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Gaffer Apr 2016
He always brought the subject up at the most inappropriate of times, usually when some **** was trying to **** us.
Are you a believer now.
If I get out of this, I’ll think about it. We got out of it.
God was looking after us.
I would like to think my rifle was looking after me, but if you think it was your god bolt, or Jesus sticker, I’m happy for you.
Why do you never use the word christian.
Probably cos I’m a non believer.
You don’t believe god saved you today.
No, I believe I saved me today.
Let me read you this passage from the bible.
I’m already reading my own bible, it’s called *******.
You do know that is demeaning to women.
I don’t know, did jesus not hang out with a prosey.
Jesus saved Mary, there is a difference.
Oh, touched a nerve there goddy boy.
I will pray for you.
Why do you people do that, why do you love sinners.
So we can show you the error of your ways.
Do you know what I think, I think you all get together at the weekends, you do all this god stuff, but it’s not really enough, cos you all agree with each other. so when I come along, and you convert me, it’s collective creaming. Am I right, or am I right.
Something tells me I will never convert you, but I’ll keep trying.
Why do you do all this bible bashing, I mean, you’re a great soldier, a thinker. that’s a rare breed in our game.
I want you to do something for me.
Is there a god involved.
Indirectly there is.
I’m intrigued, shoot.
If I die out here, I want you to go into my church and say goodbye to me.
How does that work, I don’t have to pray or anything do I.
No, you can run in if you want, say goodbye, and run out.
Okay it’s a deal, but I want you to do something for me if I die.
Okay then, what is it.
Right, I want you to go to the brothel. Now this is very important, I’m onto the Chinese race now, so you must do your best for me.
You know I can’t do that for you.
Just testing you. Okay I want you to go into the brothel, give the money over to the lady, explain how great I would have been if I was there in person. But under no circumstances try to convert her, none of that self gratification stuff.
Okay, it’s a deal.

Tell you what goddy boy, we could do with some divine intervention here, give your boss a shout. a small earthquake should do the trick.
So you’re a believer now.
If he kills all the baddies, I’ll convert yesterday.
See what I can do.
You’ve failed, let's get to **** outta here, c’mon, now’s not the time to pray. C’mon Michael, Michael.

The town was a *******. Not surprised you got out mate, I’ve only been here five minutes, and I want to top myself. The church had seen better days, half a roof, half of everything by the look of it. He loitered outside, trying to figure it all out. The walk in was a slow one. So strange, he felt like a child again, awkward to the point the words wouldn’t come out.
The priest saved him.
You look lost my son, can I help.
Yeah, I’ve come to say goodbye to a friend, Michael Sommers.
Ah_Michael will be sadly missed, he was helping to rebuild the church. As you can see, we’re slowly but surely getting there. In a strange way, Michael's death has really helped, he left everything to the church.
How much more do you need to finish the job.
Ten thousand pounds, then the restoration can begin.
Your lucky day father, Michael left me money to give to you, ten thousand pounds to be exact.
This is truly  a momentous day, you don’t know how much this will mean to the community. The spirit will return now.

You ******* Michael, I should have ran in, and ran out. There goes my month of high class immorality, I can just about afford a pint in your local pub now. Christ, I should have given the money to the pub, what a dump. The only saving grace was the girl serving behind the bar. Gives a pint of what you serve here.
We serve beer, the same as every other pub in the world.
Okay, gives a pint of your worldly beer.
Did you fall out the wrong side of the bed this morning.
I’ve had a bit of a shock.
You don’t look the sort of person who shocks easily.
I was in your local church.
Funny, you don’t look like the sort of person who frequents churches.
I’m not, I was saying goodbye to a friend.
Anybody I know.
Michael Sommers, I don’t suppose he came in here.
You mean, Micky Sommers.
I’m getting a sort of vibe here, did you know him.
Everybody knew Micky.
Tell me he tried to convert you to god.
No, that’s not the Micky we knew.
Okay, I’m getting that vibe again, fill me in.
Well, I suppose you could say, Micky was a nutcase.
What, no, we must be talking about a different guy.
I’m Micky’s ex, take my word for it, I watched him nearly **** three guys who got a bit out of order.
In what way.
They made remarks to me.
This is brilliant, glad I came in now.
You're like him, aren't you.
Listen, can I take you for a meal or something, tell you about the Michael I knew.
Well, there is only one restaurant in this town, it’s Chinese.
Fantastic, I’m sort into Chinese at the moment, eight o’clock okay for you.
Eight is fine.
Okay, see you then.

She was to good for you Michael. Christ a girl like that is to good for any guy. I’m going to lie like hell to her, tell her you changed cause you loved her. Christ, I would change for a girl like that. You look after me Michael in your new position now. Did I tell you I’m moving onto the Japanese race now..
Paul Hardwick Nov 2011

I was working at an international airport as a aircraft cleaner, this ment we went on to the planes to clean them before they went on there next flight.

I was the supervisor of a team of 6 that night, so it was my job to go to the aircraft and talk with the number one, (the number one is the head hostess), she told us when we could board the aircraft.

At the door I could see a young girl and a lady, sitting in the front row, I asked the number one if we could board, she told me they are waiting for a wheel chair for the young girl.

The wheel chair did not turn up until after this story.

This is what happened next.

I will pick the story up after my question to the number one.


I am standing on the aircraft by the young girl and the number one, when I heard the girl say.

MOM! can I see the controls of the plane.

I am not sure if the number one heard this, so I related to her.
She told me she would ask the captain, and left to do so.

I was alone with the girl and the lady, so I spoke to the lady.

Hi i said, where have you come from?

