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Faint as a climate-changing bird that flies
All night across the darkness, and at dawn
Falls on the threshold of her native land,
And can no more, thou camest, O my child,
Led upward by the God of ghosts and dreams,
Who laid thee at Eleusis, dazed and dumb,
With passing thro' at once from state to state,
Until I brought thee hither, that the day,
When here thy hands let fall the gather'd flower,
Might break thro' clouded memories once again
On thy lost self. A sudden nightingale
Saw thee, and flash'd into a frolic of song
And welcome; and a gleam as of the moon,
When first she peers along the tremulous deep,
Fled wavering o'er thy face, and chased away
That shadow of a likeness to the king
Of shadows, thy dark mate. Persephone!
Queen of the dead no more--my child! Thine eyes
Again were human-godlike, and the Sun
Burst from a swimming fleece of winter gray,
And robed thee in his day from head to feet--
"Mother!" and I was folded in thine arms.

Child, those imperial, disimpassion'd eyes
Awed even me at first, thy mother--eyes
That oft had seen the serpent-wanded power
Draw downward into Hades with his drift
Of fickering spectres, lighted from below
By the red race of fiery Phlegethon;
But when before have Gods or men beheld
The Life that had descended re-arise,
And lighted from above him by the Sun?
So mighty was the mother's childless cry,
A cry that ran thro' Hades, Earth, and Heaven!

So in this pleasant vale we stand again,
The field of Enna, now once more ablaze
With flowers that brighten as thy footstep falls,
All flowers--but for one black blur of earth
Left by that closing chasm, thro' which the car
Of dark Aidoneus rising rapt thee hence.
And here, my child, tho' folded in thine arms,
I feel the deathless heart of motherhood
Within me shudder, lest the naked glebe
Should yawn once more into the gulf, and thence
The shrilly whinnyings of the team of Hell,
Ascending, pierce the glad and songful air,
And all at once their arch'd necks, midnight-maned,
Jet upward thro' the mid-day blossom. No!
For, see, thy foot has touch'd it; all the space
Of blank earth-baldness clothes itself afresh,
And breaks into the crocus-purple hour
That saw thee vanish.

Child, when thou wert gone,
I envied human wives, and nested birds,
Yea, the cubb'd lioness; went in search of thee
Thro' many a palace, many a cot, and gave
Thy breast to ailing infants in the night,
And set the mother waking in amaze
To find her sick one whole; and forth again
Among the wail of midnight winds, and cried,
"Where is my loved one? Wherefore do ye wail?"
And out from all the night an answer shrill'd,
"We know not, and we know not why we wail."
I climb'd on all the cliffs of all the seas,
And ask'd the waves that moan about the world
"Where? do ye make your moaning for my child?"
And round from all the world the voices came
"We know not, and we know not why we moan."
"Where?" and I stared from every eagle-peak,
I thridded the black heart of all the woods,
I peer'd thro' tomb and cave, and in the storms
Of Autumn swept across the city, and heard
The murmur of their temples chanting me,
Me, me, the desolate Mother! "Where"?--and turn'd,
And fled by many a waste, forlorn of man,
And grieved for man thro' all my grief for thee,--
The jungle rooted in his shatter'd hearth,
The serpent coil'd about his broken shaft,
The scorpion crawling over naked skulls;--
I saw the tiger in the ruin'd fane
Spring from his fallen God, but trace of thee
I saw not; and far on, and, following out
A league of labyrinthine darkness, came
On three gray heads beneath a gleaming rift.
"Where"? and I heard one voice from all the three
"We know not, for we spin the lives of men,
And not of Gods, and know not why we spin!
There is a Fate beyond us." Nothing knew.

Last as the likeness of a dying man,
Without his knowledge, from him flits to warn
A far-off friendship that he comes no more,
So he, the God of dreams, who heard my cry,
Drew from thyself the likeness of thyself
Without thy knowledge, and thy shadow past
Before me, crying "The Bright one in the highest
Is brother of the Dark one in the lowest,
And Bright and Dark have sworn that I, the child
Of thee, the great Earth-Mother, thee, the Power
That lifts her buried life from loom to bloom,
Should be for ever and for evermore
The Bride of Darkness."

