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Grace Tahiti Feb 2013
To be adventurous is the key:
Don’t let them know you’ve never seen this menu.
Stumbling syllables of Spanish
So young, so naïve:
A stranger to tapas.

Who wants to be the main dish?
Convention, what society dictates.
We are a product of the capitalist system
Built on property and inheritance,
Trapped in monogamy.

But I know power when I see it
And I have none. You have all.
Or so I think.
Or so you think.
Willingly used.
Or so I convinced myself.

Feminist? Ha.
Another line.
“You can see the stars here.”
And yet like a cat to cream
I lap it up.

I know what’s good for me
And I don’t like it.
Doomed to choose you.
A masochistic mindset
With no bearing in reality.
Bambi slipping on ice towards you.
My downfall. My Achilles heel.
My beautiful Machiavellian fox.
cheryl love Mar 2014
Red, she was dressed in red
Skirts swirling with her hips
Click, click her fingers snap
Her pearly whites grip
The stalk of a freshly cut rose
Red as blood, as stark as fire.
Olives, green, pure and oily
Clench like teeth to a wire
With spicy sausage and clams
Orange and pink in a pan
Tapas, little bits of this,
gorgeous bits of that.
Spanish lullaby from a talented hand
plays romantic flamenco in a band
held tight in his grip, the skin so lovely
the eyes so brown, the look of love so now.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2018
. the whole hype over the Brexit vote is so...  
hum ha ha... ******* bogus...
it never really existed in the first place,
perhaps on paper, but never in reality...
the hype is bogus, a media hamster's wheel...
i don't know why the people, "across the pond"
are so ******* excited about it...
    there are two facts that make Brexit nothing
short of a misnomer for current news...
first of all... isn't Britain and island?
so... what's the sensationalism? if you told me:
Wales and Cornwall will split from the UK,
N. Ireland will rejoin the the R.I. and Scotland
will join the Nordic league... **** yeah!
i also believe in the splinter league of Basque,
Catalonia, the Kashubians and the Silesians...
rings a bell: divided we stand: united we fall...
but Brexit is a story overtly hyperventilating...
the UK has its own, *******, currency!
it was never part of the EU, as such...
    no nation which still exercises a sovereignty
by use of its currency is, or ever was, part of the EU...
  they couldn't have been...
  currency is a bit like phonetic encoding...
"my" nation never exercised a phonetic encoding
akin to the French, with their illogical:
say one thing, hear another,
     with their mega mega LARGE cut offs:
does it make sense? crème pâtissière:
   if looking from above?
    crèm(e) pâtissiè(re)
   yeah! those letters in the brackets "do not exist"...
    they're written: but they never make
it onto the tongue...
  and that circumflex above the A?
   just how the french denote a: macron...
        the UK is a ******* ISLAND...
   and it still retains its own CURRENCY...
the people of these isles know argument 1,
       perfectly... the atypical English "courtesy"
if not stretching their politeness...
      no country that still retains its old currency
was ever
in the EU to begin with!
            **** me... even the Swedes were
not dumb enough to join the Euro....
but the Italians were...
                  the Italians do not have any
weight behind their argument...
at Italians... airy-fairy...
   their argument is worth ****...
   i guess the Greeks also had their argument
quashed by being part of
the single currency...
             no... Italy is a hot-air-balloon of
arguments... as Italians: they have
to posture as they did under the influence
of the third *****...
  they're going nowhere...
               they are already entrapped by
the single currency...
                 the Italian political game
is puppetry... nothing more...
                                 i wouldn't trust them...
come on... sérrano ham beats prosciutto... hands down,
day, after day, after day...
            because it makes it all the more easy
to gesticulate at the EU with your own currency...
once you've lost your currency?
   you've lost your nation's sovereign stature...
and the Italians?
      they don't have their own currency...
         they're nothing more than *****-boys
of the EU... appeasing, or rather stalling...
the nations who still possess their own currency...
they're: IN-SÍ-GNÍ-FÍ-CANT.

did you know that it took the Germans,
around two weeks,
to overpower France during WWII?
yeah... marched into the land
like a warm knife does into butter -
and spreads itself over warm toast...
i can vouch to say:
   it took the Third ***** and
the USSR to split the conquer of Poland...
France... the one mighty Napoleonic
knelt... and ****** of ******'s
one ball sonata...
    yeah, that one, the Colonel Bogey
March... ****** him off for two weeks...
then dropped silent from
a jaw strain...
            went numb, or something...
not sure...
              but ****:
don't you think the French are masters
at baking?
    a brioche chinois:
   a chinois brioche filled with vanilla
flavored crème pâtissière -
give credit where it's due:
and ooh... Devon's full-fat milk?
   yum yum, yum the **** down...
the sort of food you want to eat
but also talk with your mouth full...
            i'll give them that...
papa England, mama France...
gwandpa Germany...
           still the holy trinity of
         eh... the Italian sushi ham is too dry...
the German black forest ham
is o.k.....
          the best of the lot?
sérrano ham -
    who? the Conquistadors' tip-bit...
    so ******* juicy...
   by the way...
  ha ha! the Muslims of Europe are funny...
last time i heard...
you only launch a Jihad to reclaim
a land formerly in the possession of Islam...
a holy war, a Jihad...
to a war to reclaim land lost to invasion...
there was no talk of Jihad
when the Muslim Empire was expanding,
simply because it was not reclaiming
   so when Muslims speak of
a Christian Reconquista? well... yeah?
i thought that was plain and simple with
you Jihadi Ginger Johns?
              i thought Muslims were versed
in this sort of ****?
   a Jihad is a holy war against
invading powers - a Jihad army is not
an invading army:
  it's a reclaiming army...
          first the heart: incoherent -
then the mind: a tower of Merlin that requires
a coherent persuasion...
after that? the body... which always
falls into ranks...
               swelling with a tsunami of
en spirit -
                   i thought Muslims in Europe
understood that Jihad is:
a form of reconquering lost lands formerly
under Muslim influence?
            you Jihadi Ginger
i Jihadi Nord - part time film noir critique -
part time black comedy enthusiast...
   like that jeffrey "napoleon dynamite"
dahmer giggler... in me...
           Jihadi ******...
but no, impossible...
   the Italians make great prosciutto...
the Germans thought they could imitate...
yet it's the Spaniards that make it the best...
how they curate the sérrano to make
it so juicy is beyond me...
             must be the whole tapas, culture.
David Barr Feb 2015
Las Ramblas takes me into the olfactory and gustatory folds of a multicolored bocadillo, which led me to the breathtaking and fearful tunnels of El Chorro.
I have identified those at Sants who maintained deviant motives and gazed upon the beauty of those tree-lined streets of fountainous resignation.
Nevertheless, the combination of manchego and chorizo leads me to those meandering roads of Andalucia where the Sierra Nevada can be witnessed from festivals in Pastelero and Villa Nueva in a midnight breeze.
The best sopa de acho is to be found in Antequerra.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2015
no wonder i watch *******, it's a moral struggle these  days  downing a whiskey trying to down america 1930s. al capone would  have  laughed with me i'm sure, and shouted: cuba! cuba! fiddle  castrato!  well, there was the violin to mind in tao when the  castratos  masturbated;. oh look... the pope! where’s my bishop purple  and cardinal red? down the toilet, with the goldfish i’m assured: bobs  the necktie password concerning the onomatopoeia the bubbles made when  appearing: bubbles are called bob... ok?*

it was only an old man attired
in the usual monochrome of gray,
so i walked,
scratched a stone wall,
and by the 2nd gesture similis i
pulled my hand scratching toward my chest
to resemble a stone heart:
equivalent chinese? small is european stone:
writing this i missed six knuckles and felt the rest.
Egeria Litha Jun 2015
Alignment before leaving the house
blessing words with intention
honor the sun
Thank the axis
as we spiral
and find our constant amidst change
death takes place
and we go through stages and states
denial, acceptance,
and everything in between
connection with all that is
and crystal relationship with today

honor the sun
palms pressed to pray
at heart center
whoever does this looks so holy
serene, blissed out, so **** lovely

sashay with anger
then tango with tears
adjust to the idea
of releasing fear
honor the sun
for true life rises
and echoes rays of eons
from this glorious star
the source of fire and desire
warming our bodies
vircapio gale Jul 2012
shiva knew from ashes, what we from
baring bodies claim to know, that
down-dogs in the buff sets vanity aside,
if not by force then over time
along with any pretzel pose, or
tapas, work, or sweaty hopping
balance challenge deeper rhythm breath
revealing limits undenied and beauty
now revised for harmful lies to go.
beginning **** and ending ****
the mirror is the sun, the blue
horizon line of thought of one.
to bend is in the mind as well,
the keener meaning flexible
of soulful empathy of self.
the class ends in corpse and being
apparels us only with the same light
we know and bow in namaste
to saunter to the beach and swim away communal heat.
i'm underwater soon,
three hours of dominoes
fading into deep greens
of algae kumbhaka pranayam. released.
the pond-bottom gasps at me with silt, such
delight shining darkly cool and shouts
jump in bubbles at the greenrays
piercing sweetly down to play our bodies perfect.
this is an existential feast.
old rocks on which to stand connect our feet,
waterslip awareness of the deep
and of the sky
gives rise to touching 'accidents' --
we clothe ourselves in thinner veils
we talk of history and elders, while
hormones sparkle greetings stroking clear we swim
in circles slowly, diving down and playing at pretend.
'adults being children' being adult in reserve
being 'natural' being ****,
discreet in underwater lust...
'i love you' our dripping eyelashes say
against the hot raft that burns our skin;
above the surface
neutral for the genitals we are
evaporate of self-seeing worry not
to spash each other's souls.
kindred lovers elsewhere whine possession
of us, but 'living, you said, isn't about being safe,'
seducing all, at every turn, an unabashed
reflex there to be desired in.

