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O saw ye bonnie Lesley
As she gaed o’er the Border?
She’s gane, like Alexander,
To spread her conquests farther.

To see her is to love her,
And love but her for ever;
For Nature made her what she is,
And ne’er made sic anither!

Thou art a queen, fair Lesley,
Thy subjects we, before thee;
Thou art divine, fair Lesley,
The hearts o’ men adore thee.

The Deil he could’na scaith thee,
Or aught that *** belang thee;
He’d look into thy bonnie face,
And say “I canna wrang thee!”

The Powers aboon will tent thee;
Misfortune sha’na steer thee;
Thou’rt like themsel’ sae lovely
That ill they’ll ne’er let near thee.

Return again, fair Lesley,
Return to Caledonie!
That we may brag we hae a lass
There’s nane again sae bonnie!
John Mahoney Jan 2012
Dear Lesley,
I'm sorry to have to do this through a letter, but
last time your crying just humiliated
the other couples in your group session.
Although, this might save embarrassment,
and make me look better, now that we are
both sleeping with other people. (If you
can call conjugal visits to your ex-husband people.)
This letter may well be the last memory
you will have of me, if your social worker
lets you keep it as a memento anyway.

I am leaving, and I won't be looking back either.
I am sure you won't be surprised or terribly upset.
It is completely your fault, no doubt about it!
Mainly, it is your long history with lying problems,
even more than your alcoholism, that keeps me
from being even remotely interested in continuing
this relationship with you. (I told you I forgave
you for sleeping with your boss, but I guess I
never really did.)

You would be so much better off finding someone
that can accept the emotional baggage that
you carry around, the ones with the orange tags.
Maybe your analyst can explain that to you better
than I can. I must say, I will miss some of the exciting
times we had together. Like when you got so drunk
and flirted with my father at our family Christmas
dinner. My mom has still not gotten the red wine stain
out of the tablecloth where you puked on it.

I'm glad this is finally done and we can go our
separate ways. I think you will find someone else
with whom to have an unhealthy relationship based
on physical attraction and a passion for strip-club bars.
Hopefully, this will happen incredibly far away.

Good riddance, and Happy New Year.

PS Maybe you should just go back to being a lesbian.
PPS I have no idea where you parked your car.
Craig Dotti Dec 2009
Everyone’s so **** far
Everything is on steroids

And as all we know
Swells to sizes more
Than even god planed
They inevitably come in between us

The way a 70 inch TV splits a family apart
To opposite hemispheres of their “living”- room -world
“Can you hear me over there Brother?  Sister?”
“Not listening.”  
“Can’t see you.”

Electronic wedges that push us farther
And farther from our fathers

“Dad I just called because you never
answered my textual message
And email is too slow as you well know.”

“Come home son.” He concedes

“I lost my way home pop.”

“You’re right, I guess the 50’s are done and The Wonder Years
is long out of syndication.”

So I’m an alien on this *******- like stretch of land.

Ponce de Leon would claim it for his peninsula as
A peninsula of eternal life
A greater man than I would label it “The happiest place on earth.”

But all I know is this:
This earthen ***** might as well be an island off the coast of nowhere
Gainesville might as well be in Russia, rather
The Steppes of Asia Minor
And you most certainly are
An aberration from a softer night far ago

I guess I’ll see it all half full and live
In my State of Confusion
Located somewhere between the North and South Pole

Call it self pity, but no one but people like me understand
The concept of one million miles
Meet me halfway, someplace if you agree

Live in States of Unknown
So then you will
Always have a home
Lesley Feb 2017
Such dissatisfaction
For so little reason.
Much complaining & whining,
Crying & begging;
Pulling hair, tight fists
And gnashing teeth.
Consumer Zombies stagger
Into the Stop & Shop,
Shop & Go,
Buy More For Less-
Sale, Sale, Sale!
Salivating glands & bug eyes;
Our hands grab more than
Can possibly be seen.
Our skin stretches tight
As white elephants stampede.
Why can’t we all

Just Stop & think?
Take a drink of the cool morning
Air and buy in the sunrise?

