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Akira Chinen Mar 2017
She wore her red shoes to Romeos funeral
and misssed the stale smell of his cheap cologne
and that his lips had always tasted of whiskey
she picked up a card and some flowers and a strange ballon
for $29 and some spare change from the drug store
on Kentucky Ave. where someone had stolen
her favorite alligator purse
somewhere in the distance a train pulling box cars
whistled to the magpies with their wings spread up above
just hanging there like kites
and she wore a pretty blue gun strapped to her thigh
right over where he had left his teeth marks on the forth of July
the one he had given her on the Valentine's day
he had spent in jail for attempting to rob the jewelry store
for the necklace she had wanted for Christmas
the December before
the same Christmas all he could give her
was his favorite skull and crossbones ring
tied around the broken piano string
he had once tried to wear as a tie  
they had meet the night he stole her record player
and she had happened to be on the wrong side of the road
as he made his way from the scene of the crime
completely unaware she would steal his heart
before he would see another sunrise
but that was all before he took a bullet to the chest
after avenging his brother that was left to die
without his knife
they had found his body in the theater
with his shoes full of blood and a smile on his face
and she knew as his body was lowered
into the cold cold ground her new favorite color was going
to be blue come next Valentine's day
RAJ NANDY Sep 2017
Streets of the city has recently bathed, with a sudden hour
long mid-Summer's rain.
Romeo trudged down the empty street, towards his lonely
pad located on a terrace.
He had nothing to call his very own, excepting his dear old
The crowd in the hotel applauded as he played, since he played
with empathy like every other day.
He had met his Juliet briefly once, those were the moments of
a happy trance!
The saxophone has countless musical notes embedded inside, -
For our Romeo to play them out night after night.
Yet so many Romeos like him shall slowly fade away;
And the saxophone shall play their dirge at the end of
the day!  
                                                         -By Raj Nandy, New Delhi
Ezra Nov 2014
When I lost my marbles,
My dad would always say:
"Don't worry, you'll find them
When you just stop searching."

And it sounded stupid,
But every time I stopped,
Yeah, I found my marbles.

I grew up; my dad died,
Seasons changed, so did I,
But the rule stayed as true.

One day, I'd given up
On that romantic stuff,
Resigned to die alone,
I walked into a big
Ol' Shakespeare conference,
To watch Othello die.

Well there, they were taking
"Volunteers" for Juliet,
"Lucky men" Romeos,
And I was one of them.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Spanish version with some french words in it ();
Juliet Omnipotente, te uno del considerando Shakespherian. je suis tu totalidad inamorato, Dans le roi tu de tu razón sublime, como tis, tú eres el único que tengo seno. santuario mío !!!!

(English translated- )
Omnipotent Juliet
Thee one of Shakespherian recital
Je suis thy wholly inamorato
Dans le roi of thy sublime reason,

As tis
Thou art mine only *****.
Mine sanctum!!!

French words in both translations are these+

Je suis - means I am
Dans le- means in the
Roi- means king

Translated from french to engish..

Sorry used french and Spanish and old English here.. Strange I am today lol
This poem has old English words in it as I always use also some french words in English version and Spanish version!! Dedication to mi amour'
Lee Jan 2013
romeo is bleeding but not so as you'd notice
he's over on 18hh street as usual
lookin' so hard
against the hood of his car
and puttin' out a cigarette in his hand
and for all the pachucos at the pumps
at romeros paint and body
they all seein' how far they can spit
well it was just another night
but how they're huddled in the brake lights
of a 58 belair
and listenin' to how romeo killed a sherrif his knife

and they all jump when they hear the sirens
but romeo just laughs
and says all the racket in the world
ain't never gonna save that coppers ***
he'll never see another summertime
for gunnin' down my brother
and leavin' him like a dog beneath a car without his knife

and romeo says hey man gimme a cigarette
and they all reach for their pack
and frankie lights it for him
and pats him on the back
and throws bottle at a milk truck
and as it breaks he grabs his nuts
and they all know they could be just like romeo
if they only had the guts

but romeo is bleeding
but nobody can tell
and he sings along with the radio with a bullet in his chest
and he combs back his fenders and they all agree its clear
that every thing is cool now that romeos here
but romeo is bleeding and he winces now and then
and he leans against the car doors
and feels the blood in his shoes
and someones crying in the phone booth at the 5 points by the store
romeo starts his engine and wipes the blood off the door
and he brodys through the signal
with the radio full blast
leavin' the boys there hikin' up there chinos
and they all try to stand like romeo
beneath the moon cut like a sickle
and they're talkin' now in spanish about there hero