So the Shadow wail'd.
Then I, Earth-Goddess, cursed the Gods of Heaven.
I would not mingle with their feasts; to me
Their nectar smack'd of hemlock on the lips,
Their rich ambrosia tasted aconite.
The man, that only lives and loves an hour,
Seem'd nobler than their hard Eternities.
My quick tears ****'d the flower, my ravings hush'd
The bird, and lost in utter grief I fail'd
To send my life thro' olive-yard and vine
And golden grain, my gift to helpless man.
Rain-rotten died the wheat, the barley-spears
Were hollow-husk'd, the leaf fell, and the sun,
Pale at my grief, drew down before his time
Sickening, and Aetna kept her winter snow.
Then He, the brother of this Darkness, He
Who still is highest, glancing from his height
On earth a fruitless fallow, when he miss'd
The wonted steam of sacrifice, the praise
And prayer of men, decreed that thou should'st dwell
For nine white moons of each whole year with me,
Three dark ones in the shadow with thy King.

Once more the reaper in the gleam of dawn
Will see me by the landmark far away,
Blessing his field, or seated in the dusk
Of even, by the lonely threshing-floor,
Rejoicing in the harvest and the grange.
Yet I, Earth-Goddess, am but ill-content
With them, who still are highest. Those gray heads,
What meant they by their "Fate beyond the Fates"
But younger kindlier Gods to bear us down,
As we bore down the Gods before us? Gods,
To quench, not hurl the thunderbolt, to stay,
Not spread the plague, the famine; Gods indeed,
To send the noon into the night and break
The sunless halls of Hades into Heaven?
Till thy dark lord accept and love the Sun,
And all the Shadow die into the Light,
When thou shalt dwell the whole bright year with me,
And souls of men, who grew beyond their race,
And made themselves as Gods against the fear
Of Death and Hell; and thou that hast from men,
As Queen of Death, that worship which is Fear,
Henceforth, as having risen from out the dead,
Shalt ever send thy life along with mine
From buried grain thro' springing blade, and bless
Their garner'd Autumn also, reap with me,
Earth-mother, in the harvest hymns of Earth
The worship which is Love, and see no more
The Stone, the Wheel, the dimly-glimmering lawns
Of that Elysium, all the hateful fires
Of torment, and the shadowy warrior glide
Along the silent field of Asphodel.
Zach Hanlon May 2015
Grieving the death of yesterday,
and the fearful beginning of a new today,

Sits the mourning dove,
perched upon its pine tree palace.

The call of the sorrowful dove;
a soft, songful lament against the dawn's awakening.

Beneath the blue jay's ballad,
countered by the crow's cackle.

The mourning of the fallen, unknown to the world.
The mourning of the lost and forgotten.

Not singing, not chirping;
Just grieving.
Tamara Fraser Oct 2016
Tensions high,
like broken kite strings,
reaching further away,
escaping the empty earth
in your arms.

Creeping chatter,
pouring inky letters,
in runny messes
all over my hands,
feeling bruised by you;
the sting, the slap
as leaking words
drip drip drip
from your mouth,
the broken tap.

I’m tired.
I’m so tired of hearing
whispered yearnings
scratching the back of your throat.
Desperation, loneliness?
You beg with the croon in your tone,
you play along like the gentle little
a songful, humming love,
all warm in cupped hands.

In all this time,
this achingly long time
I’ve played as your neat little trick;
the showman’s trusty pet,
small dove flying
as soon and only when you release me.
String caught up around my waist,
I’ll never fly too far.

As I walked away,
that night with the moon trailing my form,
and pooling in pillows cradled in my soft footsteps,
you watched my back
stretch lean and tall and
away from you.
You looked back,
it was the moon shifting through my hair,
when I turned to notice
a head shake,
a blink in the empty settling air you left behind.

you leak all those notions I wished you
would one day say,
those heart-melting flatteries,
desirable admissions,
I’m the only one you want,
to keep you satisfied,
keep you going and touching and loving
and exploring and breaking,
until your other girl comes home.
You ask and plead and return,
lapping and licking in my arms,
wanting my form so bad again;
you cry for all the fun in the world,
but this time, it just can’t.

