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454 · Dec 2013
A Maritimer's Smile
Adam Mott Dec 2013
You fall away, slowly,
Like the autumn waves,
Rolling gently
You sleep through heaven
You're awake when we all dream

Now you're ringing out your hair
Black dress swelling in the wind
Just another passage to hell
Dropping towards the diving bell
You lose colour and plea

I see you from afar, once would send shots through my heart
Now I smile and commemorate
Happy little dates
All those memories I still own,
Can't take that horizon of a hundred days away from me
Never will that smile fade

When you see me
When you see me
Oh, baby,
When you sink quickly
You won't see me,

Like the autumn moon and the trees,
It's a big sign,
It is time to leave
For more!
452 · May 2014
Little Bug
Adam Mott May 2014
After a long dive deep
A wind scarred girl with bright blonde hair
I, once far too "cool" to love or care
Not wanting to be a thief
I chose to let others succeed
Today, all I can do is love and care
I want to hold her and play with her hair
I swear to fight to keep
You and I together and happy
To sacrifice in good health and poor
Though this may sound sappy
I'll promise it thrice to a million times more
For you have always made me happy
Without you, I'd be nothing, nothing more
I love you, Little Bug
451 · Dec 2013
Eyes Full of Knowing Love
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Again I see your heart worn face
Cold and bitter, you drank too deep
Her, once I knew
Long gone now, drown and blue

Hope to never find that same water
Against all better notions,
Keeping hearts clean
Forging an identity

Tainted history
Eyes full of hope and water
Whole body has never been the same

You struggled after we moved on
The story changed, we changed
Pulchritudinous grace never suited you
Jubilant glee looked better on your smile

Now my recollections of you, end and begin there
Chipper and lovely,
Fair and cliched in the best of ways
Heartily fulfilling

Vowed nothing of homes in the water
Never shall I find that body of water in which you do now float
Freshly drowned, buried in satin and down

For what we have done
Is what you have become
Smile, it's the future

-Adam Mott, Conscience Falls.Blogspot
450 · Dec 2013
Truth Hurts, Insight Burns
Adam Mott Dec 2013
I miss it all
Everything I fought to live for
Fallen, now in shambles
'and for what?
So that you could have a once in a lifetime
Only to hop aboard the first ship at sea
'had nothing to do with the value of me
Your crotch just couldn't wait for more than a week
Don't go off to University and cheat on your Boyfriend, kids. It's a **** move.
Pun intended.
443 · Nov 2015
Modern Morality
Adam Mott Nov 2015
Like a dream was too present
Flavour that is evanescent
Visions of fall in high school
When I was young
Still such the fool

Had a car for awhile
Music was the passenger
Vocal cords the crew
Everything so loud and vibrant
Felt so ******* alive

Angry now
Confused with the state of affairs
Not that it matters
Only the protagonist of the story cares
But who is to say that is I or you?

**** the monomyth
Tried and true
**** the songs sang with you
No rhyme nor reason to cue such a choice
No red or blue to discern karma
Only the cold hard embrace of modern morality
**** your tags
441 · Jan 2014
Beauty and the Piece
Adam Mott Jan 2014
Several seconds of introspection
Wasted moments
You are upset with all that has changed
You hissed and preached about how wrong I was
Yet, here we now stand
Your heart has shriveled and you've had enough
The cold has found you, within it speaks;
"Finally you see, is not this dance of somber indignity?"
I see now I there is nothing left of my baby,
I'll always miss you,
Sweet Cinderella,
Rest in Piece
Conscience Fell, in the water
441 · Jul 2015
A Different Reading
Adam Mott Jul 2015
To those that have no fear
A wine glass full of tears
Whose shadow songs wail with gold
Aside a heart so dear
Quietly patient
A chase through the night
With heels by the door
Through the hushed dust
Her ashen hair awaits
441 · Nov 2014
1-10 Complete and in Motion
Adam Mott Nov 2014
Finished product of my poetic series today
I am dead
I think I developed an eye stigma
Brian Altano did the music
You can buy his album or download it for free
Over at
Thanks again to Brain Altano
439 · Jul 2015
Adam Mott Jul 2015
Fluttering eyes opening fresh and alert
Inquisitive and hungry
Upwards and over to the bathroom
Shrug the sleep off sickly
Remembering last night
You called me "buddy"
So, we joked a little
Drank a little
Forgot the time and made some memories
Now, in the soft light
Hold your breath
Brush your teeth
Walk steady to the day
Full of heavy memories of the moonlight
435 · Dec 2013
My Dear
Adam Mott Dec 2013
You need me but I don't need you
In this old and dusty room
Cold, quiet, overblown and unassumed
My old lovers heart whispers to her open wounds
Hazy and angry in late summer afternoon
Hot, heavy, weak, few
Lost your true love,
'only to succumb to hate and fear
All I loved about you
'now only exists in a faded photo,
'My Dear
For more!
435 · Mar 2016
Headed out to the Future
Adam Mott Mar 2016
Each bit a new skip of my heart beat
Keep playing, coffee and morning sun
Falling into bed with a smile
A colour contrast to the Fall I had
Trying not to look back

