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Dec 2015 · 614
Charlotte Huston Dec 2015
The WAY I read thy letter is this -
With a locked iron door,
Chains off my wrist,
Laid on the chamber floor.

And then I am Serene,
To counteract a knock -
Never to be seen,
Never to pick the lock.

My eyes drift to the wall,
Upon the glooming clock,
For when I hear a call -
My love ship must dock.

Here in Serene I shall rot,
To the delights you know!
And sob for lack of Heaven - but not
The Heaven thou bestow.
Dec 2015 · 388
Day 1
Charlotte Huston Dec 2015
From all beings we desire increase,
So our own garden may nev'r wilt,
Nev'r to falter with time decrease,
Fading in the folds of the quilt.
Bound only to thy own eyes,
I add flames to the fire, as mine own fuel
Burden'd by lamenting lies,
Thyself thy foe - so sweet and cruel.
Confront me with thy ascent,
To the sweetest serenity spring,
Where I shall inurn mine own content
And tender love, with the waste they bring.
        Pity this ordinary I abode, along with he;
        To englut his sagacious selfishness - by the grave and thee.
Dec 2015 · 673
Charlotte Huston Dec 2015
GOING to him? Pen the letter!
Tell him of our glory days,
When life was better -
Before my soul was a haze.

Tell him of my sorrow,
During the Wedding grand -
Just down the road to-morrow,
Where the Doves shall land.

Tell him of the quest,
For mine own hand,
My soul at rest -
At the Wedding grand.

Tell him before that night,
To peace my pitiful plight,
Cure all of my fright -
From the Rich delight.

He shall tell thee of my Seal,
Of my chained hand,
Of the soul he shall steal -
From that wedding grand,
Where fear was on her brow;
And are you happy now?
Dec 2015 · 6.9k
Serenity Lake
Charlotte Huston Dec 2015
'Twas my spring of youth in that lot
That now haunts my mind by that spot
Of which I could not love less -
Wonderful loneliness,
Of the lake's Serenity gown,
With nature circled 'round.

But when Death hath reached its grasp
Upon Serenity's water - poured into his flask,
The sadistic sagacious wind went by
Murmuring the funeral cry -
Then - I finally awake -
To the terrors of Serenity Lake.

Yet I persist that it was not fright!
Simply Death's delight -
Fueled by the Void of Sorrow,
Pierced by Serenity's arrow -
No! - This Love I must define!
The trip to the lake, of thee and thine.

O! - Death's grasp laid in that voracious wave,
Enticing Serenity to be my eternal grave,
Upon that very fatal spot -
Where the two children rot.
For no soul shall ever make,
A Heaven out of Serenity Lake.
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
Your WEALTH burdens me poor,
Prithee me rich,
To sleep on thy satin decor -
Broken is my switch.

You sang your praises,
A different World -
With Wealth's crazes,
Under your wing I curled.

I know not of names,
To any of thy gems -
Colors of stricken dames,
Scarce of diadems.

May I meet the queen?
Her glory I must know;
She remains to be seen -
Under Wealth's woe.

Thy ring is on my hand -
And fear sits on my brow,
During the Wedding grand,
And who is happy now?

There are solaces to know,
When all that glitters is gold -
Along death's row,
O! - A marriage to behold!

Thy far treasure shall suffice,
With Wealth's spool -
Struck on a lady's vice,
While just a girl in school!
Nov 2015 · 923
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
I have no LIFE other than this,
And to lead it here -
By the back of thy hand,
Dispelled me to tear.

Tie me to your hanging tree!
Start the action anew,
Our life cannot be -
Where your sorrows are few.
Nov 2015 · 1.5k
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
ELYSIUM is as far to us
As the gentle winds of dusk -
And the very nearest gloom
That Death shall doom
If in that doom, thou may await
We shall see our Fate -
Serenity of doom,
Or clarity of gloom.

What fortitude your soul contains! -
To fight through our loving pains,
To search for our love’s cure,
Such adversity it must endure!
Only the Lord must give you strength,
To see out our missteps at length -
As the gloom of clarity,
Our love’s Serenity.
Nov 2015 · 380
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
ALTAR? Where the hills are.
The blessings of Angels from afar.
Falter? - Never under the sun!
Across the golden seas that run,
Where our love story -
Shall be questioned by thy glory,
In search of the perfect one.
Suffice? - Only when nature is done!
And the Doves cease to flutter.
Sweet as morning dew,
In questioning clutter,
My faith is far and few.
Nov 2015 · 829
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
MINE by the divine right of Kings correction!
Blessed I am by his royal seal! -
Within his Love selection,
That no Thief may steal.

