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22h · 20
Between my heart
And head
Because they often fight
Both thinking they’re right
This internal war
Doesn’t let me sleep
But continues to pull my decision back and forth
Until I decide not to make one
At all
But even then,
I. Can’t. Stop.
Both a blessing and a curse
22h · 16
Nowhere Else
Feigning happiness
Knowing you can be cast-off
By so called close friends
Some things you cling to, forcefully, because there’s nowhere else to go.
22h · 16
Before You go Down
That path again,
It’s not your fault
1d · 37
Open Waters
Walking along the shore
Feeling sore from emotions indescribable
Forced to live, silently suffering.
The only outlet being the salty deep reflecting the perfect sun
With all my strength, with all the anger of everything ever felt
I yell out to the open waters
Sobbing, breaking down in the rough sand.
It’s almost as if it speaks to me, in the form of crashing waves,
as if it feels sympathy
The only sympathy,
My heart is so messed up I don’t even know if it's deserved by me
But it’s either releasing everything on the quiet seabed
Or facing my real problems
Which are too much for any sane mind to take;
That is if I’m still sane
After all, I’m screaming at the ocean, inanimate water for goodness sake
And it’s funny to think I expected a response..
To all those who think it's over, stay strong.
2d · 43
Anything at All
"Could you sweep me off my feet, and carry me, comfort me, ask me about my worries..?"
Is what I want to say sometimes,
but I'd settle for just sweeping me off my feet, and comforting me
I'd even be fine if I could be twirled around.
Or if you just gave me a hug,
or.. if you wanted to you could hold me?
For 2 seconds?
rub my back?
Do anything

At all       ,           and I'll be happy.
To what degree will you let the hurt reach? It's in your control after all.

Will you finally trust in yourself, to stand up on your own?

Break down, and sob yourself to sleep if you have to

But when the sunrise comes up once more, maybe it'll be time for you to turn over a new leaf

And explore life past pain.
You are taking the time and effort
To read what others make.
A big step in making writers feel proud
That someone read their work.
Unknowingly, your spreading joy
To the hearts of new, or old, poets
Thank you, readers
2d · 28
Happy Birthday
Though the laughs, and moments brightened up many days
Though you constantly bring us up
In between the lines, in all your closest bonds,
When your there for those around,
Is the reason everyone’s so fond of all you are
The reason why we’ll support you back
Cause between the lines, we know it’s true
All of us have had worse days than others
But you were there,
And we’ll be too
2d · 28
You would gladly take
If it meant
They’d accept to you
Even for a little
Just a thought I’d like to share
2d · 30
Some say love is not but false

Others say they’ve felt it twice

That even through its faults it remains a gift to life

If I were to choose, I’d see it through

In hopes I might feel it too

That sweet and nourishing touch from someone who cares enough to love

For those who opt to not, in the end is also fine

And wouldn’t rot their chances if their unloving phase subsides

If truly they start, and become open to change

Then with clearer eyes, bad habits they must break

For love is a hurricane, a life changing phase, If you let it be.
2d · 254
The magnitude of words,
   Invokes to each a different response
     Many use this power for evil,
       And release it among the unsuspecting seeds
         Still growing, now exposed to hatred.
           It is then that they will decide
             If their sentences will be in malice like theirs,
               Or if in their hearts, repairing the reputation
                 Of beautiful language, is a better use
Of words.
A willful decision
2d · 19
Conscientious of your footing
So I can catch you if you fall
Protective of you, and what you love
To defend against any targeted shoves
It’s not quite love, but it’s nice nevertheless
To see your beautiful face
When beating up whoever’s next
That dares to disagree
With you
3d · 17
Our Chapter

Your smile and touch; might just be a thoughtless moment
   But is what painted my sky
What has drawn my trees
   And grown my grass
To make my world.
    You might just be one letter
   In an infinitely long book
But without you; how could any of the chapters
   Make sense?

