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sash sriganesh Feb 2015
The sun shining behind a dark cloud
As bright as a star.
The color of a smily emoji
The true meaning of happiness
Karijinbba Nov 2018
My old true love rdd=PC
wrote this poem to me on HP.
"I fall in love."
"Death would be liberating
but I wouldn't suggest jumping off a cliff"
"And for the life of me I hold on
to shaddy realities,
and an odd feeling of never being enough."

"I don't know what will happen"


( my spontaniety of first thought)
my response 2018 is:

I fall in love too I choose life.
dearest true love of yore
from your holy hands
your love unto my heart falls
joining my spirit soul
precious twin flame
and here with me  love won't die

nor can unconditional love
into my hands ever perish

true love needs not be liberated
as no TREASON ever existed
you just got me ALL WRONG!

And since when orphanes
in protective custody hiding for their life after Feds and murderers buchered her family and loved ones in childhood

and throughout adolecence years  a faulty weak covert adoption witness protection program forcing victim to live as an exiled fugitive??
due to a horrendous loss of life

You simply didn't know me
for the task you and your brother assigned to me dearest ones
and isn't it treason on your part to abandon an amnesic loved one
only because it wasn't written in an old script?
some lovers being in love
feeling betrayed and hurting
do jump off a cliff
like you did It hurts do much to understand your pain physical and mental too
Still others jump into amnesic shocks becoming like I did
DEATH CALM! its very painful
i had no shell shick therapyst no councellings just hell left behind
I don't recomment either one
ways to hurt for living one another presence was needed!

both ways of hsndling pain
are equally distructive unfruitful look at me now!
you have support family bank
structure how do I win from here  I healed living in denial.
my ignorsnt ways ended in heartbreaking tragedy more for me than for you
You were my hero my knight
I loved you always will i was in love with you I hurt too
We were so identical twin flames from the inside thinking modes
both feeling so small
and never enough for each other!
because we were apart!
And both so brightly colored in the outside with Gs light
very rare occurance
a triumph for the finding
worth the fame intended
worth the pain of defeat endured
for the best can only be bought at the cost of great pain and sacrifice!!
my pain went to sleep in an amnesic transformative shock
I have always loved you
and as you see I did jump!
Right into 'death' and 'knife'
i transformed to survive
Read my birth chart both Death and Knife remain a blessing and a curse to me such mystery
but both protecting me just the same!
two protective mechanisms
per the Mayan calendar.
such a mystery we both are.
Death saving me from 'death'
and knife'cutting' through my pain a cold ice blade
there transforming me
Death Calm and silent!
I am not insensitive I feel love
death needs not be liberating
my soul knowing true love
will rest in peace with some regrets
I promised our unborn childten that no love fame nor great fortune would be greater then the love I feel for them all
and I kept my painful promise
but it was the end of me
In your eyes
I must have shrank smallest yet
misunderstood I go unless you read me here on HP the final fronteer unless you read
my memoir but we are both running out of time
lovers die in more ways than jumping off cliffs

precious love thank you for loving me
it hurt me very deeply to let you go so long ago
I am the woman who loves you the most in this whole wide world
I could have given my life for just one day though to have understood you grabbed you!
to have known what to do
what not to do,
where to go, where not to go,
what to say, what not to say.
what to think and what not to think!
i didn't understand you!
so I feared you
I couldn't fight every greedy jealous woman for your love as the left behind gap how?
forgive me please beloved
I felt too small and worthless

I had no idea anyone on earth would love me too back!
much less enough as to jump of a cliff to hurt that much for my life to benefit as new Eve
even changing earth with you
a worlds new adam Back then

I sincerely did not understand what you had planed to do after my impatient ignorant fall

Life had only taught me
to feel insignificantly tini especially when being taunted
mistreated and challenged
abandonement syndrome
was my demise dince childhood
your mind games and head riddles smothered my dreams
of you me for us.

loving you more than
I loved myself was understood
very well that's what life
had taught me to do
to let go of everything I ever loved the most
when all life did was take chunks of my family and my life.
You were life's reward to me
without you by my side
I became speechless Dead Calm
stump like on Mothers day.