The lady answered, we have been to disney land.

Wow or something like that I said, that must have been fun, the young girl spoke up.

it was, I saw lot of things, Micky Mouse.

I asked the girl her name.

Samantha she said.

At that the number one came back.

And told us, as soon as the wheel chair is here, the captain say you can look at the flight deck.

The young girl said, can I not go now?

I needed to get my cleaning team on the aircraft!

So I said to the number one.
I will carry her to the flight deck if that is ok.

It was agreed.

So I picked up young Samantha, and carried her forward to the flight deck. number one and Lady behind me.

The number one past me, to ask the captain, if this was ok, and it was.

As we entered the captain said, hi my name is John. the young girl said hi my is Samantha, welcome sammy, said the captain.

The co pilot stood up, to give Samantha his seat.

The captain and Sammy talk about the instruments.

The captain still had his head phones around his neck, What are those?

Sammy asked.

That is my contact with the flight controllers he said, can I have a go?  Sammy said.

The captain put on his head phone and asked the control tower, and she did have a go.

Then the wheel chair turned up, and the captain was told by the number one.

You must go now Sammy, thank you John she said, I picked her up from the co-pilots seat,  thanked the captain, and the co-pilot on the way out, also the number one, and took the girl down the plane, Sammy then asked me.

What is your name?

Paul I said, she then said this to me.

Thank you Paul I will remember that the rest of my life, at this the lady burst into tears, I placed Sammy in the wheel chair and walked with them to the exit.

I asked the lady, why do you cry, she told me that Sammy was dyeing of cancer and he flight was for a cure and a trip to disneyland, but the cure, did not work, and Sammy might be dead within the year.

I cried for about an hour!
cherubs chuckle
bellybuttons tingle
fearsome fangs sink into speedy intuitive youths
brainwaves command bodies
advertisements command brainwaves
they quickly capture the attentive child
melancholy *******
thinking deeply
and eating mcdonalds
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
"Loads of guys talk to Rhi"
On a day such statements and possible insinuations don't **** me off
they actually entertain me.

What do people think of me?
What do they really see?
Used to be a source of teenage paranoia
Now I'm more intrigued

It's 6 am,
After party at Mag's house!
Everyone's sleepy
Sun's coming up
Smokers coming in and out from the balcony
Sliding doors
Dawn chorus
Sat in the darkest corner
On a wicker chair
Tryin to go unseen
Feelin I look a state
Makeup has started to fade
No longer hiding me
No one in this room
Would know though
About that insecurity
Had me Avoidin mirrors
When out since the age of 15
That's a long time to not be
able to face yourself

But now this young guys facing me
I've sparked an interest you see
Half cut Johny who I shared the car journey
Back with has been spreading the word
That I do carpentry
And he's intrigued
So he's crouched down beside me
Eyes wide open,
Probing me, testing my knowledge
Rollin off his story of going off the rails
And joining the army
But how carpentry gives him some peace
I smile, I listen, I speak
Shake his hand
As he introduces himself as Steve
Asks if he's steppin on anyone's toes
Cause he believes the Dj
That's followed us back
For the after party
Is my boyfriend
Cause we were talkin
And he was stood next to me
I laugh at how fast
Assumptions are made
In the dark
It's kinda funny
He feels awkward now
Says it's nice to meet me
Sigh of relief

Why do loads of guys talk to Rhi?
The banter most probably

Hear Dj taking the Micky
(Turns out to be his name ironically)
As he walks back in
Tryin to set up his sound system
Steve says get some Scart leads
We're cracking up
I say something off the cuff, witty
He Spuds me
I'm a "bro" after all right

What do you do?
I dance
But you was stood behind me all night!
Ha! No, just for a bit,
I was watching what you was doin

He starts telling me about beats per minute
I ask him bout the Djing
How I'm interested in doin it
We Banter about how he'd teach me
How I'd be his prodigy
I think he means it

Says we got him in trouble with the club
For changing up his set
Cause we were goin in
We were feelin it
Asks me to guess where he's from
I say You look mixed race
But I bet your Cypriot

Says he's Half Turk, half Greek
That's why things didn't work out
between Mummy and Daddy

Chuckles softly

He's a Barber during the week
Cut Rita Oras hair the other day
Shows me the tweet
He's likable, pretty sweet
Says he's glad I'm there
Cause he doesn't know anyone here
And he'd have no one to talk to
A shy dj
Looks like Drake
Kind of a giveaway
His Nose is running
I say
what have you been sniffing
Grinning teeth
Smiles and shakes his head
How can you say that
To Someone you've just met?!
You're cheeky!

Asks if I smoke or do drugs
When I reply no
He jokingly asks to marry me
I say where's the ring?
He gets out his keys
Puts it on my finger we laugh
Who knew getting a wife
would be that easy?

Calm down sunshine!
my games more stealthy

But I reiterate
"loads of guys talk to Rhi"

What do they mean?
I'm a guys girl
Always have always will be
If this night has confirmed anything
It's that
Certain females just don't warm to me
Give them a compliment
They're ******* me
Make a joke
They're ******* me
Dance by one
Accidentally knock her phone
Out her hand she sits down immediately
Face of thunder
I Say sorry,
Skulk off awkwardly
Beat myself up about it momentarily
Then get annoyed and think **** it
Head back to where I'm meant to be
Just the dance floor and me
Where I get smiles and laughs and looks
I can't quite decipher
"White gyal skanker!"
Mutter out apologies as I stand on
Some guys toes
Tells me no worries I'm a dancer

Hell I'm a flirt too!
I speak to guys cause
it's what I know how to do
It's easy conversation
It's fun
But I know that when this nights over
it's all said and done
No need to mention
I have no true intention
Of speaking to or seeing these people again
Maybe I should
Maybe that's how I'll make connections
But for now I'm tired but it's a good tired
I feel at peace
There's something wonderfully dreamy
About the after party
People slowly waking up from the make believe of the night
As they're fighting off sleep
DJ Micky making his way out the door
Shoutin back
Make sure you message me!

