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6.5k · Apr 2016
A beautiful woman (12 words)
edwill makamu Apr 2016
A woman shouldn't be radiant outermost,
A woman should be dazzling intramural
2.3k · Dec 2015
Love is a disease
edwill makamu Dec 2015
I heeded that you are married
no attribution against you
I the one to rebuke
I could've been a man sufficiently

when you said: man up
I became less a man you yenned
I was dark to scope your worst of love
I blundered to enroll, only love is to rescue

I exclusively thought you had a disease
that you can't breathe in general
though I am envious, but I still say:
God bless you and your remedy

He should be me to rescue you
But I was dark to cognize
affection is the only thing you need to meliorate
I urge I could just turn back the hands of time

Began a fashionable living with you
Instantly that I cognize, you are a love patient
I'll man up, I'll provide sufficiently
I'll satisfy your breathe

Just so, I cognize
you are mated to him
He's better than me, better than anyone else
In him you belong, stay blessed.
Sometimes we fail to appreciate what we have until we loose it, and the time we want to care is where we realize is already too late.
1.1k · Apr 2016
Portia would be her name
edwill makamu Apr 2016
I attained that you are predetermined,
quiet and an ever stalwart girl
I attained you are admiring success
and you are precisely deigned

with truthful excitement and analyses each move you make
you are an expertise really,
and you have the ability to learn with understanding
you're introspective, yet you're introvert

Let me say you like September breeze - my month
That's why I have a faculty to detect a bigger picture of you
That's why I consociate with you
I'm sure God brought you to life just for me

Me and you have allotment in common,
and we can achieve the innermost of it
I would name her portia, your name of course
if I were to have a baby girl with you

from your intellectualist optimism,  
I'm sure she would adapt clearly
I'm sure she would suits the two of us' s integrity
if we are a summer breeze,
she would be like a December beverage
The three of us full of smiles
929 · Dec 2015
caught cold with desire
edwill makamu Dec 2015
I looked like a chap in this riff
Instead, it's summer but I'm cold
The blouses in colours were rolling over
Like a roller coaster on amusement park

I stand accused by the movements of spouse
I became like a ***** as a regular beyond
It's summer but I'm cold instead
I looked like a pure trash,


The blouses were engaging cordial with skirts
The shapeliness arised more impartial
I am caught cold by summer blouses
Summer sun ain't amiable,

Summer sun heats, but I'm caught cold
I'm caught cold by an allure
I became like a leopard tortoise
afraid of the motion sounding

I seemed to have forgotten myself
I became a freezer in the summer
People attentioned me like a December
I became the moment of fooling smiles

Caused by the spouses in blouses and skirts.
This time of the year is the moment whereby everyone wants to look awesome with their summer clothing. when you look around everyone is going up and down looking pretty and you don't know whom to choose until you feel somehow where you can't truly identify the feeling.
915 · Feb 2016
I love poetry
edwill makamu Feb 2016
I love poetry:
like femininity, furthermore I adore you
like sunday jams, furthermore a lullaby
like when I go places within your *****
like snuggling, furthermore cuddling
like generosity, furthermore ambition
like optimism, furthermore curiosity
like indulgement, furthermore gluttony

I love poetry like a rift on public
I love poetry for it is delicious, so vivid, furthermore fascinating to embrace your love

I love poetry:
like a fond, furthermore feminine sensual seduction
like yearning, furthermore self - possessed
like the smile on your frontage, furthermore your pretty surveillance as you wink, your kisser so glowing like a diamond

I love poetry as much as I adore you
I love poetry as much as I adore my life,
poetry is my life.
edwill makamu Jan 2016
Even when I try hard to understand,
Is like I'm making it to come strong than ever
I can't even explain how I feel about you
I tried to keep digging,

But I realised not even the king poet,
Will be able to express how I feel about you.
Poets are the greatest words teller,
But no words can clarify how I feel for you.

What ever you think about me,
Positive or negative; know that,
I'll forever love you.

If you ever think of me wanting you,
Cognize that wanting you wouldn't be necessary,
If I could see you.

If you ever wonder why I keep on coming to you even when you try to push me away,
Cognize that I need you,
I value you the most.

No second thoughts till eternity
If you ever see my galaxy forever shinning,
Cognize it's all you through it.

No one, nothing can ever break the feeling.

It's my choice loving you,  the state is the reason
You are everything I ever dreamed about
You are the only girl that complete me.

If you ever ask I really love you,
Then the answer is;
Take me to your world
Lemme be your everything,
Cause you are one and only girl I wanna share my dreams with.

