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657 · Apr 2018
cheers to the earth
kailasha Apr 2018
the sun waved to me
said something about a breathtaking smile.

the moon leaned in
whispered something about sorrowful eyes.

I saw you walking towards me,
green and blue and full of life.

Flowers bloomed, the wind sighed.
They were teaching me about
love and sacrifice.
love the earth please.
kailasha Dec 2014
I was told to write about how I feel.

But what I feel isn’t just a noun I can express in words and pages. Tremendous waves of emotions come crashing and I forget how to swim. Rarely are they a calm sea, where sooner or later, I find a boat and am safe.

There is no boat today. The sea is churning. The sky is enraged.

Sometimes the emotions are a fire, orange and warm, fueling me to keep moving on. But when they are blue and searing hot, it burns me from within. I’m afraid you will catch fire too.

But the fire is my light in the darkness, my lighthouse. Not attracting boats, but giving them a signal to stay away.

I am torn between right and wrong, and the only way I can talk about my ‘feelings’ is by referring to them as natural occurrences and disasters.

Disasters. That reminds me of a lot of things.
This isn't exactly a poem, but I felt it sort of had a rhythm.
I might make this into a story if i can.
I should study for my exam.
605 · Nov 2014
I'm here, for you
kailasha Nov 2014
If you ever want to let me know

what you think of after the sun has set low
and the stars shine bright against the black
when life is just a blur, but yours a daydream
and you're stuck frozen in a moment,
your mind just some butterflies and tangled roots,

I'll be here.

Tell me about your darkness, when I see light.
Tell me, and even I just might.
Something is wrong with me.
#deep #cheesy
kailasha Oct 2014
Don't utter a syllable,
it is silence I crave
my head (explodes) and
the mind shouts out
loud enough.

Don't try to make me laugh
I do not wish to be smile
there is darkness in this heart
deep and (expanding out) wide.

Just walk over,
try to not look at me
I (always) look pathetic
Just hold me (tight),
hold my soul together
Seal the cracks and don't
let it spill anymore.

It's all broken,
the mind, the heart and the soul.
(I need help to) Fix it.
581 · Mar 2016
kailasha Mar 2016
what is keeping me from reaching out and grabbing my dream?

your A minuses, your rejection letters, your mundane home-works,
your beauty and size standards, appropriate clothing manners
your gender roles and restrictions.


and countless other things that end at me too,
but i am too angry to recall them.
yeah, you is a what
561 · Oct 2014
13w from scrambled thoughts
kailasha Oct 2014
There is so much out there,
but just as much in here, inside.
525 · Feb 2017
behind schedule
kailasha Feb 2017
my time table is worked down till the last seconds of every day,
every minute creeps around the clock only to shiver and die.

we're all on schedule, we're all here for finite moments that float away.

but isn't it only fun when
you're at the wrong place at the right time?
How was your day, and/or what do you hope to achieve today? Let me know below! :D
472 · Jul 2018
places of god
kailasha Jul 2018
there is no peace at the gates to god,
just as there is fear in places of love.
472 · Jun 2017
no monsters in the dark
kailasha Jun 2017
The silence and darkness are like twins joined at the hip,
like lovers holding hands,
like tress rooted to the soil.

Why do you let fear fill up these crevices
that form because
anything dim yearns for the quiet,
and silence curls her fingers around the dark,

The bond remains, however twisted,
till the end of time,
a bond of love.
then what are you so afraid of?
471 · Oct 2017
kailasha Oct 2017
you carry the burden of our histories on your shoulders,
not to repeat them but to know where we went
wrong to end up this way.

You carry the pride of our histories in your heart,
not to repeat them but to know someone's always cared,
and that it's our turn to care now.

इस बोझ को अकेले मत उठाना, इस ख़ुशी को बिखेरके चलना।
454 · Oct 2018
what do you deserve?
kailasha Oct 2018
how do I love myself,
when I can see myself inflicting pain
on those who loved me first?
not a haiku
447 · May 2014
kailasha May 2014
I only desire
To escape this insanity
Which I held dear
long ago.

Now I scream
For a sane mind
And a perfect soul.
I'm bored and I'll probably delete this and I'm happy and sad and goodbye I'm boooored.
429 · Apr 2018
kailasha Apr 2018
it's just the empty thunderbolts, my darling
they wouldn't dare ruin our evening.

all the energy they would've held surrounds us now.
all their spark is between our fingertips, their fires in our heart,
the light in our eyes.

they're just the empty thunderbolts, my darling
and the thunder a proclamation of my love.
380 · Feb 2017
another sadness
kailasha Feb 2017
I'm in a beautiful place,
a place where the wind blows and the people smile,
the trees sway and time flies.

I am where I thought I wanted to be,
then what is this crushing feeling that won't let me breathe?
i wanted to leave home, but now i miss it so dearly
360 · Apr 2018
life in pink
kailasha Apr 2018
You sung a song
so sweet my heart
shifted closer to you

I dreamt a dream
so glorious the sky
turned to pink from blue
a mood.
360 · Apr 2018
the struggle
kailasha Apr 2018
I'm struggling to separate the star speckled sky from the hazy dawns. Time weighs down on you when you really don't want to be here.
I'm shivering in cozy orange light because the spirit is gone.
I put my heart on vibrate and threw it in the ocean.
11:10 pm ... trying to pull back seconds.
318 · Jun 2018
kailasha Jun 2018
Some days I will pick up an itchy caterpillar
with two pieces of cardboard
and move it out of harms way.

Other days,
I will kick a harmless beetle
because it breathes too loud
too close to my home.

I never tried to be not nice,
but borders get dizzy sometimes
I am human on both sides of the coin
after all.
264 · Apr 2018
kailasha Apr 2018
the sun drips golden
bidding goodnight to the trees
my melancholy

— The End —