements
how lonely she looked alone in the corner rejecting all invites
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
"UnCalibrated Hearts"
Impulzez Apr 2014
Calibrated Hearts are seldom free to love
No Pump: No Nozzle, No Beat; No Impulse
Sometimes used as center points
Other times as alternatives to main points
Yeah! we love them for all they can do
Calibrated in their limitations
Love aint got limitations
We need to calibrate our mind and heart by God' s reliable standards
uncalibrated, but at a heart rate of say 10 beats min"1, each cycle of .
Heartysions Vol 1
Apr 2014 · 879
"No Bargain; No Ills..."
Impulzez Apr 2014
No Bargain; No Ills
Her deep dark twin
ain't got a spin if she
doesn't spill, so chill
No Deals; No Seals
I'm not sorry for her
hurt, hate and hostility
I'm not the pain, never was
so don't take it out on me
I'm just not Her Beautiful
In the Wind nor Within
She wouldn't let me be
No Hunt; No Kills
She was hurt long before i came
Now a hard, cold, cynical
woman incapable of expressing
Love is a decision she can change
No Soul; No Love
Her body calls but her heart curses
I was once there; yea I really was
Clouded also in my high end darkness
Even the Deepest  Darkest agony
only goes when we let go
"he should let it go"
this is for her not for me
No Wrongs; No Worth
less I take a chill...
and utter my guilt
Yes, i did wrongs
I never meant
but we had an agreement
"let go if we don't flow"
ice don't melt on ice
from our cradle in the
Cream Castle till now
"where's the love we made"?
one rekindled after the hay
No Confidence; No Evidence
As you lay your bed ...
never test your flares and
fears in frightening ferries
No Forgiveness; No Blessedness
I can't forget nor would you
yet let it remind us how wrong we went
so we don't go down that path again
...The story from behind...
Jan 2014 · 1.9k
Impulzez Jan 2014
I go mad that I might see the world around me anew
Growing up and being taught everything even the things I fear
Yes the things I fear, love and hate… we are all first taught it all
What to fear, what to love, what to hate.. this is my understanding
Of the madness I encounter everyday…

I go mad that the world around me may accept me for a sanity’s insanity
Dressed in naked’s flesh and being glorified as the highest fad in vogue
For even my flesh feels no more shame, as Adam and Eve felt same

Oh! I go mad for the love of Steve rather Eve becoming Adam’s ribs
How beit?  “From the beginning it was not so” why make it so now
Will Jonah’s good luck bill save our nation’s repulsive ills and acts?
How long will mercy deter us from the brimstone exodus of the Gomorrah’s?

I go mad for loved ones that show love for the personal preferential from loved ones*
How much of this personal preferential love actually makes the world go round
Brothers killing brothers, how cold our love has waxed...
Jan 2014 · 532
"If only... You"
Impulzez Jan 2014
If only* my eyes never tickled when it saw you,
                                                          ­                    If only my heart beat never tripled when it sensed you,
If only my body never shivered just to feel you,
                                                          ­                         If only my hands never quivered just to touch you,
If only my nose never itched from the scent of you,
                                                                ­                             If only my soul never hungered just for you...
If only you were single, I'll tingle and mingle only with you,
                                                                ­                         We'll soar the skies far above the eagles... If only...
*If only..... you knew its only you
                                                             ­                                       Only You...
Its only you... No one but you
Jan 2014 · 642
Perfect, Perfect, Perfect..
Impulzez Jan 2014
The day we met the Angels whispered
Its nice to have someone like you in my life
that makes me smile even when you're not around.
When we are apart it feels as though my heart is breaking
When i remember the next time we'll see my heart skips a beat.
When our eyes finally meet, i loose my feet
Baby your love is so warm
it makes my Shield melt down
It makes my blood boil hot
It gets me feeling so strong
Telling you how i feel
doesn't hurt as much as not telling you at all
knowing you are deeply in love with me.
As i am with you.
Jan 2014 · 654
The Case
Impulzez Jan 2014
The case of my heart,
is the case of my life.
I can't case what i feel,
though i live in a case.
Let me start from the base,
Hold on to this.