I love you unconditionally.
819 · Apr 2016
It's friendship she wants
edwill makamu Apr 2016
After all the effort I kept
I tried so hard to let her know,
let her understand how I feel
And she was kind, yet showing interest
She made me fall deep, deeper, deep, deeper

When all she really wanted is friendship
Yet she kept it a secret
I'm sure she was unaware this could hurt me in future
Not until when I left her with no choice but to utter something

If I knew I wouldn't have pushed,  
but I was convinced we are walking the very same paths
Surely her answer caused me nothing but trauma

And I realised she can't even consider my feelings
How can I stand beside her?
Will I ever hug friendly greetings?
will I ever shake hands without intending to kiss goodbye?
This gonna be hard to just ignore and adapt to friendship

How can I be friends with a girl I bearly love?
Love sometimes is so stupid and selfish
How can it be such a lier?
Sometimes I wish love can just be saying I love you,  
but it is more than that.

The moment I set my eyes on her and she stare back
The first time we conversed
I was so convinced she's in love too
I was convinced the only thing left is nothing but consensus

But then it turned out with disapointment
"I'm not ready for love friendship of course is great to meditate" (she said)
Just for console, when I realise I'm stuck in these feelings
I pitched, you can take all the time you need to be true with yourself,
simply like I'm fine by it when I really am touched.
Being in love with someone who who don't feel the same, when they look at you, they see you as a friend.
699 · Nov 2015
A letter to a dream girl
edwill makamu Nov 2015
Whenever I think of you
My world changes into reality
I feel so great, I feel so high
I feel so elevated, I feel spirited

I feel conquered, I feel stable
I feel stumbled with people to attention
I don't have time for anything anyone
Onlything that I can recall is you

When I play music I enjoy the most,
Because all to feel is you whispering on my ears
With that soul classic song and deep house jam
Baby girl you no longer have to lie about us

Everytime I'm sitting all alone,
I noticed your name written in capital letters
right through me, my woe heart wave
I cuddle alone everyday hopping you in my arms

Baby girl come home, come home to husby
Stop denying the truth
Listen to your heart not friend
She's trying to derail you so she get first

But I made a promise to my heart
Though I won't be waiting any longer,
Baby come home you all that I'm living for
I feel so secure everytime I think of you

648 · Dec 2015
Arouse and ply
edwill makamu Dec 2015
With being really appropriate aptitude
She apprehend and never appraise
For she have appropriate ambition along us
She's got the ability and a tender to care

She can't rest knowing there's nothing filled our belly
However he rests, she can't rest assured knowing we starving
Her heart never fascinate her rest
Unlike him, he rest and never admire her adore on us

No father got affection counterpart her
The affliction she expirienced during birth never heal till death
No heart sustain such afflict, only her does
Even when we fault and fail her,

she bears the strength and effort to forgive and care for long
She prepares meal even when she got agony
Really, a mother's breast has got no sore
In her heart, love is exertion

But she never let go, she arouse and ply
She's dying to keep food on the table
It's affable, when usually it afflicts the affinity
But she never let go, she arouse and ply

She apprehend and never appraise
She affiliate with affectionate
And keep the spirit, arouse and ply
Just the tender of caring, arouse and ply
arouse and ply
She die loving, her love is unconditional.
640 · Dec 2015
South Africa
edwill makamu Dec 2015
A place of everything and averything in its creation
A both developed and a developing country
It has the ability to cause a man's devote
It is one nation in the world

The world that continuously carries devotions
A man and a woman surrender its dignity, to one nation
Four sided classified directions, honour peace, to one nation
I'm possessed as by to perish on a portion

****! South Africa is beautiful, I perceive
I never been to a place and I never seen such beauty
All the paths, voices, smiles, attraction and appearance
All the resources are natural made with deep devotions and sacrifices

The creature took time and gave birth to a cute and productive
adorable one nation - my world, South Africa
I live in it,i stay there, herering voices, kisses, kissing and make up
I enjoy the fruits of beautiful nation - south Africa

South Africa my love, my heart, my roots
a blood that waters my land, when is dry
I therefore, persist that natural persistent
I been emanated by its embody of its beauty

Embolden by its embrace eligible
South Africa, I elevate on your acceptancy
I embark a new life with no regrets
I embark a new life with no intentions to failure.
639 · Jan 2016
I have a dream
edwill makamu Jan 2016
I thought and I set of what life is to me
Actually! I have a dream
I have a dream to open doors and let my wishes in to survive
I anxiously and I urge to make my life valuable and let the past be

I have a dream, a dream to socialise
I have a dream, a dream to express my talents, to society yes.
I have a dream, a dream to brighten my future, to society yes.

