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8.5k · Sep 2018
And for you
Emma Sims Sep 2018
And for you, my heart swells like a new moon,
It beats like the sun at 1 o’clock in the afternoon.
And my blood rushes, gushes, like a warm winter shower;
My eyes gleaming, like a dewy spring flower
Feeling a little lovesick
4.9k · Jan 2015
Storm Coming
Emma Sims Jan 2015
Sea settling,
Birds flying,
Air whistling,
Storm coming.

People leaving,
Raindrops falling,
Clouds gathering,
Storm coming.

Sun hiding,
Wind howling,
Waves thrashing,
Storm coming.

Lightning striking,
Dogs cowering,
Thunder rumbling,
Storm coming.

Tree's creaking,
Lighthouse flashing,
Ships crashing,
Storm coming.

Rocks falling,
Fear heightening,
Rage frightening,
Storm coming.

River flooding,
Forest flattening,
Landscape changing,
*Storm coming.
Wrote it at school a while ago, still one of my favourites.
1.5k · Jun 2023
Emma Sims Jun 2023
Dreams are fickle beasts
They hop from eye to eye
Chasing rainbows drawn
on brain-lit black skies
found this in my drafts a short sweet poem about dreams
1.1k · Aug 2015
Emma Sims Aug 2015
I can run for miles,
My reaction time is flawless,
My aim with a gun is accurate;
But I cannot fight.

I have national pride,
A desire to defend my people,
A survivors instinct;
But I cannot fight.

I am young enough to join,
Old enough to know discipline,
Old enough to be mature;
But I cannot fight.

Being deaf kinda ***** sometimes.
There are no military jobs in the UK for people who have a hearing impairment. I used to dream of being a soldier as a kid. Cruelly ironic huh?
1.0k · Jul 2015
Emma Sims Jul 2015
I'm not used to unwarranted critique,
from dear friends or family.
Their views of me must be pretty bleak,
A **** abnormality.
With them, my relationship is pretty weak;
Merely a formality.
It feels to me like they have formed a clique,
To cure me of depravity.
Peer pressure is a cruel technique,
This is just insanity.
944 · Aug 2015
Emma Sims Aug 2015
Deadlines fast approaching,
Fingers typing,
Keyboard smoking.

Brain is a jumbled mess,
Getting stressed,
Can't perform my best.
916 · Aug 2021
Getting older
Emma Sims Aug 2021
I miss the me I used to be
I miss the things I've done
The walks, the talks
The laughing thoughts
The drinks, the intense fun
feeling nostalgic, going through the inevitable thought process that I am indeed beginning to leave my youth behind
713 · Jun 2018
Heavy in My Bones
Emma Sims Jun 2018
My body is strong,
yet something is wrong;
This feeling deep in my insides.

Coffee won't shift it,
nor will chocolate biscuits;
My skeleton is where it resides.

Deep in my tibula,
my cranium and fibula;
Every bone within my sides.

It's all in my head,
where is my bed;
I think I'll turn in for the night.
Feeling worn out and stressed lately
660 · Jan 2015
She is a woman
Emma Sims Jan 2015
Soft hair, gentle eyes
Sly tongue, little lies
She is a woman.

Curved ***, glowing skin
Cruel heart, wicked grin
She is a woman.

Fair gaze, dainty gait
Frank manner, careless trait
She is a woman.

The deduction why she doesn't love me?
An obvious reason that we can all see
She isn't being rude,
*I am a woman too.
650 · Jun 2023
A Desolate Duet
Emma Sims Jun 2023
What forlorn nights this lonesome poetry begets.
My voice, attuned to solitude, sings a desolate duet.
The only voice that answers mine is baritone regret;
and yet
I wear my words upon my head: a gaudy coronet.
sometimes on lonely evenings I will listen to/write poetry on my own, this is a poem of self reflection of these moments
644 · Aug 2015
Work Dammit
Emma Sims Aug 2015
I can hear my brain whirring.
To and fro.
Constantly swaying back and forth.
Echoes of woe.
Mental compass pointing anywhere but North.
Like one lobe is shorter than the other.
This puzzle has confounded me;
Why won't it work?
Am I such a berk?
Writing a java program and I have hit a stumbling block.
604 · Jan 2015
Silence of Sound
Emma Sims Jan 2015
Deafness isn't easy to describe,
Hard as it is, for you I will try.
Maybe I'll start with how it feels,
knowing it's my Achilles Heel.
A lead balloon wedged in my inner ear,
The argument that I couldn't hear.
I knew it couldn't be fixed, there's no logical reason.
The silence remains, completely unbeaten.
Mind, it didn't stop me from trying, I gave it my best shot.
I gave it my all, all that I'd got.
I failed. Predictable.
I floundered. Imbecile.
Resigning myself to a world of silence is the toughest thing I've done.
Without telling people they just assume I'm dumb.
I'll never hear the crickets chirping,
Or my Rabbits purring.
My imagination can only do so much for me,
You can't imagine a colour that you can't see.
527 · Mar 2015
Emma Sims Mar 2015
Dreading the end before it's begun
Obsessed with the ending endless fun
Ongoing feverishly until she tires
My own selfishly determined desires
Epitomised by a crocodile
Drowning but still volatile
526 · Aug 2015
Motivate me
Emma Sims Aug 2015
I have a whole list of things to do;
Not just for myself, but for others too.
Life is short and yet I do not care;
This is my honest truth laid bare.
Underachieving is a trait of mine;
A recurring statement, an obvious sign?
So far I'm surviving,
Not thriving.
Why won't I just do it?
519 · Jul 2022
Moving On
Emma Sims Jul 2022
How bitter it does taste,
this measly meal cooked for one.