My heart beats faster than my life….
My feet jumps the gun in a trace….
Wouldn't blame where there’s an entire flame….
Much inspiration needed for the aspiration
I chase interdependency to the base… What a Case!
Slash, dash, cash, flash, blast, much pain it’s not the same….
Ease my stress and make my case your mace
And never leave my face...
Jan 2014 · 575
"Espirit de Corps"
Impulzez Jan 2014
A view of your beauty traps me forever as your guest

A look at your crest shows you are blessed

A word from your phrase tells me you are also from the west

A quest for your heart means I’ll always be your pest

A tip of your feelings means I’ve passed the test

A thought of you lays my worried heart to rest

A taste of your wine lures me to your nest

A drop of your love keeps me always at my best
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
"All Night's Midnight"
Impulzez Jan 2014
It started one night;
We talked into the night,
Till after the midnight,
I saw the Light,
Beyond the darkest night.
Since that faithful night,
Now I want more nights.
It’s almost midnight,
Yet I can’t sleep tight.
Don’t say goodnight,
For it’s a bad night,
Because after that first night
I don’t sleep again at night.
I can’t dream light,
Nor snore right.
Sweet One of the night,
You’re all I need for a good night.
Stay with me for one more night,
Let me give you the best Night of all nights.
I’ve waited, wanted and rehearsed for this night.
Let me take you to the stars of the night,
And beyond the dark lights,
Where you’ve never been before, for after this one night,
You’ll never run away for all nights.
Fairest of the night,
Fear not one more try won’t hurt an ant.
Are you scared Beautiful One of the night?*

Its midnight
The best time
To say this rhyme
Desire I only you
Require I just you
Can’t do without you
All me want is you
For me alone its you
Anywhere I’ll go for you
Everywhere I’ll go with you
In me is only you
For I am with you
Now pray this rhyme
For it’s the best time
Cos it’s Midnight
Like that night…
Impulzez Jan 2014
What is Love to me?
Is this Love I feel?
What ignites this feeling I feel?
Am I afraid of what I feel?
Do I like what I feel?
Do I feel this feeling for Him/Her alone?
What do I like about Him/Her?
What do I love about Him/Her?
What do I love about what I feel for Him/Her?
Does this feeling shy me away from Him/Her?
Am I myself around Him/Her?
Do I always want to be around him/Her?
When I am around Him/Her what do we do?
Am I attracted to Him/Her or do I just like Him/Her?
Is it Him/Her that loves me?
Do I love Him/Her?
Are we friends
Who likes who?
What do I want from Him/Her?
What makes me love Him/Her?
Can I do without Him/Her?
Can I go out of my way to do anything for Him/Her?
Have we not been blinded by romance and ***?
Can we do without touching each other yet we see each other for a month?
What happens to me when we don’t see for a month?
Must I have Him/Her?
Can I love Him/Her even when I have 1000 reasons not to?
Do I trust him/her?
Do I trust myself around him/her?
Do I share my secrets with Him/Her?
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
**Death's Dancing**
Impulzez Jan 2014
Strangers by day and lovers by night,
you can’t make your heart feel something it won’t.
I am alive, yet I’m dying.

Dancing looks right through me. Dancing round in circles,
creating like minds that desire to stand by me,
for all I want to do is dance.
Someone asks what death has got to do with it.
Yet I see the true color as I whirl and swing my image.
Inventing the future wouldn’t be a problem.

Things stand *****.
Thank you for the thrill not the standing ovation.
All I want to do is dance not die.
Just the way a discovery can change your life
a mistake can alter it.

Are these the best days of my life?
How do I convince you
that seeing through my eyes aint natural for me
but my steps don’t show it,
even as my passion relinquishes the spotlight?

Yes, the spotlight.
Am I going to die or am I dead?
I have been dancing too long to die now.
No, I have been dying too long to dance now.
Dance has an appointment with death.

Pouring on the dance floor; aspiring to reveal what I feel.
I think I just have to go further to be seen clearer.
20 bucks I say you don’t feel my pain
yet you read my aim, seeking my name.
What I am isn’t what you need.