You’re just my broken tap.
You’d need to stop dripping ***** water one day.
You’d need to stop echoing around me at night,
cradling myself to keep my strength enough
to say no to what I wanted and got for so long.

But you’re just my delicate and lovely broken tap.
I’ll always love you somehow, and feel so dangerous,
intoxicating and breathtaking
as you made me so.
You showed me so.
But I can’t wait for you to cease on your own.
Pull me round with you, wait for you,
tossed like an empty drink because of you.

I just need to let you
let me go.
Like I cried to let you go first.
Yoh Esters Oct 2023
There are stories in her voice.
I just hope all of them ended with Happily Ever After.
Josh Aug 2013

I've never been so lonely. I
suppose It must be only. Me.

A brokenness that turns away a kiss.

A shadow in the shallow, shallowness.

A pointless he with missing bits of bits,
and on the face of him:

A man I cannot be.
A man I cannot be.


A memory far from rudimentary.

The perversity of being where humans be.

In this world of mostly ghostly faces,
life gets thoroughly tasted complacently, it seems.

And every conversation is a colloquy of reservation and
nothing really means what it really means, I suppose. Who knows?

A heavy show gives way to clear velvet valleys and rocky mountain alleys
and holidays and days away are what I hear them say, except now on every single day. But in different ways. And such a waste.

Shoveling show off front televisions to clear the way for faster crummaging from things that stay. There be a safety in days and daily lives of wastage to count days wasting away. They don't see.

I've never been so lonely. I
suppose It must be only. Me.


A lonely something. Morning.

I roam around the downward faces of tomorrow
not knowing if they notice the ground. Or just own it.

They walk round places in frowns and graceless toneless
sounds spoken but not known. Homeless but at home with it. Alone and unknown.

It's a place to frown upon as if they don't want it. An orchestra of tasteless music unopened.

Group-by-group happiness comes lonely, but somewhere I will fall
and catch it. Or perhaps I've just out grown it. Numb and matchless.

There are seems. Things and beings seen through daily scenes and
subroutines and medium curiosities dancing through the eyes of teens. Tenderly believing, it seems.

And possibilities or possible free-thinking dreams of you or of you losing me and the ability to see clearly, seem unclearly demeaned. And I mean to hear clearly these things. To be fearfully clean in hearing the meaning of what I mean to you and then seeing to believe it. Really.

I've never been so lonely. I
suppose It must be only. Me.


True wisdom is dearer than all that gleams. It's where a dream is seamed. Assumed and meaned.
And I sung beautifully. I sung you to sleep. I sung you to me. With sunshine between.

Voiced and clinging to the air that sings between your wings in a careful song that lingers on, I lingered for years and king's ears rejoiced in the songful tears of lifted things. But also bringing unnecessary gifts to kings, I fear.

The golden share brings us all there alone, along with the means to cling to all wrongly, yet strongly, stringing us gently on the strings of the songs. Hearing is presumed free. But playing is lonely, so what else should I be?

The perfect pair seems to be there, and where once were unclear to me are clearly now feeling the need to be free from feeling fear in me. A feeling of being needed to be seen. And there in between the meaning - the needing to be. And beneath these things gleaming

is Me.

I've never been so lonely. I
suppose It must be only. Me.
Can you guess what I am?
beth fwoah dream Feb 2018
"where love is.... a jealous girl
of the wind."


falling like a leaf
that sings to the sky
the cresting wave
draws down,
the honey sea
a miracle of dance.


deep vision of blue,
caves of grey iron,
the waters pool,
drifting with the
icy wind.  


sharp vowel of
frozen earth,
the songful
depths of winter
sink like the seas,
the dark notes
of the clouds an
accent above the
vaulting hills.


i sink like the seas
before your love,
my knees trembling,
my legs aroused,

i am a storm that
gathers the
horizons of your
sky, burnt into the
honeycombs of
the wind full of


the sky must sigh,
the wind whisper
to the sea; “take
me home.”


i see you and my
body melts, your
love the breath of
the sea, the magical
tides of the clouds.
my poem monet in winter has been published in a weekly newsletter for avocet magazine. you can get a copy by emailing the editor charlie on it is also possible to subscribe to their quarterly magazine
Waves come crashing on
moonlit shores and sandy tides,
songful yet divine
Alyssa Underwood Jul 2021
You are by far worth more than anything in your life,
as God has priced you at the cost of His life’s blood.
He has created you for something great.
He has called you to be His treasure.
You are His beautiful, wonderful masterpiece,
uniquely hand-fashioned for the display of His splendor.