How mirthful do those songbirds sing,
as chronic singletons.

How blithely do those bridges burn,
over waters still and stale.

How facetious do those clouds roll by,
whilst dropping rain and hail.

How withered are those wilted whims,
to laugh and dance with glee.

How broken it does bleakly beat,
my heart for all to see.
A poem from a time of heartbreak and loneliness
510 · Aug 2015
Emma Sims Aug 2015
Sometimes it just hits home doesn't it?
Bad News.
This last year has been a never ending stream of ****.
Sad News.
All these deaths surrounding me make me feel...
Quite Blue.
Now all I want to do is talk for hours,
*To You.
I just found out my uncle has terminal cancer... Three months after my Grandad died
504 · Jun 2018
Emma Sims Jun 2018
Swirling leaves amidst sweet liquid
Waiting for the seeping, strengthening
How I wish you were brewed
I need you to distract me
The hunger cravings are strong
I want pizza
It's only a few clicks away
But the diet
My diet
Small sips
Heart flips
Wings clipped
I really want pizza, distracting myself with tea
457 · Aug 2015
Late Nights
Emma Sims Aug 2015
I might wake when the clock hits the morning,
But I am not alive.
For the following hours of afternoon I drift,
Hours passing by.
Listless daydreams replace my hours of sunlight,
The dust settles.
When the clock strikes late and the sun sets,
it's time to test my mettle.
I can't think productively until late afternoon/evening. I am not a morning person by a long shot.
446 · Aug 2015
Emma Sims Aug 2015
I'm a poet,
And I know it.
All I have to do is
Show it.
To all the other
But I'm about to
blow it,
As I'm running out of...
420 · Jan 2015
Drowning Thoughts
Emma Sims Jan 2015
Rhythmic pulsing,
Volume turned up high,
Words don't matter,
Focus on the beat,
Hear it synchronise,
Feel it beat with your heart,
Close your eyes,
Become inert,
419 · Aug 2018
Emma Sims Aug 2018
Decrepit craven, this way swirls;
Heart adorned on sleeves and pearls.
Nestled bosoms rock and sway;
A thousand times you’ll make me pay
A levy for your love, today
A small poem about dancing with someone who loves you, but it’s unrequited
417 · Feb 2015
Emma Sims Feb 2015
Death is like a butterfly,
Soft and fluttery,
Watch it fly.
Knocking on the window pane,
Never to be seen again.
402 · May 2017
It's been a while
Emma Sims May 2017
Sometimes I'll remember what it's like to be a child,
A fleeting moment of magic or wild imagination.
My chest aches with the loss of my youth;
And aches again knowing it only lives in memories.

As a child, I could have been anything;
A hero fighting mythical beasts, or
The mythical beast that terrorises my window sill.
So far I am neither.

There is a certain freedom in running as a child,
No obligations to start or stop.
Adults rarely run for no reason;
I find myself limited to a brisk walk.
384 · Jun 2018
Emma Sims Jun 2018
Meticulous, Prodigious;
Pedagogy, Melancholy;
Sanctimonious, Sacrilegious;
Fallacy, Facetious, Flippant.

Contumacious, Efficacious;
Equanimous,  Calamitous;
Sclerotic, Spasmodic;
Fastidious, Feckless, Fecund.