but romeo is bleeding
as he gives the man his ticket
and he climbs to the balcony at the movies
and he'll die without a wimper
like every heros dream
just like an angel with a bullet
and cagney on the screen
Tom Waits is one of my favorite artists, this little text does him no justice.
If you like it at all look at him perform it live on youtube and it'll make you love it.
Invitación al llanto.  Esto es un llanto,
      ojos, sin fin, llorando,
escombrera adelante, por las ruinas
        de innumerables días.
Ruinas que esparce un cero -autor de nadas,
obra del hombre-, un cero, cuando estalla.
Cayó ciega.  La soltó,
la soltaron, a seis mil
metros de altura, a las cuatro.
¿Hay ojos que le distingan
a la Tierra sus primores
desde tan alto?
¿Mundo feliz? ¿Tramas, vidas,
que se tejen, se destejen,
mariposas, hombres, tigres,
amándose y desamándose?
No. Geometría.  Abstractos
colores sin habitantes,
embuste liso de atlas.
Cientos de dedos del viento
una tras otra pasaban
las hojas
-márgenes de nubes blancas-
de las tierras de la Tierra,
vuelta cuaderno de mapas.
Y a un mapa distante, ¿quién
le tiene lástima? Lástima
de una pompa de jabón
irisada, que se quiebra;
o en la arena de la playa
un crujido, un caracol
sin querer, con la pisada. 
Pero esa altura tan alta
que ya no la quieren pájaros,
le ciega al querer su causa
con mil aires transparentes.
Invisibles se le vuelven
al mundo delgadas gracias:
La azucena y sus estambres,
colibríes y sus alas,
las venas que van y vienen,
en tierno azul dibujadas,
por un pecho de doncella.
¿Quién va a quererlas
si no se las ve de cerca?
Él hizo su obligación:
lo que desde veinte esferas
instrumentos ordenaban,
exactamente: soltarla
al momento justo.                                   Nada.
Al principio
no vio casi nada.  Una
mancha, creciendo despacio,
blanca, más blanca, ya cándida.
¿Arrebañados corderos?
¿Vedijas, copos de lana?
Eso sería...
¡Qué peso se le quitaba!
Eso sería: una imagen
que regresa.
Veinte años, atrás, un niño.
Él era un niño -allá atrás-
que en estíos campesinos
con los corderos jugaba
por el pastizal.  Carreras,
topadas, risas, caídas
de bruces sobre la grama,
tan reciente de rocío
que la alegría del mundo
al verse otra vez tan claro,
le refrescaba la cara.
Sí; esas blancuras de ahora,
allá abajo
en vellones dilatadas,
no pueden ser nada malo:
rebaños y más rebaños
serenísimos que pastan
en ancho mapa de tréboles.
Nada malo.  Ecos redondos
de aquella inocencia doble
veinte años atrás: infancia
triscando con el cordero
y retazos celestiales,
del sol niño con las nubes
que empuja, pastora, el alba.
detrás de tanta blancura
en la Tierra -no era mapa-
en donde el cero cayó,
el gran desastre empezaba.Muerto inicial y víctima primera:
lo que va a ser y expira en los umbrales
del ser. ¡Ahogado coro de inminencias!
Heráldicas palabras voladoras
-«¡pronto!», «¡en seguida!», «¡ya!»- nuncios de dichas
colman el aire, lo vuelven promesa.
Pero la anunciación jamás se cumple:
la que aguardaba el éxtasis, doncella,
se quedará en su orilla, para siempre
entre su cuerpo y Dios alma suspensa.
¡Qué de esparcidas ruinas de futuro
por todo alrededor, sin que se vean!
Primer beso de amantes incipientes.
¡Asombro! ¿Es obra humana tanto gozo?
¿Podrán los labios repetirlo?  Vuelan
hacia el segundo beso; más que beso,
claridad quieren, buscan la certeza
alegre de su don de hacer milagros
donde las bocas férvidas se encuentran.
¿ Por qué si ya los hálitos se juntan
los labios a posarse nunca llegan?
Tan al borde del beso, no se besan.
Obediente al ardor de un mediodía
la moza muerde ya la fruta nueva.
La boca anhela el más celado jugo;
del anhelo no pasa.  Se le niega
cuando el labio presiente su dulzura
la condensada dentro, primavera,
pulpas de mayo, azúcares de junio,
día a día sumados a la almendra.
Consumación feliz de tanta ruta,
último paso, amante, pie en el aire,
que trae amor adonde amor espera.
Tiembla Julieta de Romeos próximos,
ya abre el alma a Calixto, Melibea.
Pero el paso final no encuentra suelo.
¿Dónde, si se hunde el mundo en la tiniebla,
si ya es nada Verona, y si no hay huerto?
De imposibles se vuelve la pareja.
¿Y esa mano -¿de quién?-, la mano trunca
blanca, en el suelo, sin su brazo, huérfana,
que buscas en el rosal la única abierta,
y cuando ya la alcanza por el tallo
se desprende, dejándose a la rosa,
sin conocer los ojos de su dueña?
¡Cimeras alegrías tremolantes,
gozo inmediato, pasmo que se acerca:
la frase más difícil, la penúltima,
la que lleva, derecho, hasta el acierto,
perfección vislumbrada, nunca nuestra!
¡Imágenes que inclinan su hermosura
sobre espejos que nunca las reflejan!
¡Qué cadáver ingrávido: una mañana
que muere al filo de su aurora cierta!
Vísperas son capullos. Sí, de dichas;
sí, de tiempo, futuros en capullos.
¡Tan hermosas, las vísperas!
                                                          ¡Y muertas!¿Se puede hacer más daño, allí en la Tierra?
Polvo que se levanta de la ruina,
humo del sacrificio, vaho de escombros
dice que sí se puede.  Que hay más pena.
Vasto ayer que se queda sin presente,
vida inmolada en aparentes piedras.
¡Tanto afinar la gracia de los fustes
contra la selva tenebrosa alzados
de donde el miedo viene al alma, pánico!
Junto a un altar de azul, de ola y espuma,
el pensar y la piedra se desposan;
el mármol, que era blanco, es ya blancura.
Alborean columnas por el mundo,
ofreciéndole un orden a la aurora.
No terror, calma pura da este bosque,
de noble savia pórtico.
Vientos y vientos de dos mil otoños
con hojas de esta selva inmarcesible
quisieran aumentar sus hojarascas.
Rectos embisten, curvas les engañan.
Sin botín huyen. ¿Dónde está su fronda?
No pájaros, sus copas, procesiones
de doncellas mantienen en lo alto,
que atraviesan el tiempo, sin moverse.
Este espacio que no era más que espacio
a nadie dedicado, aire en vacío,
la lenta cantería lo redime
piedras poniendo, de oro, sobre piedras,
de aquella indiferencia sin plegaria.
Fiera luz, la del sumo mediodía,
claridad, toda hueca, de tan clara
va aprendiendo, ceñida entre altos muros
mansedumbres, dulzuras; ya es misterio.
Cantan coral callado las ojivas.
Flechas de alba cruzan por los santos
incorpóreos, no hieren, les traen vida
de colores.  La noche se la quita.
La bóveda, al cerrarse abre más cielo.
Y en la hermosura vasta de estos límites
siente el alma que nada la termina.
Tierra sin forma, pobre arcilla; ahora
el torno la conduce hasta su auge:
suave concavidad, nido de dioses.
Poseidón, Venus, Iris, sus siluetas
en su seno se posan.  A esta crátera
ojos, siempre sedientos, a abrevarse
vienen de agua de mito, inagotable.
Guarda la copa en este fondo oscuro
callado resplandor, eco de Olimpo.
