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Mar 2015 · 617
Stalling. (Haiku)
My room needs cleaning
but the internet calls me
wow i'm really lazy.
Mar 2015 · 909
Unless you try.
Its a complete lie that every person has the ability to change the world.
We are told this lie from the day we are born
parents with high hopes
children with big dreams
a world full of people who think others can change the world

Anyone can change the world but everybody else is too lost to try
seems to bee the common chant bubbling up all around us .
just like our impending doom .
thousands of dead things just building up quietly
right under our feet to the tune of the quite chant

everybody else is too lost to try

Its true that not every person has the ability to change the world.

But its also true that someone can.

With in the mobs of lost souls there are sparks.
People with ideas and heart.
People with ****** knuckles and rent.
People with mountains of fear and just enough courage.
People who have this ever standing ability.

am I one of those people?

You will never know unless you **try
for the love of god spread your wings and try.
Dec 2014 · 617
Her still pen.
My Muse is content.
She sits quietly
Watching the rain ,
petting a fat old cat

My Muse sleeps soundly.
Not a word to hear
From her frantic pen,
Or her blank pages.

My Muse is happy.
No tear laced anger
Threatening to rip her apart,
Giving birth a poet's art.
The more happy I become, the less I fill my poem book.
Aug 2014 · 954
You are here.
But my gaze is a million miles away.

The room is silent.
But you look at me so loudly

I can practically hear you screaming
For me to stay .

The water is rising .
threatening to cross the brim to my cheek

But I keep the  flood at bay.
Watching ships sail .

The farther they get the slower my heart.
I can't live this way.
I'll never come back
Aug 2014 · 785
If the sunset had a voice , it would sound like yours.
If the smokey mountains had eyes, they gave their never ending blue and green to you.
If thunder had breath, its chest would rise and fall late at night as yours does while wrapped in a mess of sheets.
I can't help but to be reminded of your beard as I run through fields of tall golden grass , it brushing on my bare thighs.
If warm summer breeze had a laugh , it learned its warm emersion  from you.
I never knew the ocean would gift its crashing waves to someone's hips
Once great oaks had a heart, surely you have stolen them,
Along with my own.
Aug 2014 · 4.5k
You are a broken record
Turning your head in circles to get a look
Of that hot peice of

She's more than a stupid
She's the action you take
Over and over

You are a broken record
I'm worth more than your lie
Worth more than a good lay
I know the words to this song
Keep singing
But I'm long gone.
Wrote this on my phone , which happens to have atrocious auto correct. Feel free to tell me if you spot any mistakes .
Aug 2014 · 4.7k
You are a broken record
Turning your head in circles to get a look
Of that hot peice of

She's more than a stupid
She's the action you take
Over and over

You are a broken record
I'm worth more than your lie
Worth more than a good lay
I know the words to this song
Keep singing
But I'm long gone.
Wrote this on my phone , which happens to have atrocious auto correct. Feel free to tell me if you spot any mistakes .
If there was a heaven
It was meant for dogs.

heaven would have
no war or segregation
just love and bacon

non would be turned away
because a dog doesn't know if your gay
he wouldn't even care anyway

heaven would be a place where
you get your own comfy chair
complete with dog hair
and playful barks is a prayer

Heaven would be ****-rugs
and green lawns
garbage cans
and sprinklers
and love.

if there is a heaven
its where my dog belongs
because that's where hes from along
Jul 2014 · 880
I suck a writing.
I don't know what i'm doing anymore.
The pen sits in my hand .
The paper on my desk.
but the words come all jumbled up
tangled together
in anger and frustration.

This used to be so easy as a child.
I could throw a stone.
and strike a muse.
but now the stones are boulders
and the muse is a pay stub.  

Has life really won me over?
am I really all used up
My mind dry
parched from the absents of words.
Jul 2014 · 716
Its late.
I cant sleep.
My mind wanders.
It searches for you.

Looking for the times.
I spent warm in this bed.
too small for us both.

My memory loves you.
It asks about you all the time.
my heart hates you.
it reminds me in the silence.