I have a dream, a dream to handle challenges and let my heart love and care
Acquire the ability and stabilise the requirements of my thoughtful senses and hopes
Resemble the minds of those who heal and let me breath out disgrace to suit grace

I have a dream, a dream to diversify
I have a dream, a dream to successful life
I have a dream, a dream to see and individual stand and say,

because of you, I've build an empire
because of you, I never give up
because of you, I'm singing a song
and I say, thank you
thank you for making me believe
thank you for building trust in me
thank you.

I have a dream.
anything is possible if you believe, dream big and one day you will enjoy the the fruits of your positive thoughts and actions.
628 · Jan 2016
I'm your rib
edwill makamu Jan 2016
I was so convinced to maltreat her
Now that she's gone, I lost some of me
She was, she fluffy held an lean over my shoulder
She was conciderate, reliable and forever my darling
She was endureable, persistent and reary passionate.

In her heart I say, she was bleeding,
but never to let me see how badly she hurts
She never wanted me to see her worst, not ever eternity
She was too bad that she hated even giving up.

She loved me from my worst behaviour,
yet she loved me even when I bullied her
She loved me, she really did eternally
She loved me even when I couldn't touch rather kiss her lips,

yet she loved me even when she saw me kissing another
Her affection was too deep, it swelled day by day
It's reary unbelievable, she care - less; how I humiliate her
She promised me heaven and earth, the moon and the stars

And she said:I'll never live you, no matter how badly you hurt me
Even when I loose my breath, I shall still be with you
You may call me a ****, I'll still rescue you
If you miss me, remember I will always be there

Just look around, I will prosper
And never to hurt as much as I do, I please
The affliction you brought me, I pray not to return to you
I'll look after you, cautiously, costantly and righteously

U've hurt me always and yet, yet I'm happy for you
The reason my smile is the meaning how precious I am all around you
If I say goodbye, you've no reason to clamour
Yet you've no reason to worry yourself

It's the likes of God to meddle between us
He whom brought us together have the power to strain
Yet he knows our Alfa and Omega, the day and the time
She said:I shall not die nor live you

I'll rest, yet I'll look after you day and night
If I close my eyes forever, I shall not die
I shall return and live within forever in your heart
I'm your rib, I shall never die, I shall return

If is my soul, I give my life to you
If I die tonight, I shall still be with you
I give my life to you, I shall still be with you
My soul will forever be with you
I'm your rib, I shall still return.
533 · Dec 2015
A beautiful flower
edwill makamu Dec 2015
They are many, well planted
well grown and beautiful
well structured and munipulated
the motive is to keep the place alluring


When you glance towards them, they fascinate
When you comes near, there's force - alike gravity
Where all succeders and loosers
Well known matured an famous


Everybody likes them,
but not everybody got them
They resist heat
though they are portable
Not everybody can touch them

Definitely everybody loves them
527 · Mar 2016
How sweet it was?
edwill makamu Mar 2016
I lie down up my head
I breath becalmed, yet I crumble
How I kept my trust?
You crippled my thoughts,

Of being a lovely darling,
Of being a humbled sweetheart
I remember that day
How pleasant it was?

To require you a break through
enter my sincere heart
How I proposed you to be my destiny,
destiny of my sincere fragile heart

mmmh! how delicately sensitive it was?
A victory of your fluffy heart
My dearly first and last chance
to strike you, tell at once

In heart, I found love
Where is it now? all gone!
How disappointed I am?
The thoughts of being, you were mine

We were happy all together
How I was? blind to see
How you pretend? Yes you can!
I'm miserable how I lost you

How fastidious it was,
by your smile
you blinded me.
When I thought I was in love and only to find out that I was just blind to see.
517 · Oct 2021
2021 version
edwill makamu Oct 2021
You know i just realized I'm not a poet
I was convinced years back when i wrote plenty
But today - today I cognize that I'm only good in words; words - i mean

Words like:
You are the poem i never knew how to write and this life is the story i always wanted to tell

Just by remembering that only day, the whole day with you it felt like i could conquer anything

It was like as if i was on top of the world and even the stars themselves  were just within my grasp.

But i only know the pictures of you and little of how you live your life and i realized that i have no story at all.
507 · Dec 2015
My little star
edwill makamu Dec 2015
My little star
My shinning angel - my soul star
My mentality, you drive me steriotyped
You hold up my spinal cord, yet you ******* me

I can't think straight rather I think of you abound
My little star
My shinning angel - my soul star
You lights up my way abroad, rather I'm steriotyped
You hold up my spinal cord, yet you ******* me

I went on a memorial well known dreams
I drove in a dream land and I say, you waked me up
You called me to come and you say! yet you whisper in my ears
Crackling and crawling through my skull - you say:
"I'm yours forever, I want to say; take me with you"

The cavity of heart it sings, it ripples, shudders and shudders
twinge, twickle - twickle my little star, no longer solitude I am
I look upon your face to see my yellow bone wisely,
Yeh! yellow bone wisely

Only the glope in my room was brighter than the moon and the stars in the sky.
That moment when you are dreaming with that special somebody.
506 · Jan 2016
My apology
edwill makamu Jan 2016
As I set my eyes on you,
I felt the report in heart went through my nerves.
Once or twice glance on your face was enough I didn't need the pain
from falling for you.

