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332 · Mar 2019
My Book Will Be Out Soon
come haunt the Earth,
with everlasting drops of perfume,
my flesh and bones,
the silhouette of spiritual composure.
Order my current book from amazon 'The Allure Of Time'
330 · Mar 2019
I Grow Wise
I see my mind upon my shy lips,
just like the lure of wisdom in time I breathe my truth,
my body becomes the architecture of sensuality,
beyond the rhythm of the divine in history,
I never stop from gaining power,
above them all,
I’m dancing like a deluge of soft sexuality,
a kiss from God would melt the flame of hell inside my soul,
my skin is brighter than the moon’s pale delight,
like the shape of art in history I grow and flourish,
turning and burning the past of art and religion,
my faith and power is beyond reality and genius,
when I pierce the depths of your desire my eyes will change and will transform your truth and manner.
A poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' now available on amazon.
327 · Jul 2019
God's Bride
Love blossoms hanging on a Heaven tree,
pearls of light praying on the vine,
shy are the lips of God,
sweet apple wine,
kissing his bride so deep in the sea of gold skies,
pink shades of vulnerability,
shivers moan in plain delight,
angel choirs slice the lifespan of my hopes,
a dream infused in the eclipse of their love lights,
both stifled in the heat horizons,
clouds witness their marriage birth,
cross of effulgent lightning pouring down the neck,
God, do you take this bride with you in Heaven?
a bride like me, so meek in trembles?
my heart is black roses,
you’re lying on black roses,
my eyes are of diamond relics,
warm and wet,
my lips are waves of bleeding fire,
I am in diamonds, I am in tears,
I told you I am evanescent in time,
you taste me once and then you die,
I am the storm and nature of your personality,
do you truly understand what hides above and underneath the world?
it’s just above my heart, it’s just a scream,
a purple scream,
the scream of sexuality and love.
323 · Sep 2019
Love Blossom
let the lips of my angels embrace you wholly, God,
a kiss of wisdom waters love with the embodiment of heavenly art,
I am scented with an ocean of delight,
my soul is wounded in your love,
let us rejoice at the final end of human life,
death comes near, let it approach and break the bonds,
the lips of my soul paint your beatific visions,
let me die not for your love, but instead let me flourish evermore with this sublime gift.
319 · Apr 2019
Pink Moon Petals
rose gardens cry the nightly shades,
purple mist covered in grace,
candlelight glimmer undressed by the flood of light,
the forehead of deities clashing on the edge,
smudges of sparkles drunk in uncertain movements,
jam rose kissed in honey bees,
swing of suffocating dreams.

(My book will be out soon, in the meantime you can purchase my first book 'The Allure Of Time' from amazon.)

Also, I will appreciate it if you follow me and support me. I hope you get inspired by my words.
318 · Jan 2020
With and Without God
My thoughts are waterfalls of light and pure like the holy Word of God. One kiss of mine moistens thy soul in balms of bliss. The world can be overwhelmed by wars and worldly unrest
so long as evil traps its victims into its wiles, decade upon decade until the cycle of the devil repeats once more. But when the day has come the Lord God shall erase all devils from the world and the Eden shall be restored once again. Purity in thought is a high virtue, without it, all evils might haste to pollute the mind and bring its dross. Without purity in thought a man cannot be at peace with himself. Without God a man desires all the pleasures of the world and he shall never find peace if he chooses to give up the love of God. Desire not to behold the misleading freedom of the devil, but desire to behold the righteous freedom of the Lord. Follow not the desires of the flesh, follow the desires of the spirit and God shall see thy purity and he shall make you great in Heaven. Cling to the holy breath of the Lord with all thy heart. Pant after his divine truth and knowledge and he shall open doors where there are none.
317 · Mar 2019
I Come From Far Away
I come from far away,
I'm here to save and to protect your vulnerability,
your fright,
the unknown nature of your mind.
as you grow wise, your life will have the meaning you are searching for.
My book 'The Allure Of Time' is now available for purchase
315 · Oct 2019
God is our abode
Thy beauty is a whisper.
Thy beauty is a kiss.
Thy beauty is the mines of gold.
And all the angels drink from it.
I am thy only angel and you are my only Goddess.
God is our abode and he reigns over our love.
