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589 · Oct 2016
London Fog
Adam Mott Oct 2016
Tallest trees, burnt out realities
A hundred acre wood, haunted
Life, a fairy tale without ending
Bitter bedtime story
Buried in a segmented quarry

Bothering through, the hurt of two
Conquered by sorrows with fear of tomorrows
As the seasons' change

Time will mend these roles and parts
Actors on a stage possessing real heart
The first time in human history,
Happy endings

No more bitter glories
The flavour of life underwater
Another colourful persona
Built to make them believe you
Decide to write something vaguely spooky prior to election season
I mean, Halloween
586 · Nov 2016
Adam Mott Nov 2016
Mechanics of motion
Internal divide
Colours of tomorrow
External lie
583 · Jan 2014
Oculus Flux
Adam Mott Jan 2014
In the way back
We dug up ties in navy
Whistling tunes whilst we cried
Watching as all of time flew by
Our innocence remaining
Who am I?
Love and Live to die
579 · Apr 2015
Smash Cut
Adam Mott Apr 2015
Put me in a closet
A tiny room
Toss the keys
Ask if they still love you

Pick a rapid beat
Buy a guitar with restless feat
Allow your toes to fall asleep
Kiss the clouds as you gently weep

Cool and collected you sit by the door
Phone on the carpet
Head on the floor

Nothing on the radio
Bounty on the vanity
Dollars strewn throughout
Wait, what was I even talking about?
574 · Jul 2016
Goodbye in October
Adam Mott Jul 2016
A cruel frustration intermingling with history long surpassed
Amidst such a condition as memory allows
Righteous fury unbundled on the path
The cold realities of "Now and Then" give texture to emotions ethereal
Like the band named after the drugs, taken year after year
Only now unburdened of their weight and blandness
Not unlike a pond after a heavy rain
Traces remain in the air and body
Slight trembles in the wake of motion
Until, finally, serenity
Tags are for your discerning.
However, this is the textual doting dedicated to the anti-depressants I relied upon prior to bidding them farewell in the Fall of 2015.
573 · Mar 2015
Glassy Sky
Adam Mott Mar 2015
Up till now time has been much the same
The days dying light coming to an end
Stories carrying on, lonely and lost
Peoples with dreams

For this action, their is no looking back
Under Glassy Sky
The broken segments of society
A foreign phoenix breaking free
Glassy Sky, breaking me

The history of the fall
That truth changed the color of the walls
Didn't know if the drop would hurt
Sometimes one had to wonder what was beyond
Trying many times to make a new truth

Time has already stopped
No more shadows
Can't give up if this life goes on
A people strong and cutting

Glassy Sky, breaking free
A phoenix in a foreign land whispering
For 236 Arab Spring
573 · Aug 2015
Things I Need to Say
Adam Mott Aug 2015
I love you
And with these lungs
I let my vocal cords see
The pride that left my mind
When the mouth was not the same
As the nights, I spent alone

Far up North
In an old home
Like a pistol used for fun
The killing kind
I come undone

As the guitar breaths and sighs
I see you as you see me
When all but the last of the light dies
A piano charmed into elation
As a clock overspun
Come undone

Days to go
Few in front of me
Journeys end, finally
Coming back
I've had a difficult time being back home this summer, it is a strange place filled with people I no longer feel as though I know. Those that fill me with love and hope almost exclusively reside far from this place, although not entirely. I look forward to being back where I belong, yet I know that I need the money this place provides and must swallow my pride and desires. This is the last time I will be able to participate in such a summer and as this is true, I must realize my own mortality and appreciate that.
Here are a swath of tags to go along with this.
570 · Nov 2014
7. Pantoum
Adam Mott Nov 2014
Economic dangers of home pushed us away
Ripples in time keep us at bay
We live in the new world now
Fighting the bitter cold lovingly

Ripples in time keep us at bay
We miss our homes but here we shall stay
Fighting the bitter cold lovingly
Nostalgia dotes upon our commodities