'sorry' can't depict the black hole
that has swallowed you
and me apart
nor pain depict the bottomless pit that living without you is

I too fell into my death
heartbroken as you announced
a JaneHilton freeway driving
in oposite directions was agony when in your letter
you wrote you had a wife!

I fell into the abyss and I died
I was only nineteen then

Then came hell getting me stranded at the fork road
all the way to hell Greece

smily kind penpal demons helped me up a plane ticket

two in all even married me not to avert authorities of my impending death with their treacherous agendas
as was much of my life on earth.

I am glad we met
glad we loved each other
near or far
in G
s hands we both are.
By:Karijinbba-Copy Rights
2017 revised 03/ 29/2020.
excerpt from my Memoar written throughout my life.
Who am I?

I know what I am..
I am a lover.
An Artest...
A mother,

But Who,
Who am I...

The smily girl..?
I suppose,
I am just me...

JA Doetsch Jul 2012
I arrived at the church at 5:30.
It took me a bit to find the place

  there were only a couple half-inflated baloons
  to mark the occasion.
  Those, and a small sign with an arrow, which led
      down some stairs and into a cafeteria.  An
      older lady greeted me.  She had a calm smile
      on her face.  The kind that comes with age, that
      says that you've been there, done that.

"Are you here to give?"

           Of course.  Why else would I be here?


She leads me to a table that has a number of tall dividers
set up on it to prevent people from peeking at someone
else's personal life.  Like I care if you've had syphilis in
the last year...well I might if it weren't all men in here.

I start filling out the form.
No, I don't have an STD
No, I haven't spent a time totaling more than 5 years in the UK before 1996
No, I don't use drugs
No, I haven't had a fever in the last 24 hours

I do admit that I have been out of the country recently.

I hand my sheet to another lady.  "Where did you travel to?"

    "Japan, mostly Tokyo and a few places just outside"

    "Carol, could you check Japan on the list?"

She turns to me.  "I'm almost certain that's OK, but I have to check".  Another contented smile.

I sit down to be interviewed, we go over the questions once more.

    "Alright, I just need a small sample before we begin"

She takes the sample with a small contraption that
fits over my finger and jabs a small hole.  She runs
a quick test with the blood, letting a droplet fall
in a test tube filled with a blue liquid.  

The droplet sinks to the bottom.  She checks a box.

Apparently we're good to go.

  I'm given an empty blood bag and a number of rubber-banded vials
and pointed towards a circle of beds in the middle of the room.

I walk up and a portly gentleman takes my bag and asks me
which arm I'd like it in.


I pause.  

I want to be able to check my phone while I'm doing this.

"Actually, let's do left"

He gives a grin.  "Here, hold both your arms out"

I comply.  I immediately notice that my right arm
has a very accessible vein.  We're doing the right arm.

Oh well.

   "Let's go with the Right"

I smile and sit on the plastic seat

He swabs my arm with that wonderful orange/yellow dye
and gives me a stress-ball to squeeze, to help the process go
quicker.  He comes back with the needle.

I look away as I feel the uncomfortable breach of my skin.
It's a small pinch followed by a dull sensation, my body
telling me "That isn't supposed to be there, get it out".

         I hate needles.

I feel a light sweat break and my breathing quickens
ever so slightly.  It's ok because the hard part is over
I squeeze the stress ball every few seconds and I chat
with the man.

His name is Nick, and he's been doing this for a few years.  
He used to work in a restaurant, and then he worked for a
flooring company.  
He remarks
    on the fake grouting that the floor in this room has.  

You  can tell that he loves his job, that he's satisfied with life.

He comments on the t-shirt that I will receive for doing this

(because who would do it if they didn't get a t-shirt, right?)

He says it looks like a blueberry snowcone and tells me a
rather entertaining story from his youth about blueberry

I pipe in with my memories of the Tropical Sno  shop we had
when I was a kid.  

The bag is filled, the needle is removed.  A bandaid is placed,
and then my arm is wrapped with a smily-face bandage.