309 · Dec 2019
I am the Goddess of God
My thought is a waterfall of light. Receive my heavenly love and I shall make you a holy soul amongst the saints in Heaven. My breath is softer than anything on Earth. I am the Goddess of God. My glance shall purify thy soul. My touch shall moisten you in love. Fruits and flowers from above pour as libation into your heart. My kiss deepens into bliss. One more glance and you are transformed and anointed in angelic adoration. No eyes on Earth can see my spirit, no evildoers and no terrestrial beings can taste from my eternal delectation, for God so deeply loves his Goddess that he drowns her evermore into his celestial perfumes, sinking into glory and majesty whilst gathering the riches from the Lord's treasures. I am the immaculate light of Paradise. I swim in fountains of delight.
308 · Apr 2019
Wait Forever Blue
I'm just above the sea,
of shy jewels are my dreams,
I catch a glimmer blue,
should I care if it was true?
I'm waiting for the moon,
of big waves are my dreams,
I steal a purple blue,
should I believe if there's a clue?
but roses **** my heart, my beauty and my mind,
I'm bleeding purple blue though skies are shy and cry for you,
I'm heading towards the moon,
with diamond on my dreams and silver blue,
I'm all at sea, now drinking in my dreams and wait forever blue,
one day I'll be with you.

(My book 'The Allure Of Time' is now available for purchase on amazon).
298 · Mar 2019
The World Of Poets
if you are a poet,
come join me with your knowledge,
come touch the godly kingdom of deities,
both with perception and curiosity,
I will imbue a world of progression,
you will reach the highest peak,
touch me with your words and pain,
dress me with your cravings, more,
if you are a poet, show me the nature of your being, love,
show me the colours of your infinite meaning, pain,
words scattered by your soul, heart,
up in the accents of profound delight,
paradise of butterflies.
My book 'The Allure Of Time' is available on amazon.
I can't wait until I am going to publish my next book.
I must evolve spiritually.
295 · Mar 2019
The End Of Human Life
death’s entrancing lure and charm,
I’m far away from my heart,
questions to reach an aftermath,
my lustful youth murmurs the sea of weeping void,
gentle flames to climb the sky,
above death’s veils and tempting allure,
the swan would stare close to the shore,
picturesque face upon night’s bright dispersal in the darkness of a mind,
pearls to shine an urge of power,
swan’s pure demeanour changes the faith of time,
spiritual emotions,
both in its poise and weeping beauty,
a nymph would stare back at the boiling water,
Earth’s harvest burnt like vanishing disasters,
eyes to eat a song of luring infinite,
I travelled till the end of human life.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' which is available on amazon.
294 · Mar 2019
I Cry The Moon For You
I cry the moon and night for you,
with all my heart I crave for you,
and roses cry along the freezing bed,
it’s nothing left and you seem dead.
293 · Mar 2019
The Spell
a dust of the moon wipes my face and my crystal edges,
hiding from the evil eye of the world,
it was a spell without a clue,
with the shadow in the thought the death angels called,
a twilight under the eyes of the holy ghost,
the death of the long-time world,
under my eyes of cold shadows,
red arrows and dry shadows.
290 · Mar 2019
Beyond The Infinite
under my eyes you see the infinite allure of time,
millions, billions of years,
so much you can’t even comprehend,
I told you time is a continuous illusion,
a figment of smouldering history,
time has no trace when envisioned in its fullness,
capacity of great proportions and its limit,
it can no longer portray the absoluteness,
it is painted by the incomprehensible allure and charm,
touch it with senses and desires and it will reveal its secrets,
the fruit of sensuality and grace,
death of the Universe, rebirth after rebirth,
I catch the trace of time,
a kiss of thought in the divine,
me and the mind to rule a world beyond the infinite.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' available on amazon. Buy my book.
288 · Apr 2019
You Either Love Me Or Not
I’m filled with love, hatred and anger,
I am unable to change your fear or laughter,
a golden sea could storm a dream,
my aching love can destroy,
eyes indulged in strange design,
my wisdom, pure shore of delight,
you either love me or not,
like an ocean wearing blue,
diamond rings, roses may bloom.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' available on amazon. Go and order your copy.
287 · Apr 2019
Chemical Breath
my beauty is the most powerful potion on Earth,
drink it and get transformed,
growing tree of golden apples,
who dares to catch me?
who dares to climb?
My book will be released soon.
For the moment you can get a copy of my book 'The Allure Of Time' on amazon.