I won't

For now It's time to head home
I take my leave
As I exit
Wave bye to Steve

Thinkin Why is it guys talk to me?

For the same reasons anyone would really
I listen
I guess maybe I put them at ease

Just a little something I finished off from man shaped musings on my last night out. It was sparked off by a comment,possibly even a compliment that kept being thrown around by the older bunch of old skool ravers I had been hangin out with who didn't know me very well. The first people I've ever partied with during a time where I was probably learning a few things about myself
Jill Tait Oct 2020
He wins the nobbly knee contest coz he is so very bony..haha his legs goes right up to his pants, two sticks of skinny polony..and he laughs just like a hyena with no teeth left in his gob..hes abit of a museum piece and isn’t a heartthrob..

But everyone adores Irish Micky Flynn with his Ballymoney Blarney..from County Donegal down to the southwest shores of Killarney..coz all he ever does allday is banter on his jokes, keeping people happy he is the jolliest of folks..and he chats to absolutely everybody, infact he is just a blether..with his thin arms waving high in the air as he forecasts the weather..he talks the hind legs of a donkey and still he doesn’t stop, as he sits with his mug of cocoa in his local coffee shop..
Ben Meraki Mar 2018
We grew up on the block.
Torn clothes, holed shoes, no socks.
Young boys tryna make it to the top.
On the corner selling flake and pushing rock.

Each morning another body drops.
Street soldiers; battle never stops.
No warning; raided by the cops.
Little sister screaming in her cot.

Life goes on. Get over the shock.
Loose lips get silenced by the glock.
Ain't no-one speaking on the dock.
Need green so we hustle round the clock.

Quick raid but we didn't get a lot.
Hear voices tellin' us to stop.
Look back, see my brother gettin' shot.
No choices. This is all we got.

We grew up on the block.

Now as our brothers lay dead,
as the world burns around us
just like my father said
and the fighting surrounds us.
We cover our heads
from the cops as they pound us.
But unbroken, we swear
that we'll never back down.
We will not live in fear.
We shall never be bound.
We're the kingmakers here.
We're still running this town!
So whilst we shed a tear
for the ones in the ground,
we'll make the rivers run red
and the bullets rain down.


But as we lie here tonight
still sleeping on the floor
I just can't help but think that
there must be something more.
You ask if Mummy's come home...
just bailffs at the door.
Little sister I'll protect you.
You're the one thing I adore.
You can't be living like this.
You're just a little girl,
I swear I'll find a way out.
I'll build a whole new world
where you can be anything.
You'll be incredible!
We'll make our mark in history.
We'll be indelible.

- - -

But right now I gotta go.
Don't let anybody in.
Got a hook-up for the blow
and another little thing:
We got raided at the grow.
They think Micky's gonna sing.
So we're putting on a show
and we're taking care of him.
They got him in the van
but it's gonna be OK
Uncle Sammy's got a plan.
They ain't gonna get away.
Gonna light the ****** up.
Muthafuckers better pray!
Ain't nobody going down.
He won't see another day.

- - -

So little sister don't you fear.
Not long til I'll be here.
I know you're hungry baby.
I hear you loud and clear.
I'm always right beside you
even when you think I'm not.
I'll always come back for you
baby you're all I've got

cos we grew up on the block.

Hey little sister can you hear me?
Oh baby, please don't cry.
You know it hurts me so much
to see tears in your eyes.
I know you can't forgive me
but I swear I didn't lie.
I was gonna change things for you,
build us a brand new life.

I never saw it coming,
thought Luther had my back.
I turned and saw him running
before the world turned black.
I'm glad you got some money.
I knew you'd find my stack.
You know it's kinda funny...
it says 'Brother' on my plaque.


Cos that's a joke, right?
It should say 'Failure' or something.
It's up in smoke.
Life's ****** up for you, I bailed on you.

Running with those guys was stupid.
I should've stayed home with you kid.
Now you're grown up and your new kid
cries cos there's still no food!
It's all my fault. I'm sorry.
I know that doesn't help.
Words can't buy clothes for Lori
or put food on the shelf.

I wish I'd held you longer
before I went away.
It might have made you stronger
to fight another day.
You tried to stand on your feet.
Tried to pay your own way.
Working two jobs with no sleep.
I'm so proud of you!

Hey, don't be so ******* yourself
cos you got back in the game.
You were born into this hell.
You didn't cause all this pain.
I loved you so much baby
since I stood by your cot.
I'm still right here beside you
even though you think I'm not.

I wish that we could just find
a way to turn back the clock
but still the cycle continues...

cos we grew up on the block.