Frágil materia es, mas se acomodan
los dioses, los eternos, en su círculo.
Y así, con lentitud que no descansa,
por las obras del hombre se hace el tiempo
profusión fabulosa.  Cuando rueda
el mundo, tesorero, va sumando
-en cada vuelta gana una hermosura-
a belleza de ayer, belleza inédita.
Sobre sus hombros gráciles las horas
dádivas imprevistas acarrean.
¿Vida?  Invención, hallazgo, lo que es
hoy a las cuatro, y a las tres no era.
Gozo de ver que si se marchan unas
trasponiendo la ceja de la tarde,
por el nocturno alcor otras se acercan.
Tiempo, fila de gracias que no cesa.
¡Qué alegría, saber que en cada hora
algo que está viniendo nos espera!
Ninguna ociosa, cada cual su don;
ninguna avara, todo nos lo entregan.
Por las manos que abren somos ricos
y en el regazo, Tierra, de este mundo
dejando van sin pausa
novísimos presentes: diferencias.
¿Flor?  Flores. ¡Qué sinfín de flores, flor!
Todo, en lo igual, distinto: primavera.
Cuando se ve la Tierra amanecerse
se siente más feliz.  La luz que llega
a estrecharle las obras que este día
la acrece su plural. ¡Es más diversa!El cero cae sobre ellas.
Ya no las veo, a las muchas,
las bellísimas, deshechas,
en esa desgarradora
unidad que las confunde,
en la nada, en la escombrera.
Por el escombro busco yo a mis muertos;
más me duele su ser tan invisibles.
Nadie los ve: lo que se ve son formas
truncas; prodigios eran, singulares,
que retornan, vencidos, a su piedra.
Muertos añosos, muertos a lo lejos,
cadáveres perdidos,
en ignorado osario perfecciona
la Tierra, lentamente, su esqueleto.
Su muerte fue hace mucho.  Esperanzada
en no morir, su muerte. Ánima dieron
a masas que yacían en canteras.
Muchas piedras llenaron de temblores.
Mineral que camina hacia la imagen,
misteriosa tibieza, ya corriendo
por las vetas del mármol,
cuando, curva tras curva, se le empuja
hacia su más, a ser pecho de ninfa.
Piedra que late así con un latido
de carne que no es suya, entra en el juego
-ruleta son las horas y los días-:
el jugarse a la nada, o a lo eterno
el caudal de sus formas confiado:
el alma de los hombres, sus autores.
Si es su bulto de carne fugitivo,
ella queda detrás, la salvadora
roca, hija de sus manos, fidelísima,
que acepta con marmóreo silencio
augusto compromiso: eternizarlos.
Menos morir, morir así: transbordo
de una carne terrena a bajel pétreo
que zarpa, sin más aire que le impulse
que un soplo, al expirar, último aliento.
Travesía que empieza, rumbo a siempre;
la brújula no sirve, hay otro norte
que no confía a mapas su secreto;
misteriosos pilotos invisibles,
desde tumbas los guían, mareantes
por aguja de fe, según luceros.
Balsa de dioses, ánfora.
Naves de salvación con un polícromo
velamen de vidrieras, y sus cuentos
mármol, que flota porque vista de Venus.
Naos prodigiosas, sin cesar hendiendo
inmóviles, con proas tajadoras
auroras y crepúsculos, espumas
del tumbo de los años; años, olas
por los siglos alzándose y rompiendo.
Peripecia suprema día y noche,
navegar tesonero
empujado por racha que no atregua:
negación del morir, ansia de vida,
dando sus velas, piedras, a los vientos.
Armadas extrañísimas de afanes,
galeras, no de vivos, no de muertos,
tripulaciones de querencias puras,
incansables remeros,
cada cual con su remo, lo que hizo,
soñando en recalar en la celeste
ensenada segura, la que está
detrás, salva, del tiempo.¡Y todos, ahora, todos,
qué naufragio total, en este escombro!
No tibios, no despedazados miembros
me piden compasión, desde la ruina:
de carne antigua voz antigua, oigo.
Desgarrada blancura, torso abierto,
aquí, a mis pies, informe.
Fue ninfa geométrica, columna.
El corazón que acaban de matarle,
Leucipo, pitagórico,
calculador de sueños, arquitecto,
de su pecho lo fue pasando a mármoles.
Y así, edad tras edad, en estas cándidas
hijas de su diseño
su vivir se salvó.  Todo invisible,
su pálpito y su fuego.
Y ellas abstractos bultos se fingían,
pura piedra, columnas sin misterio.
Más duelo, más allá: serafín trunco,
ángel a trozos, roto mensajero.
Quebrada en seis pedazos
sonrisa, que anunciaba, por el suelo.
Entre el polvo guedejas
de rubia piedra, pelo tan sedeño
que el sol se lo atusaba a cada aurora
con sus dedos primeros.
Alas yacen usadas a lo altísimo,
en barro acaba su plumaje célico.
(A estas plumas del ángel desalado
encomendó su vuelo
sobre los siglos el hermano Pablo,
dulce monje cantero).
Sigo escombro adelante, solo, solo.
Hollando voy los restos
de tantas perfecciones abolidas.
Años, siglos, por siglos acudieron
aquí, a posarse en ellas; rezumaban
arcillas o granitos,
linajes de humedad, frescor edénico.
No piso la materia; en su pedriza
piso al mayor dolor, tiempo deshecho.
Tiempo divino que llegó a ser tiempo
poco a poco, mañana tras su aurora,
mediodía camino de su véspero,
estío que se junta con otoño,
primaveras sumadas al invierno.
Años que nada saben de sus números,
llegándose, marchándose sin prisa,
sol que sale, sol puesto,
artificio diario, lenta rueda
que va subiendo al hombre hasta su cielo.
Piso añicos de tiempo.
Camino sobre anhelos hechos trizas,
sobre los días lentos
que le costó al cincel llegar al ángel;
sobre ardorosas noches,
con el ardor ardidas del desvelo
que en la alta madrugada da, por fin,
con el contorno exacto de su empeño...
Hollando voy las horas jubilares:
triunfo, toque final, remate, término
cuando ya, por constancia o por milagro,
obra se acaba que empezó proyecto.
Lo que era suma en un instante es polvo.
¡Qué derroche de siglos, un momento!
No se derrumban piedras, no, ni imágenes;
lo que se viene abajo es esa hueste
de tercos defensores de sus sueños.
Tropa que dio batalla a las milicias
mudas, sin rostro, de la nada; ejército
que matando a un olvido cada día
conquistó lentamente los milenios.
Se abre por fin la tumba a que escaparon;
les llega aquí la muerte de que huyeron.
Ya encontré mi cadáver, el que lloro.
Cadáver de los muertos que vivían
salvados de sus cuerpos pasajeros.
Un gran silencio en el vacío oscuro,
un gran polvo de obras, triste incienso,
canto inaudito, funeral sin nadie.
Yo sólo le recuerdo, al impalpable,
al NO dicho a la muerte, sostenido
contra tiempo y marea: ése es el muerto.
Soy la sombra que busca en la escombrera.
Con sus siete dolores cada una
mil soledades vienen a mi encuentro.
Hay un crucificado que agoniza
en desolado Gólgota de escombros,
de su cruz separado, cara al cielo.
Como no tiene cruz parece un hombre.
Pero aúlla un perro, un infinito perro
-inmenso aullar nocturno ¿desde dónde?-,
voz clamante entre ruinas por su Dueño.
Seema Sep 2017 he said
You are the jewel in the crown
Skin so smooth, almond like brown
Teeth white as the winter snow
To you my princess, I kneel to bow

