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501 · Apr 2016
Isabelle Apr 2016
The word love, will only have a meaning
If it will come to you darling
I know nothing.
500 · Apr 2018
Isabelle Apr 2018

a fatal hemorrhage
blood blood blood
hurt hurts the heart
but the patient poet
is still breathing, alive
blood dripping
draining her out
but she’s a fighter and so
she bleed words instead
the page is almost full
but still a hemorrhage of words
continuously pours out
from her jaded soul and broken heart
499 · Oct 2017
With your words..
Isabelle Oct 2017
Call me pretty
Call me silly
Adore me
Glorify me

Hug me
Hold me
Keep me
Love me

Write me
Make love to me
Write me more
Undress me
Undress me with your words

Call me lovely
Call me ****
Worship me
Cherish me

Kiss me
Lick me
**** me
Melt me

Write me
Make love to me
Write me more
Undress me
Undress me with your words
Inspired by Michael Faudet's Undress Me.
495 · Nov 2018
for my Lola in heaven
Isabelle Nov 2018
i watched you slipped away
slowly taken away by time
the morning
you died in my arms
i didn’t know i could die
a million times
i miss you everyday
sleep now my love
close your eyes
when you open them
no pain, no tears
you’ll be in paradise
sleep now my love
i’ll watch over the night
when you perish
by the morning light
i’ll sing you a lullaby
493 · Jul 2018
perfect mess
Isabelle Jul 2018
you are an expert at sorry
and i’m a master of forgiveness
ohh together baby
we make a perfect mess
perfect combination
492 · Dec 2016
Isabelle Dec 2016
*I am free,
Yet I am dumb
What do I do with this freedom?
492 · Apr 2016
Isabelle Apr 2016
An angel and a devil
A sinner and a saint
She's a painting- black and white
Innocence tainted with darkness
Broken wings, horns starting to grow
Angelic smiles turning into a devil's grin
Her glow starts to fade
Eyes were dead
Consumed by chaos
She turns into a monster

*All because she's seen humanity
488 · Apr 2017
10 Words
Isabelle Apr 2017
Foolish heart, hear my warning
Stop before you start falling
Entry for day 17.
484 · Sep 2016
Poetry to the rescue..
Isabelle Sep 2016
Amidst the intensive review,
Poetry is to the rescue

How I miss writing!
Gawd. Still a CPA in transit, 27 days left before the actual exams.. Praying to pass the licensure exam..
483 · Nov 2018
love of my life
Isabelle Nov 2018
love of my life
let me be your
eternal shadow not
your temporary sunshine
love of my life
my queen, my lifeline
my love for you
is within every breath
of this lifetime
with reference and permission from the very kind Yue :) read her wonderful poem here
Isabelle Aug 2018
lay me in bed of flowers
i want roses- white, yellow, and blue
i also want a red dress
put me a make up with shades of blue

keep the lights on
i want my place bright
sing me my favorite song
don’t leave me at night

let my friends- fake and real
say all the nice things
let my family cry and feel
all the sadness and loss that stings

mourn, mourn for me
give me your best cry
say you’ll remember me
with eyes of jeopardy

but on my last day here on earth
don’t make me feel that i’ve lost to death
instead please tell the afterlife
that i’ll bring sunshine and light
481 · Feb 2018
Post Valentine
Isabelle Feb 2018
Post Valentine

*the flowers i gave you yesterday
will soon wither
the chocolates, the teddy bear
will soon lose its hype
the love letters, these poems
will be kept in a box
but darling, my love for you
will never fade, will never be locked up
it will forever blossom
it will forever linger, in me, in you
in us, a love that lasts..
478 · Aug 2019
colors || love
Isabelle Aug 2019
hues of golden sun
blankets of prismatic clouds
colors of our love
477 · Jul 2016
Towards You..
Isabelle Jul 2016

I burnt the bridge to never cross again
I drew a line between us

Yet unknowingly the bridge was built again
And the line was meant to be crossed again

There and back again
You'll see me

Passing the bridge towards you
Crossing the line between us

Only to come back to you..