That the air is still
the room is quite
my bed is cold.
I am alone.
Apr 2014 · 904
Trending tags
love you lost is but the
#life you found. it's a
#sad thing you had to feel this
#pain. just let the
#depression roll deep and the
#poetry become even deeper.
#death will find us all but
#hope will find us faster.
#you are never
#lost if you follow your
#poems are the map for the wondering.
#me for the love I took from you and
#hurt me by shooting down my
#moon. but know that
#happiness will return with
#time. You will never be
#alone, if let this be the
#suicide of your despair.
seeing the trending tags concerned me that people write about such negative things. I decided to turn it around.
Apr 2014 · 406
I dont need her.
I really dont have a reason to be mad
at least she called this year

I had 16 great birthdays with out her
I did just fine with out her
I learned how to braid my hair with out her
I learned how to dress myself
I learned how to drive with out her
I learned how to work with out her
I learned how to cry with out her.
I learned how to run with out her
Hell, I even graduated with out her

I grew up with out her

I dont need her

I did everything with out her

I'm going to go to college with out her
I'm going to marry a nice man with out her
I'm going to have kids with out her
because there isn't a **** thing she can teach me about loving my kids.

it still hurts.
why dont you want me?
is it because I dont need you?
To my mom.
Apr 2014 · 490
We scream our names in the wind
Only to have it thrown back in our faces.
We paint our faces and scar our souls
To keep our shaky graves
And never let our death be forever.

For the love of god
Let this summer be eternal
Because I don't know if I can survive
This winter with out you.
Mar 2014 · 437
Stay dead
The dead will not stay dead.
She will run though my mind
every time I see her favorite flower.
Her laughter will grab at my heart
when I watch her favorite movie.

They tell me this too shall pass
but no.
The dead will never stay dead

I claw at the wall of reality
knowing she is on the other side.
My fingers ******
My voice harsh from my cries

The dead will never stay dead.
For Alida. May where ever you be, be better than here.
Mar 2014 · 359
I once.
I once glowed.
my belly round
my smile wide

I was thrilled
with what could become
from the life I was given.

I once cried
my eyes red
my spirit broken

I was tortured
with what could become
from the life I was given.
she didn't make it.
Nov 2013 · 401
Hole in my ocean
There is a hole in my ocean
and all the water is leaking through,
washing away the truth
washing away  all I ever knew.

You came along in the storm
You made the sea calm
It worried me because
I thought it wouldn't last long.

you made a hole in my ocean,
letting the water drip through
giving me dry land
showing me things I never knew.
to my beloved.
Nov 2013 · 480
I know this ring on my finger
Is the heaviest thing your heart ever had to carry,
and you crumble every single time
I tell you I'm married.

You say I'm too young
and I should take time to choose,
but deep down you know you would do the same
If you were in his shoes.

I know things seem bleak
and that I'm really really dumb,
But with out him
even the bruises feel numb.
to you. you stuck by my side, and im sorry it turned out this way. but it is what it is.
Nov 2013 · 551
When the storm rages above,
when it rains hard and the wind blows
I close my eyes
and I dive below.
I take a while to find myself
in the deepest place I know.
whatever may come
what evil may show
I know I have the power
to escape my foes

i've walked through the valley of death
And no God did I find,
But a reflection peering back
so eager to shine.

I bring her to the surface,
and I let her be free.
For everyone to befriend
for everyone to see.

And if you lend your ear
Take a moment to try,
I think in love and acceptance
your power you shall find.
Nov 2013 · 562
Was a friend.
One time a friend said she would hang out with me
One time, I waited outside for 4 hours because she was on the way.
One time it was so cold my fingers were blue.
I forgot my gloves. I didn't think I needed them.
One time my dad said he hated me and he was tired of my ****
because I was 4 hours late to my little brother's birthday.
I could hear him crying in the car.
One time I felt the most pain I ever have.
One time I had a friend
she was a friend.
Once nothing wondered if it mattered.
Nothing wondered what It was like to be somthing.
because the only thing to stop nothing,
was nothing
its wish was granted.

So nothing became something.

Somthing was so eager to learn
so eager to see
so Something wished to feel Everything
and out of that wish came Everything.

Everything grew and grew without limits
and as Something became a part of Everything
It forgot.
it forgot its mission, its reason of being.
"Do I matter?"

Somthing divided and became Many.
Many started to search for the importance of Nothing.
But Something went wrong and Many were confused.
As hard as Many tired to find the answer they failed.
Something was lost and Many had forgotten the question.

