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905 · Apr 2020
Lover's embrace
Hennessy 5260 Apr 2020
I feel your breath on my skin
Whisper of kisses on my neck
Your fingers are the pen
Words traced on flesh
And I read them out in moans

I feel your passion
Tender words close to my ears
I let go of my fears
And embrace the warmth of your skin.
868 · Jun 2020
Millennial love
Hennessy 5260 Jun 2020
A word we carelessly throw around,
Casually to people we like and some we don't
An emotion so rare these days.

In a world so corrupt,
Families fueled by greed,
Betrayal fueled by lust,
Frenemies frolicking with lovers

We have accepted our fate,
We trust too little,
Love less,
Fake more.

So forgive me if I do not say the words back,
I am a child of this world,
I've learnt all too well,
My love is but nothing to be treasured.

Or perhaps I too have been corrupted
I know not what love is
So remind me
Of my innocence once lost.
535 · Aug 2022
Hennessy 5260 Aug 2022
Twas wee hours of the morning,
'course she'd come early
she's always been a morning person
yet I never was

so we ushered the morning
in throes of pain and tears
shouts and crying
some of joy, some fear

But as she breathed her first
I found love
and as little hands lay on my chest
I thought,
maybe this morning wasn't so bad
411 · Mar 2022
Hennessy 5260 Mar 2022
lie to me love
forget that I hurt
forget my past traumas
push the knife in my back

promise me forever
though you'll never stay
leave me breathless
then rip my heart out

remind me that love is pain
future hurt guised as affection
promises are just words
waiting to be broken
407 · Sep 2020
Hennessy 5260 Sep 2020
Sing me to sleep once more
Don't let the shadows take me
Where sorrow dwells
With the soft caress of tears
364 · Jul 2020
I plead the devil.
Hennessy 5260 Jul 2020
So you accidentally cheated,
***** a young girl to death,
Preying on other's wives
Stole your employer's cash

Committed several atrocities,
You were all smiles till you got caught,
Someone got to your head,
It's witchcraft

So you play the victim
The demons were at play
Beg for forgiveness
While you blame it on the devil.
Hennessy 5260 Jun 2020
I was light and air, formless, boundless, free.
I was the sparkle in a drop of rain,
The first blades of new grass in spring,
The whisper of a warm breeze,
The promise in a lover's kiss.

I was also the darkness and silence,
The stillness of stone,
The emptiness of space,
The cold oblivion of snow,
The heaviness of grief.

I was the breath of Osiris,
Living and dying,
Dying and reborn,
In an endless eternal flux.

I was something else as well,
Something small and fragile,
Something that could love and be loved,
A beating heart,
A mortal soul.

I was both and all and none
And I breathed.
Excerpt from the exquisite book by the same name by S.G Gardner.
219 · Apr 2020
Hennessy 5260 Apr 2020
I am an outcast
Too weird to be normal
But not weird enough to fit in with the weirdos
I have no place
An orphan, rejected
They do not understand me
Nor do they try
And I gave up trying to fit in

I am an outcast
Lurking in the shadows
Waiting for the moon to shed light on me
Hennessy 5260 Jul 2020
I'm a bird setting flight,
Touring new lands,
Leaving the nest behind,
Taking part of the flock with me

Deserting things I thought I'd love forever
Testing the waters I never thought I'd ever tread on
Approaching new heights
Forming new nests

Wherever the wind takes me
Bearing through the storms
Home draws near
New seasons have arrived.
199 · May 2020
Hennessy 5260 May 2020
So you pull my heart strings
To and fro
Like a swing set
Sweet coated lies

Meaningless apologies
Handkerchief to my tears
Manipulate me
Like a puppet

I'm a slave to these emotions
Trick me to believe
These red flags
are just false alarms
195 · Jun 2020
Plastic love
Hennessy 5260 Jun 2020
We shop our lovers
Like goods in the mall
Like Sims customized to our tastes
Marking of each item on the list

Like an assignment,
Hand them over to our friends,
The assessors,
If they meet the passmark,
We're satisfied and keep them

Like prized possessions
We hang them in our social media pages
They await examination
From trolls and meaningless strangers

Then the competition begins
Standards are set
We push ourselves to be kings and queens
Crowned with the title relationship goals

Picture perfect children
Parading our spouses in events like trophies
Behind the rehearsed smiles and perfect acting
The marriage lies in shambles

Depression threatens
The facade crumbles
Signatures on divorce papers
Then it's shopping again.
191 · Jul 2020
Hennessy 5260 Jul 2020
For all the times you held my hand
When I rode through the waves
When my tears seemed never ending
When my screams almost got you deaf

To the days I didn't want to talk
The days I forced a smile
When my nightmares woke you
When you held me as I cried myself to sleep

Reminding me how beautiful I was
When I looked like a wreck
Pushing me to achieve my dreams
When I felt like quitting

Celebrating my successes
Even more than I did
To the happy days
When we nearly suffocated from the laughs

Laughing at morbid jokes
So I wouldn't feel too weird
Watching sappy shows
Though you never liked them

For better or worse
You stuck it out
You never left
You braved it all
I will forever be grateful.
To those who braved it out through the tough times for your best friend, lover, family, relative... Whoever it may be may you never lack strength and always know we are grateful for each and every passing moment.
189 · Jul 2020
Hennessy 5260 Jul 2020
Light me up with new memories
Make me forget the old and gone
Burn into me
Passion and love

