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Behold the One with the Aries, the Ward of Santa Muerte
Our 16th President voted by 16 million Filipinos this 2016
The 1st President from Mindanao from being Mayor of Davao…Duterte!

He is One with MiJoRdGr (Miriam, Jojo, Rody, Grace)
The 4 Opposition Presidentiables who defeated Mar Roxas
And brought Liberal Party its great disgrace!

The One with the Aries from the Land with War
The Land of Promise – feared by typhoons, but filled with goons
So from her came a Liberator among MiJoRdGr!

That this One should war with our nation’s greatest horrors
-Drug Lords, Liberals, Treasoners, Criminals & Terrorists-
These powerful entities to our history are desecrators!

So by being one with lawmakers, law enforcers & lawful people
By the overwhelming power of the Supermajority
Our country’s greatest terrors…Du30 shall conquer them all!

But first, he must defeat his detractors – Leila, Leni & Trillanes
These triple crooks who want to topple the government
Are also said to be conspiring with EU, UN & US!

Yet with Trump’s triumph, US is no longer an enemy
Our American hatred weakened, our Chinese friendship strengthened
As it established great friendship with Pres. Du30!

Do not emulate the girl power of those Liberal crooks
We got an Olympic medalist Heidilyn & Ms. International 2016
But Leila & Leni?...Can only ruin our country…like blasted nukes!

Do not worry for we have Pacquiao as still winner & role model
Alongwith Gen. Bato, a victim of yellow washing machine
But these Pro-Du30 men…to criminals tough, to innocents gentle!

May God allow this True Change to take place with continuity
Let Pres. Duterte lead us for many more years to come
For the Supermajority, for you & me… for our country!

*Our Golden Times During PDu30
My Poem No. 536
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Dear Pres. Obama,

Need a favor!

My business is falling apart.
Pretty sure, I'm going to get fired.

Can I borrow your
"I blame the Republicans for everything" speech?
Don't worry, I took a poll first.
Your approval ratings won't be hurt, cause they can't go any lower.

Yours truly,
A registered Democrat.
Can we get a leader whatever party, to accept responsibility.
zebra Jan 2017
you are the Pres
Oh Donald Trump
it seems like America
has hit a bump

your pitiful braggart
mean as a cuss
a bludgeon for a mouth
with a mind full a ****

its understood
you hate the press
you like the shadows
to relieve your stress

well big boy
you are the man
some people say
your loved by the clan

thanks for telling us
about the size of your *****
while conservatives smile
and give it a lick

your a star studded pageant
of confusion and lies
do you work for Putin
are you one of his spies

show us your taxes
are you a ***** for a foe
are you owned by a devil
we need to know

your purging the swamp
is that what you say
Exxon and Goldman-sax
so thats how you play

you talk so big
why not give it a rest
lets see what you can do
besides be a pest

it doesn't bode well
that you don't pay your bills
let subcontractors go under
so what if it kills

break up some families
of Latin decent
with a heart like a razor
are you really that bent

are you big blabber mouth
but don't a have clue
about our constitution
that keeps us true

we trust you completely
let your kids to the job
no problem at all
are you still friends with the mob

are ethics for others
ah to hard for Trump
will America wither
are you cancerous lump

we need some one
who can help us out
not a reckless fool
that fills us with doubt

you are the Pres
Oh Donald Trump
it seems like America
has hit a bump
i like some of trumps basic ideas..infra structure ..bringing back mfg jobs... i don't think hes sane...capable of objective clear thinking....hes uninformed ......mentally slow...incapable of understanding nuance....  a  blunderer.. wreck-less and a compulsive lier......his tax returns remain critical and that he wont show them implies deceit and theres plenty of evidence that hes a kleptomaniac..making bad loans to the point that no bank in the USA will do business with him any more
In short i deeply feel hes a nightmare because
to Donald Trump
facts cease to matter
when he speaks
we don't hear  
a thoughtful
well reasoned statesmen
but the reflections of a disturbed
seemingly deeply subjective
and twisted consciousness  
driven towards the mind set  
of a kleptocrat
Angel of the dark,

My night is lone-ly
-and I'm distended,
still find me comely?
Our world's upended.

Such a pressure
pres-sure of pain
Where is Lion?
I miss his mane.

Angel of the dark,

Spirit of night
holder of the mark.
Such a pressure
pressure of the pain.
Long dead my lion...
-no comfort-ting

Angel of the dark,

Angel of the dark,

Invite no pressure here
take away my pain.
Only a child soon
-only a name.

Angel of the dark!

Angel of the dark!

i l l u m i n t a t e d mark.
fall away my heart,

-still I have you angel...


-still I have you angel...