I tried to pull my head away I was all in vein.
I spot you strut past my view,
And my heart melted with the feeling and desire and I found something true.
But I couldn't pitch it so loud (you are a darling)

Some days after I could still recall the accent of yours,
clearly as if is my favourite song and is on repeat.
You strut, your physique, uniqueness and your face,
is as clear as of zoomed picture or video.

My brain is as camera and it snapped photos and videos,
so I never forget you
I expected myself to bump unto you by the street,
but I couldn't and so I needed your tens.

My apology, I never wanted to;
but I was forced I couldn't stand the pain I'm feeling from falling for you.
My apology, I could have got them from you.
I'm sorry for a thousand times.
I went digging and found the number of a girl I'm falling for without her concern and when I call her she wants nothing but to know where did I get her contact.
477 · Jan 2016
edwill makamu Jan 2016
I should've known, but how could I?
They've written and said in the book of the Lord
No one knows the day and the time
His angels, the son either; they know not

If I knew, I wouldn't have left
I would have taken possession of my belongings
I would've aim at the back of the entrance
I would've spot from afield

Because I believe when they say,
The snake which is seen doesn't bite
I would've battled the war if that's what it takes.

I should've known, but how could I?
sorrow, thoughts, imagineries after my my laptop and some other stuff has been stolen.
475 · Jul 2016
I love her is true
edwill makamu Jul 2016
My heart suffers from love pains that causes my eyes bleeding tears that form words and I put them down in languages that can't even heal

She must be hard possessed by birth,
I mean her heart must be hard to be romanced not even with the words from the so called a poet,

I've learnt that the poets are the greatest words teller
And I myself also happens to be one
But well, I think there's no words liable to impress her, yet to smoothen her heart

When I think again, I then have a feeling,
Maybe I'm just not good enough, maybe poetry is to tight or she just find it unfair
Okay I try to be general
I mean no poetry anymore


Nothing seems tomake a change
Maybe she just don't care
Maybe she cares about one another, or she just need more time like she once said

I now confirmed, writing more words won't even help if I can't change her mind

Can I just let go? That's when I ask myself and I realised she the one I adore, she's the one I smile when I think of her

****! The moment I get her in my arms,
I'll embrace, love and cherish her like a butterfly, if you know what I mean you see.

Yah! I mean what I say, I just love the girl and with honest and truth.
#love #truth #her  #me #poem #words
465 · Nov 2015
A letter to the predators
edwill makamu Nov 2015
As I stroll through the forest, at a slow hunters pace
I noticed with an open eye
the prey is never a sin

at an attended circumstances
I noticed an advise to the people
Should you? have a desire to take one's life
bear in mind that

The prey is never a sin
at an attended circumstances
**** an eat I pray God will forgive you
I noticed a lion don't **** one another

Why? A question to the predators
can't we learn from lions? You take one's life like a wild dog
Well, when they **** they eat

but you **** and throw throughout like a donkey
Can't we learn from bees?
The are United and accumulative
Can't we learn from ants?

They arouse and ply with no conflicts
Let us end vehement and build the nation
Let us end crime and hold each other like a Web
Lets love and cherish one another like butterflies
Let us end vehement and build the nation.
449 · Feb 2016
They care
edwill makamu Feb 2016
So I say, it's wonderful; definitely wonderful that we have ambitious
generous teachers who cares for us


I mean they will drop their personal matters for sake of us
Respect them, they are the heroes
I call them christ, they allow their powers to care


put their future in hazards
Who do you think can live his or her family matters for you?
The one with a pile of expenses?
The one with a number of cars?

Either the one with a double storey house?
Give them the blessings,
care as they care
they must be motivated incentives

The future of our society relies on their sacrifices
Education can cure all pandemics together with social problems
Be available, they are there for you
and the future is yours.
edwill makamu Apr 2016
How I urge to be consistently by your side
Lying awake feeling you breath in breath out
Your kisser glancing mine
And you wink your stunning eyes and I do too

Gently engaged my tounque into yours and feel all of you as the saliva sparks,
then hold you tight and penetrate through
And I vow I could always do this,
If I was to possess the world,
I could make life way favourable

So you could edge your wallowing
" I'm perpetually overloaded" that's your plea regularly,
Yet I affirm each tick a new day sun rises
And I cast further to that day,

When baggage would be at stake
When time is only our obstacle
We'll be able to anticipate
When the target is to be together