We miss our homes but here we shall stay
We live in the new world now
Nostalgia dotes upon our commodities
Economic dangers of home pushed us away
Part 7 of ten in the poetic anthology of politics
570 · Feb 2017
Monkey 2
Adam Mott Feb 2017
Frustrated by the weight inherent with trust
Too many words written in stone turning to rust
Nonsensical as it may seem

Everything fails eventually
Heart, host, body and mind
Time and reality,
Rather unkind

Mimic those that do it best
Failing to succeed
Puffing out your chest
Laugh and smile in the mirror you bought

Unkindled by the spirit of rot
Everything is everything
Until it's not
Adam Mott Dec 2015
Left out on the tracks
Awaiting the waves to overtake the sunrise
All these trails I followed to us
Continued too far
Love becomes dangerous

Snow please numb this pain
Dirt suffocate my name
Waves cleanse and drain
Each breath a torturous electricity
Love so dangerous
Heart open to the touch

Sea, lift me up
Or drag me down
Not a soul to care
Not a hand to trust

I want so much
But I cannot touch
Arms have frozen with rust
Becoming a stranger
I'm sorry, I'm just thinking of the right words to say
569 · Oct 2014
Auto Bio
Adam Mott Oct 2014
Rattled through my pages
Soiled all my words
Colorless and quiet
Nothing ever heard

December's winds, cold and wild
The warmth in which I do toil
Turning and turning
My very pages, tattered and burning

Lullabies for which to sleep
Promises you promised to keep
Something to wish for when far away
To know and want,
To be everything
I feel it, burning and yelling from deep inside

The tags, they know nothing
Adam Mott Dec 2013
She who would want not but destruction
Deserves not but life deduction
Taken down from her high rock
For, we no longer can simply talk
Too good for me
Too proud to yell
I look back somberly,
On all that Hell
Now you drop your eyes
Like the December pleads
Won't you Love me?
When you Loved me
Ah, ah
Insanity you plead
For more!
565 · Dec 2013
Little Ellie (Elliot)
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Together, we built a fence
A white picket fence
With coats of simple little dreams
I drive by it every once and a while
I smile the most bittersweet of smiles
For more!
558 · Jul 2014
Adam Mott Jul 2014
Double take while your crude eyes bleat
Forested lakes that end in wakes and shallows
Moribund shakes with breaths drawn out and hollow
A fist to shake behind a smile you fake
Closed and volatile it awaits the dropping of guard

Quick and fast
Striking hard
Akin to the sounds of crashing cars

With narrow glee slink away
Reptile, Shark, Ancient Evil, all come out to play
Save the best for you while toiling away
Harrow and simmer each day
At the bottom of this self dug well I can only look upwards
Upwards, as you slowly allow the lake to smother and consume
Stereotypical Arts student writing novels and what not. I wrote this particular piece as a loosely structured poetic challenge to myself. Instead of planning my characters out in the traditional sense, I have taken to writing poems that characterize each character. This particular piece, describes one of the individuals whom will be an overwhelming force in the novel.
Thank-you for viewing an experiment in progress!
Once again, the tags have little to do with the piece itself.
558 · Sep 2014
Fields and Poppies
Adam Mott Sep 2014
Trench foot which paralyzes me below
Those many rooms
Full of people
Yet so very empty
Morphine and  woman dressed in bloodstained white

I hear there words
"You want to  live"
And all I hear is
"You don't want to  die alone"

I question each cup of wine I am not sown
Where is the device buried deep inside
Shrapnel which keeps my body numb
Emptiness which keeps my mind alone