When the music plays everyone knows its time to dance,
everyone wants to dance with me.
How many of you don’t want to have some fun?
When the sun goes down,
how many of you would want to die with me?

The feet lead in dancing.
They trust each other.
They dance together & die together.
You dance with me but won’t die with me.
I am dying yet I’m dancing.
Impulzez Nov 2013
It was just a Kiss
It was a fellas hangout
Why I refused? Still don't know
We were all there, ballers and players
Ian was always there, behind
Never fails to appear a Lover
Tonight she is a drunkard
No hold backs; No barrier
"How long Adelaide, how long?"
You can't kiss me in public
I am not your side-chick
No more , No more, NO!
I've done it all, everything
Come dear can we go home
We can talk about this at ....
******* Adelaide! Sit down
These are your friends, aren't they?
Tell them who i am to you NOW!
She's now the Boss, I get Bossed
For your information, giggles!
I'm pregnant and I'm not terminating
Oh! Baby... Don't baby me...
Gabby should have kept quiet
'Hm-mm Sorry can i excused?"
Shut the **** up Gabriel!
Are you saying you aint in this?
Giggles! NG Gabby has a child ...
"What! SLAP! Jeez! ***!
Its enough Ian! SLAP! Silence
Long silence.....
Tears, agony, wailing, pleadings
Guess its more than just a kiss
It always is Stupid...
Ian and Adelaide got married 6 months after.... Please don't try this unknowingly, it doesn't always work...
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
"I call it Love"
Impulzez Oct 2013
From the depths of the heart
The mouth speaks
Says the Holy Book
From the tunnel of the Impulzez
Thy fingers scribbles
Says Me
Spurn the wheel and the thread knits
As the niddle picks and the fingers oversees
Hard ground kills all seeds
Hard ground; the sower's serial killer
Hard Heart; the lover's impulse killer
A touch, a word, a thought, a scent
A hug, a smile, a Hi, a cry, a tear
I may scribble a billion words
Which may not tender your sores
I may love a billion times
It still may not tender your woes
Its all in your heart
What you call it
Is What it becomes
I call it Love
You can't keep writting love stories and not end up a Lover...
Oct 2013 · 1.8k
Impulzez Oct 2013
Everytime they fight
Everytime they quarell
Today they talked well
Its like that sometimes
Its like a war other times
I wish they never hurt
But how do they curse
If they never talked
Sometimes its Love
Sometimes its Not
Don't get me wrong
I don't know their thots
I wish they knew their wants
Say they believed in Shadows
They would never be in the dark
Say they believed in fixing
They would have fixed their flaws
Before the rising of many dawns
For friendship; For Love sake
For the Future friends love
No heart loves alone
Trust alone assures more
Love wasn't just enough
In the night dreams don't sleep
In the day Shadows don't hide
"Goodnite love" echoes
"Goodnite dear" beckons
I'll leave them for tonight
For all I see are Shadows
Aug 2013 · 979
"Love War"
Impulzez Aug 2013
A fighting feeling, only felt, in my nervous tree, from the air I breathe which becomes hotter and faster, speeding up the pumping of O2, within me, giving my blood a chase from my pump factory to every branch and stem of this nervous plant, feeding each one charmingly, leaving them spelled.
Perhaps better said Possessed.
My eye's can't but show how I feel"
Thereby revealing my weakness
This I fight always because I gat to be the Girl with the jazz not the Girl possessed with his bass
Oh! What a feeling!
I war against it, but I love it, and never want it to stop fighting me
A Love War not a seduction; a battling feeling that keeps me going
How long is it going to continue? I don't want again...
Oh no please don't stop
For how long?
As long as my flag is not put down
As long as I'm not out of fighting emotions
As long as I never get hurt again
As long as I'm not with you when I'm weak