My Angel of the dark.
What is love? When the Woman of Revelations lies with the Beast is that not also love? When he leaves her to the wilderness after conception to carry their child to term, he abandons her; is that not love? For surely to walk around in public, woman with child, beast with hand, would that not invite destruction? Wonder how lonely and sad this woman, whom will affect the world in a way no woman ever will again, who carries such a burden, does it all alone; what is her swan song? The Devil is only with us because the Lord created him. Ever wonder why the Dragon would be waiting to consume his own child at birth? Would that not end the prophecy instead of fulfilling it? In ancient times, "dragon," was a synonym for, "king." Who might be considered the King of the World in modern times? Wouldn't that be The President of the United States? The so-called, "leader of the free world," head of the, "world's greatest christian nation?" Imagine the sadness of having the entire world seeking the death of your baby. Sacrificed to Moloch, a word which means, "King," and in the Middle East languages, "Angel." How ironic.
Neville Johnson Jan 2019
Sue Venir loved Hugh Biquitous, but he was unreliable, so she confided this to her friend, Di Namic who confirmed he’d been seen with Penny Farthing and Miss Chevous. Then she ran into Ken Tucky, who’d just broken up with Jen Erator, and was known to hang with Mel N. Choly. Together, they and Dan Ube went to a party thrown by Perry Winkle at the house of Dana Point.

Con Valescence introduced Sue to Marine Layer who asked Mr. Tucky to join the conversation, and they’ve been conversing ever since. Lou Kemia couldn’t make the party as he was ill. This was confirmed by Nick Knack who’d been informed by Conrad Alert.

Penny Saver left early, heading over to the home of I. Stan Bul, who was throwing a celebration in honor of Hazel Nuts and Grant N. Aid, who were to be married by Will Power, though Miss Givings, his former girlfriend, did not approve. Celebrants included Buzz Saw, Ma Larkey, Ben E. Diction, ***** Pack and of course Ann I. Versary, who deemed it worthy of being remembered. Tom Foolery was always good for a laugh, which was appreciated by Art I. Face, Dee Vice and Tess Osterone.

Some chose to dine alfresco, notably Flora Fauna, Heidi **, and Ed U. Cate. Barb Ituate was a downer, though Ma Larkey tried to cheer her up, watched by Cliff Hanger who wanted to see what happened, until a dispute arose between Ana Conda and Ann Ticipation, who’d both been vying for the attention of Billy Goat.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Terry Dactyl was in a dispute with Billy Club over Lilly White because of something Miss Conception had reported after hearing from that duo, Caesar Salad and Reuben Sandwich.

Junior Mints tried to mollify the situation with sugary statements, but was interrupted by Yuri Nal, who said he had to go, and then left with Jay Walking and they were off to congregate with Diane Tomeetya.

At the next table General Jive held court in a warlike mood,  that Cary Cature tried to lighten.  With them were Tex Arcana, whose accent was amusing to Bill Collector, Al Gorythm, Tim Buktu and Marv E. Lous, who always had a great time wherever he went.

By then, Bobby Pin, the luscious seamstress, had given up on Peter D. Out, after seeing him clowning around with Butch Wax and Slim N. None, all of them malcontents and disrupters.

In walked Daisy Chain, newly arrived  from the Southern Hemisphere, along with Sydney Australia. Klaus Trophobic had initially agreed to travel with the two of them, but said he had to stay at home. Frank O’Phile overhead this and confided to Phil O’Sophically that there is sometimes merit to such position.

The restaurant was owned by Ty ****, managed by Chuck Wagon, with the food delivered by waiters Clay *** and Terry Aki , assisted by busboyTara Misou.

The next morning, everyone gathered at the home of Dawn Patrol, who was there with her new husband, Earnest Money, after divorcing Perry Mutual. Deb Enture was her maid of honor.  Nick O’Time was nearly late to the party, driving in with Stu Debaker, via a shaky Uber driver named Manuel Shifting.

Al Acrity was his usual sunny self, but not when Den O’Thieves interrupted his conversation, which was shut down by Kay O.

Sherman Oaks and Van Nuys were late, having gotten mixed up on the location. Cliff Hanger was worried about the falling stock market, and as a result was getting drunk with Jack Daniels. Stan Dup was his usually assertive self, but was overshadowed by the always munificent Cy Pres.

Claude Hopper was dressed in yesterdays’ styles, but that didn’t matter to Dov Tail who  was going into business with Matt Chabox, known for his incendiary personality. They had two other partners to round the group out, **** Ular and Ben E. Fit.

Gar Gantuan loomed large, and was unstable when paired with Mo Mentum, who said in such situations, they needed to involve Otto Matic.