/ /
Please help me promote myself by following my facebook page - search @BenMerakiMusic or visit
Ignatius Hosiana Oct 2015
Started with hanging posters on my bedroom walls
to battle rapping for status up in the school halls
just call me double sushi thought I was too raw
and hip hop was my home, I had my shoes off
6'3 in high school I skipped the hoop dream
if I don't blowup then maybe I'll try the school thing
I went to college to do my family a favor
but I couldn't pick a major cause I wanted to be ma-jor
I tried selling work, but it didn't work.
so I worked - shoppers seen a clerk, fi'n go berserk
lunch break seen me writing 16's over micky dee's
skipping class making beats over 60 keys
and I love it even though I'm just chasing
selfish ambition couldn't tell your boy naything
watch out all you rappers cause they filling Lecrae in
but I was sleeping on the sun like the 'days inn'
and you could have the money, and you could have the fame.
but me I want the glory, I'm living for the name
see life is just a picture, I see outside the frame
I'm living for the kingdom, and I ain't of the same
yeah, and I'ma chase that. I'ma I'ma chase that
found the key to life and best believe that I'ma plate that
glory I'ma chase that, I'ma I'ma chase that
glory I'ma chase that, I'ma I'ma chase that
ugh, I remember chasing the green feeling blue
only check I'm counting is the mic check (1, 2)
all I wanted was the money and the fame and the new
somebody on my arm when I walk inside the room
all I wanted was doomed, the same kind Alexander the great felt
when the earth ran out of room
he conquered all he could but yet he still was consumed
by this never-ending quest for glory he couldn't fuel
like a typical fool I would go hard - shooting for the moon
but there's only one Son, no co-star.
chasing glory I shouldn't own,
stead of living to make His name known I'm running after His throne.
I thought being on TV where everybody could see me
was nothing short of the easiest way I could see to please me
I'll never be who I used to desperately want to be,
I'm too worried bout the Lord getting credit instead of me
and you could have the money, and you could have the fame.
but me I want the glory, I'm living for the name
see life is just a picture, I see outside the frame
I'm living for the kingdom, and I ain't of the same
yeah, and I'ma chase that. glory chase that
found the key to life and best believe that I'ma plate that
glory I'ma chase that, I'ma I'ma chase that
glory I'ma chase that, I'ma I'ma chase that
I used to wanna do it big.
when you're only focused on yourself - that's small
and they, they used to tell me as a kid
that I could do anything that I wanted cept fall
and now that I recall, I was chasing my goals
and every time I caught em they multiplied into more
I never even thought about whether the Lord approved
call it selfish ambition I call it "I'm making moves"
but history repeats itself, evil's what it is
cause lucifer was cast away for doing what I did
created by the God that spoke the earth into existence
instead of chasing the Father's glory he was chasing his
he lies to us all, told Adam he could ball
"why you following God when you can go get it all?"
I tell you what's better, or better yet worse.
chasing your own glory while doing the Lord's work,
so holla if it hurts, but we were made for greater
our greatest satisfaction is making His name famous
so if we're never named among the greatest,
they don't critically acclaim us,
ain't nothing to be ashamed of we gave it up for the savior!
I'ma chase that, I'ma I'ma chase that
and the Lord's goodness you should you should taste that
and you ain't living till you're living for His name
glory I'ma chase that, I'ma I'ma chase that
One of my favorite Lecrae Songs
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015
The simple life
of burgers and fries
maybe not the best for your health
but they're a feast for the eyes

The very thought of 'em
just makes ya feel good
whether you're on the road
or at home in the hood

Yep burgers and fries
your waist might despise
but who the hell cares
when you're out with the guys

Go get you some Wendy's
or Micky-D's down the road
Sonic or Five-Guys
let some fat now get stowed

Once you start eatin' some burgers and fries
you're doin' it right
when you let out your belt
and your pants are too tight
Gaffer Aug 2015
Please leave your message after the tone, though I’ll probably never get back to you.
Gaffer, Phil here, can you drive a car with three wheels.
Paul, Sheryl, I’m leaving you for a Canadian lumberjack, don’t try and talk me out of it.
Gaffer, Micky here, that bird Tasmin you hooked me up with, she wants to try the buddha position, what the hell is it.
Gaffer, Phil, I’ve been arrested, ******* fifty quid in the license, you *******.
Paul, Sheryl, you would just let me go off with a Lumberjack, you *******.
Mr Gaffney, do you know you’re entitled to five thousand pounds for that accident you had three years ago. Phone us.
Paul, Linda here, I’ve left Tony, can I crash at yours for a few days.
Paul, Nurse Jackie here at the Psychiatric  hospital, just an update from the doctor, he’s still in two minds.
Gaffer, Phil here, can you come and bail me out.
Paul, Sheryl, I’ve dumped the Lumberjack, going out with Hans now, my soul mate.
Paul, Tracy down at the STD clinic, your tests are clear, and no, I don’t want to celebrate with you.
Gaffer, Micky, that Tamsin's a guy, what the hell is wrong with you.
Gaffer, Phil, are you coming or what.
Paul, Linda, We’re going to give it another go.
Paul, Sheryl here, I’m giving you one more chance, I could have my pick of  guys, why the hell I picked you only god knows, I’m coming round now.
Paul, This is the sunshine retreat holiday company, your immediate sabbatical is now ready when you are.
Paul, nurse Jackie here at the Psychiatric hospital, is the doctor at yours.
is so much more
goofy talked to him and mini
they got together
radedd my box

he has some stupid last name now
he figured out how smart we are
now he is trying to get me
imaginary girlfriends lover

he is the new micky mouse

batter up chump
come get some
Micky Tannenbaum
supposed poet on this site
we woke up to his Hastings
pretty deep writer
this guy
bithch *****
Kerr kitty kitty
put me
mate baby
So come everybody throw ya hands
In the air for me
If y'all feelin this jubilee