beachbathers, nubs of pink, tan and brown
shine unbroken at the shores.
occasionally waving 'nonjudgmental' waves.
sunglassed faces work away at being easeful:
assuaging fears of voyeurism far

i have set the wall to play vairagyam
naked in the open family value smiles
leaving me to judge our acts undone
or sensed beyond the moment in the center shade,
beneath our floating hiding place
our echoed panting speaking more surreal
than just the treading water in my space
you spit the teasing offer naturally
while hidden in the middle of a lake
our shocks of pleasure, gleaming eyes
in echoes brahmacharya pulls
with spinal lock of spiral loving this
we cannot have our vibrate bliss

i name it potently for what it is,
it cools the ***** enough for
feigning innocence

i duck in and out with image firmly planted
playing on an unreal living all
caution gone~

but not before imagining
the details stored away and swept together:
in that single moment apex entrance
of our carnal members swaying into
underwater yogasex.

the ladder slips along my sides
weaving up unbreathing giddiness, as
nubile, as young forever yearnings mar until
i hook my toes and float for you
clad by sun and sky, clearest ripples
flick the lips of vastness into grin
reflects your dive,
spread silouette above
you fly into my breath
to pinnacle the dance we live
without an act we guard propriety
until alone and years have gone
i'm here before a screen to live it over differently
g clair Nov 2014
Woven into every thought
a golden thread in deep blue sea
the waft on which her poems are caught
will form a living  tapestry

and into every single day,
this loom upon which wafts are wound,
in green she'll choose to make her way
on shuttles wrapped with seaweed found

the ordinary man, an ocean
barge which follows shipping lane
passing through without a notion
brilliant orange and not mundane

streams of light, not white nor yellow
radiant warmth throughout the room
through every season, this old fellow
present, steady, lights the loom.

Beauty makes a sudden turn
for what's to come, could never guess
when trouble takes the finest yarn
and twists it into tangled mess

with barren shuttle, words are lean
"and hardly can I say!", she'll moan
with eyes upon the battle scene
"this tapestry is not my own!"

and into blackness of the night
a the sunlit moon with silvery shroud
will ease across the sky tonight
illuminating every cloud

and even as the stars like lint
reveal their light in darkened hours
the quiet moments also glint
a single word, enormous powers.

as shuttles glide, a poem evolves
and words begin to take their place
in colors as the earth revolves
this tapestry is bathed in grace.
amrutha Feb 2014
Indian Legends.

The Legend of Triambakeshwar
The supreme Lords, Brahma and Vishnu
On that auspicious day were fighting for the highest milestone
For honour
Claiming Wisdom
Voicing out their mighty combat impale
At that very moment, a resplendant pillar
Emerged, took form before them
Standing tall into the skies and stooping low spearing the Earth.
Brahma and Vishnu saw the pillar
As an examiner of infinite Wisdom
They both decided to find either end of the pillar
to prove their supreme position.
Brahma took form of a swan
to find the topmost portion of the pillar
Vishnu turns into a Boar, being the land's wild driller
to discover the bottom part of this pillar.
Brahma returns and lies to Vishnu
"I Have Found My Goal, 'O Vishnu"
Lord Vishnu surrenders with a humble heart
A fruitless effortless failure.
This pillar is no ordinary pillar
The Legend holds it as the sacred Linga
The Lord of Lords, the destroyer of Evil
The three-eyed one, the blue-throated one
The Lord with 1008 titles of honour
Ageless, timeless, formless,
Shiva cursed Brahma that day dusk
"Your foul deceit smells above this land, Brahmadev
Punishment is a part of crime.
You shall never be worshipped under the stone-carved.
Temples shan't have place for you"

Brahma, enraged, growled upon the Lord
"Your greatness shall be pushed into this Earth
Into the same pillar, the Linga!
At the foot of Sahyradri, your abode lies
from now,
till forever comes."

Dear Fearless Devotee, know this that you must
On the dark midnight of this hand-chosen day
Maha Shivratri
The Holy Linga takes form as the Lingodbhav Moorti
At the blessed land of Triambakeshwara.
From underneath the Earth,
Like a descendant from the skies
The ruler of the seven worlds
Bhu, Bhuvas, Svar, Mahas, Janas, Tapas, Satya
The invincible source of destruction
Of the Seven Hells, Paatala
*Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Rasaataala, Talatala, Mahaatala,
The Patala.
काममय एवायं पुरुष इति।
स यथाकामो भवति तत्क्रतुर्भवति।
यत्क्रतुर्भवति तत्कर्म कुरुते।
यत्कर्म कुरुते तदभिसंपद्यते॥

Holy Shivratri, 2014.
g clair Dec 2015
Woven into every thought
a golden thread in deep blue sea
the waft on which her poems are caught
will form a living  tapestry

and into every single day,
this loom upon which wafts are wound,
in green she'll choose to make her way
on shuttles wrapped with seaweed found

like specks of color on an ocean
barges pass in shipping lane
and this is where I get the notion
contrast thrives in worlds mundane

streams of light, not white nor yellow
radiant warmth throughout the room
through every season, this old fellow
present, steady, lights the loom.

Beauty makes a sudden turn
for what's to come, could never guess
when trouble takes the finest yarn
and twists it into tangled mess

with barren shuttle, words are lean
"and hardly can I say!", she'll moan
with eyes upon the battle scene
"this tapestry is not my own!"

and into blackness of the night
a the sunlit moon with silvery shroud
will ease across the sky tonight
illuminating every cloud

and even as the stars like lint
reveal their light in darkened hours
the quiet moments also glint
a single word, enormous powers.

as shuttles glide, a poem evolves
and words begin to take their place
in colors as the earth revolves
this tapestry is bathed in grace.
oral transmission
Modulate - Cognate- Division
Cosmic - tuned in like Cognitive Transmission

This is my mission, to

Get up out the scene Live wild as a child
Dread my head, Hear cries like the Roar  I lionize
Deviant be me, othered for free
as the Nomos creates Signifier, Signified
somewhat like a homeless child stigmatized
caught outside our commercial enterprise


With enterprise, there enters lies,
Never earthbound my star ship seems to Actualize

So let me lyrically **** your path so you can shift past the cuts
Neva drinking the wine of wrath, made sour by sour patch cats blasted by vats OF GRAFFITI splats.

Culture slipping like gangsters simply sipping at the purple incision
instead we walk Holy like the cotton we missin

Tattoo my Secrets onto skin parchment ,
thats Ink advice ---:  People Lost in Duality, man thats just thinkin twice
Surrender and self-Sacrifice be the admission price
to see Kali singing blood mantras dancing through

Dreams of Ink darshan doorways
Tantric like Siva Approaches his consort for foreplay

My face is like a thundercloud, smiles formed outta cloud highs
Now my 3rd eye, washed in blood saw how Snakes stitch DNA
up and winding
and lemme tell you bro,
its some Nauesous stuff

Transcendent reality,
ego death till its fallacy,
recognize perfection
of life in the galaxy

So I toss out my ID, puff puff, its high ME
don't be Stuck like Ego grinding, Just saving souls don’t mind we,
go Indigo like Love in the margins, Golden souls attempting to live in holy gardens, ==========

We forget though

Neither death or immortality existed in the time before time,  of day or night no sign

There was Darkness hidden by Darkness , all was water but got started quick, by the sharpness of a god spark

kick crash hit, life spit out covered in emptiness

This was it, started from the bottom, rise in the power of heat,
dance tap ta dis beat Aware tapas generates so much heat Indiscreet
in abyss

But then desire became the fire, middle ground never higher than the smoke trails of the world's creation,
Spittin om proir flash forward funeral flames tamed by Tandava siva purifier

So this poet seeks in the heart of wisdom found in the bond of existence to non-existence
Knowledge that  I’m a livewire with a high resistance
I Complete my **** Through high persistence,

Eventually though,
the Fog rolls in again , agnosia forget the Cosmic condition
till then We soulfeed lyrics in-between kissing.
the setting sun glows crimson over distant hills
people enjoy the balmy temperatures
sip their mojitos and manhattans
anticipating finger food and tapas
chatting with friends and neighbors

not everybody notices
the folding blossoms of the garden flowers
or the sweet evening songs of birds
the daring hedgehog venturing forth
    to look for food
the smell of honeysuckle gaining force
    under the rising moon

the beauty of our nature
often gets talked away in conversations
reduced to just a pleasant ambiance
that loosens our tongues

in our obsession to communicate
we tend to overlook the soft magnificence
the world presents to us in dusky evening hours
Jean Cocteau es un ruiseñor mecánico a quien le ha dado cuerda Ronsard.

