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 May 2014 Syafiqah
Bea De Vera
Happiness is a tub of ice cream
Waiting to be eaten
Not some cute love story
Where every word was sweet

Happiness is reading a book
Waiting for each exciting chapter
Not some confession
Where every word is so predictable

Happiness is a teddy bear
Waiting to be cuddled every night
Not some bouquet of flowers
Where everyday was a life sentence

Happiness is spending time with friends
Waiting everyday to hang out
Not some time with a guy
Wherein you can't define him just as happiness

Cause he's not just your happiness,
He's your everything
Dedicated to my friends :)
 May 2014 Syafiqah
Lady Ju
Let me whisper to you gently with the rays of my heart
Two interconnected souls that will never depart

The way you touch me without the sense of touch
No one would believe the power of this rush

That drives deep into my body
Like shock waves of a sting gun
Miles apart but your heart's rays still stung

I'm caught
Like a fish after bait
I tried to swim back but i'll admit it's too late

Oh the language of love
And I'm fluent when it comes to you
-Lady Ju
 May 2014 Syafiqah
Frustrated; my mind unreeling
How my soul craves the feeling

My very blood rushes, coursing.
Flesh burning, crawling, scorching.

To be desired, felt, and held
Fingers whispering all words withheld  

All before believed fictitious
Reality found between these kisses

The sweet peace of after thought
My breath gone; all of it you sought

My eyes only into yours, do stare
Even in my dreams, eternally, I swear

Long distance relationship
 May 2014 Syafiqah
 May 2014 Syafiqah
I think the world discovered hatred
And forgot the brilliant affections
…terrified of the exquisite
Keen and quick to judge
Society is parched
Kindness is viewed as atrocious
Love is ******
My sagacious mind is spinning
Anxious in silence
Life is precious
Blinded by your surroundings
Relax, always leave your mind spotless
Be immaculate
Be vivacious
And be adored.

Like the time you talked to me,
Made a friend when I had none.
Made me smile.

Like the time you said hello,
Complemented when I was down.
Made me laugh.

Like the time you asked how I was,
Cared when I was alone.
Made me cry.

Like the time you gave me time,
Listened well when I told all.
Made me trust.

Like the time you held my heart,
Gave comfort when I had none.
Made me hope.

Like the time you cracked a joke,
Laughing hard when I felt gone.
Made me live.

Like the time you ran with me,
Running fast when I cried stop.
Made me go.

Like the time you looked at me,
Mistakes made when I needed help.
Made me heal.

Like the time you asked me,
Invited when I felt lost.
Made me found.

Because you were there,
Because you were willing,
Because you cared,
Because you left a footprint,
*Because I am changed.
Pelmatogram Definition: A footprint
 May 2014 Syafiqah
 May 2014 Syafiqah
I try to hate you with all of my will
my body fights back with
the tightening of my throat,
tries to sabotage me by
flooding my body with tears,
and twisting knots in my abdomen
too tight for rage to escape
my voice comes out in hushed tones
not forceful enough to show anger
I think I should hate you with all of my will
*my body won't let me
 May 2014 Syafiqah
circus clown
 May 2014 Syafiqah
circus clown
my heart still
s                              s
w                     g
i       n
with the innocence
of a little girl
on my first love's
old, but i can't push it out of my head lately.
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