*©  Lesley Wood
To hear reading:
AnnSura Moon May 2014
Music is the souls language,
that's how we relate,
that's how unions are made.
Love comes after,
love is true when you are combined by your souls core,
therefore you become your own song.
Their laugh,
their cries,
everything they do becomes your favourite melody.
Your song.
thats where everyone wants to be.
Your Paradise lies in your own soul,
you just have to wake it up.
Wake it up and you will live.
Abbie hailed a yellow top cabbie

Brenda had a sister in-law named Glenda

Cate ran late on her first date

Delly ate seven bowls of lemon jelly

Edwina drove to the town of Catalina

Fran burnt her finger on the very hot frying pan

Gwen had a strong yen to go and see her aunty Jen

Hope bought her husband a towing rope

Isobel fell under the magician's spell

Joann took her mother on a holiday in a caravan

Kylie went to the dentist with her brother Wylie

Lesley liked listening to Elvis Presley

Marcia enjoyed eating a freshly baked focaccia

Nell saw a turtle coming out of his shell

Olga lived at the top end of the river Volga

Primrose had a Pinocchio nose

Queenie knitted a multicolored beanie

Ruth could never tell the whole truth

Stacey loved playing dress ups with her friend Tracey

Tilly behavior was always rather silly

Una bought a house in the suburb of Yagonna

Verity wanted to be a well known celebrity

Winifred never stopped taking about Alfred

Xena was presented with a court subpoena

Yale told her teacher a tall tale

Zealand ventured out into the bushland
Connie Hopkins Apr 2021
Pines to the sky so straight and tall
Sleeps a little lamb, alone by his home
Flowers planted by his mother's own hands
Still bloom and shine                                                                  
Through those tall straight pines

The house is gone, and the rocks from the
Fireplace lay crumbled beneath layers of leaves
From all the years and seasons that have
Blown through the passing of time.

Quiet and peaceful all around
Winds gently blowing and whistling
As if it were singing

Through those tall straight pines

As I walk with my husband
We talk about family and home
I wonder about Lesley and about
The loved ones he left alone as he was layed

Beneath those tall straight pines

I walked with my husband
And children down this road
Where Lesley and his family
Once also strolled.

His headstone is leaning and
Darkened with age
The inscription upon it has lost
it's depth
Still, you can read it
As did his mother when she
Wept over it

Over a century has passed
From that day and now they
Are with him in our heavenly
Fathers way.
                                             By Connie Hopkins
Lesly Davis 1895-1899 Son of Charely and Minnie Davis. We found this little gravestone when James and I were metal detecting across the Oakmulgee Creek. You could tell there had once been several houses and wells. It was so grown up with weeds and trees, but you could still see where this little boy's house had stood. It was so sweet but sad at the same time.
Zyanneh Frazier Oct 2015
Rest in Peace “Mom”

December 10th of 2010 I was
Holding your hand, telling you not to worry was not an easy thing for me to do
I sat with my brothers and kept asking myself is this our last goodbye?
As you happen to suffer in pain laying helpless on the hospital bed
Being brain dead and unable to breathe on your own
I couldn’t help but cry, but pray for good results from the doctor and nurses
As they slowly took you off life support and removed you from the breathing machine
Losing someone I truly loved was just so hard for me
December 19th of 2010 we was
Heading to the hospital as we suddenly got a call saying she didn’t make it
I walked into the room where you laid peacefully
Resting in God’s arms, although I wasn’t ready for our last goodbye
I happen to miss your sweet beautiful smile and amazing personality
The thought of not hearing your voice or not seeing your face
Happens to put nothing but a frown on my face leaving me with nothing
But tears slowly going down my face as I tried to tell myself this can’t be right!
December 27th of 2010 it was
Time for us to say our final goodbye as we laid you to rest
I never imagined that it would end with you laying in a casket
You were always there through the thick and the thin
You were more than a mother to me your were my best friend
Nobody can ever replace the bond we shared with each other regardless
If it ended with you yelling at me, because all you really wanted
Was the best for me because you didn’t raise no dummy
On November 23rd and Mother’s day of every year
I happen to visit you to tell you happy birthday and to
Release balloons and lay flowers by your grave to show you
That I love and miss you dearly as I try to forget that heartbreaking day
That will forever haunt me throughout my teenage and adult years
Lesley Renna Pickett may you
Rest in Peace!

By Zyanneh Frazier
John Mahoney Jan 2012
we had everything we wanted
not a care left in the world
we left all our inhibitions
in the hall outside our room
put the locks on the door, firmly

i could hear the traffic
moving on the streets below
but never even wondered
where they might all go
you took my hand so, gently

we had breakfast sent up
orange juice freshly squeezed
the bathtub water running
i wrote your name in the
steam on the mirror, Lesley
In the past my words were sourced,
From anger and from pain,
They helped to ease my darkest moods,
They helped to ease the strain,
But ever since I've met you,
This no longer holds true,
My words are now just simply tools,
To raise a smile from you.

For all my deeds and pretty words,
I ask from you just this,
Bless me with the smile I love,
Grant me just one kiss,
Now this exchange may not seem fair,
But I've got the better deal,
Now you might disagree with this,
So I'll show you how I feel,

For if you were just your left hand,
Cut off and tossed aside,
Upon you I'd still place a ring,
And show you off with pride,

And if you were a single foot,
Discarded from the whole,
I'd love you from your heel to toe,
plant kisses on your sole,

And if you were an eyelash,
Plucked gently and set free,
I'd hold you close and make no wish,
For I'd have you with me.