I give him a left-hand shake and go sit at the refreshments table

I drink a Pepsi.  I hate trail mix.

After about 10min or so, I get in my car and drive home.
I put on the blueberry snow-cone colored t-shirt and sit
down to read a book.  I think about the people working
at the blood drive, and I think about how happy they

I wonder to myself what the difference is between someone
who gives blood and someone who gives time.  I have friends
that travel the world for the Peace Corps, living in third world
countries with no running water, no niceties.  I think of friends
who could sit in blistering heat, helping to build a house for
someone they don't even know.  I think of myself, who thinks
that donating money to the Leukemia foundation and donating
blood to the Red Cross is somehow equivalent to donating sweat
and an able body.

I should really do more
maybe then I'll earn that smile
that those folks wear so proudly
Christian zeal Jan 2014
"Thought" of you today,
Woke up and found myself wiping the silly choices out my face.
Everybody messes up..can't you relate?
Even if I think your perfect each and everyway...each and every space with the decisions you make.
Like the one when you called bae...sometimes that's the only thing that lifts my day...
Thought of you today...
Even if I'm your ex
Smily face
Karijinbba May 2019
Men come easy but few dear get closer extracting beauty
from my beast.
Men often ask me how come I chose to be unmarried for so long why so cellective
I tell them most men do the same mistake they are attracted to my light smily eyes and cute plump femenine shape and never fail to see me as tishue paper meat to satiate some pure carnal need most disregard my pristine womanly motherly wifely
innate nature my spirit soul

i am not just a mule who anyman can mount harness lead walk and run mounted onto without accountability
nor to fill mans grassy other needing wear without genuine commitment to then just leave my heart behind used broken having lost time effort physical inand mental piece of mind

Many other women in this city this country are just a body to be used "no strings attached!." in other words "no love" nor loving commited relationship intended!

I can't for the life of me sucumb to such shallow tribial macho pass time
diseases can become
a lifetime burden
I am not willing to drag with me stds as companions.
Solitude is my bittersweet virtue my passion is my physical and mental health my family and writing primordial to staying alife family matters most to me.
not competing with other women for a user male in trivial heat
like dogs in hormonal instinctual ****** vices bluntly said;
I am no ***** for no dog in heat. Naturally I was open to reign Queen for one King of hearts only once upon a time knowing charm grace in his kingdom beauty-rest mattress-master bedroom, the utter boredom of married life, respectability the old folks the exquizite blessed joy of precious children to cherish protect and adore but those don't exist in my
late neighborhoods they call single mothers strugling alone like i did"disfunctional family, without a father figure!"
but no father was better to my kids existed certainly not the  seeder sadist psychoath poisoner greek human trafficant  nor second one ******* user impotent who couldn't control his forced emissions wasn't better then my Motherly Kali's instincts my single protective motherhood was best.
I was better father-Mom in my daughters case.

the worst city for love and marriage to last on earth or
to raise children who won't treasure single divorced motherhood sacrifices is here Hollywood California.

Better is Houston Kemah Texas in USA England, Ireland India owning family values good marriages non greedy men children grow up better there because school friends
are rooted healthier at home
respecting family bonds
unity unbreakable is the key.

"A house divided by itself cannot stand, it will utterlly be destroyed says  "The holy book" and its true in my world.
By: Karijinbba
All rights reserved
{Revised again 06/11/19}
thanks for reading
liking, loving
or just flying by over
my field of dreams
lovely butterflies
Beautiful women single Moms divorcees battered wives Texas offers successful attainment of new husband with old fashion values perhaps England Ireland but its all over for me
love marruage joy has pass me by me like a photom of light streaming tgrough space and briefly missed here on H P.
Starry Aug 2019
On Mars there is
No atmosphere
But in flyes a zombie
Emoji shining bright
Like that of the sun
Where's the food.

