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1.6k · Apr 2020
Nikki Apr 2020
Iemand reikt me een hand
Als ik verstar
verdwijnt de hand opnieuw in de schaduw
Twijfelend blijf ik staan
Ik tast in het duister ..

Net als ik me omdraai
verschijnt de hand opnieuw
Deze keer neem ik ze zonder aarzelen in de mijne
En als de schaduw wegtrekt
kijk ik recht in twee hemelsblauwe ogen
en wil ik nooit meer loslaten
1.1k · Oct 2021
Nikki Oct 2021
What will I amount to
When I can’t take the heat
And crack under the pressure
Constantly haunted by preying eyes
Locked in on their target
A relentless weight
Seeping in every pore
And you are blind to it
Oblivious even

Perhaps it is imaginary
But it comes from all over
And it planted a seed
Which has grown into a weeping willow
Of soul breaking pressure
It is the barred door of my mental prison
The gravity to my butting wings
It is dragging me down
Whenever I try to fly

So tell me
How I can escape my prison
And defy gravity
1.1k · Sep 2022
Nightly Escapades
Nikki Sep 2022
At night I feel your lips
       Searching my body
Your hands exploring
       With fiery precision
Your eyes piercing through me
       With unchained desire

And my body trembles with anticipation
While my heartbeat accelerates
As we become one
1.0k · Jan 2023
Nikki Jan 2023
I am suddenly overwhelmed
by a terrifying feeling

Right now I’m still in control of the chaos
but soon it’ll control me
as it always does
Any day now
the dominoes will come tumbling down around me
Until one day none are left standing

I’ve been dreading that day
since I was a little girl
crying myself to sleep at night
Hoping, even praying, it would never come
because when it does
I’ll feel a loss - a pain - a sorrow
like I felt only once before in my life
But this time it’ll keep coming for me
domino by domino

And it will tear me to pieces
because I’m not a strong person
however much I pretend to be
I might’ve grown on the outside
but on the inside
I’m still that little girl, lying in bed
crying her eyes out
944 · Nov 2021
A cry for help
Nikki Nov 2021
Like a cry in the night
Left unheard
But not unspoken
Never really unspoken
Simply ignored
But why?
Why was I ignored
And overlooked
Was I not worth being heard
And noticed
Was I not special enough
To be saved
Even when words are uspoken, they are still there. Just waiting to be heard.
899 · Sep 2020
Nikki Sep 2020
We have so much of it
Yet never enough
800 · Mar 2021
Nikki Mar 2021
My demons and I
We go way back
When I was utterly alone
They were there
To criticise me
To torture me
To feed my insecurities
And my worst impulses

But they also protected me
Consoled and soothed me
And accepted me at my worst

For most of my life
They were my only companion
And they stuck with me
When things got tough

That is why it is hard
To leave them behind
And make room
For a new chapter in my life
For a chance at something better
727 · Jul 2023
Nikki Jul 2023
Never felt so pathetic
No that’s a lie
I feel pathetic every single day
But today it somehow felt worse
I was at a party
A few drinks in me
And everything I feel daily
Just felt heightened
Like the loneliness oozed from my fingertips
And the sadness sank me to my knees
And the emptiness filled my lungs

I was far enough gone
Not to care who saw me at my worst
But not far enough to finally forget who I am
It just confirmed what I already knew
That I’m simply pathetic, with or without alcohol
A colleague at the party asked me, without malice: 'Do you ever just let go, stop caring what people think, and have fun?' And i crawled deep in my shell and my demons waged war in my head.
695 · Jul 2021
What did I do?
Nikki Jul 2021
What did I do wrong
To deserve this vast emptiness
Where life should be
Where joy and wonder and adventure
Should’ve reigned

While instead every day,
Blurring into one,
Is ruled by disappointment,
And self-pity,
And self hatred

When all I ever wanted
When all I ever asked for
Was one reason
Only one
To make my life worth living
To bring a light in the darkness
To make sense of a senseless world
To bring an end to all my doubts and heartaches
Only one
690 · Apr 2023
Mijn Duisternis
Nikki Apr 2023
Ik wil mooie, hoopvolle woorden neerpennen
Mijn geluk uiten in elk gedicht
Als nieuwe kleurrijke melodieën
Die dansen op mijn blad
En aanstekelijke vreugde zaaien

Maar ik kan enkel en alleen verdrinken in mijn duisternis
En inspiratie halen uit de verknipte hoeken van mijn gedachten
Elke letter gedrenkt in pijn
Iedere beweging van mijn spreekwoordelijke pen een wonde verwoord op papier
Dus schrijf ik donkere, scherpe teksten
Of hopeloze, onbereikbare fantasieën
Die slechts mijn eenzaamheid bevestigen
651 · Jul 2020
Denk je aan me?
Nikki Jul 2020
¿Qué estás haciendo?
While I'm slowly losing my colours
¿Estás pensando en mí?
Mi ami?
Je te manque?
Do you even know me?
Porque yo sí te conozco
Je t'ai toujours connue
Ti ** sempre amato
Zelfs al hield je niet van mij
639 · Apr 2023
Nikki Apr 2023
My inexperienced and innocent little heart
So eager to learn, have adventures
Even collect a few scars
Whatever it takes to feel alive
To feel something

