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Q Apr 2013
I wake as your  friend                                     You wake as my lover
I speak as your lover                                       You speak as my friend
I act as your possession                                   You are my possesion
I rebel as your cover                                        A means to an end
I hurt for your compassion                             You live for my acceptance
I injure for your respect                                  Though it's never been withheld
I confide for your emotion                              You crave my direction
I give and you collect                                      Never will you rebel

This is madness                                               This is Sparta
This is insanity                                                This is the price of exellence
I can't be everything for you                          I am your everything
You can't be everything for me                     I am magnificence
You treat everyone the same                         I am fair and righteous
As a friend, yet as a lover                              And yet you seek more
And it's a cruel, cruel game                          Dare you grow capricious
From your twisted love, no one recovers     You'll become one I abhor

I am done                                                       You are confused
(I am never done)                                          And I will not calm you
I am sick                                                        As I am amused
(But I'm not tired)                                         As I drop little clues  
I will run                                                        You'l­l never leave me
(I won't run)                                                  But I'll abandon you
Because I love you                                        You'll always need me
(A better word is 'desire')                             And I'll never need you

Let me go!                                                    My grip is vice-like
(But you're not holding me)                       I'm not ready to let you go
Bring me back!                                            If I lose you, 'my dear'
(But I never left)                                          I must find yet another 'beau'
Love me only!                                             And I've not the time to put effort
(But you love equally)                               In little minions like you
Push me away!                                          I've not a care to give for
(Or bridge this rift)                                    You insects I never knew

Please, disappear                                       I am your torture
One day you'll understand                      But I am your salvation
That the twisted way you love                 I am your executioner
Could coax death from any human        And I am your redemption
Please, disappear!                                     You'll wish me dead forever
Though I'll weep when you're gone        You'll wish me dead I know
I know sanity will return                          And you'll wish yourself deader
And I'll eventually move on.                    *When away I finally go.
Andrew Quilles Dec 2014
I see her ******* in the night.

My tongue thirsty to make her mine.

Letting the devil inside take over.

I slowly open her door and enter.

My eyes glowing red in the darkness.

I thrown her onto the bed and let demons take over as I pull off her shirt.

I hear her say no as I slide off her pants and bite her stomach.

The devil asks for more.

I unclasp her bra and throw it to the wall and begin to bite.

My hands slide down her sides and slowly comes off her white laced *******.

I kiss down her body and feel her shiver.

The devil possesses us both as she begins to take off my clothes.

We ride out our fantasies as the devil watches.

I leave her alone in the room to think it was a dream.

Took away her innocence.

Just because my demons possessed me.
kirklefrance Apr 2013
always me...maybe not me...but me without proper  tools led to me...I still think it a bit kool..but in the end nothing mattered..downtown in a traffic jam smoking a blunt with the windows down... **** all the rules..the dogs, the cats, the stray rats animostic humans act just like mules..words wake your soul with animistic quality..yet people act like fools!
Liquidchaos Sep 2010
Breathe deeply from the nose of the scents from the night,
so that the life all around can be tasted in the throat
against the tongue like some aged wine used to quench a thirst.
Body alive beneath the moon's full glow,
as senses sharpen upon the choices that lay
before the beauty who's body trembles to start.
The soft  pleading voice not her own rises from her feet,
the continuous plead crying so full of yearning need.
Warmed whiskey tone bade them to rise and gain the need,
helpless fool heads into arms that promise forever
though turning shy at the soft flesh that matches her own.
Yet the woman melt into each other arms with a  kiss
that promised so many things if they would yield.
Whiskey's kiss deepens yet against the gentle warmth
promising a consumption of flesh down to the bones,
in heated flames that promised desires of all types.
Needful body tensed as the other drew away,
whimpering swallowed up in the hidden shadows of the path.
Her eyes opening in time to see the flash of white
descend down upon suckling flesh of her own neck,
whiskey's arms bringing her closer yet as mouth works vigorously.
Lustful sounds of passion spill into night's silent air,
Needful body tensing tighter and quicker still as
the supplier worked over the vein before the body beneath go still,
That final cry of "I am yours" spill forth in confession of how far gone.
Whiskey's satisfied sigh stretches out like a lover's plead,
the other falls backward towards the ground as arms were released,
with whiskey's husky promise "Now and forever till death doth us part."
Cold distant eyes watching the form of Needful laying upon the ground,
fire returning slowly in them as hand wipes across her mouth.
The innocent lead forth to knock upon a door unknown to her,
drawn like a sheep to the pasture without knowing why.
Only to find death's grin beyond the threshold
with crimson life upon her pale amber lips
You said it was
All that you could
Give me
Your eyes begging
For understanding
Your lips parting for
What you could give
But won’t
I don’t dare
To push for it
“We” were impossible
I lower my eyes
Nod my head
Grab your finger
To tell you
I will take it
It’s better than
The nothing she prefers
Then you leave me
But I now have
Your heart
all rights reserved
Mae Alyson Aug 2013
There's something about a pair of
old sneakers, that is just so hard to let go.
They were a part of you, for so many days.
They hold every
puddle you stepped in,
every blade of grass.
The gravel, the mud, the sand, the pavement;
it's all there.
So maybe it's not about
maybe its just about the travels, and the memories, the ones you don't want to let go.