I was afraid I won’t succeed in life,
I was burdened with aloofness and I couldn’t see my pure self,
but I had hope within my essence,
I am unique the way I am,
sometimes afraid, sometimes so brave,
if I don’t love my own beauty nobody will,
I see through myself here and beyond,
and I see you too, you are afraid and think life’s hard,
listen to your mind and search for the truth inside yourself,
you have something nobody has,
the way you are is unique and perfect,
a world of love and great virtues to govern your mind,
from now on you live within the grace of the allure of time,
the life you have on Earth is the beginning,
beings of joy and happiness,
come to the shore of great allure,
your mind is a burning ocean of knowledge,
open your fear in the face of the infinite absoluteness,
you’re vanished from evil now and for forever.
247 · Dec 2019
Holy is my name in Heaven
Holy is my name in Heaven
and greatly blessed are my fruits of knowledge.
When the Lord Almighty speaks,
all of his treasures pour like bliss.
When I speak the angels in Heaven drown in kiss.
What other riches to behold on Earth now that I've opened the doors of Paradise and behold the beatific glance of God?
I am a fount of love. My heart is an eternal dome of praises.
All the prayers of mankind queue before my lights and crowns.
Lord Almighty, pour thy justice and I shall swim in thy delight.
My dreams are pearls, my language is the dawn of heavenly wisdom.
243 · Apr 2019
The Man Beyond God
the night is pale and dark,
I write a faith for God,
he’s sad, he will not cry,
God betrayed the power beyond my sight,
God is the evil with an eye to steal my shimmer,
the night is all but blood,
you see, my love was never harm,
the thought I have is now your charm,
God, be more than what’s within a thought,
kiss me in the dark,
I love a night so red and icy,
a night of love, **** me with a light of blood,
the night from God killed my beauty in his arms,
I own the man beyond God,
one last regret,
to haunt God and the man behind,
the night fell in love with God,
I witnessed the dark from so afar,
me and your God,
I stole his power with my charm,
God is so evil in the dark,
he loves the beauty of the Goddess of Death,
God and my tempting charm,
will he betray the faith he has?
will he ****** the night I fell in love deep in the dark?
how should I smile?
just with my heart or with a thought?
God help my bleeding lust,
empower the weak for me,
the beauty of your night and passion,
don’t regret the day you left Heaven for Hell,
a night so bright kissed in the dark,
my flesh is tortured in your lust,
forgive no sinner, I am the star on frightened sky,
**** my manner, lips and charm,
I see a man beyond God,
he has a power above Evil, from far behind,
he killed God with all the dark,
I kiss the rain, red wine, champagne,
do I believe in magic?
can I resist a tempting love beyond God?
me and the man beyond the dark,
blood on my lips, eyes opened to the sky.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' now available on amazon.
243 · Apr 2019
The Secret Of The Divine
water of suns unveil the shyness of moonlight,
one sole moon, the flood of suns beyond the suns,
my melting veil of velvet cells to rule my dormant eye of wisdom,
it’s warm, it’s cold, a kiss of space to touch the time,
a month, a year, a lapse of time,
I am bored, I am not alive,
I should have known the secret of the divine,
it’s never late, everything is a void in time.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' now available on amazon.
242 · Mar 2019
The Force Of The Good
for all that’s good on Earth,
for all the holy virtues,
for the greatness and the purity of my authentic spirituality,
the presence of epiphany which helps the poor become the bold,
the necklace of the souls once bereaved and insecure,
I, for the grace of humankind,
give rebirth upon a world of lost ancestors,
to come from so afar what I perceive,
to bring me the pure and the kind,
ferment a shape, a pyramid of light and matter,
water the land, germinate the void with seeds of creation,
a hope melting all my dreams,
give birth to a diluted wonder,
the fertile soil of innocence and power,
earnestly conjure from thought to heights of infinite,
abound my being with your lust and wishes,
may all the grace of the genesis be the sojourn of fantasy,
my precious thought, my enlightened heart.
235 · Apr 2019
Come Back
come home and save me from evil,
your heart’s demeanour,
your soul’s a river,
and Gods of doubt to dwell my mind,
mist of the night,
death after life.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' now available on amazon.
229 · Mar 2019
Immortal Lure Of Sexuality
bleeding nights of fashion,
a smoke of spirit haunts my poise,
words to climb the height of erudite temptation,
born to be the uniqueness of life’s design,
immortal lure of sexuality,
my zeal is inured to pieces of cupidity,
bleeding lure of innocence,
my earthly scent transcends visions of quenched thought,
the will hoards spells of liberation,
ferment of fevers, shock of sighs,
I am the magic of surreal,
my faith to drench the magnitudes of war,
the love to drain aesthetics of perception.