Time is nothing when we dwell,
not one in paradise and on earth the other
Time is always there when love takes place
Sort yourself and be loved the way you deserve

I betroth I'll be your bunker for security.
441 · Mar 2016
Without you
edwill makamu Mar 2016
Without you:
it feels like a house without a roof
like a tree in autumn
like a vehicle without gazol
like a river without water
like a bird without wings, furthermore a plain that can't fly

Without you:
it feels like a leader without followers
like plowing on the rock, rather without rain
like a beaten dog and doesn't cry
like to eat the scab of the wound
like watching a TV that can't display

Without you I poll during the night
Without you is like reckoning the stars
Without you it feels like a year of femine
Without you it feels like walking on obscurity,

I'll reach nowhere I could with you

Without you is like money without value
It's compatible I've reached a dead end
If is to rapture,
I'll never crush again without you

Without you I'm beyond
Without you my reverie are shabby
Without you I am not candid
I've no vision to accomplish without you

Without you I am aught.
433 · Dec 2015
Do what it takes - be free
edwill makamu Dec 2015
Be loyal and reliable
Be responsible against dreams, wishes, sharing and love
Be patient and facet defiance
Be specific and give positive solutions

Change environment before is overdue
Opt breath and not paradise
Opt harmony and not misery
Facet factuality and not fraudulence
Hold on what or where you deserve

Be thoughtful of every step you take
Think twice before you go further
Finalise everything and do the best.

Be yourself
in life we come across many challenges so we need to be responsible and be ourselves. We need to face those challenges and choose the safe tract.
edwill makamu Feb 2019
He the one who leap you up, from zero to the angel you are recently.
He the one who made you look not alike the image of this world,
You were born here but nothing describes your look.
He the one who made you look like electrons, you attract any living being,
near or far.
You are so alluring; your smile makes the world blind.
We all created of the same image, but you are a miracle,
a creature that never to touch the earth is absolutely a sin.
I swear you were supposed to be at the atmosphere,
Where people can only imagine of having you down but never to happen,
You never been an angel, meanwhile you are,
nevertheless, there’s no argument there.
He the one who provided you with the unique glance,
I’m not talking of Brazilian hair, extended eyelashes, painted eyebrows,
But I’m talking of a creature who’s amazing as fossils,
A creature who appears like you were made by of the peace of
The moon, the sun and the stars.
If I am to name all what he did to you, then it’ll take the clock to stop ticking,
So I can pitch all what he did to you that mold you to break the law unintentionally.
Well let me tell you because you don’t know,
You don’t know that you made me mad and you don’t know that you killed me emotionally.
But here I am right in front of you, trying to plant an oath
And I assure you, I’ll be your candle that barely smelt and be no more, just to give light.
And I’ll provide for you, so you don’t have to run around the world
I’m afraid you can lose all this,
But, but he provides for you everyday
He gives you light everyday
He protects you everyday
He conquers you, he gives you strength everyday
Even when you fault and fail him, he forgives you and multiply your integrity
For he knows your righteousness and your faithfulness right in you.
But me, me I’m only here making all this promises,
I’m only here trying to be someone I can’t even imitate
I’m only here trying to be someone I can never be.
I can never be you LORD.
428 · Mar 2016
How do I tell her
edwill makamu Mar 2016
I made her,
I made her fall for me
Likewise, I fed her with my poisoners words
likewise, she chew them; swallowed them

They diffused all over her body and soul
My vows driven her lunatic,
further so, she fell in love
She fell in love with me
She frenetically fallen for me

That's my drug, I poisoned her
I made her fall for me,
Further so, I'm momentarily confused
She's daft in idolatry with me

As a matter of fact
I'm momentarily confused
I shouldn't have made her
I was temporally,  
Further so, I lied.
That's when you made someone deeply fall for you with no intentions of catching them then you get confused when you don't know how to get away.
416 · Feb 2016
You are nothing to lose
edwill makamu Feb 2016
I call myself a poet
Yet I don't have a wisdom to express the feeling I have for you, only you
I only hope these words are more precious

to let you understand that my love for you
is destined to last in truthful excitement,
feelings of blissful, lasting joy race through my mind
Whenever my thoughts turn to you my dearest darling,

the love I have for you
from the very first time I set my eyes on you,
on the aloof, there was an energy and current (indirect current)
that seemed to surge through the air

my innermost longings could be easily seen,
and I could see these feelings ape in your own eyes and face as I'm stading opposed
and when my unspoken desire to be held was whispered by my heart

It was quickly answered by your first tender,
romantic shyness ' s smile while starring the floor.
I've dreamed of you for years, my angel
and I knew one day I will find you no matter what obstacles