Terry Cloth was wrapped around Jan U. Ary, ogled by Barbie Queue and Coleman Lantern.
sharpcastuser Nov 2011
A beacon of light in darkness
Radiating its energy
Defining each object in its colors
Standing out from all others
Emitting rays of hope
Fails me not on stormy nights
Burning bright and glimmering
Through the sconce on the wall
The lamp, like a shining star
Brings warmth to my soul

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
In this poem, the triggering subject is the lamp. The generated subject is hope. Movement is created by association.
Sam Barger Dec 2013
So no one told you **** was gonna cost this much (clap clap clap clap) Your jobs a joke, you're broke, Can't even buy some lunch. It's like you're always stuck to scraping rez, But, When you can't afford **** or food, you can thank our Pres-i-dent, But, I will smoke with you, until my baggy is no more, I will smoke with you, like I've smoked you up before, I will smoke with you, Because you've smoked with me too.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
(Intending to ink this early Sunday evening, twas useful I didn't....


Think:  "they said twas a war-time measure..." pale
Skies washed of clouds as golden light from hence
Bathes these lost wastes with April's freighted sense
Of violets just in tow; as blue heavns hail
The dinner table set with plates t'avail
Our refried beans, cheese, yoghurt, chips fr'intents,
Where all have better things to do, pretense
Trimmed to half curtsy whiles I search for bail.
So I dined when the clock said "now." in tour,
And yearn to linger, watching those deep blue
Heavns which cull shadows to cavort as twere
In Sunday evning's calm.  Yet that won't do.
I wash the dishes; study all, then fer
Whatever, scamper off til gloaming'd woo.

...since President Trump tweeted Monday morning.)
bucky Aug 2014
step 1: de·ni·al
the action of declaring something to be untrue.
i thought about sending you an email today.
i got through four drafts before i quit.
i haven't talked to you in three months. i haven't deleted your messages in three months. i haven't stopped thinking about you in three months. my heart is still synced with yours. it stopped beating 131,487 minutes ago. please leave a message after the beep.

step 2: an·ger
a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
i'm glad you're gone. you were a house but you were never a home for me. i've moved three times since i left.
you shoved your fingers down my throat and left me retching in the snow, excuses tripping on their way out of your cherry bitten lips.
you made me your slaughterhouse, blood on my hands and heart.
i am made of too many things, a conglomeration the size of a galaxy, thirty people sewn into my skin. there is a hole in my chest the size of your fist. please leave a message after the beep.

step 3: bar·gain
negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.
(maybe if i had loved you a little less you would have learned to love me back)

step 4: de·pres·sion
severe despondency and dejection, typically felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.
i spent more time thinking about you than i ever did about myself. i'm not sure if this is selfish or selfless and i'm not sure if i know the difference. i hung up on you once and you didn't speak to me for a week and i'm not sure if this is love or hatred and i'm not sure if i know the difference. i haven't spoken to you in seven months. please leave a message after the beep.

step 5: ac·cept·ance
agreement with or belief in an idea, opinion, or explanation.**
you told me that acceptance was the same as tolerance.
i don't think i believe you.
i haven't spoken to you in twelve months.
please leave a message after the beep.
if i put your name in an anagram and showed it to you would you remember a thing
Unang nakilala sa Araling Panlipunan
Sa mga libro’t **** na siya’y ipinangaral
‘Sang simpleng maybahay na tanghal ng kasaysayan
Babaeng sinipa diktaduryang pinairal…

Sa kanyang panahon, ako’y ‘lang malay na musmos
Pulitika, bansa – ano’ng pakialam ko diyan?
Sa unting pagkagulang naunawaang lubos
Bansang hinayupak, pulitika’y pandirian!

Saksi kung paano ang mga hayok na tao
Na parang tubig ang kapangyarihang inuhaw
Lalo na yung mga sa trono ay nakaupo
Daig pa ang mga busabos na magnanakaw!

Mga namulatang pagluklok sa sinadlakan
Ng mga itinuring na pinuno ng bansa
Bahid ng anomalya’t ano pang karumihan
Maliban sa isa na dapat ipagdakila.

Ang nasabing pagluklok ipinagmalaki
Maging ibang bansa’y hinuwaran, itinulad
Ang Lakas ng Bayan nating ipinagpunyagi
Nagpanumbalik sa demokrasyang hinahangad.

Iyon ay dahil sa isang babaeng tumayo
Siya’y sagisag ng pag-asa’t demokrasya
Mapayapa’t malinis na inakyat ang trono
Hanggang kailan ang diktadurya kung siya ay wala?

At kahit wala na sa luklukang hinantungan
Nagsilbing halimbawa na nagmahal sa bansa
Nasilayan kong dinamayan niya’t kinalaban
Isa ring sa Pilipinas ngayon ay nagrereyna.

Sa kanyang paglisan sa mundong pinaglipasan
‘Di dapat kalimutan Dangal ng Pilipino
Itatak sa kasaysayan simple niyang pangalan
Corazon C. Aquino…Mahalagang Pangulo.