Skipping a beat at the very thought
Positively nervous with anticipation
Yet enveloped by dark clouds
A constant reminder of the truth
That systematically crushes every speck of hope
625 · Mar 2022
Loneliness, my old friend
Nikki Mar 2022
This feeling is like
A weighted blanket
I can’t shake

A suffocating

A silent scream
Ever present

A severed connection
Separating me
From life

Stuck behind glass
Always looking in
Banging loudly
Yet never to be heard

Only ever alone
With my pain
The only one
Always by my side
The only one
Never to leave me
624 · Apr 2022
One bad thought
Nikki Apr 2022
Tell me
What it means
When everyone’s happiness
Makes you feel even lonelier
Empty to the core

How a mood can change
In an instant
And seem to **** all the light
Out of every smile

Every moment poisoned
By one seemingly innocent instant
One bad thought
To infect all the others
562 · Mar 2020
Come Back
Nikki Mar 2020
I still hear your voice
and your laughter
I still see your face
when I close my eyes.

But you’re not there
when I open them again
You were there one second
but gone the next.

I wanted more time
but you had none left
Leaving everything behind
and leaving us,
with a hole in our hearts.
503 · Oct 2020
Nikki Oct 2020
When people look at me
They don’t see me
or how I struggled
or the cracks
I had to glue together

No one knows
that every little ripple
might break me
for good
388 · Dec 2023
Painful Clarity
Nikki Dec 2023
Where do you run to
When there’s no way out
When darkness is conspiring in your mind
And consuming every thought
Attacking left and right

Like a storm leaving nothing behind
But ruin and agony
Tearing at the fabric of your being
Exposing every truth
Bringing painful clarity
Spiraling in your mind
377 · Jan 2021
My muse
Nikki Jan 2021
Tell me what you want to hear
And I’ll write you the most beautiful works of art
With every word in my arsenal
I’ll put your desires to paper
Your essence will inspire the ink
To flow without end
And paint the most beautiful sights
Yet they still couldn’t hold a candle to you
My muse
311 · Dec 2023
End My Nightmare
Nikki Dec 2023
You can end my nightmare
With the swift hiss of a blade
Or a tender lingering kiss
271 · Nov 2020
Lonely Days
Nikki Nov 2020
I dread the happy days to come
When it's cold outside
But you're snuggled up
Next to the tree
Warming to a cosy fire
Surrounded by family and friends

But not this year
Now there will be no pleasant crowd
To distract me from my loneliness
No noisy chatter to drown out the silence
Nothing to feed the illusion

This time I can't fool myself
Into being happy
Like every other year
Instead I'm forced to face
What this time is really about

Spending it with someone you love
And who loves you
How I wish
I would have someone
Like that
239 · Jun 2020
See Me
Nikki Jun 2020
Love me, hate me
Desire me, despise me
Hold me, leave me
But do not ignore me
See me, as I see you
Do not pass me by
as if I’m not there
Do not show me
you’re happy without me
Let me in,
tell me I belong
Do not shatter me
and crush my hopes
But reach out,
take my hand
and let me in.
236 · May 2020
Vergeef me
Nikki May 2020
Zie me
denk ik telkens als je me
nonchalant passeert in de gang

**** me
roep ik stilzwijgend
als ik je stem herken

Voel me
fluister ik als we per ongeluk
tegen elkaar opbotsen

Ken me
zoals alleen jij dat kan

Hou van me
bid ik hoopvol elke nacht

Vergeef me
dat ik je dit niet durf zeggen
227 · May 2020
Sommige dagen
Nikki May 2020
Er zijn van die momenten waarop je wereld instort
De grond davert onder je voeten
De lucht wordt uit je longen gezogen
En het wordt zwart voor je ogen

Op die momenten besef je dat je alleen bent
in een wereld vol mensen,
dat iedereen vooruit gaat
terwijl jij vastzit
En met elke stap die je probeert te zetten,
vertel je jezelf dat je bent waar je moet zijn,
dat je daar thuishoort

Maar toch blijf je hopen
dat iemand voor je zal terugkeren,
je bij de hand neemt
en je vooruit trekt.