Perhaps today and tomorrow have already become one
World War Disease
Tags to be disregarded
555 · Nov 2015
Monologue from A.Wake
Adam Mott Nov 2015
It's cold here, the sky is bleak and foreign
The wind howls and cries out to no avail
An answer is either too foreign or does not exist
Shouting into the void, I too, get no answer
Rather, I contemplate actions passed
Yours and mine
Freedom of speech and emotional chaos
All I thought I had figured out has since been taken from me
I can only ponder the why of this, the how
A ramshackle assembly line moving too fast
I find that my position is both stuck and unstuck in time and reality
Though time has since passed, I am unsure of my current whereabouts
Will closure ever come?
Maybe, maybe not
Will I experience your warm embrace once again?
Will our lips ever have the occasion to meet now that the dust has settled?
The answers are the same
This reality is bitter and unfeeling
It cares not for you or I
I simply hope you are weathering the storm better than me
For, we know each other well
It cuts away like a furious blade until little of who I once was is left
One of the lost souls
Driven to the edge
For the opening of my script
554 · Dec 2013
I Cannot Fix You
Adam Mott Dec 2013
A kiss goodbye,
I cannot understand
The kiss goodbye,
It knows it's end before it has come
The kiss goodbye,
It knows it's own end when it is done
The Kiss, the very last,
Never achieved everlast
A kiss you wanted to exist in a permanent state
Niente per niente, Amore mio vecchio
For more!
554 · Oct 2015
Dead Nation
Adam Mott Oct 2015
Admissions go as I near a suicide
Closing my eyes, wishing to die
This dark place has become my home
It's emotions are dead, alone I roam

Hurting for long now
Lost and distraught
I tire of this life
I lose a lot

Things which I intended to be a part of
Long gone now
People I gave my heart to
All in another rotation
Here I sit
In this dead nation
537 · Jan 2014
To the Sea
Adam Mott Jan 2014
Wonderfully inept
Cool while stoic
Forgetfully tragic, decisively aggravated
Distaste for tomorrow was my rhetoric to follow
Porous and sweet she came
When I read her lips enough was enough
Covered all my bases before it hit
One, two, three
My heart began to beat
531 · Sep 2015
The Love Infinity
Adam Mott Sep 2015
I hope you have the biggest smile
A hearty laugh that is so familiar to me
I want to know you live the life you crave
This is for you
The girl that loved me
I feel the pain of your absence
I hope you feel the same for me
The boy that loves you
I think too often
Drink too much
Act out in my head
But I hope you never fret
I walk through the dark, thinking about the light
I feel so much of so little
And I miss the feeling of you with me in bed
The kids we used to be
This Love is me, this love is the kid I will always be
The adventures we would hope to see
I mourn them with tears and a smile
I have no idea what is next
I hope we can one day meet again
Until then,
I Love you with all I can
This Love is me, this love is the kid I will always be
Adam Mott Dec 2013
The parting moments were racked with sobs
You held me with soft pose to your sobbing chest
Together we melted as a mess
With each rise of my chest, I gently wept
All the harm we had done
And would to come
For want of knowing what would come from decisions
We part in love
'return, broken like glass
I shall always recall the warmest moments yet
'Love them all
Goodnight to my beautiful first love
Goodbye, and never fall
Smile, it's the future
-Conscience Falls
527 · Jan 2014
Adam Mott Jan 2014
My frequency in static
I told my girl I'd see her,
See her at the end of the night
Prone to a lie, lovely-lovely
I turn to the sky
A billion engaging eyes stare back,
Extras in this insanity
Where am I?
A place to go to
Famously endeavoured to love you
Expectations so high,
I still stare towards the sky

A tear,
Something in my eye
Lets get there
522 · Apr 2015
A Letter to the Infinite
Adam Mott Apr 2015
Great letters sprawled out
Upon the sky they lay
Cold and small
Hypocritical in description and nature
Awaiting times of heroes and danger
With rhythm and without

The long echoing halls of time ponder their shouts
Beneath the sea where the creatures hunt
Above the mountains and giant's guts
Through the very core of the earth
Above the lover's hearth

With a flash of blinking light an epic journey begins
Handed to parents in garb of red and shine
With a snip you are free
Free to go
To make mistakes and learn things which you yourself think it worth to know

Little hands grasping your guardians
Growing, learning, as the world sets about wearing you thin
Paths opening and spiraling out
Leading to new horizons of joy and doubt
Heartbreak, big and small