Because I can't turn away...
476 · Jan 2019
love like a wind
Isabelle Jan 2019
some love
like a zephyr
gentle, it will make you feel it
some love
like a gust
sudden, it will make you sway
but my love
oh my love for you darling
like a whirlwind
dangerous, powerful
it will blow you away
#14 Love Like A Wind,
gentle, until it sways you
until you’re blown away
474 · Apr 2017
Isabelle Apr 2017
Great about the net?
Is I get to stalk my crush
Get some pics and blush :)
Entry for day 7. Super late post :)
472 · Nov 2017
Tell me
Isabelle Nov 2017
Tell me
The first time you met
How your stomach spinned
How the butterflies danced

Tell me
The first time you talked
How you fidgeted on your own
How you stuttered with every word

Tell me
The first time you touched
How your senses aroused
How your heart wanting to burst

Tell me
The first time you dated
How the billion of stars aligned
How the lovely moon smiled

Tell me
The first time you kissed
How time momentarily stopped
How magical, ephemeral it felt

Tell me
The first time he forgot
How betrayed you felt
How petty it seemed

Tell me
The first drop of tear
How you tried to wipe it away
How you acted okay

Tell me
The first time he lied
How hard you cried all night
How you forgave the next light

Tell me
The first time you fight
How he screamed so loud
How you hide like a child

Tell me
The first time he tried to break up
How your heart almost stopped
How you shamelessly begged

Tell me
The first time he walked away
How you cried in despair
How heart broken you've been

Tell me
The first sign of fading away
How the fire slowly loses it’s spark
How the story unfolds a twisted plot

Now tell me
How nights were so long, sleepless
How tears were almost blood
How dumb and numb and doomed it felt

Now tell me
How you handled the pain
How you remain “in-sane”
How you stitched every broken part

Now tell me
How time has nothing to do with it
How moving on was so hard
A state of mind, a choice

Now tell me
The moment you let go
The moment you forgive
The moment you walked away

-of memories
-the people specially him
-from the past, the pain

Now tell me
How freeing it felt
How the burden was lifted
How the heart was relieved

Now tell me
The moment you smiled again
The wicked grin “i’m over it”
The moment you’re living again

Now tell me, after him
The first smile
The first life
Ahh, much sweeter, better, genuine

Now tell me
That you learned a great deal
That you are stronger than before
That “first love” will always be special

Now that you’ve told me your story
I know, i know, you’re over it..
At some point in our lives
we need to be broken just to be whole again. First love will always be beautiful..

Surprising that i was able to write this long one, right now, while at work :p
471 · Aug 2018
Isabelle Aug 2018
i lost to lust
and let it win
now i feed myself
between your legs
hell indulgence
tastes like heaven
let it consume me
until i’m done
471 · Oct 2018
lost together
Isabelle Oct 2018
i’ll pull you out
of the blackhole
and if ever it swallows me
love, isn’t it beautiful
that together, we’ll get lost
in infinities?
471 · Dec 2018
Isabelle Dec 2018
let’s unwrap the gift of love...
Merry Christmas to y’all!
Unwrap the greatest gift, then share it to everyone, let’s make this world a little happier, merrier with our gift of genuine love!
471 · Jul 2016
Find Me...
Isabelle Jul 2016
And in a sea of people
You will search for me
That every girl you see
You'll wish it was me

That every eyes you stare
You'll wish it was my glare
That every smile you make
You'll wish its for me to take

That every girl you kiss
You'll compare my luscious lips
That every hand you hold
Will all feel cold

You will look for me in the crowd
You will miss the warmth of my hug
You will search my scent in every girl
You will crave the times we had spent together

You will find traces of me in every girl
But you will never find another me
And I promise you that
You will never find another me

And I promise that every time you will think of me, you will wish you should not have let me go..
468 · Apr 2016
It Cost Her Heart
Isabelle Apr 2016
Piece by piece she picked herself up
Glued each broken parts, until she's whole again
There are holes and cracks
But still, she's functional
Soon her soul will recover
Soon her wounds will heal

And when the healing process is over
She will be the best version of herself
Braver, a stronger one, unbreakable
No more rivers of tears
No more sad lullabies
No more breaking hearts

