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Out of all the things that my grandfather taught me, the advice that I will remember the most is: everything in this world is possible; everything that you can dream about can be achieved.
For you to reach your goals, live your dreams and be successful in life, you have to dedicate yourself and never give up.
It will not be easy to get wherever you want to go but it’s not impossible.
It will take time but you have to be patient and you must believe in yourself.
You cannot be afraid to be different from everyone else, this world seeks change, and if you work hard, you can be that change.
You will have to fight harder as the days go by for what you truly love and care about.
The world needs warriors who would go out their way to please and help others get through life.
You have to be good to others, but be greater to yourself.
You have to love others, but you must love yourself first.
I, personally, have to stop being afraid to love the people that I love.
I don’t know what it feels like to put my heart out there and give it to the ones that love me. I don’t know what it feels like to have my heart broken by the one I thought would never fail me.
But I do know that to love feels good and to be loved feels greater.
I know what it feels like when your best friend chooses something else over you.
I know what it feels like to let him walk away from me, from someone who would go out her way to do anything for him. Just to make him happy and please him.
I know what it feels like to see him everyday,
Walk by him and after everything,
After every advice,
After every smile shared,
After every well-spent time,
After loving each other unconditionally…
I know what it feels like to feel nothing at all.
I know what it feels like to not care at all.
I know what it feels like to be happy and loved again.
Started writing this in the beginning of freshman year in high school,
Finished writing it in the beginning of freshman year in college
Since my life has changed very much...
I am from VapoRub,
From Goya
And morisoñando.
I am from the traffic
And loud horns,
From the Caribbean heat,
And the city lights,
From the buildings
And the towers.
I am from the palm trees
And the coconut trees,
Dancing bachata
And merengue
In the beach,
From yaniqueque
Y plátano,
From tostones
And fish.
I am from Sunday gatherings
And loud family members,
From Jose, Maria, and Primos,
And the hardworking
Payamps clan.
I am from the
Madera’s baseball team,
From Canó, Sosa, y Ortiz,
From the long summer rides
To ***** Cana
And Samana’s beach.
From “work hard
Cause life is not easy”
And “family before friends.”
From Christianity
And Saturday morning sermons,
From God is good
And He brings joy.
I am from Santo Domingo
And Monción,
From Santiago
And Spanish ancestors,
From mangú con salami,
From rice and beans.
From the grandpa
Who owns the village
Surrounded by
Chickens, cows, and bulls,
From the business owner
And the well known uncles
In my hometown.
I am from the only flag
With a bible.
From the red, blue
And white.
From the most beautiful
Island in the Caribbean,
From Quisqueya y
I am from the
Dominican Republic,
The country that holds
The people I love and
Miss the most.
I am from the
Little Paris box
I keep next to my bed,
Filled with precious
Gifts and letters
That make me feel
A little closer
To them.
a little background
así como la lluvia toca la tierra
en un dia soleado.
así llegaste a mi vida:

así como el arco iris
abraza el cielo con sus colores.
así llegaste a mi vida,
para pintar mis dias.

así como llegaste aquel 25 de Agosto
a robarle un pedacito de corazón a tus padres.
así has llegado a mi vida,
a robarte mi alma entera.
for a special someone.
Too many people have asked me
The same question,
So many times:
“What do you want to do when you grow up?”
I always respond:
“I don’t know”

But this,
This is what I do know.

When I write,
I feel free.
I love the feeling
Of simply
I can write
So little,
So much.
I can write
What cannot be spoken,
What cannot be imagined.
Its like a rudder,
It leads me to different worlds,
Worlds where I find
Where I find myself.
My pains,
My problems,
My evils,
It all goes away.
When my pencil
Kisses my paper,
It feels like magic.
I don’t know its gender
She is my friend.
He is my friend.

I don’t know much,
But this is what I do know;

I want to keep writing.
Until words cannot be written,
Until words cannot be spoken,
Until words cannot be sang,
Until words cannot be pronounced,
Until words cannot be spelled.

I will always keep writing.
there is beauty in writing.
sometimes i'm not in the mood.
i just want to run away,
somewhere quiet,
somewhere peaceful,
where i can lie down on the grass,
listen to music
    and watch the sun go down.
sunset lake.
for every tear
that slides across my face
a smile is preparing
to bloom in it’s place.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
if you wish to know
where my heart is
run to the mountains.
climb them,
until you reach
the top.
go where the clouds
brush against the
mountain’s peak.
where the terrestrial
reaches up to the eternal,
trying to meet.
there is where you’ll find
my very heart and soul,
for there is where
they are
much closer
to home.
because this world is not my home.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
 Aug 2017 Gaby Comprés
maybe some day
we’ll get the courage to tell the people we love
how we feel
but that day is not today
there’s this danger
that tomorrow may never come
that there are too many things
we leave on the side
and save for a rainy day
that we push onto a shelf
and bookmark for later
and the words never come pouring out
but stay quiet and hidden in the dark
and maybe it’s for the best
but then we never realize
that these words could have meant something
to someone
that maybe they could’ve changed one thing
a little thing
that meant a whole lot
that maybe they just needed
a little push
an ounce of support
a single word
to lift the load day by day
and maybe we should have taken the words off the shelf
and given them away day by day
left little bits and pieces
on tabletops and car windows
on seat cushions and blankets
on television screens and corkboards
on billboards on the way to work
and traffic signs on the way home
on arms and hands and cheeks and chests
things that accumulated day by day
and made someone feel a little less heavy
and a whole lot more loved
but the truth is
every day goes from hours till dark
to minutes
to seconds
to moments that drift away and slip off our fingers
and before we know it
the sun has set
the lights have gone out
the birds have gone to sleep
and the moment has past
“there’s always tomorrow”
we say
but what if the load gets too heavy?
what if it breaks their back?
what if everything comes crashing down a little too soon
and it won’t take a little word to fix it?
what if you open up the jar on the shelf
and find that the words you’ve saved up
are no longer enough?
what then?
what then

yes, you read right.


i don’t know if
is a poetic thing
to say.
but i don’t care.

i’ll say it
a thousand times


these three letters
that stand for
human frustration.

these three letters
that symbolize
a journey that will end
in a triumphant

because if there is defeat, then there is also victory.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
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