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1.4k · Apr 2017
Dying to Live
Alyssa Lynn Apr 2017
How many of us have died
Trying to make more out of our lives?
How many of us slice open our skin,
Dying to love, to feel?

We jump from planes to laugh and smile...
What if instead our company stayed
For just a little while?

We are DYING to live,
And I do mean dying.
Our souls, locked away,
Batter our ribs and our hearts trying to escape.

I want to write,
I want to laugh, and sing, and draw,
I want to make lasting friendships
And give life my all.

Like so many others,
I am dying to live,
Dying to survive.
Because sometimes I feel trapped within myself.
1.1k · May 2017
Sweet Storms
Alyssa Lynn May 2017
Storms of feeling,
Storms of people embracing one another,
Storms of laughter and smiles
As lips meet in sweet kisses.
Because sometimes the storms inside me aren't a bad thing.
1.0k · Jun 2017
The Silence of Morning
Alyssa Lynn Jun 2017
Light wakes me,
A quiet reminder of the start of day.
I stretch, look over,
And melt where I lay.

The man beside me,
Still fast asleep,
Who makes my heart ache like no other...

Dreaming peacefully as he nuzzles
Closer to my form,
Settling against me,
Arms strong and warm.

"Maybe a few more minutes,"
I murmur to myself,
Curling into the man I love
And letting out a breath I never knew I held.
I've gotten to spend some extra time with my love lately, and waking up next to him is one of the best things in the world.
996 · Oct 2017
Day by Day
Alyssa Lynn Oct 2017
Don't you get tired?
Don't you grow sick of doing
      the same thing each day?

I know I do.

I always want to learn,
Always want to explore,
Discovering new things EVERY single day
     instead of just once in a while.

How can people just dig their own graves through monotony?
Let the new seasons kiss my lips,
The new memories expand my understanding of the universe.
May I be ever changing,
But ever present.
I was feeling a little stuck this morning.
930 · May 2017
Alyssa Lynn May 2017
Sometimes the best things
Come from nowhere at all,
Rushing in like a summer wind,
Then gone a moment more.

Opportunities strike then fade into the darkness,
Life ever flowing,
Ebbing and changing, never staying the same.

After all, it wouldn't be interesting
If everything stayed the same.
A good chance came up. Glad I took it.
790 · Apr 2017
Alyssa Lynn Apr 2017
I wrap myself in his arms,
His warmth enveloping me,
Soothing me in a way
Nothing else ever has.

His breath tickles my ear
And I laugh, turning
To kiss his sweet lips,
For he is mine and mine alone.

I think of him daily,
Lingering in the sound of his laugh
And the pure joy in his smile.

He shields me from the cold black wind
That often threatens to overwhelm me.

Though I am sometimes loathe to admit it,
He saves me.


I only hope he will never go.
Because two hours away is entirely too far, sometimes.
565 · Apr 2017
Alyssa Lynn Apr 2017
Darling, I want to come home.
Home to your arms,
Home to the soothing,
Sweet rhythm of your heartbeat.

I want to dive into the depth of your eyes,
To curl into your warmth,
To drift off to the sound of your laugh.

My handsome prince,
My peace in the storm,
My love for you is deeper
Than any river or ocean.

I am aching to come home,
I am aching to rush into your arms...

I am aching, lovely.
Won't you hold me?
I see him in less than a week and I can't wait.
529 · Apr 2017
Soaring Souls
Alyssa Lynn Apr 2017
Do you ever feel your soul
Surging through you?

Energy rushing through every limb
Making you leap to your feet
Unsure of your intended destinations.

But a little bit lost too.
We feel a need,
to love,
to cherish,
to express,

A fire in us as we
Pour ourselves into the universe.
Because we might implode otherwise.

We have our own worlds
inside of us
But they are meant to intertwine,

And become even more beautiful
Than any one of us could have imagined.
Sometimes I get this surge of energy, and I'm not always sure what to do with it.
527 · May 2017
Alyssa Lynn May 2017
I sit with an empty page in front of me
And an even emptier mind.
Frustration boils inside of me
But still no words come...

I let my head fall into my hands.
For what is a writer,
A poet,
Without her words?
I literally sat looking at this page for a solid ten minutes.
514 · Apr 2017
Alyssa Lynn Apr 2017
What is this inside of me?
Twisting and Turning in my chest,
Invisible bile rising in my throat.
This darkness,
Thrashing about in my being
Threatening to burst
And infect every cell.

This unrest is going to be the end of me.
No peace,
No rest,
Blood rushing through my veins
My body urging me, DO SOMETHING.
But my mind unaware of a solution.

I am in turmoil, agony,
Waiting for it to end.
This storm rages inside of me.

And all I can do is pray
That the darkness will not win.
From a particularly unsettling kind of day.

— The End —