Don't skip a beat
Sip and breathe
Living and learning
Fear nothing
Not even that which came before

Higher now, closer to the truth
Becoming someone
Proud to be you
Old coves, new drives
Adam Mott Dec 2015
As a sail in the sky
With wakes of dreams left in your place
I wish I could wake up in a world
Where our trails in the sky did not end
But simply began again

Out of the ocean
Waiting beneath the weeds
Looking to the sun late at night
Absence deepening inside of me
Who knew someone could make a person feel this way?

Go, out of the fire beneath the sea
A burial without me
Wondering why and how
But never when

Head, subtropical
Chills which multiply at each utterance of the name
A treehouse made from memory
In the park beneath a thousand leagues of everything
Buried, close to me
Dig me up
Deep beneath the sea
Trailing a path through everything
428 · Dec 2016
Adam Mott Dec 2016
How frustrating it is to be
Existing indeterminately
             Constantly wondering
If you came out wrong

Moments in time
Capsules of hope and dread
Anxieties burning inside your head
                Never again, forever upon a trend

Mysteries of life
             Unsolvable by all
So why concern yourself so deeply
With fixing it all

Empty dreams
Insecurities overflowing
      I've tried so many times
But now it's up to you

             Time has come
And underneath this blinding light
You are a part of me
Ever absent

                                                 but more than a memory
Adam Mott Mar 2014
A Ringing, a hopeful setting of the sun
Still locked in sameness, ragged and mad
Merely missing bias now
The ring so beautiful at twilight

Sterling promises made before the royalty of night
Whispers in the dark
Short leads
Whitest lies

The bells do ring at midnight, just as desire burns
Hunger lit by day
Fueled by night
Around these tracks I have traversed many a time
Coming back now, unsure of what I shall find
423 · Nov 2016
Kernel External
Adam Mott Nov 2016
Regular evening activities
Knocking on the bathroom floor
Sound echoing amongst the tiles,
Out through the crack in the door

Splayed light, oh how have you been
Familiar flash
Reflection, I count to ten
Conversing like we understand

Still knocking
Bathtub overflows
Water in my ears, filling up my vision
This is what you want, finally
421 · Mar 2015
Simon's Quest
Adam Mott Mar 2015
The subtle jazz comes on the withered old jukebox
Allowing for subtle hints regarding content and flow
The lights dimmed down real low
They start to come out onto the stage
Accompanying me, their hate like a plague
Brandishing my hands I commence the play

Up and down, side to side
The Moon glaring in from outside
Cold wisps of wind, whispering to me
Finish them, finish them, end their tyranny
And with sudden bravado I all all to see
The lonely heart inside of me

Moments turn to seconds,
Seconds to millineia
The music comes out melancholy and full of hysteria
Around we go
A carousel of fortuitous hope
Written to let the darkness go