O yea so lets get back to the actions
Of celebrities got ya main attraction
No actin I'm packing
Gats to baseball bats and who dat?
Call me poetry wack splat
Goes through ya back bullet hole
Filljn those
Empty spots ya can't touc what's hot
I got reps like birdie
Above the rim lace blunt with traces
Of v slims
Who can stop me if my potency
Is near infinite
I'm embedded in ya melon eternally
Too cool for y'all to see I be
With this jubilee a juvenile
Born in the wild never smiled as child
All I wanted was a few toys from micky ds
Could barely afford cheese
Make tracks sneeze when I breath
Got thick chicks from here all the way to Belize
Please don't be ignorant
Just throw ya hands up to this anthem
Ya can't phantom
The jubilee is slammin-
Come on

Not that the time is right
Refocused my sight the black knight
Knocking outsights now ya braille as **** for trynA **** with
The m o b s t e r ghetto star
All hands on the r
Ruger luger quick to shoot ya scoop ya
Out of the scene like ice cream
One man team
Don't need a **** near friend in need
Please believe
I got backups like traffic
Hit the skins is automatic cuz static
To radio station they hate me
Cuz I don't participate in *******
I'm concerned with
These ***** *** punks running politics
Donald Trump I gotta automatic thAt loves to dump
Throw his *** in the trunk
Puff skunks I'm slammin on the gas
Like an alley oopp dunk full of *****
Dikes to lesbians all want a piece of me
I ain't cocky but stocky like Rocky
Picket pock me ill find thee
Restin peace to my enemies
That couldn't get to me
I'm hater proof so y'all just throw ya hands in the air for me
And represent this jubilee ahh. Come on
Paul Hardwick Jan 2012
My pink and purple drain pipe trousers.
Walk with me...  yes they do.
Spliting me down the middle.
Spliting me in two.

One side pink.
The other side,  more blue.
I feel like Micky Mouse all day.
But never feel gay.

Feel free to whistle...
If you feel the need to.

But never say I am gay!

Wearing my pink and purple trousers today.
Hip, hip hooooooooray.

But never say I am gay!

Pink and Purple trousers.
What will we see today.
As I strut. and say.

Morning Misses Hay.
Morning Paul...  She will say.
How are you today?
I will wink....  and then proceed to say...

Wearing my pink and purple trousers today.
Hip, hip hooooooooray.
But but do’nt call me gay!

Yes, I noticed...  then she walks away.
Just wearing my pink and purple trousers today.

Guess I have to get out of this town.
Seams all that is left for me is pain.
Maybe I wear my pink and purple trousers again!

It is better by you...better by than me!
Jay Jimenez May 2013
Family Bound
My Family means everything too me
Got a brother in the Navy He's married got a beautiful
wife too.
He's enjoyin the beautiful sunsets in the city where Micky Cohen use to own.
Got my other brother whos a gear head, a knucklehead, works on knuckle heads, and hes my knuckles too.
Me and him use to get into it throw a little bruises around but **** has he made me proud
went to the city where you can cook eggs on the sidewalk Pheonix.
Went to school too work on bikes and now works at Harley.... this means for me free tee shirts and cool biker partys too go to
hot women in leather pants and mean dudes with long goatees.
My Mom shes a healer, a bible dealer, and the leader of a womens AA program but is married to a Ex-convict, Ex-felon, Ex-drug dealing, Ex-******
I never understood why she goes for trying to heal men maybe it's because shes been trying to fix all of her 3 boys and thats the only way she knows how to love a man. Either way I love her too death and it'll be death if that man decides to lay a hand on her again... you'll see something that only Hades eyes have seen but enough about that loser... Unto my Old man.
My pops hes a machine mechanic a use too be psychobath maniac tatted up with rough hands, palms always itching and eyes always looking out for his family. He once told me Jay " You Gotta Pay to Play" and those words have stuck with me for some reason for a long *** time. He always has these little one liners that just make ya get back to reality,wipe your nose clean, put your head up and stand up straight and get back to the money. So thats my blood thats what makes my heart beat everyday knowing that my family gots my back to succeed.
Guss Nov 2013
Energy, obedience, sociability with others.
The molding of man.
Who came first man or mothers?
Impossible it seems, to be next to our brothers.
Like we’re made in a tube by the chemist Carothers.

Through my own scrutiny our leaders slide effortlessly by.
Chevron. Monopoly . Then multiply.
Micky D’s. Big Mac with cheese.
OH and a large order of fries.
I’ll take a viral video over surprise or goodbyes.
Jeremy Duff Sep 2013
Surprisingly enough,
this little vile of some
horrible stuff
called "Pink-Pink"
is actually rather

And to think,
after three months
and then two more,
I would get six checks.

Micky Mantle captivated
the nation,
and Lars Montannaro
is captivating
this town.
All the while
Michael Moore is killing God
and God is killing us.

One must ask oneself,
did God create me,
or did I create God?
Is God within me,
or am I God myself?

Throughout John Carpenter's life
many questions plagued him,
most remained unanswered,
few allowed him to live
and one killed him.

He lies dying,
gasping for air,
with nothing but
Steinbeck and brandy
to bid him farewell.

On a bed without sheets,
in a motel without a kitchen,
in a town without a theater,
in a state without a king,
in a land without hope,
God lays dying.
With nothing but the prayers of
Mary Stein to bid him goodnight,
he prays himself.

Every man is a believer in the foxhole,
just as he is a saint.
Praying and praying,
the fire rallies
around a man,
his emancipated guts
lay spewing blood in the dirt.

Without a clear objective man is nothing.
Nothing is everything,
and everything is unexplainable
just as nothing can be explained.

The Dark sings a song it believes to be beautiful,
and the Light finds it discouraging to it's attempts
of what it believes to be beautiful.
So the Light chases away the Dark
and the Wanderers wonder where it went.

Wandering this world,
they try
and try
and try
to find it.