Los únicos brazos entre los cuales nos resignaríamos a pasar la vida, son los brazos de las Venus que han perdido los brazos.

Si los pintores necesitaran, como Delacroix, asistir al degüello de 400 odaliscas para decidirse a tomar los pinceles... Si, por lo menos, sólo fuesen capaces de empuñarlos antes de asesinar a su idolatrada Mamá...

Musicalmente, el clarinete es un instrumento muchísimo más rico que el diccionario.

Aunque se alteren todas nuestras concepciones sobre la Vida y la Muerte, ha llegado el momento de denunciar la enorme superchería de las "Meninas" que -siendo las propias "Meninas" de carne y hueso- colgaron un letrerito donde se lee Velázquez, para que nadie descubra el auténtico y secular milagro de su inmortalidad.

Nadie escuchó con mayor provecho que Debussy, los arpegios que las manos traslúcidas de la lluvia improvisan contra el teclado de las persianas.

Las frases, las ideas de Proust, se desarrollan y se enroscan, como las anguilas que nadan en los acuarios; a veces deformadas por un efecto de refracción, otras anudadas en acoplamientos viscosos, siempre envueltas en esa atmósfera que tan solo se encuentra en los acuarios y en el estilo de Proust.

¡La "Olimpia" de Manet está enferma de "mal de Pott"! ¡Necesita aire de mar!... ¡Urge que Goya la examine!...

En ninguna historia se revive, como en las irisaciones de los vidrios antiguos, la fugaz y emocionante historia de setecientos mil crepúsculos y auroras.

¡Las lágrimas lo corrompen todo! Partidarios insospechables de un "régimen mejorado", ¿tenemos derecho a reclamar una "ley seca" para la poesía... para una poesía "extra dry", gusto americano?

Todo el talento del "douannier" Rousseau estribó en la convicción con que, a los sesenta años, fue capaz de prenderse a un biberón.

La disección de los ojos de Monet hubiera demostrado que Monet poseía ojos de mosca; ojos forzados por innumerables ojitos que distinguen con nitidez los más sutiles matices de un color pero que, siendo ojos autónomos, perciben esos matices independientemente, sin alcanzar una visión sintética de conjunto.

Las frases de Oscar Wilde no necesitan red. ¡Lástima que al realizar sus más arriesgadas acrobacias, nos dejen la incertidumbre de su ****!

El cúmulo de atorrantismo y de burdel, de uso y abuso de limpiabotas, de sensiblería engominada, de ojo en compota, de retobe y de tristeza sin razón -allí está la pampa... más allá el indio... la quena... el tamboril -que se espereza y canta en los acordes del tango que improvisa cualquier lunfardo.

Es necesario procurarse una vestimenta de radiógrafo (que nos proteja del contacto demasiado brusco con lo sobrenatural), antes de aproximarnos a los rayos ultravioletas que iluminan los paisajes de Patinir.

No hay crítico comparable al cajón de nuestro escritorio.

Entre otras... ¡la más irreductible disidencia ortográfica! Ellos: Padecen todavía la superstición de las Mayúsculas.

Nosotros: Hace tiempo que escribimos: cultura, arte, ciencia, moral y, sobre todo y ante todo, poesía.

Los cubistas cometieron el error de creer que una manzana era un tema menos literario y frugal que las nalgas de madame Recamier.

¡Sin pie, no hay poesía! -exclaman algunos. Como si necesitásemos de esa confidencia para reconocerlos.

Esos tinteros con un busto de Voltaire, ¿no tendrán un significado profundo? ¿No habrá sido Voltaire una especie de Papa (*****) de la tinta?

En música, al pleonasmo se le denomina: variación.

Seurat compuso los más admirables escaparates de juguetería.

La prosa de Flaubert destila un sudor tan frío que nos obliga a cambiarnos de camiseta, si no podemos recurrir a su correspondencia.

El silencio de los cuadros del Greco es un silencio ascético, maeterlinckiano, que alucina a los personajes del Greco, les desequilibra la boca, les extravía las pupilas, les diafaniza la nariz.

Los bustos romanos serían incapaces de pensar si el tiempo no les hubiera destrozado la nariz.

No hay que admirar a Wagner porque nos aburra alguna vez, sino a pesar de que nos aburra alguna vez.

Europa comienza a interesarse por nosotros. ¡Disfrazados con las plumas o el chiripá que nos atribuye, alcanzaríamos un éxito clamoroso! ¡Lástima que nuestra sinceridad nos obligue a desilusionarla... a presentarnos como somos; aunque sea incapaz de diferenciarnos... aunque estemos seguros de la rechifla!

Aunque la estilográfica tenga reminiscencias de lagrimatorio, ni los cocodrilos tienen derecho a confundir las lágrimas con la tinta.

Renán es un hombre tan bien educado que hasta cuando cree tener razón, pretende demostrarnos que no la tiene.

Las Venus griegas tienen cuarenta y siete pulsaciones. Las Vírgenes españolas, ciento tres.

¡Sepamos consolarnos! Si las mujeres de Rubens pesaran 27 kilos menos, ya no podríamos extasiarnos ante los reflejos nacarados de sus carnes desnudas.

Llega un momento en que aspiramos a escribir algo peor.

El ombligo no es un órgano tan importante como imaginan ustedes... ¡Señores poetas!

¿Estupidez? ¿Ingenuidad? ¿Política?... "Seamos argentinos", gritan algunos... sin advertir que la nacionalidad es algo tan fatal como la conformación de nuestro esqueleto.

Delatemos un onanismo más: el de izar la bandera cada cinco minutos.

Lo primero que nos enseñan las telas de Chardin es que, para llegar a la pulcritud, al reposo, a la sensatez que alcanzó Chardin, no hay más remedio que resignarnos a pasar la vida en zapatillas.

Facilísimo haber previsto la muerte de Apollinaire, dado que el cerebro de Apollinaire era una fábrica de pirotecnia que constantemente inventaba los más bellos juegos de artificio, los cohetes de más lindo color, y era fatal que al primero que se le escapara entre el fango de la trinchera, una granada le rebanara el cráneo.

Los esclavos miguelangelescos poseen un olor tan iodado, tan acre que, por menos paladar que tengamos basta gustarlo alguna vez para convencerse de que fueron esculpidos por la rompiente. (No me refiero a los del Louvre; modelados por el mar, un día de esos en que fabrica merengues sobre la arena).

¡La opinión que se tendrá de nosotros cuando sólo quede de nosotros lo que perdura de la vieja China o del viejo Egipto!

¡Impongámosnos ciertas normas para volver a experimentar la complacencia ingenua de violarlas! La rehabilitación de la infidelidad reclama de nosotros un candor semejante. ¡Ruboricémonos de no poder ruborizarnos y reinventemos las prohibiciones que nos convengan, antes de que la libertad alcance a esclavizarnos completamente!

El cemento armado nos proporciona una satisfacción semejante a la de pasarnos la mano por la cara, después de habernos afeitado.

¡Los vidrios catalanes y las estalactitas de Mallorca con que Anglada prepara su paleta!

Los cubistas salvaron a la pintura de las corrientes de aire, de los rayos de sol que amenazaban derretirla pero -al cerrar herméticamente las ventanas, que los impresionistas habían abierto en un exceso de entusiasmo- le suministraron tal cúmulo de recetas, una cantidad tan grande de ventosas que poco faltó para que la asfixiaran y la dejasen descarnada, como un esqueleto.

Hay poetas demasiado inflamables. ¿Pasan unos senos recién inaugurados? El cerebro se les incendia. ¡Comienza a salirles humo de la cabeza!

"La Maja Vestida" está más desnuda que la "maja desnuda".

Las telas de Velázquez respiran a pleno pulmón; tienen una buena tensión arterial, una temperatura normal y una reacción Wasserman negativa.

¡Quién hubiera previsto que las Venus griegas fuesen capaces de perder la cabeza!

Hay acordes, hay frases, hay entonaciones en D'Annunzio que nos obligan a perdonarle su "fiatto", su "bella voce", sus actitudes de tenor.