© Copyright 2014 S.T. Parish Rebel of Eden
His touch is out of this planet.
W May 2015 feels like whole world and the, you know, uh...all the smily candy teeth and ******-out-of-their-mind ******* with their lip service to some techno-God of...what? Acceptance and power dynamics, or empowerment  or whatever... It's like they're out there building these monoliths to, mirrors made out of diamonds that's all positivity and critical theories and ****, even Heidegger or Nietzsche thrown in there, Foucault, Lorde sometimes, a lot of other names, much to remember when you wade into the world of identity, right? But it's also so sugary that I get a headache, like, when I see the steel roots that they're...repurposing? I keep tripping over them and stuff, I dunno.

Queer's a word I hear mostly coming out of only my own mouth, maybe the walls...if wall's could talk, right?...and that really tells me a lot, I guess? About what it means to be a ***, but like, not really? And how I'm totally not trans? I mean I'm still BASICALLY a boy, right? Like shouldn't I be like, calling myself a girl if I'm not a boy, etc.? The stony monuments to Liberation...they're using the big L right?...tell me so. I'm so close but still not good enough, or something like that. The binaries are there for a reason, etc. Not even that. Just a quiet, like...exclusion? Joke? What I wouldn't give to be a fully-fledged ****** or a true ******, y'know?...card-carrying member of the conference, where I can actually cry and my voice comes out in something other than a croak and people look at my tears and hear my words and say, Yes, that's real and that's okay?

Whatever though. I'm probably wrong anyway, right? I'm just half-baked, or not exactly full, or...what's the word?
Inspired by the style of Dennis Cooper, particularly in his novel TRY.
John F McCullagh Feb 2012
****** Smily Face by billyraines08

This one, to her, seemed different.
She seldom met artistic Huns..
She thought his little mustache cute,
his smile, a winning one.
With charcoal he made sketches
when his duties were all done.

A man, she thought, of courage.
He wore the iron cross.
It was a time of hell on earth-
so many young lives lost

Perhaps her judgment was impaired
by the alcohol that she consumed.
The sixteen year old French girl
took Adolf ****** to her room.

In time she gave birth to a child,
a ******* if ever was one.
A boy they named Jean Marie Loret-
The Devil’s only son
An elderly French man claims Adolf ****** was his father
Sienna Luna Jan 2017
Flubber inside

filling out the cracks

you and that

insipid hat.

Wolly sweater

boatload of pins

find out when

our love life begins.

It's quite awkward

when I get so nervous

like hot liquid

boiling in a pan.

It's really kind of funny 'cause

I can't figure you out,


Grist and marrow

you're a stringy

kind of fellow.

And every time I see

your stupid smily face

I get this rubber

in my tummy

a fit I cannot place.
Jeremy Myers Jan 2012
as I sit here my thoughts are all of you
cuz I know you have these feelings too
so I pick up my phone and go to your name
hit the call button and hang up again

because the missing word that describe how I feel
are nowhere to be found
we go in a circle over and over again
because your words are missing and so are mine

over and over we send smily faces and hi's
both unable to say whats really on our minds
as we fight and make up
help with eachothers break ups
and become completely fed up

cuz the missing words that decribe how we feel
are nowhere to be found
we go in circles over and over again
cuz your words are missing and so are mine
Edmundo Mar 2021
The white waves rushes the Sky
The white clouds covers the Sea
They give and receive smily eyes from each other
Both are essence of white and blue when they are true

In the horizon they touch
In the city they don’t
Infinite immeasurable incredible afar
One gives sighs and exasperates all day for they are apart
The other waves all day for they should be together

The Sea looks deep into the endless Sky
Unbound by limits - full of stars
As the sky looks back and sees itself
They are so similar in essence and beauty
So far apart
So close together
The couple moves and are moved by
By the winds of fate.
Mariam Shittu Aug 2017
I stand at the beach
Sand in my feet

The sun is shining bright
It's such a beautiful sight

I stand at the beach
Water over my feet

The sea is glowing blue
Ocean waves splashing too

I sit at the beach
Enjoying a wonderful view

Beautiful kites in the sky
Ice cream trucks passing by

I walk on the beach
A cone in my hand

The ocean breeze misty and cool
Sand castles high and tall

I swim at the beach
Cool water on my skin

The salt water in my mouth
Having fun without a doubt

A day at the beach
I wouldn't have missed

Smily faces everywhere
I always love it here
Dark n Beautiful Dec 2021
When my heart returns in the seclusion,

I told him to give me ten years,

In that time, he must see only me

Taste only me, make love to only me

Reflected only in my space.