Maar elke dag zak je iets dieper in de grond
Tot je helemaal wordt opgeslokt
219 · May 2020
Dans met me
Nikki May 2020
Iedereen danst
de ruimte is gevuld met muziek
overal **** ik gelach
mensen omarmen elkaar
en hopen dat de muziek nooit stopt

In een hoekje van de zaal zit ik
Ik ben niet gekomen om te dansen
Maar waarom dan wel?
Misschien hoopte ik toch
dat iemand me ten dans zou vragen

Mijn gedachten worden onderbroken
door twee glasheldere ogen die me hoopvol aankijken
Een hand vraagt me om te dansen
en ik neem ze dankbaar vast
We dansen de hele avond
en de hele nacht
zelfs als de muziek stopt
laten we elkaar niet los

Maar plots begin je te vervagen
en word ik weggerukt
Ik word wakker
en het enige wat er nog van je overblijft
is een vage herinnering
en voeten die moe zijn van het dansen
219 · May 2020
Mijn zon
Nikki May 2020
Ik voel me leeg en alleen
Maar als ik jou zie
Draait m’n hart overuren
Je stem geeft me kippenvel
En je blik betovert me

Helemaal van ****
Snak ik naar adem
Opnieuw en opnieuw
Hopend op meer

Als je dicht bij me bent
Schijnt de zon
Maar mijn dagen zijn donker
En mijn nachten maar kort
En als de zon buiten opkomt
Gaat de mijne telkens weer onder
218 · Aug 2020
How does it feel?
Nikki Aug 2020
How does it feel
when you become one?
When lives intertwine
and you don’t know where one ends
and the other begins
When you give yourself fully
to the one you love
Everything in the open
She trusts you
and you trust her
with your heart
with everything
How does it feel?
215 · Oct 2020
Constant Noise
Nikki Oct 2020
I howl at the moon
to drown out the noise
That constant agonizing ringing
trying to **** out
all the life
Draining mind and soul
attempting to break my spirit

So I howl at the moon
to keep the noise at bay
211 · Apr 2020
Ik Mis Je
Nikki Apr 2020
Het einde kwam te snel
Je was nog niet klaar
Je had nog zo veel te beleven
Je had nog zo veel te geven

Je leven was niet zonder pijn
Ik had graag al die pijn weggenomen
Ik had graag je wensen zien uitkomen
Samen met je liggen wegdromen

Toch kon je genieten van de kleine dingen
En wat was ik blij als ik je aan het lachen kon brengen
Jouw lach zal me altijd bijblijven
Jij zal me altijd bijblijven
211 · Nov 2020
Nikki Nov 2020
I have written about love
Many times before
But in truth
I have never been in love
I have dreamt of it
So many times
But I have never felt its warmth

And it has always torn me apart
Sometimes I felt unworthy
And hated myself
But other times I felt
I had so much love to give

Yet I've always known
That no one wants me
And it has always haunted me
Even now as I'm failing to fall asleep
Or actually, crying myself to sleep
I ask myself why
203 · Oct 2020
The Voice
Nikki Oct 2020
How do I silence
that suffocating voice
endlessly critiquing
sewing seeds of doubts
terrorising my mind
pushing all my buttons
and without remorse
how do I silence that
when it might just be
my own voice
197 · May 2020
Nikki May 2020
Mijn handen weten niet wat te doen
Mijn lippen zijn onervaren
Mijn ogen weten niet waar kijken
En mijn hart heeft nog nooit geslagen

Mijn voeten hebben de jouwe nog niet verwarmd
Mijn rug heeft nog nooit jouw warmte gevoeld
Mijn armen kennen jouw gewicht nog niet
En mijn schouders hebben nog nooit jouw tranen opgevangen

Mijn vingers raakten nooit verstrengeld in jouw vingers
Mijn oren kennen je stem nog niet
Mijn lippen kwamen nog nooit zo dicht bij de jouwe
En mijn ogen zijn nog nooit zo verblind geweest
186 · Nov 2022
Why would you?
Nikki Nov 2022
I don't know what i expected
Someone to notice me
And not ignore me
Someone to reach out
A helping hand

A naive and childish notion
Because no one cares
They never do
Why would you?
182 · May 2020
Nikki May 2020
Ik voel de lucht veranderen
ze voelt vochtig aan op mijn blote huid
Ik snak naar adem
als de wind me meevoert
en me laat zweven

Maar als de eerste druppel zijn bestemming bereikt
zet ze me zachtjes weer op de grond
Ik spreid mijn armen,
sluit m’n ogen
en wacht af

Ik voel ze,
één voor één raken ze me aan,
strelen ze m’n armen,
knuffelen ze m’n hals
en kussen ze m’n lippen
tot geen plekje nog droog is
160 · Oct 2020
Nikki Oct 2020
Change comes
and I run