Out they fall
To the ground, ashes and all
Nothing but ashes at all
Tags unrelated
Theme: Go play some Castlevania
Adam Mott Feb 2016
Country roads and summer drives back home
From New York to New Brunswick
The adventure and the memories
Worth the cost multiplied by infinity
Looking back now, it is with fondness
Not bitter qualifications

Though I do not admit to a state of total jovialness
Rather, acceptance that is bittersweet
Something I have come to realize
Is the taste of all that I eat

Dreams are hazy and full of such identification
Memories posted to the halls of physical locations
Classes I wish not to share
Those I've dropped in order to avoid another fall

Odd to ponder the growth since air was warm
Physical and spiritual
With lands that have fully expanded into vague territories
Aspirations now seek for success alone
Rather than success and a loving home

Seeing all this now, in the rearview
Accepting each new reality with a weary smile
Held up by internal fortitude and stubbornness

Too much love, spurned but not forgotten
Such lessons not forgotten
This heart and face
Rendered cold and new
Patient and distant
Thanks to you
Messing with a concept for a new piece mixed with the summer travel experiences of my University career.
No, I do not blame anyone for any particular thing. The one line referencing such was included purely because it fit thematically.
415 · Apr 2014
Adam Mott Apr 2014
Eyes closed, the radio on
Water beading down your windshield
The drums breath gone

Cruel guitars orchestrate the rise and fall
Your mother wished you never left at all
With the dryer still running, power out
The last lights in the mind go blind

Colour returns, piano beats on
Cradles rocking and cellos burn
Not a sound to be heard, only the wipers remain on
415 · May 2015
The Tune on Key
Adam Mott May 2015
There is a place in my heart filled
With whims and dreams
The Poet and his Muse
Both dreaming of lazy days and long lives
Giving all to
Time and Space

Loving and sifting
Till it settles right
Love which is unfading
The young dawn at midnight

We have no caution, forgetting the cold
Keeping up with one and others pace
Holding onto each other
Eye to eye
Face to face

In the darkest and brightest of times
I could live a lifetime with you
Give it another couple round-trips
And still be waiting for you

Love is wading through the darkness,
You as the only light
Just as it should be-
My star on a moonless night
I love you, Liv
412 · Nov 2016
Looping Feedback
Adam Mott Nov 2016
By all means, see through this facade
Peer into the rivers where I run from God
Evenly weigh speculation and observation
Asking yourself, "What are you doing here?"
For, even you do not know
'Though, the person in question
Is thee
410 · Jan 2014
Texted Back
Adam Mott Jan 2014
It's tearin up my plans
'because of you
Baby, you took my hands,
Once again

Baby, it feels like we could do it again
If you thought you could jeopardize once,
Why now do you plead?
I still need you

My entire soul, it belongs to you
Still so rough and true
God, do I miss you
It's ripping my heart in two

No matter, a part will always love you
A part of me,
Always shall hold love for you
410 · Dec 2013
3AM (Again)
Adam Mott Dec 2013
To tell me not, will be enough to move on
For you were the second coming of a dream long heralded in the summers of my youth,
A train rushing through an open country side, beneath endless heavenly bodies
Time has past, the end came fast
So please, tell me why,
At last
For more!
409 · May 2014
Dictator's Last Audience
Adam Mott May 2014
Come down from your coloured hills
Running my abandoned towns
Hallowed hearts and duck bills
Cunning, I commanded frowns

Eviscerate expectations
Remember heat and fury
Confiscate delegations
November briefly flurries

Burn and preserve
My little lion herd
Protect and serve

After all is said and done
Can anyone claim to have won
These tags have nothing to do with the poem
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Should her eyes be filled with bright and rich gold,
Cold on the outside,
'hot and old
Burning bright in my reflection, she cries
A Fire under such a historic sea
Furious and green

I see that gold
'Burning deep within me
Oh, that green,
Fuelling my desire to dream
So, colour my eyes,
Strike those tears and smite our final breath
For, I will never stop,
Never cease,
I'll pursue every single dream

You can cry all the tears that would have once come to ye
Only to finally be able to breath,