...and she replied**
If I am the jewel in the crown
I belong to a King not you clown
If my skin is smooth and brown
Why do you wag your tail around?
If my teeth is white like snow
So what! Why can't you understand my 'No'
Calling me a princess and bowing is fine
But if you try crossing your flirting line
My slap will turn your face red to shine!
Don't bother me, spoilt creatures,
Else you'll be counting your infinite stitches!
Move away, I am not here for roadside speeches
Else you'll be pushed in the ***** pool of leeches...BEHIND YOU!

Fun write
Dallas Apr 2017
I hate how they never warn little girls
to beware the pretty boys
with eyes like gleaming jewels.

The boys with soft smiles
and music in their laugh.

They never warn
of boys with pretty faces
and blackened hearts.

The boys that leave little girls
crying in the dark.
The ones with words like honey,
sickly sweet.

The princes with big money,
who we dream of sweeping us off our feet.

They never speak
of boys with danger in their eyes.
But beauty true blue.

Little girls are never told
of boys of silver and boys of gold.

The little kings,
with angel wings.
The little beast neither soft nor sweet.

The beauty bombshells,
the golden adonis’s.

They never speak of boys
who run like the winds
under their feet.

The boys who shine
like the stars in the sky.
The boys with the world in their grubby mitts.

The boys with lips like cotton candy,
and sins warm and rich.