Harley Hucof Oct 2014
She held the dark apple in her hand
He ate it but felt so sole
He offered her his heart
Instead she took his soul.

She dragged him to her dark land
but he couldn't call it a home
He felt so used, it was love he thought
instead in an endless sorrow he dove.

The time passed she consumed his spirit
the evil in her has no limit.

Once he became useless..

she caged him with the rest of the boys in the basement
so she could start searching for a replacement

A new man with pure essence
A man with a spiritual possesion

a man ready for the next apple
a man who will lose the battle...

Words Of Harfouchism
This is a sequel to " A dark apple " by " Mystic Angel"
betterdays Dec 2014
she bleeds,
hard and dark, bitterwords
and angry scowls,
from the depths of her lazyboy chair.

age has stolen
her laughter, wit and compassion....
pain is her worldy possesion,
it blinds her to all else.

she used to laugh and smile and i miss that, so much,
and i wish that, my boy
would have those memories
but we have become,
the whipping boy,
to her frailty,
her scroogelike attitudes,
her impatience to,
be done with it all....

this is my sacrifice,
my burden,
willingly, lovingly,
shared by my lover and child...

but, oh! somedays,
it is like,
carrying a bag,
of sharded glass,
that pierces my back
and stabs at my heart.
princenobody Apr 2021
He is my source of strength.
He is my source of health.
Whenever I'm in need.
I can rely on His help.
He has a time and season,
for every chapter of my story.
He's in complete control.
To God be all the Glory.
As far as the East is from the West,
He has removed my transgressions.
I'm honored to say,
I am God's own possession.
Thomas Barts Dec 2012
People ask if i am a ******
I say yes, i am waiting for marriage
I hear "good for you"
or "dude you gotta get laid"
still, a part of me doesn't believe what i say
Everyone has there Thorn?
i mean who hasn't looked at ****
but where does it stop
I have Never had ***
but i had a sick addiction
Filled by this simple prescription
Every night i ****** that ******* the little screen that taught me she was merely a possesion
I Just typed in those 3 letters
and it became an obsession
A black hole
Ripping apart time and space
Not even light would escape
And the only thing that mattered
Was me
Me, and that thing on the screen who nobody wanted to be
An object
Like a silly little toy
For those ****** up little boys
Who after batting you around
And shoving you in the ground
Just cram you back in that chest at the end of there bed
Like a ratty stuffed bear
No Love, No soft touch, no sweet embrace
I didn't even have to care
Why would I?
How could I?
You were just a wave of photons collapsing in my eye
to come and go as i pleased
projected from that ***** little screen
You were just a *****
to me
and not anything more.
In a place where i was supposed to have the deepest most intense connection
I would replicate with meaningless, emotionless self satisfaction
i would sow seeds of my own destruction every time i opened that link
where i was made to feel love and joy, i would only sink
becoming tangled in emptiness, i was lost, i was dying
like a bird drowning in a sea of stone
where no one would think to find me
No light would be shed on this pathetic part of my life
A life of darkness in that room where my face glows
and my pupils dilate
My fate slips from sight as i separate
Body from soul
I see myself Mindlessly staring at that dark light
It was a drug, My sick Addiction
I wasn't even trying to Fight
It consumed my Thoughts, took me from above
dissolving my capability to love
I tried to run
I didn't think
That without His hand
I will always sink
Back into that creaky chair
Where this beautiful creation of God, this person, this human being
Just becomes one of my daily rituals, self fulfilled
She becomes just a thing