3d · 64
September Sky
September sky,
O’ how I miss
The summer heat,
The radiating sun, and vacations that come with it
Instead I must find solace
In the slight rain drops
Maybe a little breeze
And the scattered clouds
Across the beautifully drawn above
Now taking a step back,
Maybe the tinted leaves
Is just a necessary change
To move life along
Through the casting away
Of summer
And welcoming
the September sky
Just to move through life
4d · 206
Feel the beat
Your feet
Let it shake
Your bones,
Let the lyrics
Nod your head,
Put you in the zone.
The melody
Taking your mind by storm
Been feeling it
Since I was born
That iridescent song
4d · 75
Just Calm
When just sitting in calm
You don’t have the effort
To fix the unraveling mess
In front of you
And so you wait and watch
Chaos unfolding
You, only a witness to the scheming,
Then blaming, and arguing
While in your calm, absent minded bubble
And you just feel
A little joy
Sometimes :)
By default
Is skinny,
Slightly fit

Stylish hair
Perfect face
Stylish clothes
Impeccable personality

but there are ones
Who’s beauty is unmatched
In their hearts;

That with every beat
A smile
Is brought to those
Who dare
To look through
What shows
past the mirror
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
4d · 31
We strive for something more,
That let’s us feel relief and content
But to feel that relief
There needs to be something..
Unpolished, impossible
In your life
To make the perfect moments;
Light can only exist with dark
7d · 30
Crack crack, you hear, the lens from which you view the world fell from your ***** hands, onto the cold hard ground.
You move too late. The people walking demand for you to get out of the way. In an instance you drop, the lens out of view. Left to be stepped on by the soles on everyone’s shoes.
Without it your left to fear, a tear falls but no one sees, you surely can’t.
Again you try to grab on, your hands shake, yet you succeed. Once again you put on the blurred lens, this time more blurred and cracked, and you continue to walk until your shaking hands drop it again,
crack crack, you hear.
A secret
None must tell
A secret
That may ridicule
Those caught in it

A secret,
That may threaten
To destroy the foundation
Of various relationships
But also spark new ones

This secret
May be deceiving those around
But can keep some together
The secret;
True love.
7d · 31
When one’s insults hits a person’s head,
It confuses its flaws with weakness
It hurries to hide them
Ashamed of your dreams,
You let them float to the back of your mind
Your only goal,
To keep yourself hidden
But what does that make you?
What use is it when you,
Foolishly remove everything except the flaws
That shine through once a day?
Should you really let yourself
Be determined by the words of others?
Sep 9 · 31
My Cocoon
Inside, I feel like I’m in a cocoon
Beautiful, exemplary tapestries
Marked on the walls.
But these tapestries were not everything.
No, curiosity won out
I wanted out.
And so I began to wail
While my ****** hands broke through
The comforting, childish walls of the cocoon
All the tapestries broken in pieces
No more beauty.
Now a crack in the cocoon,
Water comes rushing in
I tread it the best I can
While holding onto the pieces of tapestry
Depicting the tranquility of the world
Oh so dearly
As I continue to wail,
And barely keep my nose above
The pressuring waves.
While the tapestries disintegrate
The cold, harsh water floods my eyes
It burns
But I use my remaining strength to weakly swim over to the crack in my cocoon.
And use my ****** hands to shove it closed
Then immediately, the water is gone.
Tapestries start to appear on the walls again
And so I wait in comfort
The blood on my hands gone
Until curiosity
Strikes again.
Sep 9 · 773
Time Heals All Wounds

The broken clock
Shattered on the floor
Smeared with regret
Was fixed when I entered one day
So I can move forward
As time heals all wounds
At least that’s what they say

Move forward!
Sep 9 · 16
A Step
To complete a step forward
Might be intimidating
Especially if others have taken hundreds of them
The struggle of “should I?” Can make anyone feel alone
But just that one step forward, alone,
Can make anyone stand up and yell
“I did it!”
Sep 6 · 33
When Feeling Returns
Another day, no feeling under the sun
again, when things are done,

does it matter who was there but didn’t help?
does it matter, those people who kept to themselves?

Maybe not.

Instead I’ll look to those who accepted me, who respected me
Who loved me since the beginning

It is not until this is realized, that it makes sense in our head
that true life begins, and our envy is shed.

Then confidence proudly burns

And feeling returns, the heat from the sun.
Sep 2 · 29
Looked into the mirror
I don’t just see me
But the haunting memories
That take a huge part
In everything I do
I see the grief
Of not just me
But the many
That weigh me down
More than 100 pounds
Past all the darkest thoughts
Is the vivid happiness
A step away from disappearing into
To drown in your own mind
Is more suffocating,
Than anything
Sep 2 · 47
Was it worth it?
Did it matter?