For this,
I will still be me
After all these long stories are complete
I will feel the joyous reunion of reclaiming an ocean,
A king of the sea
For more!
404 · Apr 2014
Cradle of Valley
Adam Mott Apr 2014
That which betwixt reality from myself
'Like ancient rains in foreign countries yet touched by man
There, sad piano notes do cry out upon the oily hues of pink and blue in the night sky
And here, marks of lipstick clouding empty glasses of wine as soft notes dance within these oaken walls
The rain outside, familiar and warm with knowledge
The last note played with a final locking of our eyes
SilentHill Cradle of the Forest
piano version
Adam Mott Dec 2013
How I loved, how I bled
It all sounded so perfect in my head
Your voice, your heart, your hair, lips, and eyes
You were the reason for my heart
Before you,
I could never open my self
And because I opened up I bled deep
The light I fought to grow
Left me cold in the fading snow
Only when I loved could I come to know
The real me was never alone
The friends and lovers I would come to know
Outclassed that first love that would soon go
The future had better plans for me
This included being happy
Something she could give to nobody
For more!
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Write me a song with your hate
Scream out at my indifference upon your first, second, third date
Ask yourself many a time,
"Why do I deserve such a fate!?"

For, I have the answer for you
It was you that chose the path of ease
The lowest in which you let cheating breed
Swallowed by the maw that allowed you to go too deep

My heart learned of hell
My eyes knew the water well
Now I only smile at the poor old me
Because I have met a woman that truly loves me
For more!
402 · Dec 2013
Jumbled and Thrown
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Through the trials and journeys
Beautiful but sick
Accrue denial stories
Juvenile and thick
For more!
Adam Mott Apr 2014
Colours that are breaking out of what I said
Bright and loud, overwhelming my head

How very novel
How very trite

I'm shipped to and fro
Sent like a package to places unheard

I'm the featured set
I'm overworked

Summer and Fall are both new beginings to better endings
Things I have yet to want

Walk away and say;
"Hold on, hold on"
399 · Mar 2016
Only to Wake Up
Adam Mott Mar 2016
There's something about a dream
Neon and green lights blaring with deaf musical tones
Familiar faces drunk with time
Something unnatural in occurrence
Sparking an uneasy joy in the mind

Taking steps to remedy
Something too far gone
Ghosts which parade about you
Undercover in fantasy

Over, over, over
Closer, closer, closer
Gone, gone gone

Only to wake up'
399 · Mar 2016
Shores from the Deep
Adam Mott Mar 2016
Capsized in a wilted heap
Together in a mug of loss
Drinking away our sorrows
Until I am You and You are Me

Staring at the epilogue, obsessed with what came before
Dreaming of the prologue
Leaving out the rest

Refusing to live today
Trying your very best
Dressing as well as you can afford
Living a life of self-acknowledged boredom

Falling out a porthole backwards
Splashing in the tub
Glancing out from within
Walking around the lake
Staring at a picture, manufactured and fake

What else have we learnt to do
Craft experiences and swim in *****
Yell at the walls as they cave in on you
Walking this thin geographical line
Time questions what exactly it is we'll do
A question muted by inability
Written for 315 final concept
No, not for a lady
398 · Dec 2013
Oh, Love Journey
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Never say sorry to you again
'and I will gently close my eyes
Sorry to those I love whom are not you
For I would have followed you into wonder
For you, nothing in this world I wouldn't do
Nothing in this world

Help this idealistic dream come true
Nothing else will do
Follow me down into Hell,
Love me into and beyond, June

Are you going to remember all our nights,
Eclipses unseen unto endless flight
Need you to fight
Stay beyond the brink of the light

I am ready to settle and seed
Draw the covers to a close
Know that we were made to find
'the last sentence of our stories
Breaking free, Conscience Falls
395 · Jun 2014
A Billion Journeys
Adam Mott Jun 2014
When I look to you, I see the vast and pulchritudinous hand of God. How intricate his design must be, for each tiny detail on your body is perfect.

