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Clare Veronica Jan 2017
You came to my life
And taught me a lot of things.
You inspired me
Beyond what could have been.

You were the storm
That changed my calm skyline.
You were the sun
That lit up my dark world.
You were the fire
That burned my worries away.
You were the catalyst
That propelled me forward.

You gave me everything I needed
To grow, to prosper, to be better
Than I used to be.

You gave me so much meaning to my life
But I can't give anything to you in return.
And I'm so, so sorry
That there's nothing I can give
To be able to return what you've given me,
To be able to mark your heart,
To make you remember me,
Like how I will always remember you, 'till my hair turns grey.
4.6k · Jan 2017
He Understood Me
Clare Veronica Jan 2017
He understood me.
Just like that.

All my life I never expect anyone
to understand me even a single bit
Not once.
Not ever.
Not a single soul ever did.

And I was fine with it.
I did not mind.
I was used to being misunderstood.
Every day, every week, every time.
No one ever understands, and that was expected.

But he came when I least anticipated it
And he understood me.

I don't know how he did it,
But he did.
3.9k · Jun 2016
The Art of Being a Lady
Clare Veronica Jun 2016
Dress to ****, don't show everything.
Pass smiles, be polite to everyone.
Keep your voice down, never to laugh out loud.
Eat a modest portion, and only one piece of cake.

Walk gracefully, poise in every move.
Sit up straight, legs daintily crossed.
Hold your wine glass by the stem, never by the bowl.
Take a sip by looking into, never over the glass.

There's nothing in the world like proper etiquette.
You can always tell a lady has good breeding
by how effortlessly classy she is.
2.2k · Jun 2016
I forgive you.
Clare Veronica Jun 2016
I forgive you.
For all the times your empty words betrayed my trust;
I forgive you.
For all of the blames I've had to take--
I forgive you.
For the silences you left in place of apologies--
I forgive you.
Inspired by a beautiful poem by Rose:
1.9k · May 2017
Softness Is A Strength
Clare Veronica May 2017
Her fingers caressed the ivories
So very lightly.
The tunes that played
Echoing sweetly.

Nuvole Bianche,
Ludovico Einaudi

The title, she said,
means white clouds.

To her,
this song
captures the feeling of utmost sincerity
that exist in the purest
of her heart.

To be able to stay soft,
even after passing through cruel hands of the world.

To be as kind as you can,
even if the world will not pay you back.

To go out of your way for others,
even if it will never be enough.

To be genuine until the very end,
even when the whole world is against you.

To be soft in this cruel world
might just be the strongest power
a human can possibly possess.
1.5k · Aug 2016
She Rivals Nature's Beauty
Clare Veronica Aug 2016
They spoke of how her eyes
were made of a thousand stars,
And her veins pumped
with glitters from galaxies afar.

She wears beauty of the nine lights
On a body soft like fine silk.

That gentle grace
Always adorns her smile.

The rosy blush that kissed her cheek,

A quaint modesty of a lady

They took away my sinking heart.

She's a beauty
that rivals the nature
1.5k · Jun 2016
Beautifully fragile
Clare Veronica Jun 2016
He told her
she was
like pottery;

but beautiful.
1.5k · Jun 2016
Why ladies look fabulous
Clare Veronica Jun 2016
Little girls may be made
of sugar, spice, and
everything nice

but a true lady is made
of diamonds, sparkles, and
things that will make you *shiver
1.2k · Jul 2016
Liar Liar
Clare Veronica Jul 2016
Liar liar pants on fire,
Nose is long as a telephone's wire,
If I'm the one who's guilty honey,
Then why are you the one having trouble sleeping?
1.2k · May 2017
Old Souls, Old Friends
Clare Veronica May 2017
There was
a feeling of
uncanny familiarity
when we talk.

Like I've recognised
this soul
between the lives
that I remember
or that I don't.

I feel like
your soul
and my old soul
might have been
very old friends
after all.
This poem is inspired by Lang Leav's 'Soul Mates'
936 · Jul 2016
Subtle Beauty
Clare Veronica Jul 2016
Surrounded by scattered glasses,
Located in an isolated area,
Ignored by everyone,
Passed by as if unseen,
Nobody noticed it's subtle beauty,
Little do they know,
She's a wild flower,
Waiting to be noticed
877 · Nov 2016
Doomed Addiction
Clare Veronica Nov 2016
You see
The thing is
We are all looking for something
That can take away the pain
*We are all addicted
To something that takes the pain away
Clare Veronica Jun 2016
There's something about her
that makes him caught up in his words
and sets his soul to rest.

Eyes that outshine even the morning star
and puts the sun to shame.
Infinite depth of her stare,
reflects beauty and lets you see
a mind that only makes her
althemore perfect.