Like an enchanted mirror or hope,

Our souls will continue to asked

For our morning blessing/

Happy or sad, our morning salutations/

There is nothing more appealing  

Then seeing him in his white attires

a baseball cap, it captures the youth of innocent,  

Is the fundament of falling in love,  

After being in seclusion, it's also terrifying,  

A roller coaster of emotion,  

a mere Smily hideous gestures/

I can see no wrong now,

I can see no flaws,  

I see only what my heart wants me to see

Him, those eyes, those high cheek bones,

While I let me let my soul make love,

Under the warm of the sun,

And the cold from the north,

Entwining into each other’s arms

Who will bless this union?

Who will be there for us,

When it all fade like leaf

All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Let me love you for now,

Let me smile, while you smile,

Let me , let me, let me..
Babu kandula Dec 2015
Not necessarily every smily face is happy

We enact to hide our internal struggles

The best thing is our smile

*Which can conceal anything and no one ever knows
Floris Oct 2014
They are around me, laughing and singing, dancing like there is no tommorow.
I'm among them under the starry sky, but i'm not with them.
my body is here, but my eyes gaze unto the firmament.
My mind fly to the stars. They take me back to the days when I was close to you, instead of this unknown crownd.
When I could be myself, true and whole, naked of any disgusting disguise.
But then I remember. I'm alone under the stars. You are long gone and only the cold embrace of night is here to hug me now.
You are under the same stars but far away on earth, you are living and i'm only wasting my pale life here.
Your thought are blossoming like a hundred flowers while i'm sitting in my empty mind stuck on repeat.
So I accept my fate and come back to my body among this people I don't trust, I put back my smily mask and I start dancing to the same music.
I blend into the sound, move my body accordingly, hoping my heart will burst as the bass drop.
And when the music is over, I come back on my feet and continue walking alone as if nothing never happened.
Vadim Slivinski Jan 2020
I’ve been sitting at a local fast-food joint
Waiting for my friend, who was outside
Having a chat with some girl he loved once;
He didn’t anymore and just wanted to set things straight.

I ordered myself a medium strawberry shake
And just sat there listening to Bill Evans
As the most peculiar thing caught my sight:
All around me were men in their 30’s and 40's,
Drinking draft beer and staring sadly
Either at their phones or simply at the table.
They all shared a common tired and dumb look;
Hell, I thought, how low do you have to be
To drink horrible overpriced beer at a fast-food joint
Alone, at 7 pm?

At the next table, two young girls
Were having a dinner; so smily, happy
And full of life I sat there overwhelmed.
Why not just go there and talk to them?
But those sullen faces kept staring,
Rigid and unemotional, except for an occasional sigh,
Immediately followed by a gulp.
I glanced at the same table again —
Those girls were gone and another
Asian woman was siping her coke…

Some hum broke through the Shadow of Your Smile.
I looked around: different men, same posture;
Same look, same sadness,
Same disgusting smell,
Same lonely warm beer.

I picked up my coat and my hat,
Tied my checkered scarf around the neck
And went outside,
This is not a poem
Originally posted on Medium in Poets Unlimited
Astor Feb 2016
I was dissecting a box of candy today
and I thought of her I found one that had a warped smily face and it just seemed to be how I feel around you
skewed and distorted
i rested that heart on my tongue and it melted in my mouth

Whenever I get cold I think of you
because I put on my warm yellow sweater the same one that you have
because it gives me a feeling like you're near me
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2023
When my heart returns in the seclusion,

I told him to give me ten years,

In that time, he must see only me

Taste only me, make love to only me

Reflected only in my space.

