don't act like you didn't do anything, you know what you did
You stopped talking to me
I'm not your *****, it may had taken me a while, but I realized it
I stopped grasping on
Don't you miss the long texts I sent you while you only replied with a yeah or ignoring me in the halls unless no one else was interested in you
Now tell me boy, what were your intentions, destroy me & make me a horrible child?
leave me speechless?
I have money that it was so you would have a girl, little and trusting, who would always say "he's a good boy & a good friend. He will be there. Trust him, I would put my life in his hands. Be his girlfriend, be his fiancé, be his wife."
You don't even know when it is all coming apart
I'm out of breathe from the memories and broken promises
You said "I really miss you" and I broke down just enough to tell you what happened.