With your pup you sing
"Goodbye toys, goodbye ball"
"Goodbye childhood, goodbye home"
Before you know it you have done your best to let go,
All on your own
Nothing to your name but memories and hope

School and work, the risks you take
If you are strong, a life you will make
With vigor and fury could you find and ask a person to stay?
Married and happy, kids on the way
A dog, a house, a mortgage to pay
Ambitiously vague, forever wishing to live in these days

The kids follow your path, tried and true
Growing and singing,
"Goodbye toy, goodbye ball"
"Goodbye parents, goodbye familiar halls"
"Talk to you later Ma and Pa"
Off they go, to the great unknown
And without time at all
A family of their own

For golden years you and yours will bask in life
Christmas, Easter, Halloween too
Florida when it's cold, Home when it is not
Restrictions of funds lessened and gone
Your body now frail and old
Savoring each laugh, remembering each transition
Summer to Fall
Warm and dear, you cling to it all

And one day, with that same flashing light you will go out,
Transported someplace new
For a journey without the mortal coil which once confined you
A new unknown to sing about
517 · Feb 2016
Time Soul
Adam Mott Feb 2016
Time cannot stop a soul
It will clip wings
Sour dreams
Eating at your feelings when you're all alone

We are a resilient kind
Full of tenacity
To the point of fault
Sensibility firmly locked in a vault

Time merely hinders the heart
Cutting strings
Failing to tear it apart
Man, I love Coffee
Adam Mott Dec 2013
It's my turn
No sympathies, the rumours true
You'll find out the mountain blue
Your insides as hollow as your lies are true
If you'd like, I can take you
Back to the start, to thank you
For all that you've done, all that you've raught
These life lessons, your heartless chest has taught
For more!
516 · Dec 2013
Irony, A Picture
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Gratuitous while remaining obnoxious
Rarity of modesty
Over exuberance for the journey
While withering at the sign of discomfort

Unknown to logic are their paths
Paralyzed by self inflicted stigmas and plagues

Kind eyes no longer rest upon those withered features
Indiscretion which they hold towards all held noble or true
Demanding attention all their lives
Someday may they grow
For more!
512 · Apr 2014
Moongazing in the Valley
Adam Mott Apr 2014
Brief moments upon which I ponder the future, they all include you
In my fancied heart, I lie with passion in the dark

These moonlight promises remind me,
Somewhere near, somewhere far,
You are under the same light

I'm sending myself down corridors of memory
To hold and love thee
Under a different moon
Not so far after all

These memories daunt me,
Hardening me for the long journey
Back around to thee
I can do this summer, so can you.
512 · Jan 2016
The Difference, the Now
Adam Mott Jan 2016
Sane, a rising sun upon my thoughts
Cured of details, that corrupted my own visage
Things I want to do, images I look to with the past tense
More which must be done, one day to be transpired

Before home can be returned to
New sights must be seen
Ugly, beautiful
Rambunctious and serene
Contradictions and pain are the joy of the living
Just as their counterparts

Much is to be seen by these eyes
The ocean, mapped by the outlines
Stars to be directed
From a throne of emotion and thought
"I understand"
507 · Dec 2013
How High Must I Count?
Adam Mott Dec 2013
First one I let in, taught me to love and lose
Bleed and bruise
Recover from the worst injuries
Last time I let her in

The second one was gentle and thin
Shallow though she was, it felt like a win
Gracious was her beauty, little was her mind
After all she only wanted to fill the void in

Third girl called me Addy, too
Loved to hold my gaze and touch our lips
Never would have lost her if not for the waves
Still reminisce our perfect days

Fourth knew me better than I did
Called me out when I thought within my emotions hid
Took me to a better place,
Led me to be a better man

The Fifth had mastered the arts
Was able to sing and write, she captured all men's hearts
Took a while to realize I wanted her too
Now we write together, in Love for good