Azorín ve la vida en diminutivo y la expresa repitiendo lo diminutivo, hasta darnos la sensación de la eternidad.

¡El Arte es el peor enemigo del arte!... un fetiche ante el que ofician, arrodillados, quienes no son artistas.

Lo que molesta más en Cézanne es la testarudez con que, delante de un queso, se empeña en repetir: "esto es un queso".

El espesor de las nalgas de Rabelais explica su optimismo. Una visión como la suya, requiere estar muellemente sentada para impedir que el esqueleto nos proporcione un pregusto de muerte.

La arquitectura árabe consiguió proporcionarle a la luz, la dulzura y la voluptuosidad que adquiere la luz, en una boca entreabierta de mujer.

Hasta el advenimiento de Hugo, nadie sospechó el esplendor, la amplitud, el desarrollo, la suntuosidad a que alcanzaría el genio del "camelo".

Es tanta la mala educación de Pió Baroja, y es tan ingenua la voluptuosidad que siente Pío Baroja en ser mal educado, que somos capaces de perdonarle la falta de educación que significa llamarse: Pío Baroja.

No hay que confundir poesía con vaselina; vigor, con camiseta sucia.

El estilo de Barres es un estilo de onda, un estilo que acaba de salir de la peluquería.

Lo único que nos impide creer que Saint Saens haya sido un gran músico, es haber escuchado la música de Saint Sáéns.

¿Las Vírgenes de Murillo?

Como vírgenes, demasiado mujeres.

Como mujeres, demasiado vírgenes.

Todas las razones que tendríamos para querer a Velázquez, si la única razón del amor no consistiera en no tener ninguna.

Los surtidores del Alhambra conservan la versión más auténtica de "Las mil y una noches", y la murmuran con la fresca monotonía que merecen.

Si Rubén no hubiera poseído unas manos tan finas!... ¡Si no se las hubiese mirado tanto al escribir!...

La variedad de cicuta con que Sócrates se envenenó se llamaba "Conócete a ti mismo".

¡Cuidado con las nuevas recetas y con los nuevos boticarios! ¡Cuidado con las decoraciones y "la couleur lócale"! ¡Cuidado con los anacronismos que se disfrazan de aviador! ¡Cuidado con el excesivo dandysmo de la indumentaria londinense! ¡Cuidado -sobre todo- con los que gritan: "¡Cuidado!" cada cinco minutos!

Ningún aterrizaje más emocionante que el "aterrizaje" forzoso de la Victoria de Samotracia.

Goya grababa, como si "entrara a matar".

El estilo de Renán se resiente de la flaccidez y olor a sacristía de sus manos... demasiado aficionadas "a lavarse las manos".

La Gioconda es la única mujer viviente que sonríe como algunas mujeres después de muertas.

Nada puede darnos una certidumbre más sensual y un convencimiento tan palpable del origen divino de la vida, como el vientre recién fecundado de la Venus de Milo.

El problema más grave que Goya resolvió al pintar sus tapices, fue el dosaje de azúcar; un terrón más y sólo hubieran podido usarse como tapas de bomboneras.

Los rizos, las ondulaciones, los temas "imperdibles" y, sobre todo, el olor a "vera violetta" de las melodías italianas.

Así como un estiló maduro nos instruye -a través de una descripción de Jerusalén- del gesto con que el autor se anuda la corbata, no existirá un arte nacional mientras no sepamos pintar un paisaje noruego con un inconfundible sabor a carbonada.

¿Por qué no admitir que una gallina ponga un trasatlántico, si creemos en la existencia de Rimbaud, sabio, vidente y poeta a los 12 años?

¡El encarnizamiento con que hundió sus pitones, el toro aquél, que mató a todos los Cristos españoles!

Rodin confundió caricia con modelado; espasmo con inspiración; "atelier" con alcoba.

Jamás existirán caballos capaces de tirar un par de patadas que violenten, más rotundamente, las leyes de la perspectiva y posean, al mismo tiempo, un concepto más equilibrado de la composición, que el par de patadas que tiran los heroicos percherones de Paolo Uccello.

Nos aproximamos a los retratos del Greco, con el propósito de sorprender las sanguijuelas que se ocultan en los repliegues de sus golillas.

Un libro debe construirse como un reloj, y venderse como un salchichón.

Con la poesía sucede lo mismo que con las mujeres: llega un momento en que la única actitud respetuosa consiste en levantarles la pollera.

Los críticos olvidan, con demasiada frecuencia, que una cosa es cacarear, otra, poner el huevo.

Trasladar al plano de la creación la fervorosa voluptuosidad con que, durante nuestra infancia, rompimos a pedradas todos los faroles del vecindario.

¡Si buena parte de nuestros poetas se convenciera de que la tartamudez es preferible al plagio!

Tanto en arte, como en ciencia, hay que buscarle las siete patas al gato.

El barroco necesitó cruzar el Atlántico en busca del trópico y de la selva para adquirir la ingenuidad candorosa y llena de fasto que ostenta en América.

¿Cómo dejar de admirarla prodigalidad y la perfección con que la mayoría de nuestros poetas logra el prestigio de realizar el vacío absoluto?

A fuerza de gritar socorro se corre el riesgo de perder la voz.

En los mapas incunables, África es una serie de islas aisladas, pero los vientos hinchan sus cachetes en todas direcciones.

Los paréntesis de Faulkner son cárceles de negros.

Estamos tan pervertidos que la inhabilidad de lo ingenuo nos parece el "sumun" del arte.

La experiencia es la enfermedad que ofrece el menor peligro de contagio.

En vez de recurrir al whisky, Turner se emborracha de crepúsculo.

Las mujeres modernas olvidan que para desvestirse y desvestirlas se requiere un mínimo de indumentaria.

La vida es un largo embrutecimiento. La costumbre nos teje, diariamente, una telaraña en las pupilas; poco a poco nos aprisiona la sintaxis, el diccionario; los mosquitos pueden volar tocando la corneta, carecemos del coraje de llamarlos arcángeles, y cuando deseamos viajar nos dirigimos a una agencia de vapores en vez de metamorfosear una silla en un trasatlántico.

Ningún Stradivarius comparable en forma, ni en resonancia, a las caderas de ciertas colegialas.

¿Existe un llamado tan musicalmente emocionante como el de la llamarada de la enorme gasa que agita Isolda, reclamando desesperadamente la presencia de Tristán?

Aunque ellos mismos lo ignoren, ningún creador escribe para los otros, ni para sí mismo, ni mucho menos, para satisfacer un anhelo de creación, sino porque no puede dejar de escribir.

Ante la exquisitez del idioma francés, es comprensible la atracción que ejerce la palabra "merde".

El adulterio se ha generalizado tanto que urge rehabilitarlo o, por lo menos, cambiarle de nombre.

Las distancias se han acortado tanto que la ausencia y la nostalgia han perdido su sentido.

Tras todo cuadro español se presiente una danza macabra.

Lo prodigioso no es que Van Gogh se haya cortado una oreja, sino que conservara la otra.

La poesía siempre es lo otro, aquello que todos ignoran hasta que lo descubre un verdadero poeta.

Hasta Darío no existía un idioma tan rudo y maloliente como el español.

Segura de saber donde se hospeda la poesía, existe siempre una multitud impaciente y apresurada que corre en su busca pero, al llegar donde le han dicho que se aloja y preguntar por ella, invariablemente se le contesta: Se ha mudado.

Sólo después de arrojarlo todo por la borda somos capaces de ascender hacia nuestra propia nada.

La serie de sarcófagos que encerraban a las momias egipcias, son el desafío más perecedero y vano de la vida ante el poder de la muerte.

Los pintores chinos no pintan la naturaleza, la sueñan.

Hasta la aparición de Rembrandt nadie sospechó que la luz alcanzaría la dramaticidad e inagotable variedad de conflictos de las tragedias shakespearianas.

Aspiramos a ser lo que auténticamente somos, pero a medida que creemos lograrlo, nos invade el hartazgo de lo que realmente somos.