In short, if i gave an honest answer, i am not a ******.
ben karanja Sep 2014
Her screams mingle with the wind howling in the rain..
Her soaking hair lashing against her face yet she feels no pain..
Numb to the core as she stumbles on..
Clothes sodden and torn as on branches they caught.. The demons chase her as she runs thru the night.. Trying to escape whats inside not behind..     Images flashing, a movie in her tortured, broken mind.. The devil dances with the demons lightening strikes down from the sky.. Sinking to her knees she screams and claws at her chest... 'Please take my heart and soul please let me rest'... The ghosts of tortured souls invade the darkness, circling her as one.. The devil approaches, smiles with pleasure his work now here is done.. He flicks his wrist towards her holding out his hand.. She looks into his eyes sees memories of love shared in a different land.. Reaching out towards him she let him lead her away.. Trapped n lost within him although apart together they linked would always stay.. You see the devil was no stranger, he was her hidden nightmares once had been her man.. He'd deceived with an illusion till she was ensnared by his commands.. He stripped her of her self, destructed her fragile mind.. Abused her and controlled her, a wind up soulless toy.. The devil was evil, pain, devastation, yet he kept her safe... Wrapped mentally in her completely, as externally she was imprisoned locked in his embrace..
Shiloh Jun 2014
As I gaze upon you, reading in the sun
The wind in your hair making me wish I could run my fingers through
Grab you closer, but I'm far away, too unseen
Wishing I could help you with everything that makes you...

There is no need to claim you, make you my own
Forever in the background, twisting my tongue
With words unspoken and one single tear
All I wish is to be in your atmosphere.
joe perez Nov 2014
Your fallacies were let known
So as your walls crumbled so did your facade
and as looked through the rubble and dust,
I saw a child 
Its only possesion a golden whistle
This child stould for hours in the sun,
But no matter how much the whistle shone
  He was never found
And for the days that he attempted to be heard
  His s.o.s. was to no allure
And so i witnessed this bieng build a shelter of flesh,and once in he seldom came out
But the living become animalistic once enclosed
 And society does not take kindly to beasts.
M Dec 2019
the act of poetry is a private one
but unyielding i still whisper your name
devoured by foaming ripples & wishes --

i miss you
rose14195 Feb 2017
I don't like to call myself anorexic anymore
because I no longer skip meals
I haven't thrown up over a toilet
and I haven't weighed myself in a year
but the thoughts still exist
my mind still counts calories
for example there are 420 in the saltine ******* I just ate
which is already half way over my daily calorie intake
or would be half way over my daily calorie intake
if I was still anorexic
which I'm not
even though I haven't thrown away my scale yet
It just sits in my room like a prized possesion
Like a priceless talesmen I gained from my last adventure
sometimes I look at thinspiration
just to remember how good it felt
not that I save the photos to my phone anymore
not that I recite the words they say in my head
my favorite one though
not that I have a favorite one
would be having collar bones that collect raindrops
because I could do that
If I really tried I could get skinny enough to capture the rain
to walk outside, feel the drops, and have them stay
I still never finish my food
not that I'm counting calories anymore
but if I was the extra pieces of food on my plate would still count \
even when I eat food just to spit it out
not that I do that anymore
not that I'm anorexic again
because I'm not
I still think I'm fat
but who doesnt
I mean if you saw me in a dress you would know what I mean
I started wearing baggy clothes again
not that I have to hide how skinny I am
Because I'm not even starving myself
You know I gained 22 pounds?
Not that that's a problem
105 was underweight
but being in the 120s is not okay
maybe I'll cut back a little on what I eat
but I'm not anorexic
trust me
Liz Devine Jun 2014
I stand, where the rain can't reach me
where the pain doesn't push and pulsate
beneath the umbrella
made of wasted words and broken bones