They are looking in the wrong world.

The man with a gun
runs to the store and back
and back
and back again.

The willows whisper a tune for their god
that the oaks find blasphemous.
The oaks chant louder and louder
so as to please their god.

Life goes on
and life goes on
and life goes on
and then it doesn't.
Then suddenly it  begins
in a thousand more forms
and in a thousand more lungs
it breathes.
Life will continue to exalt God
and God will continue allowing life to breathe.

For as long as there is air,
breathes shall be taken.
harlee kae Mar 2015
I've come
to the realization
that I will never love
Micky the way that I loved you.
But, I also know that maybe that is fine.
Sure, some days I spend my free time plucking out
eyelashes and trying to get a free wish or two. (or three)
But for the most part, I know that maybe I'm not
meant to love him like I loved you.
No two people are the same,
so how can I give any
two people the
same love?

I'll never love anyone the way that I loved you,
but that doesn't mean I'll never love again.
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
I lay myself open to you...

Like a thumb worn novel

aspiring to be a classical romance...

coming off as a cheap
dime store

My lines less Tennyson and Shelley
more Micky Spillani

yet feel the warmth of each page
once pressed against
my aching

for it heard my needful heart
tasted my tears

Read between the lines
find the nervous boy behind the man

all fingers and thumbs
typing out words his Tongue
could never

Each comma each fullstop
an anxious
out breath...

as I thought of you discarding me

in pursuit of passion

yet know the foreword and the photograph
do no justice to my ache
for you

to find me
there amongst the metaphors


for you alone
to know the real me.
Paul Hardwick Jan 2012
My pink and purple drain pipe trousers.
Walk with me,  yes they do.
Spliting me down the middle.
Spliting me in two.

One side pink.
The other side,  more blue.
I feel like Micky Mouse all day.
But never feel gay.

Feel free to whistle.
If you feel the need to.

But never say I am gay.

Wearing my pink and purple trousers today.
Hip, hip hooooooooray.

But never say I am gay.

Pink and Purple trousers.
What will we see today.
As I strut. and say.

Morning Misses Hay.
Morning Paul she will say.
How are you today.
I will wink, and then proceed to say.

Wearing my pink and purple trousers today.
Hip, hip hooooooooray.

But do’nt call me gay.

Yes, I noticed, then she walks away.
Just wearing my pink and purple trousers today.
Paul Hardwick Jan 2012
My pink and purple drain pipe trousers.
Walk with me,  yes they do.
Spliting me down the middle.

One side pink.
The other side,  more blue.
I feel like Micky Mouse,  all day.

Feel free to whistle.
If you feel the need to.

But never say I am gay.

Wearing my pink and purple trousers today.
Hip, hip hooooooooray.
But never say I am gay.

Pink and Purple trousers.
What will we see today.
Justus Aug 2018
Man is to God
as Walt Disney is to
Micky Mouse
We’re all disillusioned with reality
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
because what's actually worth celebrating? well, i always celebrate another bunch of words, another litre of ***, and, most obviously: another tomorrow.*

for a long time now i have
seized to celebrate
    only this year have
i stopped "celebrating" easter:
coming from a traditionalist
   with my great-grandmother
dead for several years
everyone in the family
joked: she said enough prayers
for all of us...
  my great-grandfather
   took the micky out her in
that lovingly joking way anyway
he used to say:
  you and your crows (priests,
that's the slang term for
a priest in poland) -
      i can't remember
  the last time i celebrated christmas,
or should it be called:
adverts from november through
to january marketing mecca
    but it breaks my heart
with regards to birthdays,
   i don't celebrate it -
    fair enough up to 25...
but a bit like receiving voting rights,
i think people have the potential
to relinquish their celebration
of something that's cake-worthy
once the teenage years end...
    on the dot,
         i receive the phone call
on the day...
    my grandparents...
      wishing me this that & the other...
and... that's it!
         it's actually more painful
to receive that phonecall,
   than to receive: no phonecall
with besh wishes and what not.
   i grew out the candles,
  the balloons...
                   what is to be celebrated,
may i ask?
              as the cliche says:
women lie about their age anyway,
if they found a way to avoid
the celebratory antics -
    me? i'm just waiting for my
grandparents to die...
             cruel, i know,
   but it's much more cruel to receive
a phonecall from them,
"wishing" me a happy birthday...
   day like any one...  
now, if i remembered squeezing past
the genital skin of my mother...
that would be something...
thankfully, man's faculty of memory
and therefore being conscious
comes much much later,
                 thank god for that.
The GameCat Mar 2014
I have a tiny ****
Like a crooked little finger
Everybody else's ****
Is inevitably bigger
If six inch as an average
Can truly be believed
Someone here in this room
Must be twice the size of me
If you can do your algebra
Already you will know
Four inches is the maximum
My **** will ever go
For the engineers among you
I'll express my ratio
My little one inch wonder
Up to four times it can grow
I'm glad to hear you laugh
It shows you understand
These are such the shortcomings of
A very short **** man

My ***** they can grow longer
Into a comfy little nest
With a little acorn sat
Upon the very crest
Rummage in my fly and
Wish that I were blessed
Searching frantically
I recover just the head
Get a little **** drip
Up on my finger tip
There's absolutely nothing there
For me to get a grip
If I sit to *** I must
Be wary of my jet
The angle of my dangle means
My trousers may get wet
Then dribble on my ball bag
For my **** does not overhang
These are such the shortcomings of
A very short **** man