*written this day of Pres. Cory Aquino’s burial
My Poem No. 34
july hearne Sep 2018
i can't wait until we go through with 25A
once we remove trump from office
then ALL of our problems will go away
& world peace will be here to stay

i better start practicing telling everyone
what they can and can not say.
Sharde' Fultz Mar 2017
I decided I'm goin in.
Yall dun' slipped up and left me with a pen.
It seems lately I been under-drinkin'
Over-sober over-contemplating what's been really happening.

I'm usually a lot more subtle.

I give the benefit of the doubt like I'm a Catholic priest absolving ******' sins.
Confusing my honesty for reckless abandon-in
To your chagrin, just hecause you're unable to comprehend.

You don't move through this world in the shoes I'm in.

I bet no ones ever called you a sub-human.

Did that election make YOU question all your caucasian friends? Their motives, their thoughts, biases,
Lookin for Microaggressions?
Now those relationships are withered at the ends and it depends on larger hearts and open minds to try and mend and re-begin?
Because someone you love insulted ALL your kin.
Supporting someone who blatantly hates them.
Tunnel vision.Could only see what they wanted Sanctity of life only applies to babies aborted
Christians were thwarted!
How someone with a thumbs up from the Ku Klux have anything to do with what the Lord did?!

Granted, the deed is done and hey the truth is out!
They were wolves in sheep's clothes till the Pres. Came out
in broad daylight
He basically made it awright
to grossly generalize a race AND do so in plain sight
Now ALL the racist crazy folk are poppin  at the mouth.
On social media like the 50's in the segregated south,
Spewing hate behind a screename sittin' on they mama's couch
'cept we millenials are rowdy and we'll roll up at yo house.
How's it 2017 and we still schoolin' folk?
Gotta tell you Black  lives matter cause you actin like we dont.
In retrospect, it was for the best cause now we ALL woke!
sharpcastuser Nov 2011
Dark sky with amber stains
Sinking sun casts shadows over the plain
Fields of wheat redden for each strand of grain
Dark sky with amber stains
Wild horses sleep as their wanderings refrain
Full moon reigns over the terrain
Dark sky with amber stains
Sinking sun casts shadows over the plain

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
sharpcastuser Feb 2011
Another day breaks
As the rising amber sun
Like a tireless watcher
Casts its rays down
The narrow slits of the thatched
Roofs of the village huts.
In the streets, playing
Hide and seek, small kids
Disappear into winding alleys.
Weaving hearts, young girls
In flower shops adorn
The soft petals of the Jasmine
Picked from the nearby fields,
While young boys arrange the
Ripe, freshly picked coconuts on
The fruit vendors’ mats, as
The shop doors open to the
Din of the morning rush hour,
Above their heads, the freshly washed,
Laundry is hung out to dry
On the balconies overlooking
The curving dirt road where
A bullock cart slowly crosses
The wet rice plantations
To the other side as
A distant factory alarms
The start of the new day
In the villages of Lampang

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
© 2011 - All Rights Reserved - sharpcastuser
sharpcastuser Jul 2019
This circle must complete
With each of Earth's orbit
It's a cycle that will repeat

But when global warming
Triggers mass glacial melting
From ozone layer's depleting

Where oil spills can ruin an ocean
Being used as garbage collection
Causing every ecosystem's suffocation

More landfills from over-consumption
Still, we opt for deforestation
Resulting in fresh water reduction

In disrupting her delicate cycle,
Can we understand that excess is not natural?
Wounded, it takes her longer to heal!

Like our mother, she has borne us all
Give her love! Must we watch her fall?
Open your eyes! Let's heed her call!

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
A Poem About Earth Day (Free Verse)
sharpcastuser Jan 2011
The mirror on the wall
Its cold, glassy stare
Like an intentional glare
At Life captured as a reflection
Observing an image frozen
In our mind , the boundaries
Confined within us defining
Formation of a self-image
Instant Imprints of our conscience
That's searching through the depths
Of one's soul for the affirmations
Needed to sustain an ego
Standing tall over the mantle
Outlining the walls of a room
With hues from a color spectrum
Reflecting light onto the face
Of an onlooker whose eyes gaze
Into this mirror that's on the wall

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
copyright 2011
sharpcastuser Jan 2011
Tides ebb and flow
A circle now complete
What washed ashore will go
Tides ebb and flow
Cast into the sea below
Destined to repeat
Tides ebb and flow
A circle now complete