Yes she will recover,
But her heart will turn into a stone
She will never be the same gain.
468 · Nov 2016
Isabelle Nov 2016
"There are only two kinds of people in our town. The stupid and the stuck."*
― Kami Garcia, Beautiful Creatures
Between stupid and stuck.
465 · Apr 2017
Isabelle Apr 2017
We live, only to perish in the end
We die, to celebrate the life we had

Life takes away things from us
Death takes away our lives

It's a chain, a cycle
Feeding one another

Give and take, but in the end
It's just the same
It's just the same.
465 · Apr 2017
Isabelle Apr 2017
A haiku a day
Keeps my sanity at bay
A refreshing way
Haikus are lovely :)
464 · Jan 2018
New Year
Isabelle Jan 2018
in between the ending
and this new beginning
lies an infinity of unknown
afraid maybe, but still
brave enough to take chances
say goodbye to all the “what ifs”
make a step, cast all doubts

my yearly mantra: no more resolutions, just start making actions..
Happy New Year everyone
461 · Aug 2017
Carnal Solution
Isabelle Aug 2017
Write down the lines
Then burn it with the lies
Shut the mouth that sins
Seal it with a kiss
Bodies collided
The heat cannot be denied
Let lust consume me
To forget what he’s done to me
It was meant to end in fight
But naked in dimlight
When did it became a habit
To let our bodies speak
Instead of listening to our heartbeats?
I guess I can't desist
My desire for you I insist
And it's stronger than your sins
Yeah, watever comes my mind.
Late for work. Ugh.
460 · Jun 2018
a little light
Isabelle Jun 2018
there’s a little light
peeking through
the small crack
enough to create
a spark, a fire
that will finally
set her free
and make her shine
458 · Sep 2016
It Cost Her Heart
Isabelle Sep 2016
*Piece by piece she picked herself up
Stitched each broken parts
Until she's whole again
There are holes and cracks
Marks and scars
But still, she's functional

Soon her tears will dry
Soon her soul will recover
Soon her wounds will heal

And when the healing process is over
She will be the best version of herself
That nobody expects her to be
Braver, stronger
Nobody can ever hurt her
Nobody can ever break her

Yes she will
She will recover
But she will be untouchable
Emotions will never consume her
And her heart
Her heart will turn into a stone
It cost her heart.
Revised old poem.
454 · May 2016
Going out! (Haiku)
Isabelle May 2016
Going out today
Summery air on my hair
Beating the hot sun
Out for today. Meet up with a friend :) Sa bahay pa lang pawis na, grabe ang init!
453 · Jan 2019
#29 Eternity
Isabelle Jan 2019
oh darling
we’ll be bones and ashes
before we reach
our overrated
Isabelle Jul 2016
You cannot give what you do not have

So don't offer me the stars
Don't even bother to catch the moon
Or steal the sun

You cannot give what you do not have

So don't promise me a garden of roses
Don't even tell me you'll climb the highest mountains
Or swim the deepest oceans

You cannot give what you do not have

So don't tell me you'll write poems for me
Don't even adore me with your words
Or ****** me with your wordplay

You cannot give what you do not have*

So don't dare offer me your love
Don't even dare to give me your love
For I know, she still have your heart
You still love her, I knew..
450 · May 2016
Isabelle May 2016
I paused for a while, but everything around me didn't stop
I paused, but the time didn't even bother to stop
I just want to hibernate. Pause button in life please.
Isabelle Apr 2016
Things take time, but time takes things.. ~unknown*

When I was a child
I always wanted to grow up fast
But now, feels like I'm in the wild
Lost in the world so vast

Growing old, adding numbers to my life
Afraid to be an adult and it's strife
They say age brings wisdom
But I~ just getting dumb

I am moving
Yet I go nowhere
I do not know if I'm improving
Or if I'm off to somewhere

Turning 22 isn't a big deal
But why does it terrifies me?
The idea of life getting more real
Transition to adulthood I can not see

Maybe I'm not yet ready
of a bigger world and responsibilities
Because my feet aren't always steady
and unsure of my abilities