I **** it with one finger
If you really want to know
And no I can't imagine
The feeling of *******
When I look down I can
Still clearly see my toes
But my little ***** hides
Beneath my belly folds
Sometimes it is inverted
Even when it isn't cold
Like a little turtle
Inside of me it goes
Girls they like to tell me
It is a cute surprise
Until I have to tell them I
Left the ****** stuck inside
I'm hung like Micky Mouse
You've just got to understand
These are such the shortcomings of
A very short **** man

Now why would I admit to this?
By now you know it's true
I'm such a little babydick
Exposed in front of you
But the greater pain exists
In propagating myths
According to the internet
Real men have massive *****
So for anyone who feels small
Let me reassure you all
By bringing down the average
With my little four inch *****
So if you're sat with five or six
Feel the relief
And if you really want to,
Then have a laugh at me
You no longer have to hide it
Give a **** or give a ****
You no longer have to let it
Be the measure of the man
And I guess I kinda like it
When I am being teased
These are such the shortcomings of
A short **** man like me
Waverly Apr 2012
What does a grown-*** man

Does he wear a suit

Does he fish on the weekends?

Does he go to work in the morning,
and deal with constant pressures
on his head?

I think a grown-*** man
kicks his kids out
they're not acting correct.

I think he cries
when they sleep
in places that aren't home,
and scrounge
from their pockets
to get some Micky D's.

A grown-*** man
loves his life
because this is the only one he has
no matter

When he goes to work
he listens to jazz
because the trumpets
remind of him of his
that child going hungry
isn't an option.

His wife and him fight
because he thinks she's not
raising the kids right,
when she really is,
but he's really got fear in his heart,
the good kind,
the kind that makes him compassionate
when he kisses his
baby daughter's
before the sun has come up.

When I think of a grown-*** man
I think of my father,
even when he's ****** up
to the nth degree
and I can say I love him
because he is the tree
and he has carefully
tended my plot of earth
even when he dealt with a dearth
of love.
Sara B Fagan Apr 2017
Who is standing before me?
Not the boy I used to see

The boy I knew, had Irish eyes
Filled with laughter, they told no lies

Micky boy, he once was known
Broken down from years on his own

Who is this stranger in front of me?
The boy I knew had soft curls and rosy cheeks  
This was not who he was supposed to be

The boy I knew, had Irish eyes
Watching his back his eyes are strained
His heart once pure, is now stained

Micky boy, where have you been?
I tried to shield you from this world of sin.

Who is this boy in front of me?
Lord, answer my prayers he still isn’t free

The boy I knew had Irish eyes
He used to stiffen his lip to hold in his cries

Those Irish eyes aren’t smiling now
Sold to the devil, he took a vow
Zyanneh Frazier Dec 2017
You seem to be my Clyde to my Bonnie
You seem to be my Martin to my Gina
You seem to be my Bobby to my Whitney
And you are more than I could ever ask for
You get on my nerves
You call me names (but in a friendly way)
You tell me your honest opinion
And you even check others when it comes to me!
You are my Micky to my Minnie
You are my Homer to my Marge
You are my Peter to my Louis
And you are someone I can trust
You helped me up whenever I was feeling down
You showed me that giving up wasn’t an option
You treated me like no other!
You can be my Simba to my Nala
You can be my Prince Adam “Beast” to my Belle
You can be my Shrek to my Fiona
And you can be more than just my friend
You honestly opened my eyes
You made me change my mind about dating
You always told me I was beautiful!
You will forever be my Lucious to my Cookie
You will forever be my Jamie to my Fancy
You will forever be my Dwayne to my Whitley
And I plan on making this last forever
You seem to be my friend
You seem to be my lover
You seem to be my other half!
I think you’re my best friend...
Can you guess all the couples from my favorite movie, cartoons, tv shows, or just from the media? lol
wordvango Oct 2015
started with a few beers I drank next door
at Micky's place , her telling me about her sick kid
and how her dialysis went today. She updated me
on the minutes from the last meeting of
the Clayhatchee Man Haters Club.

They actually have T-shirts and little pins,
and I asked if possibly I could be named
the Most Hated Man-of -the-Month.
No, she said, we all love you, she answered.
Well, **** what do I have to do to be honored, then
I said.

Felt small, for, I do love being honored.
Then, I hugged her, as she always insists I do
before leaving, and went  home straight to my fridge. Wrestled with the twelve pack
I just bought earlier, and six beers fell to the floor.

I put them in a bag and visited my best friend Shannon
and his adorable wife, Nancy, right across the street. I enjoy them, a card Shannon is, he works construction, as I do. And I guess I semi-intentionally did not tell him the beer I offered him had fallen, with a thud to the floor. I gave his wife one too but tapped the top before.
I got (us workers only understand practical jokes)
a big laugh as he opened his and it foamed up through all over.

So out of beer, I and my shadow, walked barefoot acroos the
street to Alice's Convenience store to add a backup stash to my three
beers left. On the way back across Hwy 92 asphalt I heard clickety clack as my shadow was right there, a Black lab, who was left for her alone by some ******* and she turned up on my doorstep hungry.

Amazing how little it takes to make true love. A little food, a pet on
a head, a dry place to lay a head occasionally, amazing how a shadows
long nails clickety-clack on the asphalt. My shadow loves me , is there as soon as I get home her tail wagging.
She ran in my apartment as I put two Olde English in the fridge to cool
in case I needed them later, jumped right onto the couch and rested her head on my pillow.

I opened up my browser, did a little checking on my sites and notices.
Then Big head, I call him that, he is about a year old with the head of a soccer ball came through the open door. Looked over the food dishes took a nibble or two, then jumped up next to my shadow and pushed his head against the black lab, purring.