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
copyright 2011
Poetoftheway Feb 2018
there’s a woman

in Minneapolis
where winters mind-bend, her face on my hands engraved,
she makes my fingers love her once more, saying I am the
real dream come see me when you can, I’ll give you summer
when the calendar says no, but you know I can

in Paris
a woman in the shape of a young girl,
her eyes wider than a grand boulevard,
who writes me in scattered verses I can’t comprehend
takes my hands in the metro on our way to
St. Germain-des-Pres, where she will make confession
she loves another, forgetting that was her first reveal
and why I now love her maintenant, plus complètement

in northern California
my golden raisin with smooth skin, six foot tall and gold hair
longer than Rapunzel, and don’t know what she wants from
this short older eastern man and when I ask she laugh kisses
saying because you are everything I am not, an acorn of real,
Vermont maple syrup for my green grapes and bring me scents
of genuine that your pores secrete

a married woman in Florida or was it Texas
who says come inside me, you are already there, make it real,
we will sail from the Gulf to the Keys in the escape pod
of our specters, our blunt physical connection,  
we’ll go ashore for barbecue when we need
a break from consuming each other and tire of tarpon

in London town
who impaled me with dreams of wet walks on the moors
I’ve never seen except in her poetry; she will warm me with porcelain tea and bitter pints from hide-away pubs, both drinks I despise but will love If she asks: will share chips and wine waiting for the tube or the boat to Greenwich, where we will ask time to suspend itself for a day or two so we can sing old Donovan tunes and be each other’s scarf against that ****** chill we know is coming

I am
their fantasy, their harsh escape to sweet caress for hours
they surrender to my desires for that’s what they’re wishing for,
in our peculiar language, no word for a sorrowful au revoir
or even,
will I ever see you again or even for
for we are a physics mystery
a singlet and a multiplet simulation simultaneous,
spectral lines

to call them muses would be an abusal, they are lovers
of spun words I profess in devotionals made just for them,
and lovers for devouring and feasting and then fasting

until I dream once again come tomorrow’s sleep-writing

2/9/18 3:47am
A spectral line is a dark or bright line in an otherwise uniform and continuous spectrum, resulting from emission or absorption of light in a narrow frequency range, compared with the nearby frequencies. Spectral lines are often used to identify atoms and molecules. These "fingerprints" can be compared to the previously collected "fingerprints" of atoms and molecules,[1] and are thus used to identify the atomic and molecular components of stars and planets which would otherwise be impossible.
mannley collins Sep 2014
Im a normal kind of guy.
I was born in a normal house,
In a normal street,
In a normal town,
In a normal country,
to normal parents.
My normal parents paid their taxes.
My normal parents supported whatever War was happening.
My normal parents supported whatever monarch was in power.
My normal parents voted for normal political parties.
My parents were normally patriotic.
They led normal lives.
I grew up to be normal.
I went to a normal public/private school.
I had a normal ****** relationship with another boy at school.
I gained a normal education.
I chased girls and some boys as any normal boy would.
I enjoyed normal *** with girls and some boys.
I fell in love with Jazz/Folk/Blues as any normal boy does.
I fell in love with writing and reading aloud "poetry" as any normal boy does.
I fell in love with reading novels and sociology and comparative religion as any normal boy does.
I rode motorcycles as any normal boy does.
I went camping and fishing and rambling in the fields and forests
as any normal boy does.
So my teenage years passed--halcyon days--and nights,
leaving the body behind regularly.
Until I stole my first Alto Saxophone.
Was that normal?.
It certainly was compulsive.
And no shame or guilt either.
I tried,in vain to play like  Charles Parker--
and failed miserably as did everyone else.
I wandered through Europe and the Near East,
and the Middle East and South East Asia--dressed in yellow.
Cooking Rice Dal Sabji Roti-everywhere I went-.
over twigs and sweet smelling cow ****.
My latest horn with "the Pres"engraved on the bell.
Played My Funny Valentine  sideways and upside down.
Plastic Reeds--oh--Plastic Reeds.
And pure Crystal Mouthpieces.
I sat under Gotamas tree and NOTHING happened.
Ah sweet nothing.
I was VOID of all.
Just an empty headed wanderer.

More to come
TreadingWater Oct 2015
Crossed lines, lines crossed...tangled up in
the sublime...the beauty in so much to words and thoughts and
wonderings...each a thread; now binding up
my silly heart...So tied in satin...twisted
bows of truth and longing
and...words...and words and words...I can
not begin to unravel the tightness in my
chest at the thought of your smile...Waking
wish for your eyes on me...and all of the
pretty words...oh my stupid little heart...left
Washington needs to wash Obama out of its hair
he's doing more damage the longer he is there
the hair strands are in need of new management
for under Obama they've received much torment

an improvement to the locks will be extra nice
as Washington gets rid of the Obama device
the Congress and Senate can do the shampooing job
which will see the Pres quickly given the fob

Washington will have a lustrous sheen to the tress
when the hairdressers get onto the mess
now is the time to employ good methodology
by washing Washington's hair with ousting technology
sharpcastuser Nov 2011
The moment when we met
All my sins washed away
You forgave all my debts
The moment when we met
To receive your love, I wept
Like rapture on Judgment Day
The moment when we met
All my sins washed away

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
I hope you like my triolet.
Christian zeal Jan 2014
Sniffing on that Miley Cyrus,
Asian  eyes if I be honest.