The best way to reaffirm your feelings
For each other and end the Love War
Is simply spend time together
Doing what each other loves or
Simply doing nothing together
What matters most is being
Aug 2013 · 861
"Where's the Love We made?"
Impulzez Aug 2013
We had just made love
I left for shorts
Came back as promised and longed
I'm back to where we made love
but there's no love made by us
I thought we made some in the sheets
who took the sheets
I thought we rubbed it all over our skins
who bleached it
looking around the corner
everywhere is empty,
Ran up the the banister  
No where to be found
Waited till night fall
Asked the DJ for the love we made
'The dancing floor is empty'
No love left to dance
I remember we left some there
Where's the love we made
These sheets don't smell again of it
who cleaned out all our love
Wheres the warmth we shared
It was in a room high up in the cream castle
I'm there and there's no love
none left; none kept
What's our love's worth?
I looked to rekindle the flame
'Wish you were here'
quickly, briefly and strong
the light was cut out
I'm not hurt... I am just not lost
I just want to know
Wheres the love we made
Reminiscing on the Love we made...
Aug 2013 · 2.7k
'Love is an Illusion'
Impulzez Aug 2013
my senses are distorted; thanks to what i feel
my senses are gained; thanks to what i did
my senses are directed; thanks to what i believe
a perceived belief; unseen impressions of reality
you cannot have what you don't give
a kind gesture given unconditionally always births a seed
what was taken from you may never be returned
it may never be gotten again, forget it, let it go
another one would come, when it comes like an illusion
what you believe, say, do to that illusion would either
recreate another illusion or birth a reality
illusions are like the air we breath
stop breathing and you die
breath in a polluted environment and you get sick
Love is an Illusion
what have you done to make your illusion a reality
keep loving it goes round always it will come to you
Love your illusion and your real love will be birth
don't fight love you'd just be punching the air
love Love, that's all it takes to transform it
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
"Angels in the Sun"
Impulzez Aug 2013
I sat to write to better your countenance
to uplift your spirit for you were moody
However I found myself professing my impulses
confessing my feelings
Your flame is for the lucky bulky ones
yet I'm blessed with your burning fire
To feel your well tanned beautiful,
so soft looking skin in silky slide would be volcanic
Your lips are for purple satin love
that only flows from royal *******
Your tan is as Angels in the Sun
Even Angels woo you
Your hidden priceless treasure deep beneath
rouses upon the blouse undone by macho and sapphic
innate peculiarities, best known over a length of time
Your awesomeness leaves many a dummies
pondering on your wonders of nature that glows
beyond this world
Your sexiness sweetens the aura around you
creating the hot halo feeling that envelopes you
Your attraction is spell bound
i couldn't help but be addicted to you
Words from your lips hypnotize my feet and thinking
giving me a better feeling
just like seeing an Angel in the Sun that you are.
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
"Ala Adéifé"
Impulzez Feb 2013
Adéifé, I can't wait to kiss your lips, suckle on your ****, tease them till you ease, as I undress your hips down to your feet, slightly stroking your thighs as it heats, holding you from behind so your sweetbutt hardens me up more, squeezing your ******* as I swing you around and planting kisses on them as I lay you down afar a feet... Gush! You are sweet!  Spreading your legs, my fingers alova your heated body that pleases, I'm not at ease... I can't wait to slowly **** you, till your body vibrates and you can't breath, yet I won't stop till you beg me please... Mo ti lala awa ri; deadly & sweet...
Giving you multiple pleasures, ******* tensions is one thing I promise... Last images of your *******, your waist, your hips and your twists turns me on right now, thoughts of me holding you in my hands boils me up...  Fowo kan mii, Touch me
That moment when I slightly slowly hungrily and desirably enter you is a moment my body longs for... Kpe oruko mii, Call my name
I want to hold your waist from behind from dusk to dawn, turn you around and around as we passionately devour our cravings... In arms tight, breast to Chest, bodies kissing, intimate moaning, lips gaping, our shapes sardined, oiled with tensed sweats & breaths... Gush! Your *******! Jeka sere... Lets play.... Your eyes staring down at me as we echo, mime, duet and pitch our hearts' music and song in climaxes never felt... Till that awesome moment of nothing else existing but we and what we feel...
Aah Gush!
This is the best way i can explain what i dreamt of that faithful night
Nov 2012 · 726
My Lips
Impulzez Nov 2012
She paints her lips
With just lip gloss