Or maybe not, as is the nature of this life
One moment, happy
The next, the loss of your future wife
Clean your tears, wash your cheeks,
Welcome to the world of any other week
Adam Mott Feb 2014
Often times I recall the warm summer streets of my city. The sun beating down upon aged pavement as she and I lovingly travelled upon clouds of young hopeless love. The pictures I keep, now buried in folders upon folders, are proof of a time in which I lived a love intangible since. Each venture since the end I have measured and compared to this first love. Though the best has yet to come, my vision still always finds its way back to the sun soaked streets of the Port City during the happiest times of my life.
The best times yet. Much, much more to come.
Adam Mott Jul 2015
Work me like a whittled bone
Locked inside at a quarter to four
A drink in my hand
A knock at the door

Curl me up
Beaten and bruised by that which came before
Ignite the flames
Close the door

The bottle is empty
A glass on the floor
All look neat when your realize
Whom I did see at the door
500 · Dec 2013
Heartbeat Faster
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Hated sleeping alone
Dawn never the same after cold nights
Appetite to release these shackles
Run through me, every inhibition
Can feel your heartbeat

Take me to the place we met that night
Oh, be my muse
Be my muse, baby
I can't jeopardize
I only need to remember which way my feet go

Feel this song move faster
Be my muse before the end of the night
Be my muse for better or worse,
Oh, baby
Let it go tonight, be my muse, baby
For more!
499 · Nov 2015
Since Last Time
Adam Mott Nov 2015
Honesty here, a poem without prose for context
A broken silence regarding misspoken terms delivered
I don't remember asking you to leave me here
I now wander the streets at night, alone
You're over there, sitting in a soft and new leather chair
A little bit closer to finding who we are going to be
And that's how I rationalize all that has been going on without you

I mean, honestly
I have no clue what it is you now do
Are you aware of how you make me feel?
Defying, lying if I did not mention that it hurts to see you
Is it alright that it makes me sick with heartache?
Is it okay to admit that sometimes I wish I was no longer me?

Yes, because I have always been open with you
I'm a little bit closer to finding the real me
A thousand miles have probably gone by
A hundred new faces introduced and internalized
Friends have dragged me to the gym more times than I can count
Since we last spoke
A litre of tears transpired thanks to you

I'm lying if I say I never keep my eyes wide open
Looking for you
If I laid eyes on you, what would I even do?
Would I ask you to come on a walk with me?
Take a chance and ask for a dance?

If I close my eyes I can see it now,
But if I did that and it never came true?
I would lose another piece of me
To you
And that is why I have yet to speak
To you

Now you know,
You get it, I guess
I am not opposed to discussion
I want to know what is going on with you
I just cannot be your friend
That is a role I will never pretend
498 · Nov 2015
Mirror Boy Mirror Girl
Adam Mott Nov 2015
That which slowly gains
Like tiny images making waves
Lapping at your conscience
Hoping to
Find what you are looking for

Love is all the same
All for the one at the ******' wheel
What is one's is not also your's
Singular possessive or pretending to be more
Stealing pamphlets from the grocery store

Strange greetings
Bags of hidden intent
Messages read, replies not sent
Not even sure what to look for
Who even recognizes the mirror anymore?
492 · Apr 2015
These Days
Adam Mott Apr 2015
I see the appeal of small towns
With the world so small
You will hardly ever have to say goodbye at all

With my world now so large
Each departure takes a piece from me
A sliver cast into the great big sea

We will never all be in the same place at once
My memories are where you must live for seasons
I hope you forgive me for these many reasons

I miss you all and it can keep one sad
I miss my parents, I miss my dad
The kids, the friends, the co-workers too
Teachers and acquaintances, even you

These days have not turned out like I planned
Exist in my heart and head
Hand in hand
I'll see you all again
488 · Nov 2016
This November
Adam Mott Nov 2016
Crisp leaves in sunkissed hair
Colours of love