Now that I finally miraculously discovered you
the world is waiting for us to go out there and express what we are meant for to be together
Mere words seem too far inadequate to discribe the dizzying
wonderful emotions that sweep through my mind, my body and soul

Now my life is near to be richer and rewarding than I'd ever imagined it could be
if I could truly express how I feel for you
the words could be far more magical

than those written to be the best by the king Poets.
My pet, I adore you the most
It matters not, I only met you in no days.
The truth is, I've been loving you in ages

Now that I decisively met you,
I conceive, you are nothing to lose.
383 · Dec 2015
She's gone
edwill makamu Dec 2015
Miserable generous that she's gone
Horrible hesitant that she's gone
She left only the sadness
l'm mad deep inside

Unwilling to accept that she's gone
She was polite as I think
Unfortunately she left before I recognise her
Just like a thief ran before I recognise him

I would've stopped her, if I were there
But she's gone - gone for good
She's gone an never say goodbye
The devil took her

But God knows, he knows where she is
He couldn't stop her
He did save her an took her to a place she deserves
A place of peace honored by the spirit of God

She's gone!!!!!!!
That moment when you lost your loved ones and never had a chance to know them better rather to show them how much you care.
381 · Dec 2015
I love you
edwill makamu Dec 2015
As you turn and walk away,
it doesn't take even a minute for me to miss you
missing you its a habit,
but then loving you is a secret

in a way that I don't even know how much I love you - dear
My love for you is like rain,
you never know how hard or how long it will last
thats God's mystery

I got that amity, just when I lay my eyes on you
I'm so amiable, when it comes to my heart
I'm so amicable, when it comes to loving you
You are confide in me, so graciously

Provided! We got an amour, an there's no point to amend
Our love have the ambition towards failure
I will always adhere to your heart
I shall never be blown

I'm curious, I know!not what you are
But then, I curse I love you
I'm no cruel, I crumble in my heart
I'm not just a cove, but a lover

I'll always bear in mind, that you are the one
I know! not what you are, I love you
You are an extreme girl that I ever love
I shall never bunk off you, I love you.
376 · Jan 2016
I've come to my sense
edwill makamu Jan 2016
I found a lover,
I call her my future......,
I call her my stock
She is beautiful and worthy

Yes, she is beautiful and worthy
I call her my wife,
yes, I call her my lover
Her physique, so stunning, lovely and portable
She's unique, pretty and much valuable
Yeah! she's my only flipside

It's true, I forgiven the maltreatment
Yes, I'm afraid to be solitude
I might become stultified
Yes, I might become stultified

That's why I am careful,
that's why I am careful, careful.
375 · Dec 2015
edwill makamu Dec 2015
I am a venture
Where I live in a world
some situations, yah! were hard
yet are hard, success is optimistic

for the venture, I perish
for it is delicious, not when decayed
afterwards under the coat of success
when success really is the honey

from the venture, that not everybody can stand
they flee, like fledgling to hide
forgetting music played by the professionals
to call calmness

when S.A was a nation before democracy
it wept your new change
change of the freedom of charter
part of constitution that yields change

today change is possible
hester change was unacceptable
I say to you, you are a star
you are a star today

actually, what is a star?
can you associate a star?
can you really defines what a star is?
you are a star today, today
accept who you are and move forward.
struggle unwanted
366 · Dec 2015
The king
edwill makamu Dec 2015
One thing more and much valuable,
wherether lost, vulnerable or either hatred
between the two different *** human being
This the king basically comes around sometimes, usually!

And for he the king the best of all
not even the judge nor the press himself
who leads the nation can.........
And he himself also lead under the effect,

the control of this the king - king invisible
He is the affiliater of the two different
cultural human being lead to revolutional sharing
of social redemption and personal satisfaction of all means

Builder of respect, self concurrence legible to public
He prevails to joy, loughter and let the two
play and tease at each other, share dreams and wishes
forgive and forget all the pain and all the bad

befalled along the journey traveled before
this the king comes alive after the steel
was adhered to a magnetic attraction force

This the king let the two commumicate equity, also be a conqueror
and embrace the concurrent justice
to assemble and build self-dignitt to society
together with ardent and arrogance to arouse.
360 · Jan 2016
The destroyer
edwill makamu Jan 2016
We are breathing during fear
This thing, I mean this guy; the destroyer
He's here from nowhere
The beter I can say we from the almighty

But he came, not by peace
I can say, he brought only sorrow and misfortune
No pastor, no president and no doctor
He enters every land of living

He really kills, not ****;
but sends to the land of death
We are free as by we are given a freedom,
but a freedom neither him
Nelson Mandela did fight and won
But why not this guy?