Rebarbative, Pervasive;
Petulant, Redolent;
Wheedling, Withering;
Fulsome, Friable, Factotum.
Words I find amusing
383 · Jan 2015
Emma Sims Jan 2015
Steaming coffee freshly brewed,
Extra sugar to lift the mood.
Revision playlist on repeat,
Typing, writing to the beat.
Sleep becomes a dream,
Whiled away in memory,
Not imminent it would seem,
Leaves my mind empty.
I will stay wide awake.
I don't have time for a break.
It's so late, I should be in bed, curse you exams!
301 · Jun 2019
Scarlet Reverie
Emma Sims Jun 2019
I’m enjoying the day as it lives, and it breathes,
And I’ll enjoy the night as it whispers in sleep.
Let the air fill my lungs as I dance, and I laugh,
Let the sun hug my skin as I hug the grass.
As cool dark descends, and silence blows in,
My laughter will fade to a thin twilight grin.
Whether sunrise or sunset, serenity
My very own scarlet reverie
Making peace with the world
298 · Sep 2023
Daffodils & Butterflies
Emma Sims Sep 2023
There are daffodils with butterflies,
fast-fluttering behind my eyes;
a chrysalis of hopes and dreams
maturing, and then taking wing.
Heather blooms, a hazy prize
of sun beams, and purple cries;
a weathered storm of little lies
I tell myself, to sleep at night.
I’ve been listening to self-affirmation tapes lately, and remembering how nature improves ones mood drastically
296 · Mar 2024
a whiskey brand
Emma Sims Mar 2024
oh what use am i to thee
in mine own fine company?
a drink in hand
cheap whiskey brand
i'm on my own again, you see
Emma Sims Jun 2018
One of these nights my brain will fall silent.
From the overly loud music,
Or the overly loud thoughts;
Who cares what tomorrow will bring
If it is lost when dawns birds sing?
I won't, and it's my thoughts that count.
fml, literally, go ahead and f it up
283 · Jun 2019
Sold As Seen
Emma Sims Jun 2019
For Sale, a soul
24 years old
Battered and bruised
Not new, quite used
For spares and repairs
Highest bid: prayers

Sold as seen,
Don’t return to Sender
I’m a bit broken
281 · Oct 2020
Emma Sims Oct 2020
If I could be the moon
I would not shine, but
My grey dusty bones would spin

Let me pull you in, my ocean
Let me push you away, my sea
Let me stay in orbit, my bittersweet gravity

I am alone
Do not look up at me
You will not see my dark side weep
feeling distant
278 · Oct 2019
Precious Gem
Emma Sims Oct 2019
I am the roughest small diamond,
    Still loose amongst the shale;
Waiting for that skilled Jeweller
        To polish me,
                 To cut me,
                          To wrap me,
        in gold;
    And sell my soul,
To the hand that holds me,
        and moulds me,
For the rest of their life.
Attempting to be a bit more positive about myself
273 · Sep 2020
Let me be
Emma Sims Sep 2020
Let me be
the river sea that flows up mountains
Hills and bees
Past the boughs and hanging trees
Of oak and elm of ages old
Once adorned by kings in gold
Let me be
the water flow
That carries fish and boats in tow
Past their homes and to and fro
Till timbers shake and gills do wither
Mothers hearts a’tither, dither
Let me be the rolling wave
That crashes, crushes, spins and saves
Let me be free and fluid
Let me be me
262 · Jan 2021
Emma Sims Jan 2021
Internal fevers
Invisible flames
Lick my neck

I am a drop
In the ocean
Invisible speck

Burning chest
Save me now
Stare at empty skies

Pretty lies

Give me comfort,
Mother moon
Eclipse me
I dare you
246 · Jan 2019
She’s not good for you
Emma Sims Jan 2019
She’s not good for you, I cry;
Or rather my brains do, not I.
These feelings are a facade inside;
And yet my silver tongue, it hides
In the bed of lies it made,
In the bed of lust I crave,
In the bed I lie, amazed,
At how my heart beats, and pushes
Against the wall of constraint, it rushes
Against my own spirit, it crushes;
But she’s no good for you, I say
“Alone” for yet another day.
In lust with a dangerous girl
238 · Feb 2020
Emma Sims Feb 2020
Lights wax and wane in my peripheral vision
Their lunar glow reflecting on my naked skin
So with my open arms, our kisses flow tensely
But alas I don’t know how to truly let you in
228 · Jan 13
Castle Walls
Emma Sims Jan 13
I walked the castle walls today,
whilst my breath hung in the air;
the flattened city view below -
a moment we both share.
Your laughter touched the sun you see,
and found a cherub there.
224 · Sep 2020
Emma Sims Sep 2020
I long to be a river
That doesn't end in the sea
A creek for the meek
Saltwater in cheek
Aquatic heartbeats
Sunken chests
And me
I want to walk a path in life just as unique as I
182 · Jul 2023
Bumble Bee
Emma Sims Jul 2023
Is that a humble bumble bee
buzzing softly by my ear?
Tell me, good sir humble bee,
why aren't your bumbles clear?
If only I could understand
your honeyed drone, my dear.
121 · Jan 2024
Oh Winter Birds
Emma Sims Jan 2024
Oh winter birds,
with your songs of frost and rain;
sing for me a morning chorus,
of summer suns again.
I miss the sun and summer

— The End —