She hangs down on me
and over me
she catches the dirt from the road
and the flies from the sky
I stay safe and dry
beneath her skin
made of brown, yellow, and red

She keeps me clean,
against her best intentions
but it is I who control
when she's up and when she's down
the pale, salty skin of my hands
pushes her down, holds her up and over
my head, soft hair, light brown tresses

She, is the bright life in the sky
and the dark mother of the moon
but I will never know
and they will never see
because she lives in my possesion
her only use is for me.
Sabbathius Jun 2015
There he falls to his knees
Stung by a thousand bees
Close to his dying wife
Slowly draining of life

“No! This cannot take place!
Right here in my embrace,
My beloved soon dead!
Oh Lord, take me instead!”

“Cease all the liquid flow
And shine thy holy glow
Gently upon her spirit
She’s almost at her limit!”

From out of smoke and fire
Appears a spectre liar
To bring a twisted deal
That only blood may seal

“But what explains thy presence!?
To carry out her sentence!?
Wert thou sent by my lord!?
I’ll strike thee with my sword!”

His blade is raised but stilled
The eyelids as if peeled
Limbs paralyzed in terror
‘Twas that an awful error!?

‘Tis the odd spectre’s hold
On his form now so cold
Approaching the young girl
His words, start to unfurl:

“Of her I shall take care
If only wouldst thou dare
To grant to my possesion
Assets, for my collection”

“For riddles I care not!
Of those I’ve heard a lot!
What could someone like thee
Do now, to set her free!?”

Raising arms high above
It starts to cure his love
Making it seem so true
But stopping half-way through

“Thou art a seraph, right?
Please, bless her with thy light!
Please, what desirest thee?
Take anything from me!”

“To make her again whole
Requires thy own soul
It will suffice to mend
The wounds of a dear friend”

“Well, If it must be so
As I won’t let her go
My essence may fill hers
Seems like that she concurs”

Their fate was swiftly sealed
Turns out she was not healed
Both meant for hell’s inclusion
‘Twas all just an illusion

*The Promise Of Hell by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
That was surely my longest write until today, and one I'm very proud of, still can't believe I wrote it xD
Eric Flaze Apr 2010
Talk about the we've been takin thinking about how the sun don't shine. Trying to find myself. Cause im already Missing my mind. Just trying to unwind.Each night follows a shattered day. Everything I hear is unclear.What even matters. Each word spoken like fm static. To me no surprise, I automatically don't deny, existence. In an instant friends flashes past my ride. And I

Chorus I've lost my mind. Ive lost my mind, I'm shaking my mind Loosing my time. Same old saying. Fire melting my brain. Getting high to feel sane. But the song repeats is played in my heart.Tellingme I've lost it all. I was scrambling into halls with no light. Trampled onto the surface of gods I had in store. Shouldn't ignore because there just plain possesion. I've noticed cooperation is your obsession.

Chorus I've lost my mind. Ive lost my mind, I'm shaking my mind Loosing my time. Same old saying. Fire melting my brain. Getting high to feel sane. But the song repeats is played in my heart.Telling me I've lost it all Stuck to mistakes like medal to a magnet. Like tape on paper. I need a mime on the side of my shoulder. No longer trying to decide the things to say. I've needed a interpreter anyway. Can't find Anyone cause everyone silent. Can't try to hard. It figures it over my sense of direction. Falling into the pit of confusion. Walked in and out into walls. I thought I would find my way out.

Chorus I've lost my mind. Ive lost my mind, I'm shaking my mind Loosing my time. Same old saying. Fire melting my brain. Getting high to feel sane. But the song repeats is played in my heart.Telling me I've lost it all
aria xero Oct 2012
You are mine.

An object of possesion.

I am not yours.

Superior, with thrones on top of stools.


Constricting your movement.

I am a Boa, ready to strike

When in terror you flee like a mouse.

You are mine.


Clenched fists of frustration

I knew you were upset, steam leaking

from ear to ear, you slap.

pushed back I'm enraged at your wrists grabbed tight.