In troubles and sorrows you are never forgotten,
for there is a Savior who will deliver you through every trial.
When the pain lingers close, Jesus remains nearer
to watch out for you when all else has abandoned you.
And though you may crumble, you’ll surely be caught,
for God loves you and guards you in His providential hand.

Joyfully watching for our Lord to come once more,
we set our hope firmly on the glory of that Day
where everyone shall bow before the King of heaven
and give no weighted thought to the vanities of Earth.
For He is majestic, and all who see Him are in Awe,
falling down in songful symphony, "Worthy is the Lamb!"

He came to the earth to sacrifice Himself for all of us,
embracing, with joy in sight, both thorns and cross.
For His desire was to please the Father always,
redeeming from death's dark slavery a chosen bride
to be His people who will trust Him and His love.
And in that love and trust, they find their worth and rest.
Picture this Jul 2016
A fairyland of undergrowth, with a damp musky air,
St Lawrence has a faithful oath, to cultivate and share.
A thrive of all alive, in lush green leaves of old,
The trees in mists sublime, inside a micro climate wold.

A secret world of organisms, multiplying million fold,
Where delicate microcosms, dare to be so bold.
This natural habitat, from seedlings very small,
Quenched by a water vat, chalk streams a waterfall.

Waterlogged muddy bramble slips away at will,
Fertilised to nourish, it's hard to keep it still.
Thatched cottages blend, among the evergreens,
Flowers wildly transcend, into unexpected scenes.

A house made of glass or stone, brick or thatched,
An array of different homes, wholly mismatched.
An under cliff protected, from wind and heavy rain,
Where settlers have constructed dwellings on delicate terrain.

Red rocky backdrops, contrasting in the light,
Emerald carpet covered tops, against a cliff of white.
A multitude of Cretaceous hidden footprint tracks,
Of pre-historic fossils providing us with facts.

Alum bay provides the candour, steep hill cove, the English day,
Black gang chine, the entertainment, screams above a silent bay.
The noise of nature's habits, where a gentle hush is heard,
Of scurrying little rabbits, or a cheerful songful bird

Home to Dickens and to Darwin, Carl Marx to name a few,
Alfred Lord Tennyson inspired by the picturesquely view.
The Osbournes, Alan Titchmarch, are living here today,
To escape from commerciality, and keep all fame at bay.

Well-trodden shutes take a stranger to the sea,
Along a Pirate's secret route to claim his offshore ******,
Time has not dissolved these perfect pretty scenes,
Well used in the past and still there to be seen.

A quiet friendly cloak, behind a rich and wealthy hive,
This isle of natural opulence, where many past events survived,
Ancient stone church steeples, where priests left their gold,
Built for religious peoples, as a refuge from the cold.