Saturday evenings
Spent at home
Wine in hand
Never alone

Late November, almost done
Every moment a thankful one
Adam Mott Dec 2013
We exist inside of her
We, the living
We, the blessed
For those who draw breath inevitably must meet
Something, so perfectly beautiful...
Being of the limitless pulchritudinous nature of life,
The poignant gift of a tear and a smile
For more!
485 · Nov 2015
Adam Mott Nov 2015
I speak to many
Prophecies and listicles fill up my search history
I have no idea if my publisher has ever Googled me
But I know the pain within me

I cross too many streets
The lights are green, sometimes red
I disregard and carry on, not caring about the outcome
Into the ground, I ponder my way
But I know that I have unfinished words to say

I don't know the first thing about love
Everything about it seems to allude me
Driving far faster than I can possibly see
But I know that I'm open to it hitting me

I couldn't tell you what I'm going to do next
Lie to strangers about my major
Tell myself I don't need these pills prescribed
Ignoring it with suffering for the benefit of my pride
But even with you, was something I tried to hide
Tried to tell you but you thought it was a laugh, a gas, a gag.
I guess it doesn't matter at this point
483 · Dec 2015
The Course
Adam Mott Dec 2015
We travel so far over the course of this life
Wanting all that is not conquered
Meeting in the darkness, exchanging heat
Agreeing to feel together
Upon denying individual suffocation

Never knowing whither?
Restless in activity, genuine during rhythm with the beat about your heart
An ocean concerning memory
Where wakes truly part
The ceaseless beating
As entirety separates

Un-thinking concerning the matters of passion, emotion
Consequence without concise conclusions
Not knowing what is to be missed
Failing to feel anything but dissonance

Push me out to sea
The windows and into the trees
Falling ever more
Under water, under leaves
Look at my eyes
View the green and the black
Does any of this bring you back?
483 · Mar 2016
Of the Bay
Adam Mott Mar 2016
Searching through old caves and coves
Colouring the sunset with our favourite hopes
Dreaming of the summer sun
The familiar taste of love
The feeling of being young

I think we found a seashell
But we were running out of time
Not talking about the caves
Even looking to the Ocean
Ever closer, the waves

Coming up from the banks
With retrospect and vigour
I see the signs as weathervanes
Twisted by all the directions they have been pulled

What was once a part of this story
Has gone out with the waves
Once, they came closer
Only to recede out into the depths
Of the bay
480 · Dec 2013
Fragments of Time (I)
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Air was cold and present while also gentle and serene
Streets were empty with the exception of myself
Wind rushed over the exposed skin of my face and hands, a fine caress of indifference
A lone bus quietly hummed past me, lights dimmed, passengers docile
Almost a humorous sight was the great mechanical beast, large in physicality, miniscule in mindshare
The green of the grass in mid December almost could deceive one into believing it was summer if not for the biting frigidness
Benignly, I wondered if I could make this place my home come Summer
Doted upon the idea, knowing that eventually I had to return to the Land of the Sea
It was not some great death of hope to my heart, this truth,
Merely a four month gap of nothingness in between an otherwise pleasant and enjoyable existence
For more!
478 · Nov 2015
No Dawn
Adam Mott Nov 2015
In the shadow of your heart
Dancing madly to a song I vaguely remember
The darkness and coloured lights consume me
All blown up, bigger than life

Now I'm gone, now I'm dead
Always a part of such emotional twilight
A figment of imagination
Lying to myself with vigor and fight

Finding my way back from Heaven,
Ignoring the sound of your beating heart
I stay in the dark, reading

The stars and the moon tell me it'll be okay
Though I know my heart will ache from that day
A shadow cast upon it's read and weary face
Love that cannot be cast out
No dawn from this twilight
I brought you home, all the way home
477 · Nov 2015
Welcome to Reality
Adam Mott Nov 2015
Feeling a little empty
Walking through a garden of my own history
Oh, looking out over a valley of memory
Out past the place where we first kissed
Beyond the land of warm embraces

It's hard to be empty in a place like this
The mornings are cold, but the evenings are devoid of feeling
And though I emote, no one can hear me
Beneath the sun or the moon, it does not seem to change