Ambicionamos no plagiarnos ni a nosotros mismos, a ser siempre distintos, a renovarnos en cada poema, pero a medida que se acumulan y forman nuestra escueta o frondosa producción, debemos reconocer que a lo largo de nuestra existencia hemos escrito un solo y único poema.
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
The state of being with no suffering is Shakti
The state of awakening beyond sleep is Shakti
When love matures and sweetens that is Shakti
The fullness and fulfillment of masculine is Shakti

When the sweetness matures that is Shakti
The divine which resides in the thoughts is Shakti
Whatever work comes before us is Shakti
The state of mukti, the end, is Shakti

The braveness which destroys laziness is Shakti
The flame which is instilled in these words is Shakti
When the best of fruits are eaten that taste is Shakti
When thoughts of divine arise that is Shakti
Shankara who lives on top of the huge mountains, his lovely flame is Shakti

The lap where life flourishes is Shakti
The strength which guards the earth is Shakti
The flame which stops one from falling is Shakti (denotes inner strength that averts fall/defeat)
The tapas that eliminates confusion is Shakti

The finger which stops downfall is Shakti
The one who spans the whole expanse of sky is Shakti
Her highness who eliminates karma is Shakti
The inner flame which shines from within the heart is Shakti
It is a poem by "Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathiyar" written in tamil.The poem is about the energy that makes every aspect of life happen. It summarizes the whole activity that is life as the play of Shakti. The great poet says, “The lap where life flourishes is Shakti.” Shakti also enables us to break the bondages of karma and liberate ourselves.
andenrangs poet Nov 2014
her kunne jeg
om vores kærligheds
da vi delte en
tapas-tallerken og en flaske
af den bedste vin
på en fortovscafé
og tog bad i de århusianske
og her kunne jeg skrive
om dig og mig og det vi to
(aldrig) havde men jeg gør
det ikke for der er ikke
mere tapas og der er ikke mere
og heller ikke flere solstråler, men værst
af alt er der ikke mere dig og mig
og så er der faktisk (ikke) mere tilbage
at skrive om
We used to play billiards
and fight all the fire.
We'd drink tea
from cheap mugs,

read The Economist
or newspaper,
chat about boyfriends,

what was and wasn't a rumour?
The printer munched on paper,
lounge about on scratchy chairs.
50% revision, 50% laughter.

Psychology was me
with a group of girls.
How many people, where, when,
and what was it Freud said again?

Spanish was the same,
me, L, C and E.
Picasso's view of war, a bull and a flower,
grammar overload in the afternoon.

And then there was English.
Can you hear me Fitzgerald?
On a row of females (not just one),
roses, four stories and a single trumpet.

On the garish bus
to see the Manor or the specialists,
to walk up and down aisles in Asda,
talking music with baguettes and meatballs.

Two years came, two years went.
Exams, goodbyes, brown envelopes arrived.
After tapas and a holiday
came sly September.

Here I was with fresh men,
different faces from different places.
So I walked up the steps
into the next avenue.
Written: April 2012 and April 2013.
Explanation: A poem about my time in sixth form. Took a while to write because I had to remember certain things about the classes I did. The poem contains references to computer games, people and locations, among a few others.
The Cardinal goes by,
not yet a Monarch,
still a
I watch in wonder and I wonder why,
I'm not as graceful as
the butterfly.

elephant does not forget.
and may remember me, but I
think I'd rather be
an albatross that wanders 'cross
the open oceans, swooping deftly
down to fish upon the glassy sea.

Either way,
today I have to be a man
two legs,two arms
a brain
no plan
just who I am.

I'd rather be a butterfly.
JLB Jul 2015
The more wine the less time
We have until you fly.
I hope you don't forget why
You loved me.
A L Davies Apr 2012
castillo alhambra            a
watchful brown *****
on  the hill
smiling crenellated un
                                       der grey-silk skirts of cloud &
in wicker chairs mouths
—open (talkin’ bout last night’s walk home from vogue)
—close (swallow morsels of tapas: paella)
                                       & lips shut ‘round cigarettes.


          … past inactive fountain where children play their various jeugos next to the riverwall and distrustful, rail-thin cats peer from brickwall dens to watch flitting finches bounce on vines & budding branches. it is very warm; the air is heavy as is the ground. man is stuck between like a roach ‘twixt two ***** mattresses // three girls looking at me writing smoking drinking beer eating that paella don’t know what to think.
saturday afternoon in granada/RE-WORKED
What is born of this land?
Nothing is born,
Nothing grows
In this desolate land.