Many thought they had a better question.
Many lost touch with something,
and Many lost Everything,
Many could care less about anything or nothing.

Many only cared about staying Many.

Many started to believe that there was always Something,
and Nothing never existed.
And that is how Many lost its' self.
Many lost the quest.

Some would find a glimmer of hope.
They would join together and find Something
they found Something beautiful.
but they were few.
and sometimes Something would not be found for a long time
they would try to find it by dancing and singing and lighting candles.

But sometimes few were lucky
they would realise that together they themselves were Something
and that they were beautiful....

..and that they were Something because they had eachother
and in each other they had Everything
and when you are something that has everything...

...the answer is simple
Nothing is really ever important...
Nothing really ever matters.
Nov 2013 · 373
break me.
take me.
leave me be.
I love you.
i hate you.
Why cant you see?
You drive me insane.
you keep me together.
please, answer my plea.

Im sorry im this way.
Im sorry I can't say
the way you love me,
makes me run away.
Oct 2013 · 3.4k
I flit through the photos
Trying to find what you find.

My mind just wanders
about the woman

Who shows all her skin.

I see the bodies clashing.
Eyes ablaze, burning with the hope of release.

But it's no where to be found.

Instead of feeling the familiar ache
I feel numb,
Left behind.  

The woman on the screen seems to be the only thing I can relate to.
Her eyes distant and resentful.

I find no release.
only skin.
Oct 2013 · 779
And Fight.
We all sit
we all wait
wait to move on with life
Wait for things to get better
Some of us have a moment
A moment that moves us
A moment that changes us
We have a moment we become tired of feeling the pain
Tired of hurting
Tired of waiting
So we fight
and we fight
and fight
and fight
and fight
We burn in our fire
we die in our fire
but the fire never dies
and from it we come forth
that everything is going to be ok
That you hung up your reasons for why you can't be who you want
you forgot what it was like to worry about not being happy
you embrace the world
and she embraces you
and in this moment.
You are eternal.
This is for A spoken word competition i'm doing, I would LOVE feedback.
Aug 2013 · 441
20 years old.
5 days till pay day.
finger crossed.
hope high.
Just make it by.
Aug 2013 · 640
Every little thing.
I survived on who I thought you were
Feed on the idea of you.
thought I was in love with my own imagination.

and with every little thing you say
and every little thing you do
I seem to have the odd sensation
of falling in love all over again.
but this time, with someone new.
Aug 2013 · 886
My outcast state
Let the wind carry my love
Like the wings of things that
Never touch this bleak earth.

Mighty seas make the miles seem longer
And the the brooding clouds make me feel caged .

I do not petty the broken hearted
For the closure is there
And the hole where their heart is
Slowly healing.

While I am left to wait upon my perch
Never knowing when to depart
From my outcast state.
Aug 2013 · 392
Kind messed up.
I made this short.
So you would read it.
Is this what we have come to?
Aug 2013 · 2.1k
I am grateful.
The screams will never stop.
                     The wounds will never heal.
                      The blood will never dry.
                     and for this I am grateful.
                    The dreams will never leave.
                   The memories will always haunt.
                   The tears remain oh so sweet.
                    And for this I am grateful.
                       The scars will remain.
                     The laughs constantly echo.
                      The stories ever flowing.
                     And for this I am grateful.
                     Our names for ever carved.
                      Our love forever shunned.
                        Our touch so brief.
                     And for this I am grateful.
               There are truths that will never be changed.
                There are events that we can never replace.
                       But we have a heart.
                      A heart that can forgive.
                  A heart that can never be lost.
                            And for this.
                           I am grateful.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
                   Let it go.
                                    Let it show.
   I have a heart.
                I have a voice.
    That can movie mountains,
     That can end nations.
                             So hear my cry,
           Hear my sorrow,
                        I'm fighting for tomorrow
   Don't stop me now
     Don't leave me now
            Don't you see I need you now.
     Let it go.
    Let it show.  
             Know, I'll be there tomorrow.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Then You Know.
You know nothing of life
Till you feel the deepened, endless, depths of death.