The ones who have our
stomachs doing flips.
The ones who seem to have it all
shoulders back, standing tall.

They never caution of
little boys with clever minds
and nimble fingers.

Of boys with Shakespeare's sonnets in their hair
and love songs in their whispers.

But little girl,
I am telling you now.

Beware the pigtail pullers,
fear the little Romeos.
Heed the heartbreakers
Shun smooth talkers.

Little girl,
don’t give in.

Little girl,
fear their sins.

Little girl,
run away.

Little girl,
don’t stay to play.

Little girl,
don’t stop and stare.

Little girl,
don’t twirl your hair.

Little girl,
please, listen to me!

Little girl,
loath the charming pretty boys.
For they are like roses
and like roses
they have thorns.
Mya Nov 2018
Modern-day English

My promise to you is always to love,
I will endure quietly until the end.
You are like an elegant pure white dove,
I will be your lover and your best friend.
I will listen until tomorrows,
I will fight and I will always treasure.
You are as beautiful as a red rose,
It will be just me and you forever.
I will walk beside you hand in hand,
I will tend to you when you're in sorrow.
Cause you are my percussion to my band,
I’ll build you up from here until tomorrow.
I love your heart, your soul, and your singing,
Because you’re my favorite human being.


My Promise to you is always to love,
I shall endure anything until the end.
you are like an elegant pure white dove,
I shall be thy lover and thy bestest friend.

I shall listen from here to the tomorrows,
I shall protect you and I shall cherish your treasure.
thou art as quite beautiful as a red rose,
It will be just me and thee forever.

I shall walk beside you hand in hand,
I shall tend to you even if you are in sorrow.
Cause you are my percussion to my band,
I’ll build you up from here until tomorrow.

I love thy heart, thy soul, and thy singing,
because you’re my own favorite human being
Here are Romeos vows to Juliet in modern day English and Shakespearean. this is a Shakespearean sonnet.
kailasha Feb 2016
I won't be plucking off petals from my rose
like those lovesick Romeos and Juliets on park benches.
I don't need luck and petal symmetry to believe.

I won't litter the petals
like lipstick marks or blood stains on white sheets.
I won't be placing them in a vase half full,
that's temporary.

I have a better plan in mind,
a better way to immortalize
my rose. Deep within a gift,
pressed between pages
is a symbol of your love to me.
Harry J Baxter Mar 2013
You said you loved me
I said I loved you too
So that's it right?
End of story
they all lived happily ever after
except not really
the miles between us
care little for
teenagers who think they are in love
It has been jaded by too many
psuedo-Romeos and Juliets
Who get all caught up
in idealistic notions of love
but **** the road
we aren't like them
we are true
and we are strong
aren't we?
and I would bridge the gap
there's nothing keeping me here
except my signature
on the lease of my apartment
and of course
I love this city
and I think living in Harrisonburg
would only end up with my suicide
but some times I just think **** it
who's stopping you
even if everybody says it's a bad idea
isn't that what being young is all about?
making really dumb decisions?
Gilly Sama Jul 2016
I was the girl who doesn't exist in reality
He was the boy who is close to fantasy.
We are characters in a tragic love story;
Romeo was his first name
And Juliet was the girl who consumed me.

While Shakespeare's Juliet captured the heart of her Romeo,
My Romeo was stolen by somebody else.

We were living in two different worlds,
And the story of my life shows:
*"Not all Romeos and Juliets meet,
And I was that Juliet who never met her Romeo."
Ming Sama | July 19, 2016
anne collins Feb 2013
Scribbles and wine glasses lessen the barrage
of acid mist plastered against our glass facade
Subway stops and molecules would tear soul in few
Ripped ******* and mimosas remind me forcibly of you
Stand 4 and sodium
the swinging of the pendulum
Wishes and ***** dishes
Lost in New York City
The romeos say I'm so pretty
all is a dishonor
as time travels us farther
**** sonnets.
Sam Mar 2017
there's a game we all know
that has a Monopoly over us
that doesn't take a dice to throw
nor a score to plus

its the game of Hearts
sometimes complex like Draughts.
a game of straight flushing and great blushing
in spates of gushing or candid Candy crush Crushing

sometimes there's:
star crossed Starcraft lovers
two-per scenario Super Mario Brothers
and the game's
a Tetris tete a tete
a dual duel between two beating chests
each with a Chess set missing a King or Queen they've yet to get
Romeos and Juliets
though they've only just met