I want to wake up the neighborhood
To hear my screams at dawn
But they do not hear anything,
Do not listen to anything that happens in the morning.
I play my music in the streets,
All my poetry and clichés
But they do not understand anything,
No one understands what happens at dawn.
I walk the streets looking windows,
***** children in their rotten rags
And I cry with those who are hungry,
I do not know who cry or love…
I embrace the poor in spirit
And hear all your stories poor,
These poor and pathetic poor souls
It is my right meeting this cold morning.
I go through the streets and alleys damp and dark
And I hear a child crying…
A repetitive and child crying wretched
What is the worst of all choruses?
I see people and their hurried footsteps
Everywhere, everywhere…
I'm afraid to follow my tracks
And I hasten my steps through this city.
I hear the sirens screaming in the streets
Mixing the sound of nightclubs crowded
And the sound of twisted metal
Creating a new contrast, another type of cry.
I sing with you almost every night
And sometimes I wonder: where are you
He left so early and left me here...
Now I’m alone! I’m alone!
God, I try and cannot understand
Reason to justify this life.
I am a pawn in the game you do not see
Every dawn until dawn.
Something touched my whole being,
Something I do not understand and do not try to understand,
Something that comes up every day when I wake up
And after me until nightfall.
Something happens,
Something moved,
Something incomprehensible,
A new friend?
They say that being is almost live
And living is the limit of what you can want.
In fact, something happens that one wants to be here,
However, not all this desire craves.
Nothing is enough
When no longer feels the aroma of flowers,
When the color no longer thrill
And they cannot be sold to look.
Gave me such rare moments
Feeding the future although at present,
But waking I do in all my steps
Get me the taste of things even in thought.
In my noble and poor land I wander
And I feed the memories of liars,
Get drunk me with joy and gladness
And insistent way in the land of lepers.
In my humble vacant land,
Time is proud, ignorant time.
Hunger is rampant around me,
The flesh is weak and soul idem.
I ask as much as the worst of sinners,
Wasting a time that no longer have,
Not differentiate right from wrong,
Share supper with my detractors.
I do not feel the taste of wine,
I do not recognize a smile,
I do not remember the hugs,
I'm finally alone!
I weigh my conscience in the balance of a butcher
And the butcher tape me with ravenous eyes,
There is no any agreement on the price of the meat,
Nor is the first or second.
God, you who are owner of the ages,
Give me the hours its final minute
And cause the whole world to know
That left miserable after all.
Grant then that desire
And finish time with this work,
Free cities this unfortunate
Who insists on knowing what nobody knows.
When there is fever, it makes no difference,
There are times the blood is poison.
Red is the color of anger and sin:
The poet knows when he is sentenced.
If there is even poetry these avenues
As equal in different cities,
To be recognized
For the sake of pursuing life.
Burial in the deepest memory
The giant concrete towers,
The grotesque glass structures
That mimics a new artery.
A new artery,
A new lifestyle,
A new company
And an early cardiac arrest.
As the cars kissing the avenues
Meeting the perfect companion
That tells me in the ear:
"Accept me as the only one"
Finally, fear runs through my veins
And feeding a forgotten feeling,
An absurd desire to see the next day
And try another outlet.
All the streets are congested.
A whole shantytown has just been set on fire
While some locals try to save
What remains of an entirely bankrupt life?
There is a twist
Around this humble heart,
A carnival,
Almost a provocation.
All veins are old and weak,
There is melancholy at all.
Even without poetry,
Without free will, there is life at all.
This city is just brick,
Metal, sweat, concrete and glass,
Cement stuck to feeling
Often beautiful and often ugly.
This city is sand,
Concrete and feeling,
Sorrows and joys,
Poetry thrown to the wind.
Some people learn early, some not -
Live life day in and day out.
Some dance to the song,
Others are lost before the chorus.
Some are always right, some not -
Many are lost in illusion.
While some running, others sleep
And all seek some direction.
Some dream rock bottom,
Others dream of the river bottom.
Some seek independence,
Others are the exception.
Some people win,
There are people who are lost,
Some people becomes the problem
And others think is the solution.
Digress weather
What about the "types" that encounters in this life.
I lose a second in this lost time
And even with so little sense, how rare is the time!
If you have no idea, nor do I know.
Maybe the hunger that consumes me consumes you too.
Perhaps the addiction that affects equal
Is something that arises only between abnormal?
I addiction with its tapas
And in each sip of his cup,
Each exaggerated affection offered
In exchange for a few bucks.
I ***** me with your lies
And assimilate water from your gutters,
I learn new shortcuts in every way
And erase the traces of my own steps.
I chase you in every church and every home
I swallow my irony,
Visit each elderly
And make friends with the hospice house.
Far reaches thy wickedness
And how many hugs another's grief?
Can evil be so inspired?
The point of the very surprised to be expected?
Life bleeds leaving the left chest
The children of the world that the world does not want,
Spread the news that sadness has hair
And more brown eyes than mine.
I notice refinements of cruelty
In this urban masochism
Where poverty has older
And the lie became just a vanity.
I transform
In all more abhor,
I emerge in the mirror
As my own killer.
I suffocate and tie in the dark of my room
Little souls endangered
And throw in the trash the dreams of those who
He believed devoutly one day be part of reality.
I still feel the skin marked by fire
The brand that hurts the brand of truth
And I pray that one day cease searches
And everything becomes futile.
The happiness of fuel
Corrode and fades away slowly
Gradually me satisfaction
With the balance that sustains me.
When I look at my own face, it hurts.
I exhale the body the rest of fear
And I try not to see how strange the line of truth -
Seeking the path that leads to freedom.
Disguise my desires
And repress my absurd,
Hug each nightmare
And hide my darker side.
I try to see something beyond the abyss,
Find something else beyond the walls,
Transcribe all longings
Hidden behind every dream.
I am eternal,
Land and fraternal
While the world lasts.
There is this chest a divided heart
Created almost between two worlds,
The world is inside the abyss
And what one sees behind the walls.
My corner is stumped
As well as the small voice and uncertain
From the little that is hidden on the other side,
My other side of that wall.
What have other corners?
They also have these sides
But what counts in these corners
Also rhyme in other valleys.
Bright lights bother many people.
Darkness feeds inconsequential.
High walls with brass railings gleaming
Are contrasts in painting a colorless screen?
Urban flowers are so amazing
And this depression is so exciting.
Smiles are bitter and needy
And the pain married to vows of love.
These buildings are so interesting,
Where the wet streets at night shine like diamonds,
Where transiting the fair and honest
Munching vanity and rancor.
The cars pass and illuminate so many people,
Whites, blacks and children without color.
Poets are so tucked the irreverent
Assimilating the pain and all that is.
I see lives that trace the same plane,
joy of generations by mistake ,
Marks of time that are pure desperation
Charting together a colorless future.
I see faces full of hope
Burning in public because of their color,
Those who live without even realizing it,
A cold paint drips without why.
Bodies dancing high parapets
Almost always go so early
Challenging theories and concepts
And ignoring all kinds of love.
My steps are so slow
And so intense movements,
The faces are always the same
And I hope again the sunset.
Justice who is in charge of giving clemency
The presumed innocent
Transiting the streets
Spreading hope and love.
I want to have a chance to see the birth of Venus
And the annunciation in the middle of spring,
I want to be like St. Augustine
And read the scriptures by candlelight.
I want to be like Van Gogh and paint sunflowers
Even in December the ink is red.
I want to have new flower garden in the backyard
And the kiss out of my lips is never accidental.
Just want something passionately
Even being so blind and alone?
That goodbye is worthy
And everything to return finally to dust.
The idea comes suddenly
To celebrate as an illiterate,
Prepare a table and invite
Only those who are hungry.
All this turmoil,
All this protest,
All thefts
This legion inside me...
Melancholy has always had its place,
Love, sadness and bitter returns,
Feeling alone and be like shadow in the crowd
And embrace the darkness itself.
Find it romantic suffer
For pain that recognizes pain that always sees
It is more than a disease, it is a love affair
For all that hurts and causes pain.
I let them think I was defeated
With the unexpected attacks
Of those who cry shouts of victory
And they forgot to be buried.
I leave them to play in my back
The guilt of all blame,
Let it burn my entire story,
It does not matter that much.
My lips run on search words
And my eyes run in search of beauty,
Drawing liar’s feelings
That shut all the bells around.
Words come out like blades
In hoarse voice coming out of my mouth
This other me who hates me so much
And all challenges at first.
In the spring mornings leaves dance
Rehearsing his ballets from the rising of the day,
Is this life?
It’s this they call life?
I want to find the lost word
Among the tasks of the day to day
What is so profane?
The prohibited!
I want to meet a new season
Bring me a sense of relief,
Find what they call happiness
And maybe learn what it is.
An epidemic,
Rimes illustrating
An eternal melodrama.
You cannot have everything!
Not always beautiful are our days
And we keep waking up.
Roses do not speak, but are also alive.
There is hunger for love!
There is hunger and what will?
There is hunger in this home?
If there is hunger, then there.
There is time for everything!
There is time to smile,
No time to cry,
There is time to leave.
I want to run away from home without a warning,
Running between the wheat fields
And let all afflicted
Trying to understand what had happened.
I want to cause confusion,
The same kind that I bring in my heart.
I want water all around
With the storm inside me.
I want to wake up the sleeping
And those who never agreed,
I want to find out who they are
And spread about us.
Lovers of this pain,
Thirsty without knowing
Where else to enjoy,
Where else to call "home".
I shift my gaze
With all the hatred of this world
Of all the ragamuffins and vagabonds
Who recognize me in a second?
I want to break these chains,
Scratching walls,
Promote anarchy
And imprison noon.
I want rain penknives
While tear my clothes,
I cut my wrists
And count all the drops.
A day can be
Something happens
And make to cease this endless grief
And everything changes, anyway.
So lose the naivety
What remains this morning?
I envision the absurdity that all I see
Is still something to be remembered?
Maybe one day
Poetry is done singing
And the light breeze the corner
I want to get a perfect world,
I want to love what is defective,
I want to explore my own room,
Make another deal.
I want to shake you violently that coffin
And show where all the mice,
Ignite old blankets
Which now they were pretty.
I want to show you I love you
And I hate you,
I can live alone,
But also not live without you.
My madness is productive
At the same time, destructive:
It satisfies the crowd inside.
I refuse to be part of the pack
Strolling in supermarkets,
Feigning patience as immoderate
The suffered.
I like debris,
I collect dust,
Make enemies,
Cultivation dreams.
I constantly change identity
And lose track of reality,
My state is ill
And I'm terminal and disposable.
I participate in this game,
This novel in decline
This disgusting theater of horrors
Where only the blind are honest.
I am thoroughly enslaved
While deprive me of the privilege of choice,
Burying our will
In the deepest pit.
The wall that separates us is low
And we walked jumping from one side to the other,
Often both exist
And others, only I exist.
We are a nun and a *****
Plotting an eternal dispute
Between the two sides of the coin
To decide who runs and who fight.

As simple as saying your name
Spell out the pieces of your body.
I want to understand what God's grace
If your body will never be only yours.
Your body exudes the morning sweat,
Clouds hid the principle of pain,
Pain discovers a new form of pleasure
And the pleasure is expensive to you.
Your blood runs nearly everywhere
And a new world opens up suddenly,
Frighten the fleeting pain
And wait with his only love the sunrise.
I wipe the sweat oozes from you,
You wipe the tears falling from me,
If you can be in the world some endless love
The only certainty is that there was never before such love.

I want to wake you up
To hear my screams at dawn,
Show you what genuine despondency is
And not left me anymore.
I want to recognize me
And take me to your bed,
Not left with nothing
In addition to beating in his chest.
I want to be part of its history
And I want to be a constant presence in my,
The world spit their prejudices
And the fire that also burns in the heat.
I want to break the mirrors
And heal our sickness,
Assaulting what kills us
Every day, forever.
Serene and calm give you what remains
With my last breath,
What's best in me now rests
And rest my mind.
My sweat is true
It is also all the pain.
Blood is final
And it goes to the last vows of love.
The entire storm inside me
Now relax my heart,
Soothes My Soul
And feeds the reason.
I walk by this peaceful land
And growing a new crop of wheat,
I do a incognita a new partner
And the fear is not definitive.
I harvest hope
Where before there was only bitterness.
I am ashamed
And regret.
I accept the entire cross
And fight against the serpent.
I heal my wounds.
And my success is violent.
Time is short
And I want to scream that entire plan,
There is still a flame inside
And only her surrender.
What was misery,
What was despair,
What was hungry,
What was fear…
What was pain,
What was love,
What it had value
And when there was time…
What is born of this land?
Nothing is born,
Nothing grows
In this desolate land.