Though words are not built to describe features like yours, you do not care. You know the emotions I hold and how strongly I feel. Your beauty, though endless, is not the reason I love you. It is the expansive truth and kindness with your heart. The flutters of angelic emotion that emanate from you every moment I am in your company.

For all I have done, the mistakes I have made, the places I have been, the things I have learned; they have all been necessary, even the hardest steps because they lead me to you. With our journey just beginning, take my hand, baby girl. I owe you a billion more adventures.
Forever yours,

395 · Apr 2015
Adam Mott Apr 2015
I'm ******, I'm angry
I've thrown all my whiskey into the water
The city is filled with smog and hate
Debris clogs the oceans, smoke on the hills
How do I breath
When I must shout

The fumes are rising up
My time is near gone
I'm frustrated with this cause
This cursed gift I have come to bare

This song I need sung
Is too busy being stretched thin
How could I smile in fairness
When time and space are so cruel

When September comes
Where will I be
391 · Oct 2015
Adam Mott Oct 2015
In a coffee shop
Wrapped up in fumes and steam
Getting cups and covers
Checking and crossing
The till beeps in time with the bell above the door

Beans drying faster than your skin
Warm air, hot coffee
Lights up, sun down
Mums and dads, babies and kids
Friends and family
Dates, first, middle, last

Getting up early, closing down late
It all happens in a day
Each new cup served with a story to come
Caffeinated dreams waiting to be ground
With a shot of espresso to speed up the process.
You are still more beautiful than I can describe.
Life is love and sometimes the truth is what you have to hide
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Was back at home that snowy day,
Oh, but you didn't know
'Cause we didn't talk anymore
Not since the last time
'you broke my naive heart
Was thinkin' bout you
Now that I'm back from where I once was gone
Couldn't help but remember all we've lost
So wondrous and renown
Oh, when I smile it's real again
'Many months since I could say
I'm happy to be the better man
Overjoyed to have escaped your game
I'm not vacant anymore
Left and closed the front door
My heart isn't naked anymore

Baby, I saw you the other day,
In the mall,
'Workin your old job again
All hollowed and afraid to win
You crawled back to from whence you came
Fed on the memories of your better man
You didn't smile when you noticed I was back again
Just closed your eyes and refused to let me in
391 · Dec 2013
Night of the Soons
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Down the driveway
It doesn't matter
Yeah, yeah, I would wave another day
To the evening, born to run

For it was always fun
Even when we were broken hearted

So many murmurs, promises and pecks
Let you live baby,
A future ahead of me
Down the street, further and further
Until it is finally gone
Fade out
For more!
390 · Dec 2013
Where the Water Comes From
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Come on down to Conscience Falls, where the lights are always dimmed by the remorse of humanity. Where all of the scenery looks like the immaculate image of lonely country roads after midnight, and quiet lakes embalmed by the comfort of night.
For more!
389 · Nov 2015
Rolling into Traffic
Adam Mott Nov 2015
Who will the river babble to
When she has run so far away
Off into the mists emanating from the bridge
Pulsating, a nucleus inside of the cell

For when I came up to meet her
The look in her eyes was pained
The words on her lips were sorry
The beats of this story too familiar to these eyes and ears

Accept the horror and hope for a reprieve
Down some absinth and dream a little dream
Pray time speeds up, that you may mend
Or that a familiar and loving face awaits at the next bend
Rolling with all these blows, who the **** knows
386 · Aug 2014
Adam Mott Aug 2014
Which I see and struggle
Measuring worth in physicality
Finding only myself to blame
To see me as the enemy
As well as the remedy
Too much to swallow in these stores of grocery.
Adam Mott Jan 2014
No sound, reasons without solid ground
Love is eternally,
Circled around
Built from the same cloth,
Once, twice, how many times must cut,
Both know it's not too late,
Made for this life
'and the next
385 · Feb 2014
A Lot Can Happen
Adam Mott Feb 2014
Feeling the call
With waves over my head
Echoes of smooth traces,
Your hands trailing softly across my skin