Like an enchanted mirror or hope,

Our souls will continue to asked

For our morning blessing/

Happy or sad, our morning salutations/

There is nothing more appealing  

Then seeing him in his white attires

a baseball cap, it captures the youth of innocent,  

Is the fundament of falling in love,  

After being in seclusion, it's also terrifying,  

A roller coaster of emotion,  

a mere Smily hideous gestures/

I can see no wrong now,

I can see no flaws,  

I see only what my heart wants me to see

Him, those eyes, those high cheek bones,

While I let me let my soul make love,

Under the warm of the sun,

And the cold from the north,

Entwining into each other’s arms

Who will bless this union?

Who will be there for us,

When it all fade like leaf

All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Let me love you for now,

Let me smile, while you smile,

Let me , let me, let me..
Noone Aug 2019
Sometimes some things happen that change your life forever,
Some secrets revealed that break you apart.
Some words they say that pierces the soul.
People call me fake, I pretend to care they say
For I have that smily face to disguise me well
They don't know how difficult it is for me
When I m sitting alone in a room with my thoughts
Those haunting thoughts
The images stuck in my head
Mind is a wild thing , you see
It lets you see things even when you are not there..
The rumors I heard, the pictures I paint
I don't know how much they resonate
But they haunt me..
Pictures of you holding someone else in your arm
Cuddling and falling asleep..
I got to know some ***** secrets that changed my perception on love and faith forever. I feel so betrayed.
Caleb Kyme Oct 2022
made so pretty
lighting up my every morning
you get me mad
you make me happy
but you don't wanna be with me

so smily
so shimmy
you've brought me back
you've pushed me back in
shining so bright
carried me through the dark
there you left me

i still love you mercury
but i don't want to be with you
unless you come back for me
i don't think i like you anymore

making me teary
after all i did to charm you
but still you leave
back close to the sun god

just let me be
just let ms be now
wafaa Jun 2018
life hits us everyday, we are strong enough to fight
I go to school with a smily face
can't you see it's fake ?
cause my eyes are bleeding tears but you just focusing on my mouth
yes,I feel good enough when I cry
I feel full of problems
just with my brain
I have friends,good grades,house and a happy family
no one wants to see the dark side
the side that tell me to die
to **** my self so it will go away
like my soul and my body
the side that tell me I cant conjugure the verb 'Im  good enough'
in an affirmative way
the side that tell me to try harder even I get an A
my body said to me "we are dying stop hurting us "
but my brain lied to me and say "try more because we want u to be dead"
so in my sweet 16 I'm in the cemetery under a grave with my name
plus a PS
"This the girl who can't conjugure the verb I want to be okey"
this is my first poetry in the website enjoy it :)
TLPrince May 2020
Morning with Goya

Crimson flames running through the pages
‘Frozen words coming from the depths of lost ages’
Melting darkness slipping under my door
‘There’s still a smell of hatred but unlike before,(unlike before),’
Drops of light dripping from the window
‘Wooden birds swimming round and low’
Gusts of wine swirling in my head
‘Flittering memory of a dead.’
Glasses of colour rising softly in the air
‘Flying pigmees all smily and bare.’
The song of a distant ocean beating in rhyme with the heart of my beloved one
‘The laughter of a dwarf riding the sun’
And the thunder of the road stroke again
I saw great green lightnings of blood and hair
‘The flies in the suitcase of a monkey drawing brains’
‘I once fell in love with a bear’
Happy thoughts scrowling on the kitchen floor
‘The silence of pain ****** someone somewhere near the door’
The last ashes of a prayer vanished suddenly
‘Golden tears washing out slumbers eventually’
The rest of a forgotten dream is disappearing in the world-sink
‘Chains of past sensually dancing, without a blink’
Flittering memory of a dead
Fleeting smoke of a foreign freedom
‘Black horses painting (repeatedly) the top of my head’
‘Switching letters and pencils crossing the day “Lonesome”’

Only way to have your hand waving free
Is holding a gun, (‘just like me’.)
S Kumar Sep 2020
Magic of words is awesome
It can make peaceful to stressed person
It can also satisfy the advisor
It’s also a kind of help
Both are advantageous
It can be seen on both smily face
Its great help
If one can be make happy from words
Some time it is greater than monetary help
So its always  told
sympathy is better than gold
It’s eternal
Its glitters can not be terminated…………………

— The End —