What is born on this land?
What grows in this land?
Nothing is born on this land,
My private wasteland.
MY LAND OUR LAND is the result of years of work. Written at different times, eventually leading nineteen years in reaching the outcome that now lies in your hands.
Numerous times this poetry was abandoned and then resumed, forgotten at the bottom of a trunk or discarded due to the complexity. Not ready and may never be. The comforting passages are rare. Virtually none, to be more specific. There is no time to be afraid. We mask our feelings and weave remarks about everything.
This is just a work of poetry. Do not be afraid to consume it. Not to care be consumed by it.
My land cannot be invaded. It can be understood, compared, discussed, studied, trivialized, ridiculed or criticized by anyone. But this is my land!
Paul McSherry Sep 2013
she returns to her dream city
where she blossomed
and we trail behind her
her family
it's all talk of remember
and where are they now

our little one given license to stay up all night
why do they eat so late dad?
what are they saying?

tapas at midnight
beer all the time
water's essential
and so is the wine

there's talk of old lovers
there's talk of change
talk of the the politics
and the city rearranged

it's hot ****** hot
almost too hot to bear
the fountains run all day
there's solace in there

but up on the roof
lies the breeze
with it's welcoming arms
I play guitar for the stars
open tuning in G

I gather them here
all that matters to me
my beautiful children
my beautiful wife
I sing to the stars
in thanks for this life
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
She was smoked
salmon so spread
Like his creme of
the crop

Smoking hot circles
0-0 0_No-No
The points... Dots
And shoe size petite
The whole website
To love and honor
Whats in her moves
The private Dancer

May I never be dropped
To be overly loved  
I am not asking for more
The score more or less
can be
The greatest dancer
O yes, so many pretenders?
More spread like__

Mr ((Mayonaisemeeting
Handsomely Hellman

Falling into your
embrace Tango-Tie
I- Apple creme pie
to phone U
May I tango  4-U
Sweet lips of mango
Don't shed one tear
Listen to what is said?
 How her dance step
to be read
next year to be wed
Like your hot rods
and hubcaps near
your bed choices
To sweep me off my
feet well said
The tango soprano voices
The Hub
Rubbing my
dancer's feet his treat
Wildflower Salsa beat
Emotional dance

*The Tango*
_ design
Contacts to sign
To his excitement
Steps are well
the dividends
Drinking tapas
The fine tip of gratis
Sign sealed and
dance delivered
In an instant
dancing contract
Two bodies dance
as one__
Flaming intertwined
Brazilian Silky- hair
Mr. May-0 tango pair
Mr. Hellman
merci beaucoup

His desires came with the loop
The mixture mango scoop
May-0, not the May Day
No clouds passing
in grays
So festive never passive
Well made beaded

Peacock Miss Marrietta
The Birds of the feather
Expression of sensual faces
To impress the right man
Distinctly dressed
Explanation point
May I interject my
Tropical sandals high-point
Tango dancers have a
the certain way
The lovely maiden
Names day and age

Eyes engage contest page
He to her side fancy
May- 0  in her Prime
Another Day-Oh!
Don't move her dancer
days to sail away
Sea breeze perfect per day
Her fancy dancer
shoes not on
       *       *      *      
In the now a dancer
nowadays taking flight
Every day always
the dancer's way
You Amaze so blessed
Like your possessed
       *       *       *    
Titans in a blaze
How it may arise
He was dancing to her
movement ****** salsa
To her toes up to her
Tango lips amazing dips
I wrote this because I love to dance I took ballet when I was younger but the art of the tango is something to master there are some great amazing dancers I compiled this to everyone that could relate to dancing
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2016
two way street,  with one route i write
something good, but then all exhilaration
to this weird form of despair
of sheer disappointment
when i couldn't suckle out
more than i already did.
the other route is filled with
a prolific output -
a kaleidoscopic antagonism
of mundane example that
8 billion of an animal kindred
will share - then the sheer exhaustion
of this route - there's no restlessness in it,
there's no wish to revise it, erase
any conjunction necessary vulgarity,
it's what it is -
like when i dislocated my index finger,
and the pain wasn't there,
numbed by adrenaline from the shock,
the soothing adrenaline -
not the typical ***** of the stuff
mountaineering or paragliding -
the subtle junk of the stuff...
sitting in the hospital laughing,
flirting with nurses - 'i'm watching you!'
'sure sure nursey, give us a flirty wink back.'
no need for pain killers, walking in between
the a & e hall watching the bonkers drunks,
feeling so adrenaline filled i started
to say i'm a poet, oddly i speak posh essex
when drunk... haven't spotted a cockney
on my tongue yet... if i do i'll tell ya
of the pear in the salt shaker (shakespeare)...
then with this sickle cell anaemia girl,
asked her if she liked jazz, Us3, great group
mix of hip hop and jazz... you tube that band:
hand on the torch... kiss on the hand:
merrily may you fare through this night:
thumbs up or index finger pointing right.
finally i get to pronounce hungarian surnames,
asked a bar mistress in a pub once: szasz...
that's sas zaz or shash? she didn't reply...
the surgeon came in... 'two options
after looking at the x-ray... anaesthetic
injections... or just a straight pull... injections are...'
'just pull the **** thing, it's getting annoying.'
looked at a piece of paper with the surgeon's
surname on it, ending with -sz,
so i asked what the phonetics were:
ends in haramash?
yes he replied;
finally! my search was over!
can i get a copy of the x-rays?
sure, but no public disclosure via social media, ok?
sure (by hand, my bones, copyright with fingerprints).
but you know what... really...
on the depth of all this?
bull fighting... a sport macho spectacle...
one bull, a ring, a guy with swords... poor bull
no steak from him...
nietzsche wandering the southern hemisphere
of europe for sunshine and fresh air...
if i had the money...
first stop the faroe islands for the grindadráp (whaling,
orca esp.), and last stop probably there...
because imagine if bull fighting was as barbaric as
the grindadráp... it would be like that story
about 2 fish 5 loaves of bread = 1 bull
fed to the spanish coliseum throng:
we're talking many orcas - feeds a village for a year,
no beef tapas nibbles in sight for the fiesta.
Cora Salas Apr 2014
Hablas cuando duermes.
Bebes te sin azúcar.
Te gustan los huevos revueltos.
Dejas los libros a la mitad de la sala.
No tapas la pasta de dientes.

Todo eso me desespera
Todo eso me encanta
i waited on you for weeks
calling and cooing
frumpy fighting

i need you to know
that heros hug
champions challenge

i waited to get wet
slippery and soapy
licking lickless

kick up your knee
gracefully and gently
hairy horror

let me lead you
up siz-zag undulations of angles
gracefully grazing
us two

let me lightly place you
upon the undone bed
shovel self in
of each other

and this is where im going to break the poetic form
youve told me. and i you. you know where and how
to find me when we are writhing and flipping around
and ill pick you up off the top of that news stand again
JUST JUMP i yell and you most certainly oblige once more
and that hug
that one that i was talking about earlier
the enclosure all encompassing
will be the act that save me from the last week
the goose pimple that perk all about
will make every single shift from thigh to knee relevant
propelling ourselves skyward and floating now

come with me
i know this one place
terrific tapas
What do you think about
when you think about
such things?

I think about the cosmos,
the universe and things,
such things as shooting stars
and why does Saturn
have the rings and 'is there
life on Mars?'

At times though when I'm feeling low
and everything looks bleak
I think about a week in Spain
in my head that's where I go.
Andy Hunter Nov 2016
We talked before eating
About place


Then went straight
To tapas

One lasagne to share &
Two patatas

We talked so much about timing that
To fill up our mouths
We ate with a relish we'd
Seldom shown
Each other

And took too much

Went to cut up the pasta
Sharing, as ever

But 2 bay leaves
Lying, deep inside
Resisted the knife

Leaving a ragged edge
Between us

We stopped - smiled

Really sure

sofolo Oct 2022
How do I taste when oxidized on your teeth? When the vitriol settles. When the blade hits the floor. When my bones snap. Every cell ballooned by your vinegar. My existence a buffet for you to parade down Main. A clown grin. Like a defiant scepter dashed on the limestone.
Call me home.
You won’t.
Instead, I am stove-topped and reduced like marmalade. Or maybe I’ve been brûléed. But my sugar is my weapon, honey. The crystals on your tongue…what queer poison. Metabolize me as I blossom from your grave. How do I taste?
Your unfortunate mistake.
check, please. my treat.
Cana Mar 2018
Let’s go, you and I.
And sweat beneath the African sky
Watch the lions lazing
And the wild dogs playing.  
We can sip Amarula
And listen to the hyenas laugh and cry
As the mythical sunset
Silhouettes giraffes and Acacia trees.

Let’s go, you and I
And walk the streets of old town Barcelona.
Find old timey cafe and luxuriate
In sangria and itty bitty tapas
Stroll by Sagrada and gawp
At Gaudi’s home.
Maybe we’ll stop for some ice cream
Maybe we’ll just go back to the hotel

Let’s go, you and I
And swim the blue blue seas of the Bahamas
Nervously Play with the nurse sharks
Hoping they’re not the other sharks
Take those long walks on those beaches
That everyone likes.
We’ll sit on Jankanoo and drink sky juice
Until we can truly reach the heavens

Let’s go, you and I
And ski the Slopes of the Swiss alps
We can stop at small cabins and drink
heartwarming schnapps
Take trains that slink around mountains
And sprint through white capped forests
We can put snow down the backs
Of each others jackets and
Squeal in furious delight.

Let’s go, you and I.
And squish our way through the streets of New York
Relieved when we can pop into a shop
To escape the crowds.
Necks sore from looking up
Small town people in the Big Apple City
Central Park for pretzels and Snapple
Times Square later, neon addiction sated.
And a boat ride to see lady liberty

Let’s go, you and I
And bare our feet in Balinese temples
Speak to the monks in broken English
And then retire to our curtained gazebo
To indulge in the sins they can’t
We’ll get massages and champagne
Then ride our bikes along pothole
Ridden dirt roads.