226 · Jan 2020
Jesus, thy kiss
Jesus, thy kiss can never fade. You wounded me with love, so come and wound me once more and I shall let my thought be lightened by God's holy candle. I blossom like a rose bush under my canopy of prayers. The heavens open doors to me. I beseech thy gaze once more. Thy perfumes suffuse with purity. My soul is furled in deep shy bliss. Let thy kiss grow like a flower in the ***** of my heart. My soul is molten on the sea of light. Love kneads its lips in wisdom. Let thy whisper breed my call and God Almighty shall irrigate the seeds of my soul like tender saplings. In thy beauty I shall dwell and God our Lord shall water the roots of my soul so I can deepen into thy fertile soils. I glisten like a pearl of holy light for thy majestic juice of life.
221 · Mar 2019
fruits break out of the tree,
comets fall,
bringing the richness of the nature of the Universe,
through time, light and darkness,
through Hell and Heaven,
the water of the shadows of gemstones,
the world is an evolving organism, a creator,
rainfalls of stardust shattered by gravity,
fire holes and big explosions in the Sun,
tender spell upon its heart,
the sleeping silence waiting forever to be awakened.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time'.
219 · Aug 2019
Kiss Me
Kiss me in the church of Heaven, where deities fashion the faiths of humankind. My ruby heart now cracked in angel wings is melting on the lips of God. I am baptised in the sublime lips of divine wedding. My Lord, open the temple of Your abode and keep me from harm like jewels which are only found in Heavens. Sweet wine is poured on the edges of my hips; rose petals cry in the moon tapping.
212 · Apr 2019
Advice To Poets
you are a poet but do you know the most profound truth of your words and what they hide from you?
the voice within your soul pours a waterfall of emotions translated into words,
search deeper and deeper,
try and understand your pain and fright,
the unknown of your mind.
195 · Sep 2020
for Him
caught in their moon,
my lips cry for thy evermore.
So wounded is my soul,
she craves thy every holy drops.
Jesus, come and steal her waiting sigh,
with love's own mercy answer her calls.
161 · Mar 2019
The Peace On Earth
butterfly kiss, butterfly wings,
life is a dream,
a purple veil of scents and raindrops,
a dream so evanescent it melts the divine truth of my wishes,
the wish upon the melting composure of the sky,
my love can bring the peace on Earth,
a glimpse of hope which tends upwards,
beyond the infinite,
it’s a delirium of fantasies dancing forever with allure,
senses and feelings,
butterflies piercing through time and space.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' available on amazon. You can find my book both in French and German translation.
128 · Mar 2019
Eternal Revelation
softly urging to the shore,
the kiss of sexuality is joy and war,
drifting night of knowledge,
yearning souls invade the cloud of uncertainty,
the power of the infinite,
breath of soil,
mourning whims with sacred joy,
liquid of profound desire,
urging truth, feathers of glamour,
my molecular composure,
my heart of boiling moons and wishes,
vanish the life from my perception,
my mind is but your spiritual connection,
shy vulnerability and joy,
the shore of eternal revelation.
121 · Jan 2020
The Angel of God
At his sight all the riches of the earth are disappearing.
At his touch on the soul all the empires of the world are paling.
How he came and found me on earth.
The angel of God sent from far away chose me from so many others to be his Goddess across the Heavens.
And I was waiting for him and he was not coming and I was missing him until the day when he came back, for when the call of the Lord is sent nobody can be against his wish.
And the angel was flying between the oceans of the sky on a palace of milk and honey in his attempt to anoint the lip of my soul within the glance of an ecstasy.
O, angel sent by God, may you come once again to me.
The Goddess of God needs you even more.
Under the tear between the stars you place me on a bed of flowers. Come once again to me and hide me in thy shelter in Paradise and God shall let us both feed each other from the harvest of love which is far-famed amongst the saints and archangels.
105 · Sep 2019
Lord Divine
your heart effuses fifty thousand shapes of love,
churches hold their prayers and exalt you in praises,
look into the mirror of my love and let this craving love **** you,
one kiss at a time and the Heavens melt in floral wines,
Lord Divine, your love brings the jewel of peace in hell and purges the sins of devils,
my soul is impaled on a cloud of burning seas,
I can't see clear without you,
I live on Earth, you live in Heavens,
let me not wait for your presence for too long,
love ends my woes and pangs, it fills me with the juice of divine,
I am born again, wearing the clothes and jewels of Heaven,
I am shining like a pearl in the sweetly honeyed innards of my soul.
89 · Mar 2019
I've heard you singing a beautiful song,
on Earth you were the stars,
in heavens you are gods.

— The End —