I am not yours.


Heated discussions

rise like plumes of ash

smothering your lungs, I creep

to your side.

You are mine.


In public you hide

they never knowing the shadows

that lurk from behind, I am there though,

holding on tight. I am not yours.

But darling, you are definitely mine.
andy fardell Nov 2011
Have you seen a wookey yet ?? I saw one yesterday
he gaited round some pebbles and never looked my way
could see what he was after cos seaweed is their food
its such a prized possesion to take it would be rude

they forage on the beach all day to seek it to be rich
to own a piece of seaweed is an honour ..
be sure a wookey style
the only thing that keeps them worried is us
and dare I say??

Their name is only whispered here...
no not loud at all
Cheddar George's ..from the black sand
a shiver to the core
they are a breed of wookey's that no one can decide
to fear them is to be aware they have a darkened side

Now wookeys live in peace they say and rarely do collide
however storms were brewing here a wookeys seaweed pride
i'll tell you more as i find out am sure to keep in touch
and as they say in wookey hole
go have a happy wookey day !!!
Samber Sep 2012
dreamlife preview
maybe i should just slip away
slip away for a few days.
wrap myself in an old t-shirt of yours
and lock all these opened doors.
open that box and let out all my lost thoughts.
attempt to get rid of that constant knot.
my god.
you drive me crazy.
you keep on glowing…
even when i…close my eyes.
you move in and out of my dreams.
you flow in and out of me.
i cant continue to believe
you dont love me.
even when i hide away i feel your light
filling up my lost nights.
my bed is holding tears of gathered fears.
it is getting so hard to pretend
that i have successfully been healed.
i close my eyes even in the dark and i fall.
i fall into every single phone call.
every single green lawn and blue sky
the heights were so so high.
hot wind and burning skin
exploding within my arms
you kept me from any harm.
we all have one thing that steals our words from our hearts.
you are my one thing.
my only thing.
every moment of every day
you are in my way
of moving forward.
my prize possesion.
causing confusion.
causing chaos in this mind.
i will never leave you behind.
always one addiction that i cannot control.
and it is taking a toll
on this youthfull soul
spilling sleepy lies into hungry eyes.
Manda Jun 2018
This heart should be, already,
Or one side love-proof
'*** I've learned it that way

That back you thrown at me
Walked off to the departing gate
Should have known it would be the end of this
It supposed to be die right there

But the feeling seemed lurking
They ghosted on the small side of my chest
Waited patiently there
'Till the shine of your light blasted through the flesh

I wonder what to call this feel
Should it be love or passion
Or an amusement, instead of possesion
To recall your embrace 'till my tears are all reckless

Supposed to hate you
Supposed to summoned you away
But these beats after beats,
They told me I'm dying without you

Boy, I'm dying without you
Do not ruffle my hair anymore
Do not smile at my joke anymore
Just do not, do not you dare at all

This time, do not you dare to love me anymore.
Naomi Sa'Rai Dec 2012
The body has spoken
The words it shall be
With a mind quiet
Limbs of peace
The ears have witnessed
The abdomen saw
With pointed hairs
Sticking straight foward
The legs have held
The feet kept still
With water as reflextion
Captured possession
Fishing net
Little boy
Man child
The body has spoken
The sunrise it shall see
With Earth quiet
Quiet as if free
The teeth have mentioned
The gums chattered ease
With phrases
Filled mazes
Circling round
Garden tiles
The body has spoken
The feet drifted miles
The ears whispered memories
With wind beating drums
The abdomen clinched
The legs trembled
The teeth strained
The gums
With numbing echoes
Waters reflection
Simple complextion
Love is possesion
Your body has spoken
To me...
Jemimah Oct 2018
A  day has 24hrs but I think about you more than 24times,
And what ever this attachment is,
It has locked me that I can never get out,
The only way to get out is in,
Look what you got me into,
Who are you to make me feel like just a minute with you is like the only oxygen molecule left in a gas camber to save a life,
So important,
I die a little more with each passing day,
Until again, get lost in your eyes,
Loving you breaks me, it over takes me, I fall so hard,
But am not willing to quit yet,