She twists her hips
With a natural toss

She loves to tease
With a humble fuss

She makes me freeze
With an Arctic force

She’s like the breeze
With an unknown course

Beautiful as she is
Her heart never deceives

Refreshing as she is
She’s strong like a horse

Beautiful as she breathes
She cares like a nurse

With all her feat
She loves my lips

She teases my tips
Just to make me believe

She touches my lips
With tender caresses

She paints my lips :-P
With so much kisses

She kisses my lips :-*
With all she feels

She loves my lips
Like it was she’s
Nov 2012 · 822
In the Nite
Impulzez Nov 2012
In The Nite

Kisses under the moonlite

Creating shadows in the darknite

Singing Luvsongs after the Sunlite

Rhythmed on the sounds of beings of this nite

Clinging unto memories of all nites

Whistling tunes echoed before the Sunlite

Speaking to the unseen images of the sacred lite

Humming truluv’s music for all nites

Sequenced along the sound of this guitarist

Making sweetluv under the Starlite

Holding unto cleavages of my naked site

Kissing goodbye to the full lite

Wishing you the best of the daylite

Till we see again

In the nite
Nov 2012 · 832
Fountain of My Love
Impulzez Nov 2012
Springing forth endlessly
Are the many sparks
Of My Sensational Impulses
In billion droplets

Splitter in drains
Countless as grains
So high as the rains
Un-Washable as stubborn stains

Day and Night
Wild exciting pains
Pump out a continuous
Sprayed supply jetted

Through the Ornamental
Structural source of my
Innumerable emotional feelings
Rooted in boundless

Ocean of passion
A River of emotion
You forever are the
Fountain of my Love
Nov 2012 · 704
Addicted hales
Impulzez Nov 2012
My head is on fire
I’m running on water
I’m flying but
Can’t pass the ceiling

It feels so good
I’m breathless from this feeling
Talking to a million people
With a billion voices has never felt so, so great

I see you in a million reflections
Responding in a billion reactions
Time after time I keep changing my mind
But I still can’t get myself over you

You get me feeling so high
I believe I’m in sky
Voices echoing just like yours
Faces flashing just like yours
Scents smelling just like yours
My nervous system can’t stop vibrating

This Addict is in love
Like Smokers who never
Remember their days of resistance
I can’t remember ever wishing
I wasn’t feeling this way
You alone lift and elevate
My emotional status
From the real to the imaginary
Height of realms

From a crisp rub with my thumb
To a careful sieve of the shafts
A cutting of a sizeable wrap
To package it all before
Flaming it up
A drag, an inhalation
That assures of all

This Addict is out of control
Wanting nothing but more and more
Like I never knew your love
It’s beyond my certainty
It’s my hormones and cells
Flowing in my blood stream
That just can’t get enough of you
Like a bad habit
I can’t stop loving you
I don’t need a tattoo
To let the world
Know you are always on my mind
I'm already addicted to you
Nov 2012 · 2.7k
"Sounds of Sough"
Impulzez Nov 2012
Beyond the butterfly feelings

In the whirlwind of our intimacy
A full option sensual desire
Distance distancing distance
All at once till we hit the ******
The zenith of pleasures and feels
Like the breakthrough of Miracles
Sounds of Soughs, ex and in hales
Hot Moments of breathlessness
Scratches of speechlessness
Mouth agape, dead-in-moments
long squeezes, short grips, sweats
Body vibrating, breath whispering
Emotions revealing, turn ons
Passions imploding, hard ons
Intense kinetic motions of kardias
Slippery shining fleshy mammalians
Till the moment of implosion: ******
That sweet ecstasy moment when
all that exists is what you feel
Nov 2012 · 2.9k
Virgo's Creamy Dream
Impulzez Nov 2012
I wouldn't tease yet please strings
attached to feelings knits; fitted kit
Threaded girt; my seamless fill...
Legal my pedals; Tender my renders
In blossoming bloom I oath my feels
You blow my blue to life's true & truth
Its more than one Virgo's cream; sweets
Just wanna hold you till the sun is blue
Its all about a Virgo's creamy dream
Virgo, cream, dream,

— The End —