With soft gaze that rivals
the moon's reflection on the ocean,
she holds innocence in the most simplistic form-
*flawlessly beautiful
Clare Veronica Aug 2016
You could tie my tongue
My lips, my teeth
Split them into surrender
Into a foreign language

And I would still manage
To cough up your name
683 · Aug 2016
You Can't Break Me (10w)
Clare Veronica Aug 2016
No matter what you do
You will not break me
676 · Jan 2019
Just For Another While
Clare Veronica Jan 2019
I had you in my hand
and was given the cheat sheet
I’ve read the script
and the costume fits
Memorised how it played out
Saw the ending when they turned the page

Yet unbeknownst to me,
carefully hidden was a back-up scene
Leaving me aghast
and the play crumbled

You slipped off my hand, just like that
Like how a tornado
destroys in an instant
What was once
such a beautiful house

Yet for you,
I called up the Writer
night and day
Gave Him 3 dimes
to re-write a new ending

He refused but I kept bargaining
back and forth for 12 days
He finally agreed
and told me to sign the agreement,
insisting for 11 dimes as the final price

12 dimes were all I had
I still decided to settle with this agreement
I was prepared to throw away everything
And risk myself for another broken-heart

So I said deal,
as long as I can have you
Even if it’s just for another while
Before I lose you again
when the wind comes
To take you away from me
Everything I do, I do it for you, A.
Clare Veronica Jul 2016
And he was the only one,

The only one who ever loved me

Oh so innocently

He was the only one

Who tried to stop me
From always lowering myself

He was the only one

Who helped me
To be confident with myself

He was the only one

Who changed his way
So that I won't get hurt

He was the only one

Who still cared
Even after there's no more 'us'

He was the only one

Who showed me
What love was really like to him

I spent months wondering
How could a human be so unselfish

And I realized

He wasn't trying to make me love him

He was trying to make me love me
To the only guy who ever touched my heart (K)
502 · Jun 2016
Utter Fool
Clare Veronica Jun 2016
He had kissed her soft cheek
and understood what she meant to him.

He had breathed in her scent
and felt the completion that came with it.

He had felt her love for him
and known what heaven should be.

And like the utter fool he was,
**he had lost it.
491 · Jun 2016
But would you still stay...
Clare Veronica Jun 2016
But would you still stay
If I have run out of words
To make you laugh?

Would you still stay
If all that's left
Is silence?
475 · Dec 2018
Better Guy For Me
Clare Veronica Dec 2018
What happened today really made me
realize a lot of things
about you
Who you really are

I listened to your every word
Like you spat diamonds
But you barely listen to anything I say
All that matters to you
Is your words

I remember the last time
I asked God if I could just marry you
and be with you for the rest of my life
In His reply, God was curt
Because He knew that I knew it can’t happen
He’s told me so many times,
“You know it yourself and in your own heart,
there is a better guy for you.”

And my God, God was right.
My gut is always months ahead accurate
My heart will always protect me
452 · Dec 2018
One Mistake, One Chance
Clare Veronica Dec 2018
One chance
Is all I got

Before you leave me for good

But tell me
If we put a limiter
Like this
On our relationship

Is it still called a relationship?
Or is it a mere test relationship?

To grade it
As a pass
Or a fail

I feel that
Our relationship
Is just a time-bomb
Until it meets its end

We are just
On the verge
For one of us
To fall

*It is what it is
399 · Jun 2016
Love again
Clare Veronica Jun 2016
And when I thought
I could never love again
I met you.
374 · Jul 2017
Number Two
Clare Veronica Jul 2017
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
He asked.

She had been waiting forever for him to finally asked her that
But her usual bright expression suddenly turned somber at his question

A feeling of anger crept up
Replacing her soft smile with a frown

The sparks in her eyes that always lit up whenever she saw him
Now gone and dead

This feeling, she knew
This feeling she was so familiar with
everytime she thought of him
And it still felt like a huge stone
Pulling her down to her knees

There was a question that had been in her mind
For weeks
For months

"How could I, when you don't even like me as much as you like her?"

And her words hit home.

He had not expected that
Not with the way she always seemed happy around him
Not with the way she always smiled warmly at him
Not with the way she was always there caring for him no matter how difficult he was

"I do love you,"
she stared right into his eyes,
every word fell from her lips
with such sincerity
it felt like the first ray of warm sunlight
on a winter morning
The only warm source to his heart that has gone cold now

such intensity in her eyes

"but I can't be number two."

And they pierced his heart right through.

She got up and left.

He called her name over and over
Wishing she'd turn back and give him another chance
But his voice only seemed to be engulfed by the intense air around him

He ran after her
But she was gone

He punched the black wooden door beside him frustratingly
And he wished he had loved her more.
353 · Jul 2017
I'd Still Live
Clare Veronica Jul 2017
You can take away all possessions that I have
And I'd still live

You can burn me to ashes
And I'd still live

You can break every bone in my body
And I promise you
With any last remaining of my will
I'd still live
220 · Dec 2018
2:03 am
Clare Veronica Dec 2018
2:03 am

I’m lying in bed

About the time we broke up
And got back together again

You told me
There was just so much expectations

All I wanted
Was your attention

But instead
You’d come home and go on your phone
Till you get tired and sleep

I wanted your attention

But you told me
You’re just too comfortable
Because you see me everyday

You’re so different with other people
So energetic
And happy

I just wanted your attention

But you told me
You’re just so used to be in silence with me

I asked for a cuddle

And most of the time
You’d let out a big sigh
Before flopping your arms on me

As if your definition of a cuddle
Is simply
Throwing your arms
On my shoulder

How to get your attention
When you think
Asking for your attention
Is just too much expectations?

— The End —