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Sep 2019 · 370
the unspeakable ugly.
Isheanopa Zvobgo Sep 2019
You found me dining with your demons.
I'd never meant to cheat on you.
You'd taken too long being timid
You'd gone to extra lengths to avoid me meeting your nearest and dearest.
You should have opened up to me,
Let me in.

His demons came to me.
They told me all the stories his lips didn't speak when they uttered "I Love you"
They told me heartbreaks that made me weep
and explained the ugly things in a way that rebirthed hem beautiful.
Surely, I  found myself running.
Running wild with his demons,
Hosting his imperfections without his consent.
Yes, I

We, them and I, became inseparable.
But till this day I believe;

The only thing uglier than the truth is my actions.
to be so bold as to elope, with his pretty little fears.
Sometimes we become demons to our nearest and dearest, accommodating their insecurities more than them.
Sep 2019 · 149
tainted Discernment
Isheanopa Zvobgo Sep 2019
I remember seeing you.
I saw you dressed in good intentions.

But you were too busy seeing through me.
and that's okay as
I've always been transparent nature.

But how did you see my good intentions,
and still, choose an evil end?
Were you really that determined on your road to hell?

And I suppose you think you're entitled
But you'll never be that champ,
for you show no Decorum,
only tainted Discernment.
Sep 2019 · 217
Isheanopa Zvobgo Sep 2019
Before you, I drank Ovaltine and Strawberry milk.
Before you, I had decaff half shot Latte's

Now I relish triple shot expresso's with no sweetener.
and even they don't compare,

the bitterness

                        of your aftertaste.
And its these feelings of you, that course through me like Caffeine.
Apr 2019 · 273
Isheanopa Zvobgo Apr 2019
I'm a very average thing.
[with a lifetime shelf life]

But for you, I'll be a very good thing.
[and all good things come to an end]

If you look closely, I'm "Best [enxperienced] Before"
Reality sets in.
We are worthy when we are ordinary. We too must be experienced.
Apr 2019 · 481
knight in shining armour.
Isheanopa Zvobgo Apr 2019
From afar you looked like a knight.

But you were a trojan horse.

Tonight I'm burning.
Isheanopa Zvobgo Apr 2019
The sun is sick of me these days.
He doesn't see me.

I reek of desperation.

I know this because the stars, like flowers, have closed their buds.
I'm repugnant in this moment.
everything wilts when I am present.

The sky cries for me,
The clouds send rain to wash away these feelings,

but even the rain is drowning in my desperation.

Am I becoming more dire than global warming?
Mar 2019 · 705
gone with the wind
Isheanopa Zvobgo Mar 2019
I was the Hurricane that fondly blew on him
-the way you do your favourite old records

But he was a dandelion and
he was gone
                       w   i  
                                 t   h


some things are best enjoyed only at that moment. Don't blink, don't ask for a pinch because, by the time you believe it, Its already moved on.
Mar 2019 · 717
Your Wife's name is
Isheanopa Zvobgo Mar 2019
looking back I realise I was a rather ambitious mistress.

How absurd that I should think you'd leave her for me. She's been with you longer than you care to remember.

In fact, you married her to become "A Man".
That Bitc- your loyal wife was technically there during our encounters too.

I risked everything to show you what life could be without her,
what we could have.
I know you hold her closer than you do your dreams.

That ****** wife of yours.

Her name is Insecurity.
Sometimes we love people who have already committed to their insecurities. It's sad, but all too common
Mar 2019 · 280
Shooting Stars
Isheanopa Zvobgo Mar 2019
I hope shooting stars fall on all your empty acres.
The places where the seeds I planted never grew.

Places that won't even grow poppies.
Yes, I'm praying the Sars fall on no man's land.
More commonly known as your heart.
May stars fall next to Flanders Feilds
Isheanopa Zvobgo Mar 2019
You were my worst nightmare, dressed in all my favourite promises.

You are my own succubi robed in Answered Prayers,

Oh, Dear. I'll make a memory out of you.
Isheanopa Zvobgo Mar 2019
I loved you most, when the lies you'd worn all day
piled at your feet.

My God you look so. *******. Pretty.
With nothing but the truth on.

Now come and lie to me between the sheets.
Feb 2019 · 311
Cheap thoughts
Isheanopa Zvobgo Feb 2019
They say ideas are cheap,
I'm a hoarder of ideas,
but my accumulation of ideas,
still couldn't buy me the dream of you.

Not even on loan.
I still dare to think of you
Feb 2019 · 254
Choosing anyone but me
Isheanopa Zvobgo Feb 2019
You were always the first person I told.
But for some reason, you were the last person to know.

Why did you do that?

Choose to not know me.

— The End —