Tell your mind I can't be thought of
Perfect picture well just straight your mind up.

Too much! Too much!
Give it all away

Dead pres falling everyday..

Dang, that make you feel some type of way..
That we standing on flippin plane.

Please stay
Please stay bae

Cause your the only one who make me taste
Cause your the only on who make me feel
Dang! My shoes look great
But your love I will like to run in place
And your hand is like my great escape

Sniffing on that Miley Cyrus
You look better when I don't try it

Asian eyes but you still  smiling
sharpcastuser Nov 2011
You have firmly made up your mind
There is nothing for me to say
Left in the dark, I’ve become blind

For such pride, you left me behind
What I thought was hurt, you thought play
You have firmly made up your mind

Love sours like dry lemon rind
Our differences, like night and day
Left in the dark, I’ve become blind

At this point, becoming unkind
In taking more than what I gave
You have firmly made up your mind

Need I say more, just to remind
Being the one having to pay
Left in the dark, I’ve become blind

History repeats like tapes rewind
Always what you like, what you may
You have firmly made up your mind
Left in the dark, I’ve become blind

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
The Good Pussy Feb 2015
                          " 'I know not
                        what is coming,
                     but be  what it  will
                   I will go to it  laughing.
                     Better  to  sleep with
                      a sober  cannibal th
                      an a  drunk Christia
                      n •It is not down  on
                      any map; true place
                      s never are.  • Tell m
                      e not  of  blasphemy,
                      man;  I'd   strike  the
                      sun if it insulted  me.
                      ... and  Heaven  have
                     mercy  on us  all-Pres
                     bytarians and Pagans
                     alike  for  we  are  all
                     somehow dreadfully
                     broken, and sadly   n
                     eed mending • There
                     are certain occasions
                     in this strange mixed
                     affair   we   call    life  
          when a man                 takes this
      whole universe        for a vast Practical
   joke, though the wit  thereof he but deepl
y discerns, and more  than suspects that th
      e Joke is at no             body's  expense
            t h a n                         his own.' "
Herman Melville
Pres George Bush Junior
Or tyrant King George II?
What's the difference?
ARealMansMan Jul 2014
vælg at passe ind
vælg at slukke gløden
og tænde for fjernsynet

vælg et trygt miljø
med pænt friserede veje
med anlagte børn
der både kan bukke og neje

vælg labrador til konen
og fjerdreaflukkede omgivelser
fadøl med drengene
og en kattelem til at snige igennem
når det hele blev FOR trykt

vælg at fylde stilheden og stemme hende videre
som et metaforisk "tak"
for at gøre fredagen mere
meningsfuld, og for at have
noget at længes efter

vælg at græde til begravelser
vælg at mumle sympatisk med
stå og stirre på kisten
og undre dig over
"hvor blød den mon er?"

vælg fredagshygge, fælleskonto, dansetimer, rugbrødsmadder på jobbet, smurt af skilsmissehungrende kløer, vælg nabokonen og hendes ynge (og mere livlige) køkkenhave

vælg bagdøren, vælg fordøren, vælg køkkenbordet, sofaen, kontoret, chaiseloungen, solsengen, trampolinen, barnesengen - både af hendes og af dit

vælg at skændes til fodboldturningen
vælg "pastasalat",
"nej frikadeller",
"nej pastasalat"
til fællesspisningen på skolen

vælg det perfekte liv, og vælg de diskursnæssige resultat af dine GRUSOMME handlinger.
vælg at bortforklare det hele
og fortæl hende
hvordan alkohol flyder igennem
familien, som gondolen fra bryllupsrejsen til venedig

vælg at tage hjem tidligt
vælg at betvivle din funktion og eksistens igennem
den stille
9 timers lange køretur

vælg de svedige håndflader ved alteret
at betvivle vægtskålenes indhold
føl det blide og lette pres
fra de stirrende øjne
det overdøvende orgel
mens lugten af trygge rammer og boliglån
får dig til at gylpe et surt "ja"

vælg halvdelen af sofaen, det ene barn,
singelfyrslivet i en 33m2 kælderlejlighed
vælg at drukne tårene i endeløs *******
og nyd alle kampene på fjernsynet
vælg at bombadere telefonsvaren
vælg at smadre spejlet
vælg at kæmpe for det søde forstadsliv
ja jeg har set trainspotting
- nej jeg har ikke oplevet det der
Ray Apr 2011
Il est a moi,
Il n'est pas.
Il est ma vie,
Il va surement etre mon deces.
Il me fait sourire tant que je suis pres,
Il me fait sourire tant qu'elle ne l'est pas.
Ma tete c'est quoi ne pas faire,
Mon coeur c'est seulement ce qui pourrait etre.
MsAmendable Apr 2016
Oh don't you see
The people zoo,
With pres'dents and paupers
Oh my!
With some that run, and some that crawl
And even those who fly!
Maja Klit Jun 2015
Duften af kaffe forandre sig når vandet rammer de knuste bønner
Kan spejle mig i regnbueboblerne på skummet
Tilføjer vand mer og mer i en tynd stråle
De siger det sådan den bedste smag trænger igennem

vent 5 minutter og så pres

Jeg ved ikke om jeg tror på dem
Men jeg gør det for hvis nu det er sådan
Vil jeg ikke gå glip af den særlige smag

jeg vil ikke vente 5 minutter har trang til at presse nu

Det er spild ikke at få det bedste ud af det
Den gode duft forsvandt jo allerede da vandet ramte de knuste bønner.