and other times;
we're just trying to Connect fo(u)r two seconds for once
in this scrabble scramble through life
Risking it all in the Trivial Pursuit
of trying to fit in the Sudoku
by following some pseudo social cues
of the games creator
that says we're failures
if we're not in 2player
from s to s
Wild ducks and grasses mingle so deeply this morn
I saw them beneath the blackish red sunny dawn
The sun rises behind the clouds, to cover it's face
And cry dip dip dip, now and then - this time anytime
Aroma has blown on the air, the message is floating
Everywhere: Night-birds --street-girls, drunk Romeos go back home
O old beggar mom, don't depart your dome and Starve today,
Let your breast-feeding baby quite in fasting by red eyes,
Pray rain, rain, rain, and raining today day and night
Drops on things anywhere, on wild geese, and on grass
My first English poetry
Leila Oct 2015
don't tell me what you think i already know
**** what you heard
I need you to give me your word
I need you to show respect
to forget that person you play on fb
spare me the weakass gobbledygook
i mean, I know its hard for you, havin to keep up with what you've said
tho ur perspectives never wrong..being a ******* angel and all with the heavens to dwell upon
but u still look down on me, on my mere morality to make u feel strong
oh beatified one, ur deeds maybe malicious but it's not ur fault
these things can't be helped when your the Earth's salt
and when im the godforsaken idiot who didn't highly enough exalt
your very presence, your every word
no wonder you had to talk all that ****
singing on cue like some sorta mocking bird
for production value - people love the script
a tragic comedy about how cruel it was and still is
that you had to even once suffer such a crisis
to suffer my love..all those weeks and with all depths of my heart and soul poured into my actions'd u not die? I see  now the sight of me begs for ur lies
the agonious torture of my unworthy flesh, my blood
of my existence, my name you drug thru the mud..where soon, unsoiled, a lotus will bud
however ur seemingly 'necessary' truth manufacturing to avoid drama
was unnessacry since ur sorry *** coulda saved us both some trauma
i mean i don't know, maybe you are a divine genius
cause we're both here on earth yet somehow u found nirvana
but I think ur thinking of the light of Venus
any heaven, like hell, is what u make if it
infinity has no tolerance for hubris
the highly evolved spirits, the Athenas, Pegasus', Ramas
Jesus', Mohamads, all the angels and prophets
are without being, no space or time can hold
yet ur convinced ur entitled to b idolized in gold
and theres nothing u can say u haven't already heard told
you know everything except for your own soul
which reflects badly on ur momma
Cause that ***** birthed your *******..como te llama?
te llamo un ****, just another ***, no ******* Romeos
so form now on I call you mi amigo perdido
cause if you ever come round my way again
ima squash you like I do a ***** **** blood ******* mosquito.
Matt Shade Jul 2014
One million and one tiny houses span this city
where one million unsatisfied lovers sleep.
Does Romeos childish grin see more
than these unlit brick roads reveal?
In darkness lovers die alone.
Oh Romeo,
          what did you find in her eyes tonight?
Kida Price Sep 2016
I remember all the "chosen ones"
All the ones that caught my eyes
I recall all of the villains
And the classic "nice guys"
I remember all the Romeos
The seducers and wooers alike
I knew all the "we're just friends"
And "love you like a brother" types
I remember all the gentlemen
The ones who held the door
I'm branded by the cretins though
And made of me a *****
I remember so many of the talking boys
The ones who needed to vent
They'd knew I never slept at night
And converse until the blackness was spent
I remember all the heartbreakers
And those few that never left
The randoms that came sneaking in
The ones who thought they knew best
I remember the wishful thinking
And the craving to catch your eyes
I acknowledge the reluctance of letting you go
And at times I never tried
I remember the lessons
And I repeat the mistakes
There're so many fish in the sea
And I only have a lake
Please remember that I loved you
Or I did the best that I could do
And if there's a part of you remembers me
Just know my memory is perfect too
anne collins Jan 2013
If your gilded hands touch another woman
Despite the cursed curves of the dark Romeos whom I devour
My disgrace will be blood and ribbon
Despite the sanctum I’ve discovered as a grave and guard tower
I suppose
While no one knows
All is mirth and jest
But you know
When the kingdom comes and goes
No ghosts remain at rest
**** sonnets.
Lottie Jan 2015
If the whole worlds a stage, shouldn't you have to pay to watch my show?
As the tempest whirls around us, don't we all wish for a prince to rock up and save us?
Or is Caliban searching and hoping we'll succumb
To the horrors that fall like stars.
In a midsummer nights dream, the boys are all beauties,
All blue eyes and magic and promise.
While he plays an ***, is he mirroring us?
As we double, double, toil and trouble,
The fire burning and bubbling in the inferno we call a heart.
We call out in the dark for our Romeos
Wanting to leave our names behind us
So watch as I unfurl
Like a lily on a pond
Eight petals,
Eight walls,
My globe,
My stage.
For mammy
ajit peter Nov 2016
Riddle me this my friend sweet
Look at my face, every day we meet
Thirteen the number You cant find
Who am I tell me do, what i have in mind

Riddle me this my friend sweet
I come with a friend to light the heat
Scratch my head I turn dark
Tell me now to earn your mark

Riddle me this my friend sweet
Waiting for you with a fleet
Bringing joy in the night
Try to count me you wont get it right

Riddle me this my friend sweet
Let us go for a  walk in the street
Let me lift you to the sky high
Romeos in the street to give a sigh

The riddles over my friend sweet
Find the answer I give a treat
If you can do not run
Tell it to others and share the fun
Beer bellied Romeos stepping up to the ****** trough so their three inch piece of manhood can stand up , wives in line two picking up Xanax for the month to remove all memory of Studs ****** inclination ..Morbidly obese people jamming garbage into their buggies with a case of Diet Coke on top to avoid excess sugar ? Suits with their cell phones pressed against their ears , getting the Tuesday night grocery list sorted out , wishing they could be anywhere else but here ! Fifteen cash registers , three open , twenty people waiting their turn....A bank conveniently located here to get the cash , to buy the trash , that makes you ill , got to get " the pills " from the friendly pharmacist running the drug mill here in Grocery We Got it All Heaven for cattle , looking like their in line to be branded people like you and I , checking off a list , loading our metal wagons , in our own little world , bombarded by marketing ne'er do wells , stacking high dollar items where a child looks directly at them ! Every **** item in the store is apparently discounted ! Save ! Save ! Save is printed everywhere ! Nobody's being saved here for sure !..Later ..
Copyright October 10 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Aya Baker Sep 2013
we should have queried the lady moon

oh all our lives they end too soon

she’s seen the romeos and the juliets
is our love forever or are we done yet?

she’s like an ivory dragon in the sky
watching over us she will cry
she knows how this goes, the way the water flows

oh how i wish i could keep her company
sell your secrets and we’ll write you a symphony
Romeos  never come too late
to rescue your Juliets
Juliets don’t wait in vain.
Life is too precious.