Emulation is a lie and every time I drive, I go by
Not in physicality, obviously
Tired and confused
I ponder my sanity

Welcome to this world
One of profane indifference, a lack of genuine humanity
I'm tired of this road on which we drive, round and round
A win would be great
A sign, somehow
475 · Jan 2014
Friendly, Not Friends
Adam Mott Jan 2014
Listen very carefully
You were never sweeter than salty
That smile you used to use
Simply left an impression, a bruise

Oh, precious hours
Once happened all the time
Young at heart, no longer a teenager
Her teardrops are anything but endangered

Now I'm the one whom is elated
Though I'm still happy we dated
This dear little heart is fated
For pastures conjugated
I kinda enjoy writing from this perspective. I find it harder now that I'm no longer in Love. Still enjoy taking the occasional shot at the proverbial hoop.
Adam Mott Nov 2015
She placed me on the edge of the ocean
A precipice of promise, dark and deep
Waves which could offer much to me
Release, adventure, an epilogue

She could have pushed more gently
Rather, it was a rough suggestion
A gift of will that attempted to blame me
The bird specifically, chirping words hurtfully

A show must go on
However dramatically, the cost of my anatomy
Heart is gone now, sold for parts
Stopped working months ago,
A deficiency with our art

You perform, I create from the heart
We both sing but you had an earlier start
Every love for which I stumble
Eventually lets me fall
Every phone I find
Has a limit to my allowed calls

The grass is green, the sky is grey
At times I wish this was my final day
Not for hate or for pain
But simply to end the questions that plague my brain
472 · Nov 2015
Adam Mott Nov 2015
That which stays with us
Haunting visions which refract
Light in the minds eye
And though I fear the day in which I die
I also welcome it

Down with how we feel as a generation
Burn the social media which halts our growth
Scream at the things that distract us
The screen and it's players
Regardless of your meaningless indecision
Or that which you give more worth than it deserves

Turn your back on it all

Set fire to the pain
Cry, live, love
Be a human being
Do not let us go down a road made of ash
Love yourself but also love others more than you
Put your partner first
Think of their needs and wants
For they will do the same for you
469 · Dec 2013
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Once you did try to run my heart aground
Yet, you did not seem to understand how I operate
Since you abide, begun to confound
My heart, a quintet of tidal streams, off hand oscillates
For more!
469 · Dec 2013
A Maritimer's Smile
Adam Mott Dec 2013
You fall away, slowly,
Like the autumn waves,
Rolling gently
You sleep through heaven
You're awake when we all dream

Now you're ringing out your hair
Black dress swelling in the wind
Just another passage to hell
Dropping towards the diving bell
You lose colour and plea

I see you from afar, once would send shots through my heart
Now I smile and commemorate
Happy little dates
All those memories I still own,
Can't take that horizon of a hundred days away from me
Never will that smile fade

When you see me
When you see me
Oh, baby,
When you sink quickly
You won't see me,

Like the autumn moon and the trees,
It's a big sign,
It is time to leave
For more!
469 · Nov 2015
Adam Mott Nov 2015
Running my right hand down a rain soaked window
The colour of the evening sky is dark and grey
Deep within the leaves of early November stir and rustle
The loving kiss of a March gone past

The children on the street gaze intently as I go by
Cold and quiet, pain in my eyes
The weather has turned cold now
Like most else
The face of this reality
Morality without

Realization that this path leads nowhere fast
The last love
The best I have ever had
Would if I could
Go back

Hand in hand
Like nothing happened
The record plays again
Tags are for you all
466 · Dec 2013
Change in the Cove
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Snow upon our westerly mountains
Lost under proverbial covers
Fear the warm dread of Summers to come
Floating amongst our respective coves
Lost, you see
Flashbacks amongst familiar lips
Sometimes I know you see
'banality which now fills your old wounds
Drunkenly you lost track of time
If you were half the human I thought you were
You would thrive
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