Det sidste må ej forsvinde for så er det hele meningsløst
Marolle Apr 2015
Træt af verden
de samme problemer
om hinandens forhold, finans og færden
og hinandens gener

Træt af medier
de samme ord
om politik, pres og profetier
og om mord

Træt af diskussioner
de samme dilemmaer
om respekt, risici og religioner
og om diskriminationer

Træt af mennesker
de samme forskrifter
om tilpasning, teaterroller og tjenester  
og om urostiftere

ZACK GRAM Jan 2024
Be at peace in Gods plan
Gods gifts
An Gods lands
The King shall demolish you
You will never **** my White Rock
Gold domes
Jesus Christs
Epic cost pals
Sumerian Rick
Tablet Brick
my wifi so strong
Walk a mile walk a preach
No guns my brothers baught them
Rip hooks
No sama no bin ladins
The Greatness Moving
Pour a cup
Nevermind fallback
Pay a tax
Giant tree petrified
**** a stock you need water
No sink
No toilet
Sit on a bucket
Kitchen closed
Wash your hands dust your soldier
Out the mag charge
Compton baby DieGone alley
No pres Z no Pres X got Next
Pop an dip
Sip a syrup
No vial
Straight *****
Ask Him Yourself
nivek Oct 2017
I came to be refreshed at your well
but all I could taste was poison

and now I see
you twitter
is childish.
Comme un chevreuil, quand le printemps destruit
L'oyseux crystal de la morne gelée,
Pour mieulx brouster l'herbette emmielée
Hors de son boys avec l'Aube s'en fuit,

Et seul, et seur, loing de chiens et de bruit,
Or sur un mont, or dans une vallée,
Or pres d'une onde à l'escart recelée,
Libre follastre où son pied le conduit ;

De retz ne d'arc sa liberté n'a crainte,
Sinon alors que sa vie est attainte,
D'un trait meurtrier empourpré de son sang :

Ainsi j'alloy sans espoyr de dommage,
Le jour qu'un oeil sur l'avril de mon age
Tira d'un coup mille traitz dans mon flanc.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2016
thankfully i'm working from a standpoint of: once a chemist, now some sort of shaman - the people missed the pre-Socratics, the child-like people of Aristotelian maxim: it begins with awe, and is peppered with countless mistakes, to be precise: mistakes feed awe, accuracy feeds an economic use of, the mundane suggestion that nothing really changes and we're eating sushi salmon when it ought to be smoked and accented with whiskey; the people missed the pre-Socratics so much that they invented a new post-Socratic shaman, and the guy has everything going for him, youth... child-like ethical teachings - and i guess it's easier to worship something dangling on a crucifix than it is worshipping something enthroned - makes it easier to kneel, seeing the thing of worship likewise in agony - perfect timing mind you, the historian Josephus, unearthing of the Nag Hammadi library in Egypt... and those ****** Greeks! they invented it i swear to god, what fisherman or thief was literate in those days? literacy meant power, these are strong-men of the plough, they wouldn't have a capacity to read, or a need to... fair enough, he's given me a subject, but not necessarily the doctrine about how he died on the crux and i can do ****... you see any Christians about? in America an aunt sued her nephew because he stepped on her big toe... i can't sue whomever i know i should because i don't have the dough for some ****** lawyer... but at least my family don't have to be bewildered about my would-be sudden death aged 21, 9 years later, going strong, but i can... it's called enforced practice of - no baptism no confirmation can do that... oddly enough, Christianity is one of the most bureaucratic religions known to man, so bureaucratic that there's nothing spiritual about it - or you have Islam and its variation of iconoclasm - grammaclasm - no wonder the Greeks wrote the new testament, they missed the pres of Socrates, they couldn't quite figure out what was necessary from Plato... i don't either - even Alfred Jarry mocked Plato - the dry dialogue style, or no style at all, content for sure, but stylistically? not much; and to be honest, only Bukowski's later works, the posthumous publications are the best, Post Office is overrated while Factotum is, actually, a gem.