You are the secret I still can't reveal,
I waste my days enslaving myself to your ways,
You are just Hopelessly hooked on me like a drug,
Am a fool for your punishment,
I beg for more even if all am worth of is just ****,
Crazy me, huh!!
But I just can't stop the feeling,
I no longer have the control over my own breathe because I feel like it is wrapped in just your palm,
You only let me breathe only when you want to,
Lost in you, and I don't need anyone to look for me,

I twine with you, and its like playing with fire,
I let the flames burn me alive,
Leaving me marred, hurting  but I still take the pain as
Sacred, that makes me rise again,
Look how you made me feel for you,
this is not just ordinary love,
What if you will never love me!
What if it is just a mind game to you,
Some trick,
Guess The grave will be happiest to receive you!
As I continue to stay living this life of lies,
Wake up in pain,
But will still be my own healer!!!

This poem is about a girl possessed by a man's love but she doesn't know if the man feels the same way, she actually thinks he might be playing with her feelings, but then she promises she would **** him if that is the case and after killing him, she will heal slowly.
ZACK GRAM Mar 2019
fly by my sky rise///
off the helli pad lookin down thank the world///
when my pen sparks it barks an reminesses the sins////
witnessed by bygones representation of a villian ///

peter without the pan ////
robin the hood takin names of towers /////
like the biggie trades your trump ain solid
~take it down~
a hollow, a don, an real g, pelly pell, gran perrier-

im fearless the fakes an jews think they can run sum'n ////
ain finna ruin sum'n on me ill take over the ufo's ////
run the skie's!!!!
you cant compete-
the whole illuminati bow down to me an my aryan race////
HAIL ******!!!!

put you on faith like the country-
hope this ain a dead end road  **** we private-
took my flag but not my gun…….
its official got the key////
to the citt an the carr-
got shot 5 times stuck on the roof lookin down the stairs-
heaven ain around me///
where they at now???

all i see is demons its cashes turned to a mask….
how the cast played an compared casket-
in the dirt for 100 years steppin stones we timeless
pour out the pint list……
the finest/////
central spoke, tone in ya ears, the waves moving, radio-jamming ////
got my song on play till the streets ain safe an witness a heathen-
like 2 quarters im barely breathing for 1 reason////
its shooter-season, its a cold world the war on earth-
on your doorstep pay a tax-
tax evasion………

im scrooge an we eatin smoking that crank speakin scars in sleep ////
dont wake me tired of being around sinners fax thats a copy /////
cat put that ***** on the map make the whole colombus collapse///
watch the bails stock…….
descend to the mathematics an structure —
built in this binding that copys the realest!!!!
infinate mortality
Nessie Sep 2010
you were a gutter ****

and I was wide eyed and wondering

what it would be like to sit out and rot at night

and laugh at things that weren't funny

you scared me kind of

your breath smelt like beer

I was excited still nevetheless

would you hold me like her?

could I be your bonnie for a week?

would I be the one to cry when they whisked you off to jail

like in all those movies from the 50's

could you pop my cherry

and make my daddy mad?

I want to be a possesion

thats all I ever knew

at least I'd be a fun one

with green eye shadow and short skirts

like those flowers

you see in the 7-11.
derelictmemory Feb 2014
I want that lampshade in the corner to cast away the ghosts by my side
I want your hand to be intertwined with mine at every possible point of time
I want to feel like the waves day and night with rising tides
I want to hold that photograph that captures you in the perfect light always
I want to have that imperfect love when everything is simply perfection
I want the winds to blow through my hair like I'm as carefree as it is
I want to expunge the tornados and hurricanes trapped under my skin
I want to be held like preserved fragile parchments from ancient oaks
I want to be taken like a possesion while being loved like an enthralled being
I want to feel the confidence of the flames in your eyes that still burn
I want to see the swirl of the myriad of colours labelled by digits undefined
I want to live and breathe like hummingbirds in the forest
I want to be wild and in danger; constantly threatened and protected
But most of all
I want you to find me
To cut through every hedge
that stands in between us
Find me