Thou is mine - here in vision;
Veto Death's repeal -
Dated, titled - with perfect precision!
And forevermore be mine, while the ages kneel!
Nov 2015 · 466
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
OF all the souls that Angels create,
I have been blessed with one -
Who kindly opened his gate,
To shine his Morning Sun.

Of when that Time was -
I hearken to his gentle hand,
And it's beckoning applause,
Written in the sand.

Of the warring on that front,
I take the Banner of thee
And after Love's stunt -
I'll drag it down with me.
"So lift it up! Like a Banner! Hold it up o'er me! If this war is never-ending, I'll take this Love down with me!"
Nov 2015 · 376
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
DOUBT me, my dim light!
And flicker with me into the night.
Why, the Lord would be forever content
If he could witness only a fraction of your love
Your embracing consent -
That pleases the forces above.
What more may a woman ask?
When her love shall shower thee -
To be immune to the Red Masque,
For all eternity.

It cannot be my faithful heart -
It cannot be my core,
It cannot be our time apart,
It shall not be the love we hath bore.
Have I, a humble maiden,
Faltered her loving prowess?
Thus, heartbreak - I am laden,
The destroyed Summer songstress.
Nov 2015 · 345
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
YOU left me - with diverting paths -
A sweet legacy of Love
As Heavenly Swans sing their Wrath,
More gentle than the Angel Dove;

You left me - with boundaries of pain -
Sagacious as the sea,
A heathen of grace in Space and Time,
With your consciousness and me.
Nov 2015 · 377
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
IF you were coming in the Fall,
I'd ignore Serenity Spring
And falter Winter's call -
To the Summer's day that you bring.

If I could only see you in a Year,
I'd have Angels take us an Eternity -
Without a Minute to Fear,
In time's Serenity.

If only I could make Time stop -
When you slip the Ring on my hand,
So the Bells forever ring atop,
And Echo through the land.

If when our Life is gone,
And Death sends us away -
And the Swan sings her song,
Not far from thee, I shall lay.

Yet we falter Life's delicate wing,
And disturb its nest of glee -
Though our love may sing,
It will never reach Heaven's tree.
Nov 2015 · 361
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
I shall HIDE within Spring's flowers,
       And attach your love to my chest,
So it can ring to the highest towers -
Until my soul is put to rest.

I shall hide within Spring's flowers,
To forever fade from your gaze
And receive my rightful dowers -
A loneliness, without your praise.
Nov 2015 · 1.5k
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
Thou I did ALWAYS love,
I bring thee proof!
So the forces above -
May never turn aloof.

Always I speak to thee,
That love is life -
Forevermore that shall be,
Even when we find strife.

The swan's song may always sing,
And thou will forever feel dignity -
But thy honor is what terror may bring,
For men know not of chivalry.
Nov 2015 · 500
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
HAVE a little butterfly in your heart?
Amidst a tiny garden of loving grace,
Where the angels never part -
And light shines upon thy face?

And the river of that garden shall flow -
Until the dying swans sing,
When the world is shattered with reddened glow.
Then - our love shall be their wing.

Have a little butterfly out in March?
Fluttering over the river's overflow?
Where the flowers never parch -
Far from the days we know.

And later in August we may lay,
Within the meadows of life -
Where thou is my summer's day,
And I remain the river's wife.
Nov 2015 · 378
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
I CANNOT live with you,
Thy honor is my life's crux -
With worthy values few,
Forevermore, I am in flux.

Outwards onto Death's sea,
Travels our love's gentle grace,
Into the night with thee -
The heart's only key.

Yet our love is in vain!
My heart shall lay broken -
Never to remain,
The fatal decree spoken.
Flux and Flow!
Nov 2015 · 354
Revelations of Love
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
THERE thou came upon a summer's day
With your dedication to me -
The sweet Saint of May,
Love's revelation is he.

The sun shall shine upon thy brow,
The aroma of Spring's flowers blew -
The serenity solstice we bow,
To make things anew.

Yet our time weighed heavy,
With not a word spoken,
Guarded by love's levee -
The heart's token.