Take a step back in time, to unspoilt and unruly soil,
Where the elderly recline, in this haven for the Royal.
The Victorian architecture, preserved in perfect light,
An outlook of conjecture, is called the Isle of Wight.
MetaVerse Oct 2024
O Autumn! thou hast splendidly array'd
     Nature, whose robes are treasure-rich with colour.
A patchy quilt of dying leaves decay'd,
     Thou blanketest the world with deathly dolour.
I hear a voice inside my head.  I list.
     "Come buy, come buy," I hear in my mind's ear.
My pulse doth quicken suddenly in my wrist:
     The netherworld hath never been so near.
I harken to the rattling of the leaves
     That hang like vampyre bats from skeletal trees.
The songful birds that nested 'neath the eaves
     Have long since flown away with high degrees.
I'm cold and getting colder, and my breath
Is telling me I'm close to coming Death.
Amnah Alamir May 2017
You have been missed,
like the spring kissed meadows---
sprung from a daffodil's lips
Hiding behind the blushing cheeks  
of coral reefs, a giggling hum--
does brush against my eardrum 
And so, the echo of your playful steps 
return mine thoughts in songful breeze, 
soft sway like the mosses that planted 
our heads in day--- 
Softer yet, than the whispered words lay 
peeking above air--- I swear to where the 
shadows fall beneath us 
By light, there was stars---
gifted in no dark that eyes can see 
Were it to be a soul's reverie,  
I followed the birds--  
they move with shivers 
why snowflakes in May?
TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
Blessed with a sky of waterfall
I let my thoughts run amok the greedy raindrops
The beats, the trickle and the gush
  Resting on concrete sand
With nothing but thin fabrics that clung to my skin
It's a silence of pleasure
Being caressed by the cold
Surprisingly peaceful
To let the wind slowly, at a leisurely pace
Invade your body's temperature
Humming in your ear
A songful of promises
That faith never fails
And patience rewards
Tempting you to stay seated
Wait out the storm
The clash of waves a raw entertainment
And a rumble of applause
Somewhere beyond those thick clouds of uncertainties
Words unspoken
I let myself listen instead
Letting the mysteries solve themselves
Unanswered questions
Offering crystal answers
And found it rather enjoyable
We snapped memories into photobook
Watching the edges of songful hedges
Draw  a hopeful singlet of grace of
Testimonies conquered in neglected verses.
We played from the check of honoured
Dimples crossing routes of perfections.
Here are tunes playing from the photoshop
Of our hearts designing graphics cards
Filled with affections &bubbles of love.

Portrait of tomorrow carved an amazing
hours in the street decorated with colours.
these are colours depicting greatness
freshness &braveness of the voiceful heart
Kitchened through the celestial laughter
Of a slighting mother to her joyfulness.
We are similar, singular and opposite,
We are plural of everything humanity,
Sweetness of every singing lyrics & verses.

Let's this fondleness remain captivating
boys. Sweet. Bitter. Acidic. Sour. Raw.
Reflection of the World Series of smiles
Printing names on carved pumpkins leafs
Boys carrying themselves in their shadows
Carrying themselves in memories of their
Parents' pastoral culture and languages.
Boys spinning into crispy treats of white
dreams written on the stream of the skies.

We are fascinated about the rare cloud
journeying towards the stars of our souls
Harbouring our names in a bag of colours
Imagination are doubtful unperturbed pictures
Painted in the innocent face of boys of tomorrow
After the sun bent the tremour of our rushes
The rain came like a troubadour warrior
Between veteran lips of boys who went &never
returned memories of their family portraits.

We are boys carrying our family's loss
We are boys carrying our Father's legacy
Bearing the pursuit of our fathers yesterday
Look into our eyes & see our imaginations
those imaginations created by our ancestral
ancestors for tomorrow to hold our peace.
We may not know that these sands are made
of ridges of boys like us who went carrying
Pictures of dreams that we could not retrieve.

©John Chizoba Vincent
Ayn May 2020
As the feathers fall
I collect them in reams.
The songbirds play
In my greatest of dreams.
You’re always there, with me,
But when I awake
I remember it is never to be.
I love you. But “you” is a term relating to a person who won’t ever read this... or will they?? Who knows??
SelinaSharday Aug 2019
I almost fell in love but I took it buried it with my pen.
Tried to promise to not let it surface again.
My brain forced my logic to creep in.
I just dived back into paper with pen.
I wanted to watch your beauty its like a rainbow.
I reminded myself one day it would turn to winter cold ice and snow.
You walked by me close enough for me to feel the
warm beauty in your shadow.
I told myself it wasn't what could comfort my tomorrow.
You became my beautiful songful muse.
I realized that began to leave me feeling a bit confused.
Bubbles forced themselves out from my harmony they sparkled
they did rise.
To you it was no surprise.
Those bubbles left colorful tears in my eyes.
I begged mercy to keep away any kind of calamity.
Fight away the passions that dazzle to drown me.
Trying to break free..
stringed like kisses planted all over me.
Trying to break free as you  decided to secrete from me.
Advance from the tracks you left all over my body and its
Maybe it was all a state of my unnecessary reclines.
Now seeing our lengthy messages and unsent replies.
Dreaming about weird unsorted things.
Recalling bells with no rings.
Giving freely inconsiderately of me.
Almost I almost walked away from me..
Things deserved that are best for me.
I remembered I could cope.
Wait on what's good for me, I remembered there's always Hope.