Nobody can defeat him
Professional traditional doctors are failing
He is very dangerous with no shame
I mean even the unborns

He cares not,
he do the so called; ashes to ashes
Those who with wisdom,
are trying to battle
but it still appears to be a play.

I say, let us just play away
because battling is the solution
while in either way it isn't,
so, let's exercise ABC (Abstain, Be faithful and Condomise)

Stay safe and be healthy.
354 · Dec 2015
edwill makamu Dec 2015
If you were a person,
I would say,
you really are a famous personality,
but you ain't an I don't know who you really are

it's true, everyone runs after you,
when you appears around
Everyone wants to celebrate you
and they are unstoppable

we tremble, smile, lough, speak aloud when you around.
I drink we drink,
I fire we fire crickets
we run to tarvens and shebins
all because we are celebrating you

some cross night in churches,
some cross night in tarvens
some are sleeping but all are celebrating you

I want to know,
who are you?
are you the only one in this world
and if the answer is yes,
then is reasonable

and if the answer is no,
then why is only you we are firing crickets?
I wanna know better.
348 · Nov 2015
edwill makamu Nov 2015
Everytime when I'm alone sitting on my thoughts
I certainly think of nothing but writing
Thinking, what is't that I can write?
A poem is the only thing that come in mind

Still, I run some deep thoughts
What is poetry, what is it all about exactly?
Is't all about imagineries or assonant?
Is't all about the sonnet, metaphor or the simile?

Is a poem all about the grouping of words in stanzas?
Is't all about the rythym, rhyme or rhetorical?
Is a poem aesthetically, cadence or prose?
Or is't a phrase of personification?

Is a poem all about the movements and the doings?
Or is't all about telling of a story in short forms?
Is't all about the magnitude of words?
Well, a poem is all these things and more.
303 · Nov 2015
True passion
edwill makamu Nov 2015
You just alike beer,
when I *****, I die alcohol
With you wrapped around my arms,
I die love and the romance

You just alike the moon and the stars,
i love the way your eyes shines up
by your fuzzies look
you are my pet, hold my hand

I promise to snuggle as you cuddle
I hurl you may utterly not starve
I'll be your sturdy indulgement
I'll fluffy hold and cherish you

Rain is pouring, while your arms are affectionate
I don't wanna let go off you
The food is even delicious,
while the company is even extremely fantastic

You are Kingdom pet,
let's kiss and hold each other tight - till eternity
I can't think more of perfect evening........,good food, a bottle of wine and the romance,

but that precious little thing - love
all day every tick of my existence,
I been passionate for this honey kiss
I require not any desert after supper,

I got your juicy lips to quench me a thirst
Loneliness is no more near our roof
it's me and you
surrounded by the candles of true passion

How wonderful it is?
with no one to intervene
our true passion
297 · Nov 2015
edwill makamu Nov 2015
If I were to write a poem, I would write about you
Explain yourself look
I would wish to tell the world

How incredibly is a look
that never can be compared to a thing
When I look at you is like
you were made by of the piece of

the sun, the moon and the stars

You shines up the world continuously
everytime I bump into you
I'm perspirant, burning desire, love and the romance
Woman you so amazing, like fossils

You strut is fantastic
You are dynamite in nature
You cause tension and confusion between friends
You were made different,

           alike no one

If I were to write a poem,
I would write about you
Explain yourself look
Tell the world How you decorate my world.
296 · Nov 2015
live enough
edwill makamu Nov 2015
life is a dream, yet life is dew
life is as precious as a regalia
life is wealth at its own state
life is expensive, can never be bought

life is a game of which we all gonna loose
so let us rejoice & eat fill our belly for tomorrow we shall die
and when death comes, there's no remedy which can help
is true, is never small to have someone living for you

but is never a sin to accept, admit time has come
time to rest forever, forever in your last house
really, sorrow fells over those who have eyes open
if is those who are asleep, they even feel no hunger

they do not bid farewell
death have no day
life is priceless
live enough
edwill makamu Mar 2020
I always and in always, wished for the day
To come and passes by with joy in my heart
No thoughts, no self-questioning
does she care or will she? Only then I think,
spare her sometime, she’ll come around

I lived my life wrongfully with those………
Waiting for the day when my heart would reach out to your soul
Only then that my sorrows and my pains will fade
My happiness will fly high up the sky and falls down pouring; like rain
To wash away your doubts and hidden fears, hopelessness and

Restores an everlasting joy, hope and faith into your soul

I want to make a vow; I will never hurt you
I will never forsake you, I will never live you out in a cold
For my life with you is complete in a way that I cannot tell
For my life will never be the same without you

I’m not a prophet but:
For eternity I will keep trust in you
You are the sole reason that I breath
My soul is yours, hopes and desires too
You are everything I could ever need and more, you are my baby

Many cries loud out there, looking for love
For tender care, desires and hopes
But you are my angel, my miracle you all I need everyday
Today, tomorrow and for future you are the one.