Thou shut the doors of the tomb -
Forbidden to people of lore,
Immortal from its doom,
Turned to love for evermore.

The Hours ticked along,
By Time's sheer will -
The dying swan's time song,
Our hearts, stood still.

Alas! - When time hath failed,
Penanced without a sound -
And my heart has exhaled,
Your bond, I hath found.

Past the tyranny that may rise,
Against the stars above my grave -
Let them shimmer in your eyes,
To cherish the love thou shall pave.
Nov 2015 · 323
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
O! - Nothing earthly is the dying day,
When I meet death's decay!
Far from your love on Heaven's coast -
Thy guardian ghost,
Ripped from your arms,
And ringing Death's fire alarms.

And I shall rest a white hand -
Upon thy brow,
During thy sobbing grand,
And who is happy now?

Once I finally fly -
Shall I find you in the sky?
Across Love's sea?
And into the night with me -
O, blessed is she.

Across Winter's grip,
Past Serenity Spring,
When the Summer showers drip -
Shall I hear Autumn sing?

And I shall rest a white hand -
Upon thy funeral gown,
During thy sobbing grand,
For I am happy now.

Once I finally fly -
Shall I find you in the sky?
Across Love's sea?
Where we can be thine and thee -
O, blessed is she.

Sorrow alights she -
Weary from the death of me.
Nodding, napping, at her desk of yore,
After my parting days,
Prodding, trapping! - Her taunting chore,
Mourning's craze.

Once I finally fly -
Shall the heavens hear thee cry?
Across Love's sea,
Where sorrow shall be.
O, blessed is she.
What? I don't even... Inspired by "Oil and Water" by Lights.
Nov 2015 · 365
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
I am a WIFE, finished at that,
On the other state -
I am Queen, at the throne I sat,
Love's burning stake.

O! - How odd this woman looks!
Behind Death's eclipse!
Where angels anchor their hooks -
For Heaven's love ships.

This being comfort's fair,
Her other state was pain -
But why compare?
I am but a wife - Stop there!
Based partially on an Emily Dickinson poem.
Nov 2015 · 917
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
SHE rose to his towering rule,
The plaything of his life -
Love's rusting tool,
Of husband and wife.

She hath paid her heart's due -
Once struck by Death's love bow,
Her senses laid few,
Far from what she used to know.
Her heart lays upon Death's trail,
Bleeding endless waves -
Forevermore without fail,
Until she meets the graves.

Love she missed in the new day,
Of glorious awe -
Under the showers of May,
Her beating heart still raw.

Unmentioned tensions galore,
In that home just down the road,
The marriage they both bore -
Where blood soon flowed.

Alas, the man's mind!
Possessed was he,
By Death's kind -
To forever torment she.

Bleak stormy dreary eve,
Where an ominous draft -
Set Death's yarn to weave,
Death's conniving craft.

Spirits had swallowed he,
Consuming his soul -
And burdening she,
So the funeral bells may toll.

This phantasm he may abide,
Love's ending scythe -
Against her butchered hide,
The forces Death may writhe.

And behind that home,
Just down the little road -
The blood may roam,
For the marriage she abode.
Nov 2015 · 707
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
Just in nine MONTHS time,
Thou will be brought to life -
Prithee mine heart sublime,
Into the seas so rife.

Right in front of me,
For a couple of weeks,
Below the giving tree -
Next to Heaven's creeks.

I'll hold thou in my hands,
Nevermore than truth -
My unmade plans,
Written in sand.

Come slowly, Heaven!
My lips are for thee,
When the months are seven -
My delicate bee.

Reach late my flower,
Hold tight to my thumb -
From your unborn tower,
The Chamber that hums.
A different kind of love. Inspired somewhat by "Small Bump."
Nov 2015 · 435
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
Because I could not stop for death,
He kindly stopped for me,
Even behind my dying breath -
I don't think I shall ever see,
Through our midnights dreary,
A poem as lovely as he -
Collar me teary.
He is much like a summer's day,
And my eyes are nothing like its sun -
When he embraces me in May,
Near the rivers that run.
O Love, Love; wherefore art thou Love?
My crystal dove?
My heart to joy at the same tone -
And all I lov'd - I lov'd alone.
I collaged together famous poem lines by Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, and Shakespeare to formulate this result.

— The End —