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Nov 2014 · 1.9k
B Nov 2014
Its Saturday night
Raindrops are my alcohol
And these tired thoughts
Are my hangover
Nov 2014 · 230
B Nov 2014
You speak as though
You've lived a thousand lives
All filled with loss
Let me remind you
It doesn't have to be
A thousand and one
Nov 2014 · 402
White Shoe Girl
B Nov 2014
I once knew a white shoe girl
Who met a soft and quiet red shoe guy
She'd never seen a shoe but white
In fear and confusion, she ran away
She ran so far, her shoes bled red
Only once she'd lost his trail forever
Did she look down tiredly to see
Her shoes were no longer white
But red...
Nov 2014 · 482
B Nov 2014
My brain went out fishing
No king to run the keep
If my words you're wishing
Leave a message after the beep
Nov 2014 · 16.3k
B Nov 2014
Star so high, star so bright
Guide me by your light
Star so proud, of the night
Show me what is right
Star so gold, star so white
Direct now my inner sight
Star so sweet, of my plight
'Tween dusk and dawn, eternal fight
Star so wise, star of might
Help me know what to write
Star so aged, in your height
Reduce the sting of life's harsh bite
Star so far, be my kite
'Til sleep again doth unite
Nov 2014 · 535
Heaven Send
B Nov 2014
I miss how magical the world used to be
I miss feeling that random and free
Miss it as I might, I look forward happily
Because in you, I see a little bit of me
You've taught me a lot about myself, friend
Unknowingly, my hurt and wounds you tend
A broken heart you've managed to mend
Only reminding me, you are heaven send
Nov 2014 · 229
The Few
B Nov 2014
Day to day, always be nice to all
In hopes you might help the few
Because someday, when you fall
'The few', might just be you
Nov 2014 · 4.7k
The Person Inside
B Nov 2014
Sometimes I feel like I'm a paper key
And you're a giant, cold steel door
I don't really know why it is I try
To unlock the person that is inside
Perhaps that's all I'm meant to be
I'm nothing less, and nothing more
These words are met by heavy sigh
But at least I can honestly say I tried
I may be a ragged old paper key
But somewhere there's a paper door
Asking, wondering, pondering why,
"Paper key, where is it that you hide?"
Nov 2014 · 8.4k
Burn Bridges
B Nov 2014
You burn bridges and take names
Playing love like its a game
You'll never be able to return
After all the bridges you've burned
You burn them trying to escape
That which is sealed in fate
I'll collect the charred scraps of wood
And build you a house for good
Maybe then you'll stop and realize
In fire, not everything dies
Nov 2014 · 357
B Nov 2014
Nobody looked for Anybody
Everybody always mocked Somebody
Anybody didn't like Nobody
Somebody tried to change Everybody
But in the end, Everybody became Nobody
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Brightest Star
B Nov 2014
Stars look down on Earth in light unfeigned
Judging not in kingdom or people reigned
They cast light when and where they please
Lighting even the darkest mood with ease
When I feel alone and cold at night
I look up to the stars so high for light
They haven't failed me yet, nor will they ever
Encouraging always, and following every endeavor
I hope you lie in the grass one summer night and stare
You'll soon find stars are not simply in the sky, but everywhere
It takes a fairly trained eye to see them below
And an even closer eye to see them grow
You don't see it yet like I do
But the brightest star I see is you
Nov 2014 · 417
B Nov 2014
Stowaway of my heart
Dweller of the dark
Where will you hide
When it falls apart
Just know you left a mark
Leaving on high tide
Nov 2014 · 834
Rise and Fall
B Nov 2014
I've learned from life
If anything at all
That we can rise
Farther than we fall
Nov 2014 · 2.2k
Hurricane's Eye
B Nov 2014
Even a hurricane has an eye
A small peek at some blue sky
Where is your eye, my dear friend?
Does your storm within ever end?
I will brave the white waters today
Thus, my safety and peace I pay
Plunging deeper, to your core
To bring you safely back to shore
Nov 2014 · 476
Sum Of All Pain
B Nov 2014
It isn't easy to pray at night
When worn by thoughts of old
It gives peace to my young soul
To know of a happiness foretold
If only all questions were quelled
And that evasive peace withheld
I might never feel alone again
Knowing anguish could never win
I am the sum of all my pain
A forest held green by the rain
Nov 2014 · 808
Whole Picture
B Nov 2014
Its hard to see the whole picture
When you're just a part of it -
One color, one piece, one shape
Of a cosmic artwork
Strewn with stars and emptiness
Ever expanding and eternally mystifying
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
B Nov 2014
Just as the ink of my pen
Shall one day run out
So too will my heart
But, in pursuit of yours
Nov 2014 · 2.0k
Soft Message
B Nov 2014
A soft message is what you read
And yet you pay it no heed
Answer me now this question please,
Why was my heart's beat the one to freeze?
Nov 2014 · 289
Tick Tock
B Nov 2014
A tick and a tock
The whispers of the clock
Does it count ahead?
Or remind you of the dead?
Nov 2014 · 302
Worth The Rest
B Nov 2014
It was like any other day
Followed by any other night
The stars still shone down
The lights still lit town
And cars raced around
Things were lost, things were found
But on that day, unlike any other
Stood a proud but tired new mother
Holding her new child to her chest
Whispering softly, "You were worth the rest."
Nov 2014 · 25.6k
Paper Boat
B Nov 2014
A paper boat to an open sea
A world still separating you and me
I wish you could join me here
And sit with me on this pier
We don't have to talk or think
Just watch the sun as it sinks
To where all good must one day go
To a place nobody seems to know
That's where I go, I hope you do too
Until then, I will sit and wait for you
Nov 2014 · 227
Haiku #1
B Nov 2014
To write is to breathe
To breathe is to one day die -
A story yet penned
Nov 2014 · 4.8k
Hammer Or The Nail
B Nov 2014
Unfurl your courage to the wind, like a sail
Begin a new journey, make a new trail
You can't look back or be afraid to fail
Are you proud of the story you will tell
When time shall lift to you its final veil
And ask, were you the hammer or the nail?
Nov 2014 · 701
B Nov 2014
As I passed a rock on my way
I said, it is dull and I am strong
I then went on, with no further thought
I crossed it's path again today
Weak and tired now, I was wrong
Realizing now, the lesson it had taught
Nov 2014 · 397
Spots & Lines
B Nov 2014
Long have been the times
Few have been the signs
A mess of spots and lines
Of all sorts and kinds
From point A to point B
At what point do I find "me"?

— The End —