I was not innocent
and definitely not immature
But I always face an awkward predicament
Because my life, is constantly unsure

Yes, 22 is not young, but not too old enough
to have a clear mind and smart tongue
So I just have to shrug this feeling of rough
And enjoy the feeling of young

Age and time, we could not defy
So as life and its formula
Running out of time, is a big lie
And age is nothing but a numeral

Age and time, definitely
Does not define maturity, nor brings wisdom
And I couldn't tell much, technically
Because, as I've said, I still lack in wisdom
Decisions and choices.. Ugghhh.. Career over anything right now???
444 · May 2016
Isabelle May 2016
As I sat,
and watch the clock
tik tok, tik tok
a visitor knocks

Soon as I opened the door
Loneliness steps on the floor
I welcomed him just like before
For he's always there to watch for

Loneliness is consistent
Loneliness is loyal
Loneliness is a friend
Loneliness is always there
I maybe be alone most of the times, but I don't always feel lonely..
443 · Oct 2018
Isabelle Oct 2018
there is familiarity
in being lost
there is freedom
in isolation
i’m not scared anymore
trust me, there is comfort
in not being found
the familiarity in being lost..
442 · May 2019
belle 05
Isabelle May 2019
you love too much, you give too much
so much of yourself you’re giving away
no matter what, with nothing in return
but you my belle, despite of everything
despite of how much you pour yourself
you never run out, you never go empty
oh my sweetest bella
you are my definition of bella ame
a heart full of love
will never go empty

bella loves
442 · Jun 2016
Pieces of you..
Isabelle Jun 2016
*Cut open my head
And you'll see
My mind is full of thoughts of you.

Remove my thoughts of you
My brain wouldn't function well
My mind isn't complete then

Cut open my chest
And you'll see
My heart is made of pieces of you

Remove the pieces of you
My heart will skip a beat then
My heart will die then
You will always find pieces of you in me... Removing you is equal to killing me..
440 · Feb 2018
Isabelle Feb 2018
she’s afraid to scratch
the itch in her heart
afraid of what might come leaking out
afraid that it might be love
afraid that it will bleed her out
i have decided to leave work and have some music time, as the song reaches my ears, i remembered you
438 · Jun 2018
not ours
Isabelle Jun 2018
in this lifetime
there is you and me
and once we were meant to be
but this is not our universe
and our story is a curse
and so the galaxies conspires
to take away what’s not ours — this love
this love has never been ours.
the stars that once align
to give way to our love so fine
are now falling from the sky
because we don’t anymore deserve their shine
436 · Oct 2018
my bee
Isabelle Oct 2018
you are the bee
in my garden
i let you sting
my honey nectar
now i drip with
sugary words
dripping in my stem
your hunger
triggers my thirst
so you **** until
my last petal falls
436 · Oct 2017
Isabelle Oct 2017
They say that I deserve a love that comes back
   Like waves, both strong and calm
     it always return to where it belongs
     it’s first love, the shore
   Like raindrops that hits the ground
     that flows back to oceans
     then soon returns to sea of clouds
   Like the seasons that change
     from spring to summer, autumn to winter
     consistent yet seasonal

They say that I deserve a love that comes back
It’s beautiful, promising, but I don’t want it

I want a love that stays
Not the waves who leaves
Not the raindrops that evaporates
Not the flowers that withers
Not the one that falls
Not the sunny then rainy
Not the cold then warm

I want a love that stays
A kind of love that doesn’t go anywhere
A kind of love that lasts
A kind of love that we all deserve
Raw, first draft. Just need to write this down before the idea fades away. What about a love that comes back and stays? Sounds better? I don't know. Just another cheesy not cheesy 5minute poem because I am too tired to sleep.
435 · Oct 2017
Inspired by my 2nd Hike
Isabelle Oct 2017
Be the flower amongst the grass
That blossoms like it’s always spring
Climb a mountain, touch the clouds
Feel the air in your face and hair
Soar up high, spread your wings
There’s so much beauty you’ll need to see
There’s so much in life you’ll need to live
I had my second hike last Saturday. And yes, it was so fulfilling. Nature is so stunning, breathtaking. God is the true creator.
433 · Jan 2019
tears, not smile
Isabelle Jan 2019
whenever i miss you
i close my eyes
and look at the sky
i see you staring down at me
and my tears will slowly fade into smiles
but rare are the moments like these
for most of the time, i miss you and it rains
tears, not smiles
this is how i miss you **
430 · Nov 2017
Inspired by my 3rd Hike
Isabelle Nov 2017
As the dusk kissed the dawn
the moon starts to shy away
fireflies replace the stars
lovely birds start a lively hum
gradually waking up the sleeping sun