Shell ✨🐚
Priorities in life!! The years are passing by much faster then you think!!
Always try to do your best. Be happy.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
You're on many meeting sites.
Trying to find someone to give your heart too.
But with all the compettion sites.
Why be surprised to see someone's using you?

The schemes and the games of lines they uses upon you.
They saying them all repetiously to them too.
You look great.
You're the one I need.
You make my life totally complete.
You're what was missing in my life?

The con artist knows the ways to your heart.
All because you open it up for them to enter in.
Erroll Flynn or Valentino was considered romeos.

Same type of guys women chase and wants to know.
Then complains about when getting used.
We all are tools to a fool.
Used for all purposes when needed.

Life is for living and learning.
KC Cabauatan Jun 2015
Flowers, candies and things so dear,
Poems and paeans, you won’t even care to hear;
I used to yearn for you and sing you lullabies
But now dear fickle, I’m bidding you good bye;

Gone now, are the roses and chocolates
and then again, sweet nothings and moonlit dates
Forget about fairy tales and Cupid’s arrows
**** those subtle lies, stupid Romeos borrow

Another listless prose, as it may seem,
No flowery thoughts, nor sugar and cream;
Only stale and rancid caffeine boost,
One thing my dear, for all of these, all is still not lost.

No ifs and buts, and secrets left unspoken,
Only heartaches untended and promises broken.
Vague delusions of happy endings come to nothing;
One kiss good-bye isn’t even worth remembering.
Akira Chinen Apr 2018
It was a trick of the light
and a play on words
and the curtain call came late
and the actors forgot their throats
and the dancers could not find their feet

the mad men were taken by sanity
and the poets came down
with respectful writing jobs
and the stage was still a world
but the audience was bored

the earth was skipping
on a broken turntable
but the wax was lost
with the death of the bee

the milk of human kindness
oddly enough
didn’t taste as good
when not stolen from the cow
and I guess that should be expected
from a species that hoarded
the trademark of kindness
and then locked it behind bars
of fear and mistrust

don’t believe what you see
and don’t talk to people who are strange
and most importantly
just do as you are told
until you are dumb and deaf and old

a quite cog and silent spring
won’t wake the dead
keep all your dreaming monsters
inside your head

its all just for show
hush that little voice
and enjoy the ride
it’s a simple fact of life
why resist when we’re all
just going to die

actors in cages
pretending to live free
reciting our lines
there’s no place like home

if home is where the heart is
why does it sound like
our hearts are beating
from the palm of the devils hand

It was just a trick of words
as they played with our lives
and slit our throats
and bound our feet
dead marionettes strutting like Romeos
waiting to die by the suicide of our Juliets

romance is only beautiful
in the humor and satire of tragedy
its irony without iron
a bullet without a gun
a trick of the light
as we play with our words
and forget about love
antxthesis Jun 2014
I’ve never really thought about what that “special day” really meant,
Never really thought of how it would feel,
To bed red with “love”,
Even love-making would be red.
All I ever really did was
Spin up images of the day, in the desert of my mind,
So inexperienced and innocent,
In need of some sort of fluid
To water its parched fields.
Lovers exchanging boxes of chocolate
Roses dug up from fresh earth,
Sent off in packages
Even little boys sent notes to their admirers
In third grade.
Old couples reminisce about how they met
Teenage Juliets sneak out when the moon’s at its peak,
To meet their Romeos
And watch clichéd movies,
About this “special day”
And end the night
In bed together
sharing chocolates.
Juliet’s heart’s racing ‘cause he said “I love you”.
How foolish..
You just met him two days ago,
He just wants a piece of you cake
If not, all...
Never really gotten the gist of this “Valentine’s Day”
Why show love one day, in a year of 365 days?
What’s so special about the 14th of February?
Why not treat him or her special 365 days?
Why not treat him or her like crap 365 days?
Makes sense doesn’t it?
Blackhole Soul Mar 2015
Begging for the light
some beautiful sight
But the times never right
and time is a fright

trapped in an ocean
currents in constant motion
Craving Romeos potion
Desiring a loving notion

No up no down
and darkness surround
lusting for the feel of ground
and all the earthly sounds

Knowing of but never seeing
The legend, the happy being
knowing not of a darkened feeling
to meet he i must stop fleeing
mark fishbein Mar 2018
Just plain ***** are the boisterous birds;
All day and all night singing the blues,
The fly me to the moon serenades,
Like Verdi Romeos by the balcony
And Juliets with romantic eyes

O baybah baybah baybah,
My mistress mine, my coy sir,
Embrace me with thy soft feathers
And puteth claws on my shoulder.
O feel my smooth beak sing
Praises on your wings
As we copulate on a cloud,
And take what the rainbow brings.