The Dope iS So Cold
Indroduces iTs Self As iF It Were
Manipulates You into Believing
Everys Real That You Feel
Its Endless Forever Gold.
Will Always be There
It Travels but you find your
Own spot
You Put in much work into
Getting more of it, became obbsesed with mining and having it
In your possesion .
It Possesed You, That Gold is
Undercover Black Useless coal
Derek Yohn Oct 2013
Allen, my parents stole your name and corrupted it.
An unwitting mistake, surely,
chosen at random as an epithet,
a mark of sublime distinction;
Perhaps discovered under the
head of an old bongo drum
or on the back of a gnarled
copy of Marx and Engles, a
scrawled incoherent possesion tag
somehow passed on appropriately.

Allen, i have taken your name and it's corrupted me.
The implications are pulsing
through my veins and
acid burned inside my skull.
It has led me on paths astray
and opened the flood gates
to subterranean subconscious,
eroding twin pillars ancient,
created by my forefathers against
the chill of January's night.

Thank you...i think.
tainted black Nov 2018
filled her mind
filled her heart
while it was him---
who penetrated her soul
James Worthley Aug 2010
Sky burning, explosion all around. War for money, war for possesion.
josh wilbanks Jan 2015
On the brink of lies holds a whipped hearts confession -
Here in my arms is the girl of obsession

Yet pain is void from her beautiful lips possesion -
Love has returned to beat my depression
Last week i beat my depression for the first time in 6 years. Today, the love of my life returned.
Lex Apr 2015
I couldn't imagine life ending up like this.

Me sitting in bed, wishing that I had someone else breathing the same air as me in attempt to feel a little less lonely.

I couldn't imagine life ending up like this.

You giving me the cold shoulder. Well that shoulder is so cold that I'm shivering and ******* it you're about to start another ice age.

I couldn't imagine life ending up like this.

A teenager with my most prized possesion being the months that I've been clean, and my biggest flaw being the amount of friends I have lost in those months.
At least five, and at least five.

I couldn't imagine life ending up like this.

Me ending every conversation with "I'm sorry," in attempt to try and clean up the messes I've made.

I couldn't imagine life ending up like this.

The ghost of a little girl who was raised with the mindset of "everyone is kind in some way." But is that true?

I couldn't imagine life ending up like this.

But now, since this has become my life, I don't know any other.  And I'm scared.
Angelica Bisi Jul 2015
The Hollow Men live somewhere,

Between the idea and the reality
Between mouth movements and  sentences
Between conception and creation
Between desire and regret
Between admiration and possesion
Between the image and the talent

they Live somewhere

In this last of string vibrations
they are somewhere humming now

their hands release, perceptions bend,
...try not to fill the Hollow Men
Sir Douz Dante Oct 2014
I was ignorant,
like a little rant,
a care free nutt job,
but now i sob,
i recall the events,in true HD,
every nook and detail,
they wont just stop,
the memories,the conversations,
my blood vessels threaten to pop,
she came like a thief,
found me all stiff,
i could go down on my knees and beg,
baby come back home,
come back to my embrace,
but my stride,
its a matter of pride,
i wont look back,its bad luck,

like a thief,
she stole my most valuable possesion,
got me in an obsession,
like a thief,
she took flight,
dissapeared into the night,
no warning,no explanation,
now to pick up the pieces,
and start all over again,
the cycle begins a new!
Emm Dec 2018
Pretty princesses live in pretty castles
that they built themselves
towering upon the clouds
towards their dreams and goals
nothing was by halves
Surrounded by moats
to protect what she means the most,
a prized possesion,
of a heart of gold and diamonds
Keep the enemies' attackers away,
trap them at bay
Away from where she kept her high-esteem, rightly so
guarded, for her one and only S.O....
Nicole Apr 2014
You are transported all along my bloodstream in the form of shapes i want to name love. Carried and pushed so you invade my whole system in order to fulfill your goal. As you travel inside my interior highways I can hear your voice calling out names and I lit up my eyes looking for whatever you call. You are inside me, possesed me. My body shakes. I cannot breathe. I hold on tight to that single line of blue air floating away from my mouth shaping o's. and i breathe.

Possesion complete.

— The End —