I'm still learning to cope,
Without your love at all
Oh, lost my heart and soul

Though I could one day move on, I still haven't given up on you
You were the first I loved
The only one to make me want forever
Love wasn't just a game to me
Though I don't know about you

Today was the fourth month since our Fall
Anywhere I look,
I see you

Say my name one last time,
My pretty little fool
Winter, Spring, Summer- Then the Fall...
384 · Apr 2016
A Favourite Tune
Adam Mott Apr 2016
Is her fame baseless?
The dress she wore
Terrible cloth weaved from their faces
Cool and collected
With all of the blankets gone
Fraudulent and naked

Remind us of the medicine taken here
In a rhythm of spaces
Drinking from this voice
Or peering into those eyes
Kissing her lips
Now tasteless

Furious hair often played with
Stockpiling laughter while investing in excuses
The many shades of pretend nooses
A plethora of faces

Like a bullet running him through
Fast and merciless
With a love for the faithless
Bring down the ship
With the burning of memories and places
The City is Fading, the Crowd is Moving On
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Little Dear, I fear I may
Lost all affection for that blackened husk  I once called beauty
Held it small and well,
Loved it for the faults,
For that you could tell
Told you they made you, you,
Bright and pulchritudinous our imaginary future swelled
I now call that little heart Hell

Like cathedral bells,
I can ring as well
Oh, beauty,
Oh, hell,

What has this heart done to me?
Every song unfold
White smiles, pictures told
Green to brown, Ocular, tall
So many hands I have yet to hold
When it hits me, I have yet to live at all

I wanted far away
Never would I mourn,
Never did I
For more!
382 · Mar 2015
Adam Mott Mar 2015
Another day goes by
Connected, sharing the same motion
Into reversals we danced
Nonsensical music playing at every turn
Rattles and swerves writihing around me

Waking the day before
Special friends tumbling through the door
Have to keep them moving
Not a day goes by without this global motion

Like a thousand drops of sky
This energy comes
Dancing through doors
Sharing a magic trance

Take my hand
Come along on this mad dance
Tags unrelated to content
381 · Dec 2016
Adam Mott Dec 2016
Shouting at the sight of me
Eyes, clothes
Nothing but rotating degrees
Covering nothing
For, now,
You all can see
380 · Feb 2014
Who Do You Love
Adam Mott Feb 2014
Nothing ever grows
If I was a flower, you were my table
A vase crafted as a fable'
Who was the sun above
The roots, they run parallel
Who do you love?
Outside the water sings a spell
Who killed our love?
Lead the red carpet to the Ocean
Who do you breath now,
But my very name
Behind the ocular rise
380 · Apr 2015
Adam Mott Apr 2015
Old snow
Is something higher than you
Long rested and freshly grown
From the glass you begin

White lilies floating in outer space
No oxygen to grow
Blue roses frozen in time
Where is it you hope to go
Young child learning to sing
How big do you want to grow
Questions which it is your nature to know

You so lost
You that are afraid
Know that this is right
In your heart
To your homes

Old snow keeps growing
Far afield is your real home
380 · Feb 2016
The Lovely One
Adam Mott Feb 2016
Do you feel it?
The call in the heart of the storm
The shouting silence
The gaping hole in the bed
Do you feel it?

Start again
Home is a long night
Missing things that are gone
What was the flavour of the memories we made?
An echo even then
Start again

When you break
The first thing to go is hope
Like a lost child
Shaking and unhappy
Raise the barriers to your heart
When you break

Forever has come
Forever has gone
Love has come
Love has gone

Now, you are the lovely one
380 · Dec 2013
Shallow Grave
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Happy little leap,
'great faith
Delicious resolve
Water seeping in,
Should you run, where would you hide?
Against the light will you find trouble?

Can you keep your head above the waves,
'evaluate each breath,
Kiss my cheek, don't bother
Against the light, why, you are but rubble
Your head is sinking deep
The water is claiming you

Oh, my sweet memories
Make your heart double,
the smiles above the deep
while you sink below the waves,
Google Conscience Falls for fun things to click on!
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