Let’s go, you and I
And get Nuevo Chic in London’s west end
We can catch a show in tux and evening gown
Then head to the pub and catch a pint
We can walk the trail, hunt Jack the Ripper
And visit The Tower.
Cross the Thames and maybe
No definitely
Another pint in some quaint little place.

Let’s go, you and I
And lie in bed late on lazy Sunday mornings
I’ll poach the eggs and make the hollandaise
You can put some upbeat daytime jazz on
Then we can go sit in the garden
Under the oak tree and read
Each other poetry
Until it’s much much later
I want this
Aaron LaLux Sep 2018
Just touched down from Darwin,
2 hour layover in Sydney & I’m starvin’,
met a girl at the airport,
and invited her to dinner,

they say there’s no such thing as a free lunch,
but I’ve got a credit card that let’s me dine,
at almost any restaurant in any country,
on any continent in any dateline,

so I often invite,
beautiful girls and other fellow travelers,
to dine with me as my guest for free,
where we share stories over appetizers,

more peace stories than war stories,
more love than hate,
because when you really get to know someone,
you find you differ in less ways than you relate,

there we were,
both on rest stops till our next stop,
two world travelers,

I’d noticed an engagement ring,
more than a modest sized rock,
but I noticed the finger on which it sat,
made the look a bit odd,

see she wore the ring,
on her ******* instead of her ring finger,
so it was more of a fck you instead of a love you,
I asked her if there was a reason for this position,

she said it was because,
it simply didn’t fit on her ring finger,
that it was a simple mix up that was it but,
I suspected there was a reason that was deeper,

so I questioned her intentions,
why was she with this man but still acting like a free woman,
why was she speaking of “exploding like a volcano!”,
when she sees a man and feels an attraction,

about how she had a fantasy,
of meeting a beautiful Australian man,
on a beach and he’d teach her to surf,
and she’d ride his surfboard from the wave to the sand,

this was when I decided to speak up,
to tell her I didn’t think this engagement would work out,
that maybe tying the knot with a man was already a dad,
was not the best idea for a woman with no kids that liked to go out,

that maybe I was in a way,
an Angel of Divine Intervention,
and how every moment of our lives,
had led us up to that instant,

I told her no man owned her,
that her body was hers alone to control,
that life is too short to compromise,
that there is no moment other than now,

I told her that that was the reason,
that I didn’t have a wife,
because there are many women I love,
and to love only one wouldn’t be right,

how can I tell one of my lovers,
that she’s better than all the rest,
how can I tell any of the others,
that they’re not as good as the one that I’m with,

I can’t,

because love is not confined into the body of one,
love is free to love and do what love does,
and with that we finished our tapas,
and finished our rendezvous with cappuccinos and hugs,

back into the world,
back into the embrace of another lover,
back into the future,
to make more memories with more women at more dinners…

∆ LaLux ∆
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
sliding your slippers against the wooden flooring
for the grit, the sand, the rattle, is very much like playing
the jazz drums while shaking the maracas... jazz drummers
with brushes, ever so slightly the sand-timers' expression...
horace silver's sighin' n' cryin'... it's sandy, shaky,
a 40 degree heat  off the isle of Celsius...
boom boom bara boom... ta'dum  ta'dum tapas baked at noon...
i love the all the instruments can break away from their rhythmic
roles and do a solo... everyone is minded, no one is dismissed...
everyone take a part... once the base freed from rhythm,
takes to solo, another instrument takes the leading
role in providing the rhythm, the many
handshakes in jazz, the merchant's ergonomics,
then the piano solos... then the sax,
and then the drums... while some other instrument
takes the lead for the rhythm...
maybe my love of jazz stemmed from
never getting to grips with rap: the deviation
from the puritan practices of poet-speak...
but we're far removed from philosophers...
they can take their comparisons and
arguments elsewhere...
compared to philosophers and novelists...
who **** out a constipated 600 page novels
weaving, constantly weaving...
we're journalists in the ozone layer...
poetry forgot the old grievance with philosophy,
it just said: i attire myself with journalistic ambitions,
that's where i preside, and nowhere else...
indeed, jazz means much more than it did
in the 20th century, in the 21st century we are just
about seeing it's status improved as equal to a Mozart,
adding the spontaneity... forever divorced from
mingling with poetry... because no one would
dare to mash-up a session with Mozart playing
in the background... well, adding the Operas...
no jazzy operatic would ever work, even
with Porgy & Bess...
but still, the sandy rhythm of the drums...
like rain on umbrellas, but in reality like
Sahara dropping on an umbrella in Algiers...
the laziness and fulfilment...
i simply can't despair like some poet
commenting on a Liszt performance...
i love the lazy Caribbean approach...
if it ain't broke, don't fix it...
and if it's broke, allow at least a few days of
fermentation... never be too busy as to later
bust on what life means to only relieve yourself
with a meaning: just work, therefore it works,
life just means work... they've been selling
us the Auschwitz slogan for a long time.
it wasn't a wet crash cymbal, crash or splash as such...
it was the sand-paper scratch of the brush-strokes
on the floor tom and the snare;
as some might consider arithmetic the quantum
physics of the other linear expression of counting -
quantum (a particular source of all our mental
blockages, call the plumbers of our blanks) -
so too the keeping of rhythm as superior against
keeping count... just when the two seemed identical,
keeping rhythm: 1, 1, 1, 1
            rather than keeping count: 1, 2, 3, 4...
came on top... just like 1 x 9 made more intellectual
improvements to sentence the symbols to
that hide & seek of binary (0-0, 1-1, 2-10, 3-11, 4-100, 5-101,
6-110, 7-111, 8-1000)...
keeping rhythm and the original spontaneity,
keeping count and the precursor of pre-ordained script;
i don't see what certain words should become like castles,
with moats and bridges and hot-melt poured on
the attackers... but they have become like castles...
totally deviating access with our request for accessing them...
while other words lie about like pennies on the pavement...
where everyone can pick them up and exploit them...
flick them, make them crowd gathering utensils,
shame that some words ended up so sacred as to be
commonplace in our adventure into ignorance...
while other words became the crowd-pleasing
five loaves of bread and two fish... sure enough
certain words became just that...
other words became elephants... like calculus... or
evolution... it's not that people wouldn't reach a zenith
of sustenance with them, that their stomachs would be
filled... it's that eating such words was impossible...
because they couldn't stomach / digest them...
it was really like trying to eat a whole elephant in one
go, rather than a small portion and freezing the rest...
these days people still try to compete in the eating races,
trying to eat the entire elephant in one go...
and every time they try it, they fail, by simply regurgitating
what they couldn't eat for another person to eat...
given the span of 2000 years from that famous
spectacle of 5000 x 5 x 2....we hardly know whether
1 multiplied by anything will be adequate to satiate us
to have the cement dry and
allow certainty to provide us with established norm,
and the process of forgetting the instigator of
the original idea.
The marble stairway
Winding like a snake
From my room on the second floor
To the lobby in the hotel
Which carried on out into the street
Where I would follow for city blocks.
Waiting there with the tapas and beer
Was a drunk poet,
Ready with the words to fill any empty space
With a lifetime of thought.
The verse, not unlike the architecture
Screamed aloud
Cried out to me
For it had been waiting decades
For someone to view it
To lick its breast
Penetrate the long abstinence
Of mind and body
Finally one with the forgotten thought patterns
That died with the others.
Once again to be kissed
And lay there with gently stroking fingertips
A lover
Longing to be held
Tasted lips.
The deliverance of hope
Through the eyes of the wanted
Those often written about
Painted on sturdy canvas
In immortal bliss.
Soaked in olive oil
Each tattered step
Beloved in wisdom
A beep chance of being.
There's still a hint of menace in the air from the
tapas bars that seem to spring up everywhere and
Electric Avenue,
there's few would argue 'bout that.

The night not flat but straight line curved, and keep your eyes peeled,hyenas prowl,stiletto heeled,
Coldharbour harbours much.

A touch of music and my eyes slant,
might catch a glimpse of Eddy Grant,
the new messiah with tunes to set the world on fire.

Mo's the man to go and see
(what you mean the guy with the Masters degree?)
that's the dude,
can chew up words and swallow them and yet the humblest of the humble men,
find him down
the Brixton Soup Kitchen
no whining,*******' ,
just getting on with it,in the thick of it
serving to his brothers,sons and fathers,mothers, sustenance,initiative indeed to live and give and love and feed.

You may think you've seen it all
you ain't seen nothing yet
not until
you get down Brixton way
see what the guys there do and say.
pure gold.
Check out the Brixton Soup kitchen,we only build from the ground up in the real world.
Piernas, escote
tapas todo, vergüenza
una belleza
Juniper Oct 2017
324 square miles

and 94 vacant

we build up our city to great lengths

but the majority of our population

poor, impoverished black families

cannot afford to eat at a tapas bar art gallery

— The End —