From the unknown
towards security
and comfort

Like a coward
crawling back in my shell
never to come out again?
157 · Dec 2023
Empty Sky
Nikki Dec 2023
I reach out
To ask for help
But I stare up
At an empty sky
Not one star to guide me
Not one hand to hold
Nothing to stop my endless fall
157 · Sep 2020
Let Me
Nikki Sep 2020
Take out your sketchbook
And draw your future
Sketch your every dream
And every wish
Now let me colour it in
Page by page
Colour by colour
Let me make it all happen
And let me
be a part of it
154 · Mar 2020
Nikki Mar 2020
Sometimes I wonder
what I will find
further down the road

Will someone be waiting
arms outstretched
inviting me in

I had always hoped
but never really believed
I always knew
it wasn’t meant for me

But against my better judgement
I still hope I am wrong
with every fibre
I wish
that this isn’t it
that there is someone
out there
waiting for me
147 · Mar 2023
Contagious Hate
Nikki Mar 2023
All around me
I see hate
Polluting the air we breathe
Infesting the soil under our feet
Attacking the cells in our body
Like a cancer
Eating away at our souls

They hate people for their skin
For what they have
For who they are
Just because they are different

Once it has a hold
It spreads like a wildfire
That cannot be contained
And burns bridges left and right

And worst of all
It's a contagious virus
Because misery loves company
And people love to hate
146 · Nov 2021
I crave..
Nikki Nov 2021
Sometimes I crave
An honest touch
One that requires no words
But says it all

A deep connection
Beyond words
Beyond the physical

Sometimes I crave
An honest touch
A deep connection

And every waking moment
And sleeping second
I crave an end to my loneliness
140 · Feb 2021
Rage and shame
Nikki Feb 2021
I rage against the intolerance
The injustice
The bigotry
Still out there
In every corner of the world
In my own backyard
I’m ashamed of the discrimination
Appalled by that legacy of hate and ignorance
When we should all be coming together
And celebrate our differences
Love each other for it
Embrace everyone
Love everyone
135 · Oct 2021
Nikki Oct 2021
As I am lying here awake again
Torn between self-hatred and existential conundrums
I again find myself wondering
What the point of it all is
Why I have to suffer
Day in
Day out

What could be worth
All this agony
And I know what is
But I also know
That it will never happen
I see nothing in my future
But a miserable blank space
Devoid of happiness
Drained of all colour
134 · Aug 2020
I Write
Nikki Aug 2020
I write to remember
I write to forget
I write to understand
I write to explain

I remember things yet to happen
I forget but never forgive
I understand but don’t accept
I explain why I ache

I hope all my dreams will come true
and I will find it in my heart to forgive
I hope you will be there
and write with me
128 · Sep 2020
Nikki Sep 2020
Zachte handen troosten me
maar als ik ze opzoek
voel ik een rilling over m’n rug glijden

De handen troosten opnieuw
maar wederom maken ze plaats voor een rilling
die telkens dieper dringt
tot ze zich nestelt in de donkerste uithoeken van mijn binnenste
en daar een verontrustende leegte achterlaat
126 · Apr 2023
No need to pretend to care
Nikki Apr 2023
Hey, want to hear something funny?
I hate myself and I hate my life
It's a terrifying *******, just like my future
But hey, rest assured, and keep ignoring me
Cos I'm more afraid of dying then of living
There's bad days, worse days and what's the point-days
125 · May 2022
The fool
Nikki May 2022
Let me be the fool

That believes in fairy tales
Who trusts without hesitation
That dreams in colour
Who loves without fear
That embraces the unknown
Who risks without inhibition.

To a realist
A dreamer is a fool
But if I could
I'd rather be the fool
118 · Dec 2023
The Abyss
Nikki Dec 2023
Do you ever wonder
About those standing
At the end of the world
Staring into the abyss
Wondering what’s on the other side

Would you look into their eyes
And ask them why?
Before they go down

Will you give them a second thought
Before you continue on your path
Or easily forget
Like it was only a whisper of the wind
In the darkest hour
117 · Nov 2019
Sun and Moon
Nikki Nov 2019
Night makes room for day
Quite the sight to see
All sadness and sorrow taken away
What a time to be

Day kissed asleep by night
Drowning in dreams sugar-sweet as pie
Glowing embers warm and bright
Roaming through the night sky

Howling fiercely at the moon and sun up high
An insurmountable distance to face
Remembered in one mind's eye
Two lovers separated by time and space
114 · Mar 2020
Nikki Mar 2020
Fill my mind
No second chances
No do-overs
Just heartbreaking,
earthshaking regrets..
111 · Apr 2020
Show Me
Nikki Apr 2020
Show me everything
you think you should hide
Don't hold back
And neither will I

Never hide the best parts
I want to see it all
every part of you
That is what I signed up for

So please show me yours
and I'll show you mine
110 · Dec 2019
Nikki Dec 2019
When I am awake
I think of you
I see your colours
and hear your music

I listen only to you
I see only you
Wherever you are
Whatever you are doing

I just wished
that one day
you would be thinking of me too
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