so from there - i know why i didn't like Sartre
dittoing the pronoun i or elaborated to coincide with
psychology's ego - although it doesn't make sense -
given: original source, someone actually concrete said
something and was quoted, hence 'he said it',
but with the English linear dittoing fashion statement
it's a sort of plagiarism, as in: "he said it", implying what?
agreement or simply theft?
Kant started the project - but instead he italicised -
and in honesty that's relevant, since he doesn't
cite David Hume anywhere, he's battling
the Loch Ness monster the best he can,
he's focusing on his *identity
- to be influential rather
than influenced, which is why i don't understand
Sartre's dittoing out the ego, as if he just cut off his
arm and is bemused by the severed hand waving
back at him - unless of course he's doing the Pontius Pilate
bit of washing his hands clean from any responsibility,
as part of his pillar of counter-Cartesian association
with furthering thought into being, not via doubt
of his predecessor, but via denial (he uses the word
negation) - good faith former, bad faith latter, and he does
mention bad faith, although he doesn't identify denial
with bad faith, nor doubt with good faith - but at least
he gives us something to work with, given the two extremes;
prior to that Doubting Thomas was on the racks,
and they thought doubting was bad, it's good, to be honest,
it means you can experience a full range of emotions -
and by Koranic standards it's not quiet the categorical
punishment of un- / non-, and why would you punish
quasi- or pseudo-, everyone enjoys acting in some respect,
a safe environment to see a simulation of some mental deviation.
it's that i don't understand why the translation of
being & nothingness uses the inverse-citation and requires
it to be a unit - this might be due to the fact that it's
~ (approximate), i.e. instead of "ego" and the notion of any
acknowledgement of responsibility in ethical matters,
adding to the fact that there are influences cited, those that
came prior, Husserl for one, or Kafka... it's this
point of the culmination of what's not exactly original,
but passed down, a genetics of sorts, philosophically minded
genetics - passing down influences rather than ******
features and susceptibility to certain diseases -
i'd prefer to note myself in that sort of framework as ~ego
(god, i hate using this as some concept, written down it's
just a facade of tying shoelaces) - but obviously in the english
                                                ­             "           "           "    "        "
                       the original purpose of the ditto was sidetracked,
it's not necessarily proper - you end up with some wacky
quantum physics **** when you encounter in literature
notation of dialogue, or internal v. external monologue
like so: "'so i was wondering'" - who or what says anything
when you write it like that?! Irish standard, Polish standard,
pub scene, Bob and Jimmy:
- aye.
                                                 end of story! "aye," he said
                              or 'aye,' he said - boom boom job done.
this could rattle my nuts throughout this whole evening,
but it won't -
scene in a supermarket, a **** plump girl's buying
two ready meals and 6 mini-crates of Budweiser -
on offer, in the Metro, coupons, so obviously they're free -
boy behind her has a bottle of nekken-ekken and Scotch -
girl picks up the mini-crates (ok, bundles, packs,
whatever, stop this microscopic misnomer abuse,
it ruins the flow, i'm not telling you to imagine it)
and the two ready meals, one falls off, boy helps her
and puts the ready meal next to the other on the packs
of beer... nothing special, Lazarus is in China by now,
girl walks off, boy buys his ****,
boy walks out the supermarket, girl gets in her car,
boy gets stopped in the drive-through alley, girl
opens her car window, hollers out -
- you want a pack of beers?
- huh?
- yeah, a pack of beers, i figured you helped me out
   i might as well give you a pack.
- oh... sure, why not.
(rummaging in the car)
- here's two... and here's another two.
- bless you, good night.
it's moments like this, the England of my boyhood dreams
i remember; 22 years into my life here and i'm
still gagging to hear an English rose moan -
and that's the god honest truth.
sharpcastuser Jun 2019
Upon the arrival of spring
He waits patiently by her side
The news of a marriage we bring

In the chapel, the bells doth ring
The young groom announces his bride
Upon the arrival of spring

To mark this occasion we sing
As friends gather from far and wide
The news of a marriage we bring

O Angel of love spread your wings
Forever here, may love reside
Upon the arrival of spring

The day is marked with their wedding
On this path, together they stride
The news of a marriage we bring

A new leaf their hearts be turning
Passions no longer will they hide
Upon the arrival of spring
The news of a marriage we bring

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
A Villanelle About Spring Romance
Brother Jimmy Feb 2018
And while we are in
Conversation here
So many humans
Have expired, I fear...
Each moment brings
New life and new death
Final words spoken
And baby’s first breath
Life’s currents unbearable
Meand’ring through confluence
The sublime and the terrible
Don’t know their own consequence
The rush and the curve
Create oxbow crescents
The vim and‪ the verve
Ensure each one’s presence
And all we can do
Is react and observe
(Our own bent deeds too)
And endeavor to serve
Either the self
That glutton of grease
Or somebody else
And attain inner peace

Or at least a brief break
From worry and strife
Hold on to the harness, take
Joy in this life!

— The End —