Is that too much to appreciate?
215 · May 2024
To my love
edwill makamu May 2024
Like water:
I’d like to overflow your soul, so you never get thirsty on your entire life
Like the moon:
I’d like to fill you with light, so you never get covered by darkness
Like reinforcement bars:
I’d like to braze our souls, so we never part because together we are one
Like a heater:
I’d like to cover you, so that you stay warm forever
Like a blanket:
I’d like to comfort you, so that you are forever free
Like a seed:
I’ll grow old and flourish with you
Like a man:
I’ll love you with your flaws and without limitations
Then, like a magnet:
I vow to remain attracted to you and bond forever until death do us apart
181 · Apr 2020
edwill makamu Apr 2020
You are the poem I never knew how to write and this life is the story I have always wanted to tell.
And remembering that only day; the whole day with you it felt like I could conquer anything,
It was like as if I was on top of the world and even the stars themselves were just within my grasp.
So being without you even getting through the day is hard, thus I try to be strong but I can’t.
Sorry for I try to forget about you but I can’t. I LOVE YOU
One day relationship and the next its over.
147 · Dec 2023
I love you still
edwill makamu Dec 2023
Admiring you, while you're admiring someone else

Roses are red
Violet are blue

You gave me a chance and we became friends
We talk on the phone for hours and you gave me hope

I wake up on your good morning text and you sleep on my good night sweet messages

It all felt so good that one minute I said I 'care' and the other I passionately said 'I love you' and you wouldn't hasitate to say (I love you too)

No one would say no because it felt so real and promising, you told me so many things and,
you made me dwell because you said;
"If you treat me right, be a caring man then I won't look back"


Roses aren't all red
Violets will never be blue

I just thought you cared enough to be honest with me 'always' but no!
How can you be honest to a ******?

I have the pictures of you and I look at them and in my heart I sing, (you are my little indigo girl, it's a beautiful world when you're around) refusing to believe that

Roses aren't all red
Violets will never be blue

And now, I wish I can just forget about you because you're owned by someone who you care to call them 'MINE'

I trusted the process
I was about to give in
But you saved me, you saved me from giving you the world when I'm not even owning a land.

But I love you still.
144 · Feb 2020
I know it by now
edwill makamu Feb 2020
It's a great pleasure to spare you every  minute of my life
Because nothing in my life is as special,
not even my work that I'm always committed to
I would love to open my heart,
So you could see clearly, i dedicate it to you
Because believe it or not, your name is printed through

And i know you won't tear it apart, i know it by now;
You are already my woman and sure you are
And this what a lady can do (make her man smile even when you did nothing)
Your appearance, your actions rather your attitude says it all
I think of you even on my deepest sleep, sleepless nights aren't a friend no more
A peaceful sleep everyday because my head is filled with the thought of
****! I'm in love, because i know clearly you are my woman and so; no worries

You are perfectly made,
You an angel, my angel my queen
My integrity would never go to waste; i know it by now
I'll utilize every bit of it to express what you mean to me

Those girls in my past, those i use to obsess
Was just a thought (i love you)
All was just a passport to your wourld
I never knew you but i knew I'll find you
My instincts could always tell you are out there breathing

But it's a pleasure i finally found you my other half
Letting you part ways would be like giving up breathing
A day, one or two on a distance would be like hell in reality of
                        I miss you
Because i would never get tired of you, instead
I'll carry you through, I'll love you through thick and thin

I know it by now.
I don't even know if this still a poem but just  words that expresses all the feelings or just how i love her and how she got to give it back. A love that would never die.
123 · Apr 2020
I'm so in love
edwill makamu Apr 2020
When it is said and entertained,
It feels so lunatic.
I enjoy it, i go mad
Because everything seems like a movie.
And I'm blessed oh! lord.
118 · Apr 2020
The one i love
edwill makamu Apr 2020
Everytime I'm lying awake all alone on my thoughts, oh!
               My dearest darling
I'm thinking of you from wherever you are; i know you are thinking of me too.
Anticipating for the day and the time when we will meet.
For everything is set upon by the lord; You are my other half, the bone of my bone.
112 · Feb 2020
I found love
edwill makamu Feb 2020
Oh! How i know i wouldn't be nothing,
I wouldn't be a man enough if i couldn't  spot something irrestable upon you.

But I'm a man with painted smiles each day everyday of my life. A passing day without you beside me is like an empty gazol tank, the journey stops. Sorrows and loneliness takes place.


I found love when i found you and i wouldn't ask for anything more if my heart is loaded with joy and excitements together with satisfaction you bring into my life.

I  found love.

— The End —