You feel dull
Till you are laying on the kitchen floor
***** plastered to your hair
speckled with pills
you heart racing
and the only thing you are thinking
"I'll never feel snow again."
He comes to you in jagged breaths,
in blinding pain,
and he whispers in your ear
"Your mother cries at night, dear boy why live this way?
Go out, make her proud, I took too much for her, and you have given too little."
and then you know.
you've always wanted to be a teacher

You fell empty
Till you lay in your gown
the beeping of the screen seems endless
as do the days, trapped in your hospitable bed.  
everything slows
and you know
hes coming.
Your too tired to open your eyes,
but you feel his soft caress,
his hand holds yours  
and says "Does the softball games missed? the dinners skipped and the paperwork finished matter at this very moment?"
and then you know.
Why your daughter never speaks to you.
Jul 2013 · 424
The Cat
what are you doing?
what are you eating?
can I have some?
are you mad at me?
why don't you like my gift?

Where are you going?
can I come too?
are you coming back?
why do you never take me?

Are you my brother?
what am I?
am I one of you?
why am I so different?
Is that why you ignore me?
Jul 2013 · 999
Stoney belloni
Gettin high with my homies  

sittin back watchin sweet life of Hash and cody
Eatin this burrito my friend calls jodie
But wait
******* is that macronni?!

I take a hit
and ****!
I start to choke on that ****

I guess we burned it all
that ***** dawg

I was so high when I wrote this, you'll have to forgive me. I bet sober me will laugh at this though.
Jul 2013 · 3.2k
The loneliest girl in the world
hears a knock at her door.
Jul 2013 · 544
My Kind Of Beautiful
You can keep your perfect
You can keep your expectations
You can keep your beautiful.

I wake up every morning loving all I am
I live my life every day doing the best I can
When the day is done, I know I'm my kind of beautiful.

Don't come to me looking for perfect,
I left that behind a long time ago.
Don't expect me to meet your expectations,
I passed those a long time ago
Don't come to me and tell me I'm not beautiful.

Because I am
I am my own kind of beautiful.
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Brotzman

All right reserved. Except as permitted under the publisher, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in database or retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission from the author.
Jul 2013 · 503
Unknown Poet
These are the words of an unknown poet.
Her words buried under the worlds clutter.
Passed over, ignored, they smother,
Her art , her breath, her life,
Under an ocean of cyber space.
Leaking from the screen, down the keyboard
Dripping on the side walk
Filling in cracks till the stone is smooth...
    ... and perfect
Just like the little houses all lined up in rows,
Too worried about their green lawns and shiny cars to know

That inside she is screaming
and dying from someone to notice the bleeding
That is running from her pen that's
on the floor...
Its a sorry thing
They couldn't do more
But her breathing
Stopped all to early
Only if they could
Hear the words
Of the unknown poet
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Brotzman

All right reserved. Except as permitted under the publisher, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in database or retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission from the author.
Jul 2013 · 577
Why do you creep in the night
    When you know of who watches over me?

why do you call my name,
    when you know your voice is weak?

why do you preach your word
     when you see my oath to light.

why do you cower so?
    I haven't even begun to fight.
The only religious poem I have written .
Jul 2013 · 552
The Stage
Earth, nothing more than a stage.
Life nothing more than an act.
The happenings among us simply a scene

We have tragedies
We have comedy  
We have horror
and we have romance

Some of us are the lead, some behind the scenes
But no matter  your part

From the moment the curtain rises,
You preform.
You shine.
and your goal nothing more than when the currant falls..

....They applaud
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Brotzman

All right reserved. Except as permitted under the publisher, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in database or retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission from the author.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Romance Is Dead
Romance is dead.
He died on a cold winter night
With a bottle of whisky in one hand
And 5 missed calls on the night stand.
He died along with laughter
From red flaked lipstick, fish-net thigh highs
And broken wax on the bed sheets.
Romance Is Dead.
He died along with good mornings and i'm sorry.
He died along with warm kisses and long hugs.
Died along with wishes and rings,
Died with forever and took I Love You with him.
Romance Is Dead
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Brotzman

All right reserved. Except as permitted under the publisher, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in database or retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission from the author.
Jul 2013 · 448
All That I Have
I have a heart
All I have is this heart
This heart of stone
This heart of ice
This heart that is so young yet unmovable.
You have these eyes
These eyes that take all I have
these eyes that crumble my stone
these eyes that warm the ice
You're taking all I have.
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Brotzman

All right reserved. Except as permitted under the publisher, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in database or retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission from the author.

— The End —