Slowly the flowers will flourish
waiting for the first sunbeam
that will pass thru the dashing trees
inside the pale green mountain
where unfathomable beauty hides

Soon as the moon bid goodnight
cold day air is born
perfect for the orange juice sky
dancing clouds will make a way
for the mighty sun to show its might

The first strike of the light
turns everything into emerald green
the energy is renewed
and the mountain is proud
for the wonder it holds will be seen

The bushes, the trees
the insects, the animals
the flowers, the grass
the rocks, the pebbles
all live in harmony

Didn’t know such beauty exist
wonders of nature truly a gift
And only those sucker for beauty
will dare to find, such places
where magic lies
The path is muddy and bumpy
but the summit is all glory
the mountain is never lonely

Yep yep. Random words fresh from the mountain haha! Looking forward to more mountains to climb!
429 · Apr 2019
Isabelle Apr 2019
73 march 14 11:16 pm
“i have forgotten her”
he whispered to me
but my love, you don’t
you have hidden her
within your words
and fragments of your love
oh i see them in your poetry
426 · Jan 2017
In between
Isabelle Jan 2017
In between seconds and minutes,
     Lies an infinity of words we wished to say
     Are we going to leave it to the winds,
     To deliver our hearts messages?

     An instant connection, we feel it resonates
     Our eyes gave us away, screaming for attention, affection
     All the gravity in the universe
     Is pulling us towards each other

     You feel it too, are you listening?
     Will you walk through the storm of fate,
     That will lead us into each others embrace?
     I am listening, I will..
Will you walk towards me??

That one stare and you know that there is an instant connection..

Raw. First draft. I don't know where it should go.. i just feel the urge to write this.
426 · Jun 2016
Isabelle Jun 2016
When she was 5 years old,
She was made to believe that
An ice cream can make someone stop crying

When she was 10 years old,
She was made to believe that
Girls should be modest and simple

When she was 15 years old,
She was made to believe that
She's too young to fall in love

When she was 20 years old
She was made to believe that
Real life, she could not handle

Now that she was 25
She had realized that everything
She was made to believe
Were nothing but all lies and opinions

Now that she was wise enough
She realized that an ice cream wouldn't solve a problem
That women can be whatever they want to be
That falling in love was just a normal thing
That the real world is complicated but manageable

Now that she was old enough
She will never believe
Anything or anyone
Unless she had experienced it
Unless she had seen it in her own eyes

She will never believe again
Because everything she was made to believe were all lies..
I do not know where it should go. Just a first draft, i'll try to edit this one. And I am not mature enough to know it all.
426 · Mar 2019
Feb 22 2019
Isabelle Mar 2019
woman, not all lost battle
means defeat, stand still
because someday,
all the tears you shed
will bloom rainbows and gardens
in your heart, in your soul
and you will flourish
oh nothing but a beautiful blossom
425 · Dec 2016
Merry Christmas :)
Isabelle Dec 2016
Little kids are caroling
Joyful songs they are singing

Street lights are dancing
The sky is happily watching

Delicious smell, I'm inhaling
Busy houses, everyone is preparing

Sounds of gift wrapping
How nice is giving and sharing

Christmas is truly a blessing
Let us enjoy this serene feeling*

I've been so hooked with work and preparation for the holidays lately, that is why I wasn't able to read and write for quite some time.. I hope to back read all the poems I've missed lately..

And to all my poet friends here, it's better late than never, Seasons Greetings to all of you! Hope you all had a blessed season :)
Happy Holidays Hello Poetry ❤️
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