By SelinaSharday S.A.M All Rights Reserved 2019
.Something said as creatively as could be..who are they.. us we that privately be..trying to stay out of unnecessary things
Onoma Dec 2018
this fog xeroxes

a blank mind...

dues eX machina.

curled up in bright raindrops

that cling to the idea

of a branch.

as a certain Mr. Darko stabs at

a mirror...Bunnymen Echo

through the fog.

diving down the holes

of her "Killing Moon".


songful submissions of dire

lyrical agency.

Mr. Darko will stare out

impolitely...till the lunar

mission completes itself.
SelinaSharday Oct 2021
Shall we lock our fingers and
make a vow, that forever we shall be poetry friends.
Come what may thru thick or thin..
Should we high five fist pump and grin.
As we harmonize compose, collaborate to win
We can go at it give it our best spin.
Then hug it our for we will always be Poetry kin.
all for the love and the fun..
Poetry rappin words won.
Poetry in common..
Poetry kinfolk.. talented pens...
singing, dancin.. poetic vibe relatin..
No Kinfolk type hatin.. We are relating..
We are Poetic Winds, songful streams,
Lighted beams. Spoken dreams!!
Doing our talented things...
.Unity.. worded, centered, relating, collating
Akshayaa Aug 2016
over the heights
over your fate.
I am sure you were undecided
of tasting the cloud's wonder
and untold
of the grandeur up above
I am sure that was an "undreamt-of"
life with enticing birds amidst
their songful chirp..
what are the odds that
the only sound
we hear from around
is a beautiful music
and the beautiful music
we hear from around
is the only sound
you pine tree! you got that!
what an irony! you never pine!
you always got that
But let you have it
for that's what
makes you a pine tree
and that's what makes me wonder.
Fate has made a choice
to allow me witness you..
what a sound choice!
But I aint you
What a sloppy choice!
Don't be jealous,
for you cannot see you..
you can still watch me admire you..Pine Tree
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
In the end
Our stories tragic

Fr. Greeley
And the cab

Don't often believe
In magic

But for you
I'll take a stab

Secrets possibly hidden
In Jacques Vallee's Silicon Valley

My own hitch hikin' secrets
When he sings of Sally

My boys do love to play
Magic the Gathering

Am I on the Way
To destroy the One Magic Ring?

Is there some meaning
In my sins, songs and suffering?

Does she also think
Honest gifts I did bring?

For her and Fr. Greeley
I swear I'd do anything

Lay it down
Or take it up

Or better: Sing and Sing!
Leo Jan 2018
There’s a light
in your eyes,
it draws me
like a star,
stellar beauty,
calls my heart
to come and dwell
where you are.

There’s a song
in the breeze,
softly sings
of your love,
beckons me
to join you
in the melody
that ascends
to the heavens
upon wings
of songful doves.

There’s a sense
of nostalgia,
and it fills
the deepest spaces
of my heart,
like the smell
of sweet honeysuckle,
opens to fill the evening air,
it draws me
to fatality,
and to your
enticing aroma.

And in this,
I am made aware
of the collusion
between your appeal
and the whole
of creation,
and how
fate conspires
to join
my heart and soul
to you.
Mark Bell Jan 14
Madness and pain
Partners in crime
Only getting relief
A little at a time.

Joyful and love
It’s songful rap
I prefer to call it
The happiness trap.

Hope and despair
Highs and lows
Let these inside
Nothing will flow.

Truths and lies
They hide in prose,
When inside disguise.
Nothing grows

War and peace
Death and life
A Truce would
be like
Sliding down the
Edge of your knife.

Beatles or the Rolling Stones
Blur, oasis or the undertones
In life the music you choose
I prefer Rory Gallagher
Playing the blues.

— The End —