Your meaning to say, it was all for nothing..?



“Nothing, such a wide and subjective term.”


“Without taking a chance, aren’t we nothing?”


Sep 2 · 122
Proprietary Information
What it is
Only up to your imagination

Now at the level
Where this info’s now yours
You’ve proven yourself
And defied moral standards

You see inside,

Sep 2 · 41
Love’s Insane

Swiftly prancing
Around the ballroom
My putrid soul
****** stains
Marked on my attention grabbing
The ones who came before,
Fooled by the lust in their hearts
Now have passed
With beautiful red running down their chest
Their fullest love
Mine to claim.
And here comes 2,
No, 3 more
Wanting my
Don’t they know?
I’m here for theirs.
The muffled screaming
And desperate pleading
A little too addictive

Inspired by the song, “The Red Means I Love You”
By: Madds Buckley
Aug 31 · 68
Smile! Your on Camera
A smile
Inside, rotting feeling
Inside a mirage
Shut off
From emotion
My brain,
Used to laughing
Used to happiness
Forces a grin
The truth inside
I’m still me,
In a darker tint
Aug 31 · 51
Are a funny thing
Some, have seen you work hard, be strong
High expectations
Others, you’ve hurt, shown little effort
Low expectations
In the end both can rip you apart
Especially the expectation inside your heart
Whatever it may be,
Your life can be consumed
With the goal of reaching
An expectation.
Your life,
One huge
Don’t let your, or others expectations define who you are.
Aug 31 · 72
Fly, Butterfly
A butterfly
Through the maleficent garden
Not afraid like the others,
Who burrow in the ground
And choose to live on the dark side of the moon
No, instead this one chooses to see
The little star
In the darkest of voids,
A butterfly destined for the highest of trees
The most charming of buds
This light however,
Has shown too bright
Blinding the butterfly from those
Burrowed in the ground,
Who brought it to its grave, unapologetically.
A sad day, where every petal of every flower,
Would droop
Where the sky,
Blemished by its death
Would pour rain upon the soil
A time in which every member of the garden
Would yearn for another
To show them the smallest star
In the darkest of voids,
Throughout this maleficent garden.
To my family member
Who was shot in Portugal
By his best friend
After he denied a chance at major league soccer
A best friend who he had fought for
But stabbed him in the back
For no apparent reason.
The funeral for him
Was the biggest any had ever seen
Because of his amazing positivity
And how he helped everyone see
The little star
In the darkest of voids
Aug 31 · 87
To The Core
Thunder struck, melted to the core

A bond that lasts longer than any muck fire

Even when aspiration is bound to expire

Together, we’ll remain

two wounded soldiers at war
Your best friend is sometimes your greatest anchor,
With you through any war.
Often times they keep you from doing things you would regret.
This serves as a reminder, to not take them for granted,
And not to hold grudges against someone who has done
So much for you
Aug 31 · 47
Life, could you squeeze me any tighter?

Could you steal more of one’s own keep?

In honesty I’m just tired

For this marvelous, giving, horrendous, creature

Love is all I feel

Yet, seconds later evil is at work

And that love, again, expires.

A skipping stone leaps in my heart, but the surprise never fails

It neglects to sink peacefully in the lake

but gets crushed by an incoming whale

This marvelous, giving, horrendous creature.
Life is a funny thing, you might be in California, enjoying the beautiful beach, and a minute later your being drowned in the rain from above, physically and even mentally
Aug 31 · 197
Seems like forever ago
A dream adherent to the past

Though, not completely out of mind

Anxiety has drowned out the white noise, made everything go too fast.
What was a vast array of the world, only remains a sliver

To attempt a dance with that dream could not be so
Yet the urge to take its hand never fails,

Never ceases to make my courage seem pitiful, my self righteousness thinner.
And so it remains

A dream adherent to the past
Seems like forever ago..
Aug 31 · 59
A stalker preying in the night

Till 12 o’clock is here

Ready to run in, take a photo and disappear

Under the bright moon

More to add to his collection

For future recollection

An obsession, you could agree,

He’ll be hiding all alone

Spying on you in the trees
Aug 29 · 149
A streak of light soaring across the sky

A streak of night intertwined with the moon’s eye

To watch them dance, among the clouds

To whom anyone gazing would sigh,

“A masterpiece.”

— The End —