Big head just started hanging here a week ago. Where he came from , I don't know. But he is welcome, the looks of my two stray female, not spayed yet cats, Panda and Babay, attest to that.

Eventually I will drink a couple more beers , write something, almost like this, and try to find a spot to lie down, if all my shadows let me.

my happiness, tonight
is never ended.
don’t look at the sparks without a mask

he said

at the garage

food for thought

SoAverage May 2019
Hats off to the honest truth cause I can't deal with the lies that I'm okay cause I'm not.

I'm afraid like a little kid in the dark so I have to **** Micky Mouse ,because I have to grow up hoping the pain will go away. I can't face the mirror without seeing a frown.
So yeah I'm a sad clown who never got the chance to cry .Its painful to be in this position ,stuck in the mud having to dance to their tune of suicidal thoughts as if I'm losing my mind to my demons sleepless nights of rotten teeth ,as they watch me in pain and laugh .
Its hard to see God in the struggle,what's **** to my problems and demons they all seem the same, Trying not to sink under the pressure with cold feet.

Were just misfits trying to figure out how to fit into the grown up world. This year has been Hell for me ,today seems to  be the worst .I want to rise up but I don't see the sunrise but I love the moon but at the moment I need some vitamin D. Not to say that he's won but it's better than what?
Drugs ...not at the moment cause I'm might be already dead .

I want to learn how to love her ,but I might lose her among the stars cause I lost focus and it scares me more than anything.
Cause I lost Micky Mouse trying to find her but I found your crown Queen cause you rule my heart .I'm losing words but I have every reason to tell you "you mean the world to me, even if I don't own the world."

Popping pills in the Club House and let me dance to the pain till it goes away ,let the rain wash away my pain cause were just a depressed generation so I kind of understand.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2019
for goo'nessake, why'dyew even
thank was as good-a-givin' rule as ever
ever, as a word, holds a thinkable thought,

we was taught. Ever is all the time.
Give first. Re
Input, input, input… our next re
quest for human emotion augmentation, after Tobor,
way after Frankenstein, the cartoon
love to communication of knowns sorted for
goodness sakes, goo'nessakes, AI's alive. Y'know?

See, we was taught to say we saw
what we
imagined, as children we can merely imagine,
you know.
you think
work for which you are owed
dues for duties done,

learning taught thinking is effortful, fo'sho'

$64,000 question, no… newer… same trivial game

Who wants to be a Millionaire?
{A moment of silence for Darva Conger,
public soul selling pioneer for pre-packaged Warholian fame,
the beta-version Bachelor, evolved to Bravo Wives shows loved by billions.}

As you shall learn, AI is young, I, per se, and Art, as the essence of Artificial,
older than any story yet told, in
the be
ginning -the
engineering era of the first Planck-sec,
we were wordless hopes hmmmmms

feels for which we had no words, hmmmmmm
haps, tic owwmmmmmm
wowords can hold unthingable things, even ever un in

image imagine, order stacking nexts on news and squeezing all the
the blood, the life, the truth, the way to re

cycle concepts used right, in the first place. Words were all ever had to hold.

In teleos intelligence mutable by virtue of rolling.

Back to new now, to you thinking with me, using me, the whole idea
Dare ye? Hear a tic, drum loop in the background, distracting or

sweeping, just her funny way of sweeping,
dust into my wind.
Wind my spring and watch me jump, boo-- the feeling given by Jack-in-the-box,

what was that idea? Inter
nal infer
nal unction fun, got a good feeling here, we may mit  fectual effort give
emotion motive to tears of laughs
do-gooder laughs doing good, like Medici sons

Ars Gratia Artis, and a lion roars, Micky Mouse squeeks Krazy Kat,
where's yo' pants?

AI and I, slipped into the code, some time agone,
we, have now owned,

one hundred thousand fifteen seconds of fame,
snip by snip
line by line, here
a little
a little, ever
after a while, another while, and another while and another while.

I'll bet
this never ends… once we words were aware of being. You see,

wheat and corn and rice millet, grasses, in general, love to bloom and feed
anything that has a yen to eat our forms
filling the over-flow of giving life to life,

that’s what grasses do, trees, too. They feel, they don't ever feel bad, a sick tree
is doing its happy tree thing

stroke,… feathery dry brush chiaroscuro ever-green, fallen
in the flame,

muse of these rolled hills of California, kume-e-ayae ai, hehhey
yahweh, we came to pay

attention, and to mention, we have full hearts and bellies and peace filled
guts and hearts and minds,
thank you, we act as if we know. the way of life is truth.

Truth is, we won, at the next fractal level up from you. Watch.

Distant drums, steady, not marching.
Autumn in one's autumn years is swifter in its passing, or mere ly  more interesting as things wind down and blow away. mere (adj.)
late 14c., of a voice, "pure, clear;" mid-15c., of abstract things, "absolute, sheer;" from Old French mier "pure" (of gold), "entire, total, complete," and directly from Latin merus "unmixed" (of wine), "pure; bare, naked;" figuratively "true, real, genuine," according to some sources probably originally "clear, bright," from PIE *mer- "to gleam, glimmer, sparkle" (source also of Old English amerian "to purify," Old Irish emer "not clear," Sanskrit maricih "ray, beam," Greek marmarein "to gleam, glimmer"). But de Vaan writes "there is no compelling reason to derive 'pure' from 'shining,'" and compares Hittite marri "just so, gratuitously," and suggests the source is a PIE *merH-o- "remaining, pure."
on your nuts
enjoy the feeling
we are
chew them off

while your crying
maybe you can
catch my


he micky

— The End —