Perverted pigeons, seductive doves,
All you oversexed dinosaurs,
Is there nothing but that nasty thing?
Could you ever learn to sing of love?

Ah, Love, birds really love?
I dare not assume to know.  
Yet I hear such longing in their songs
Like troubadours or rock and rollers
Chirping in the mating season.
Inspired by this text:
“Happy but sad I sing of love,
  joyful from woe, weaving my song:
  through longing alone can one hear.”
  Wagner, The Wood Bird, sung to Siegfried, act II
In the opera.  Siegfried slays the dragon and tastes some of its blood. In doing so he is able to understand the language of birds.
Eugene Apr 2018
So, I murdered a sonnet,
closed him up in a bonnet and left
him to charge me of ****** in 14 lines.
Well it was the length of his words against mine!!!
I shot him with an illegal firearm that
I always used to clothe my arm before I
slaughtered pages,
his shadow was always clothed in suits,
yet his existence so meaningless,
a privileged vocabulary,
well he couldn't fit into the ghetto,
the expressions that reeked blood,
the metaphors that hid black dead slaves,
the rhymes that had discords because a lot
of voices spoke,
I could not imprison those stories in
those white lies,
sorry I mean 14 lines.
I designed his corpse in a body bag,
recited his obituary on poetry stages whilst
my black toes knocked the ground,
the lies enveloped within his lies,
he spoke of bedbugs, Romeos and Juliets,
thus and thus,
I stopped, for his truth was attributed with grotesque lies.

So, I tried to bleach my eyes,
just to try and see the color of his reality,
I tried to express his stories,
but he kept calling my people Othello’s cousins,
he categorized them as kaffirs,
he spoke of thanksgiving, but my lips
shaded with melanin bit themselves because I kept wondering
what my black folks would thank anyone for,
they have been taught to
hang from strong lines that hug their throats,
painted on headlines with RIP hashtags,
so, if a Poet like me would spice up their obituaries with
punchlines maybe they would use
those lines to charm St Peters at Heaven's gates.
I feel like our ancestors have sold us to
death on the other side.
I have grown tired of plucking dreams from
buried graves at feared cemeteries,
speaking to tombstones that are support structures to
dry roses, wilted lilies,
blooming thorns,
so, would you blame me for murdering
a 14-line year old *******,
Shakespeare's child.
So, justify me in the Poetry court of
elite critiques.
By the way I plucked Mr. Sonnet's *******,
they were too pointy,
I think he was too ***** to be a Poem...

I cut his blonde hair,
and it’s now a mop for my bathroom mess,
I forgot to feed him his own ******,
maybe he would've understood what kind of
seeds he fed to these dead Poets societies.

So, I guess I'm already guilty
to some Jury poetry group,
so please sentence me to fourteen lines
behind poetry bars,
maybe I'll come out rehabilitated of my ghetto
lines, or sit me on electric chairs,
guess what, those have become our thrones,
no one notices our pride,
no one sees our poetry lines as power lines,
we cannot even feed our families with these
we were born as street poets,
pirates of the pages,
the ones who hold pens beside pistols,
stop signs and zebra lines don't
really stop us from reaching the
Shangri-Las and Nirvanas of street word.

So, I killed a Sonnet and
buried him in my head's bonnet,
no guilt though,
but he's always behind every thought I embrace,
behind my head!!!
#RIP...... hope they write about you
wherever you are...
JP Nov 2017
Princess came back
few thousand years
She saw a bus stand
in the place of the pond and
some jobless
instead of frog..
Her name was _.
A 'Queen Elizabeth I' wannabe wearing denim -
jeans with a Humble Pie t-shirt ...
A burgeoning ******* who ruled the cul-de-sac with -
long flowing hair , cobalt blue eyes and backseat tricks ..                  
She barely recognized the losers ,
a club I reluctantly commanded ..
Her Knights were the "adults" , the -
"cig" smokers , the acid rockers and the
May Jane enchanted ..
Alas , love in '78 could be hit or miss ,                                                        
those ignorant uninformed romeos awaiting the revelations of a petri dish ..
Copyright February 13 , 2024 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
John F McCullagh Feb 2018
The candy filled hearts pile up unsold, and roses go on sale.
A state of deep distrust divides the female and male.
Would-be Romeos instead watch **** and take no lover to their bed.
All complements are misconstrued and hugs become a source of dread.
It’s all too easy to lose your job for posts you made or words you said.

Our human nature is demeaned; each overture imposes risk.
Males are viewed as predators. The zeitgeist changes can’t be missed.
Before you kiss your Tinder date- get signed consent, you must insist.
If not, she might have second thoughts and your name gets added to the list.

It reminds me of McCarthy’s time when left of center was a crime
Actors and artists were dismissed; their names were added to black lists.
Another witch-hunt has begun; this time it is a war on fun.
Flirtation may lead to citation. Romance is a risky proposition.
To risk your heart seems a suicide mission.
The humorist and social commentator  Mort Sahl once observed "The bravest thing a man can do is to love a woman."   Mort didn't know the half of it.   This is a risky topic to broach and I run the risk of alienating half my meager audience. Copernicus was smarter than me, waiting until he was dead to have his observations published.   Romeoville is an actual town near Chicago but here it is just a metaphor.

— The End —