Treat me like glass
Make me forget I was broken before
Hold me tight in your embrace
And let me feel safe in your arms

Let's rewrite history
Like it was never before
And paint the grey sky.
In brilliant colours.
188 · Jul 2020
Silent screams
Hennessy 5260 Jul 2020
Shadows loom around
There is no sunshine today
The clouds are thick with rain
The air saturated in gloom

The children of the earth
Don grim faces
Eyes hold terror
But no tears fall

Tis the fear of the unknown
The powerful hold their fates in their hands
No one knows whether they will nurture or crush
But the odds don't look to great in their favour.
185 · Apr 2020
Hennessy 5260 Apr 2020
I'm okay
Really I am
I'm over it
I can talk about it without shedding a tear
I can move on without fear

Have I forgiven him?
We laugh and talk most times than not
The scars lay dormant
Then a whisper
The scars are scratched
Wounds reopened
I relive the nightmare

Then comes the shadow
Of pain and uncertainty
Conflicting emotions
Thirst for peace and vengeance

It seems my demons follow me
And no matter how much I try
I can't escape them
For the triggers are my shadow
And they're never far behind.
Are you really over something if you still get triggers?
184 · Jun 2020
Hennessy 5260 Jun 2020
I'm underwater,
My head held down
By an unknown force
But I can't fight it off
No matter how hard I try

This sea of emotions
It overwhelms me
I've lost control
I can't breathe
I'm stuck
172 · May 2020
I am not your enemy
Hennessy 5260 May 2020
Talks are useless,
Cause you don't want to,
Masked as fearless,
You put up your defences

I am not your enemy,
Your faults are not permanent,
But they leave marks,
Hurt and pain

Shall I suffer in silence,
Leave you to revel in ignorance,
For fear of losing you,
As I slowly fade
151 · Feb 2020
Not forgotten.
Hennessy 5260 Feb 2020
If you should ever feel alone
Like no one's there for you
That no one cares about you
Like you have no one to trust

If you should ever feel worthless
Like life is torture
And love unreachable
And pain is all you've ever known

Do not despair
For even the darkest rose has meaning
The ugly duck was just misplaced
And sorrow only makes us
Appreciate happiness more

Know you're stronger than you think
Life is more than the sorrows
Find comfort as you face trying moments
That many face the same or harder times
And hopefully it will all be better tomorrow
But all in all we're all in this race together.
You are not alone or forgotten.
147 · Sep 2020
Hennessy 5260 Sep 2020
For a moment
I close my eyes
Breathe deep and envision
The sunshine now lacking

As I exhale
Open my eyes
Despite the looming darkness
I clutch on the sliver of hope

That, that which once lost
Shall be regained
Despite the tragedy that seeks to drown me.
134 · Jun 2020
Tears of the living
Hennessy 5260 Jun 2020
You never appreciate life
till you've seen death,
Happiness without sorrow,
And bitter is the kiss of death
That took you away from them,

Longing for your tight embrace,
The gentle smiles of love,
The stern gaze,
The scorch of scoldings.

They watched your candle dim
Helplessly but with brave eyes
Not once betraying the worry and fright
The turmoil they brewed inside

Now you fly with the angels
To the journey of unknown
You live on in their memories
They hope you watch over them

Find comfort in hoping you're in a better place
Free of pain and suffering
That the good Lord called you home
Where you will finally rest.
So my friend's dad passed away today. Just after father's day.  She had lost her mum some years ago. And it's just breaking my heart to imagine the pain they are going through.
129 · Jan 2020
Hennessy 5260 Jan 2020
Have you ever felt like a black hole is swallowing you
That you may never see the Sun
While the darkness engulfs you
No one can hear your screams
Gloom and despair are all you know
Trapped inside this relentless body
With a heart that does not cease to ache
Drunk in unfathomable mixture of emotions
Sadness and confusion the most dominant.
127 · May 2020
Art Enthusiast.
Hennessy 5260 May 2020
Darling love,
If you should ever deem me worthy of your love,
Then I promise,
Cupid wouldn't need his arrows for us.

You're a work of art,
Gentle with your words,
Yet you're actions lure me most,
Blessing hearts like rays of sunshine
Nourishing the growing plants

The time for us is not yet
And I'm not sure when is
But till the hour dawns
I'm content to watch in the shadows

Bask in the warmth of your smiles
Shower you with my attention
Attend every exhibition
Of your life.
115 · May 2020
The widow.
Hennessy 5260 May 2020
The crickets creek
The moon smiles
All is silent but for the snores of the city
Night terrors roam
The chills of the night have no mercy
Tired eyes search the shadows
Perhaps the demons have visited
Tis after all the devil's hour
Trembling fingers search the bed
But alas it's empty
The lover long departed
Bitter was the kiss of death
But she wasn't too kind to take them both
Silly mind to forget such matters
The heart too stubborn to understand
No arms of comfort shall be offered tonight
But the cold embrace of loneliness.
106 · Jan 2020
Hennessy 5260 Jan 2020
I want the wind in my hair
Water to carry my body
The bubble and mirth of laughter
Tears of happiness
To lay on the bed of grass
The warmth of the sun on my face
I want to lay on the rooftop
Dine in the moonlight
Watch the stars
Enjoy the company of nature
And just for one night
Forget my troubles

— The End —