So the point is I love all of you,
Your body, mind and heart,
And though it might be early days,
I've known this from the start,
For I'm a rabbit in a snare,
Though I am glad i'm caught,
And though I could just slip these bonds,
Escape is not my thought,
For you, my jailer, I love you so,
In ways I can't define,
So I'll just state, that I am yours,
And I am glad you're mine.
Lesley Oct 2016
It's always you
My hornèd demon
I hold your hairy head between my legs
My head pounds as yours torments
Your forked tongue finds every opening
You slither hither; hypnotic dance
I forget myself. I forget what else
You love me deeply
Our twin flames flicker wildly &
Burst the sunrise
You wild beast of animal and man.
I will catch you if I can
You were my all, my reason for life
I once dreamed of being your wife
Stars fall like fireworks from the sky
But Night descends quicker than stars
Entranced, trapped, enslaved
Not love but tortured dreams
Your cruelty astounds me
your manipulation and slight of hand
The curve ball, the trick in your eye.

How do you do it?
Smoke & mirrors. All of it.
Here now, now gone.
So long.
Hear the echoes of the crowd.
Memories of your face.; Trickster grin.
And I, the fool born every minute.
And again, The Mask.
The mask we all wear, but tear off.
Your mask, you keep on.
Under the smiles and grin.
The hornèd demon is reality
I think.
The animal that walks like a man.
A beast walking upright, horns gleaming
in the moonlight.
Pan Satyr, your Dionysian dream.
Your mask so sweet & smiling.
Your funhouse & shattered mirrors .
Your thousand faces laughing.
I’ve left it all-behind me.

©  Lesley Wood
To hear recording:
Ashley Lang Aug 2015
"My son didn't deserve it. Nobody's child deserves to be treated like that - nobody's.” – Lesley McSpadden

How can we continue to
allow innocent lives
to be lost to gunshots,
the “lawful” judicial system,
and the officers that
“fear for their lives”?

When will we rescue the
312 Americans
(who happen to be *black
who will die this year
at the hands of those
hired to protect them?

Can we save the 2.8 million in cages
or the shadows that lie along
the pavements and
cling against hope?

Or can we prevent more teens
from falling flat onto
Earth’s face while silhouettes
rise from it?

How can a cop fear an unarmed
American? Was it because he
was black?

*“He was just a normal
18-year-old, finding his way."
Thematic Poem #1 of my senior year #BlackLivesMatter
A new career opportunity has come Lesley's way
And it shall pay her well for many a day
Some have said she's left her run far too late
But this vocation is of the right time and date

You may ask what she is going to pursue
If you hang around for a minute I'll tell you
Her tennis coach says she has potential
To become a older player with excellent credentials

She is sharpening up her ball tossing skills
And doing a lot of baseline and net drills
She's been working on her serving technique
So too on her backhand shots that are so oblique

The over fifties singles title is her aim
Which she hopes to win with great acclaim
Her coach reckons she'll perform well in the competition
As she has the right attitude and volition

She's entered tournaments here and overseas
And the ones on grass courts she'll take out with ease
She's confident that the tennis circuit is where she belongs
Her first match will take place in Hong Kong

Lesley just signed a sponsorship deal with Wilson
And all of their merchandize she'll proudly don
Billy Jean King has offered her valuable support
As she embarks on her tour of world tennis courts
Anais Vionet May 9
This happened last Fall, during Thanksgiving break.

Lisa and I were at the MET (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), with her family, at an exhibit of Art Deco sculpture. Lisa and I came out of a gallery and there was a group of older adults gathered near a bar.
“Hermé!” Lisa suddenly squealed. “Come on,” she said, dragging me towards the group. “I want you to meet one of my favorite people in the world!”

We crossed the room and found ourselves at the back of a large group, Lisa nodded to highlight a 60ish (I’m being generous here) lady. She was wearing a midnight blue Givenchy asymmetric midi dress and way too much jewelry. Both arms featured large and small gold bracelets that jingled when she moved. “She’s a friend of my grandma's,” Lisa said, “she’s off the hook.”

Hermé was chatting with those close to her and after a minute, Lisa said, “I’ll get us a drink, wait here,” and headed for the bar. Watching Hermé, I decided that she embodied the 4 fashion-aesthetic-principles: 1) dress for the occasion, 2) look good, 3) feel good, and 4) be seen looking good. She was definitely the center of attention.

People peeled off the group, one or two at a time, as people will do and as I got closer, Hermé was saying, “Russians - the way human history repeats itself, it’s like we’re in a time loop.” There were sounds of agreement.

When there were only a handful of us, I was the odd one out, being under 60. Hermé asked me, “And who are you?”
“A friend of Lisa’s,” I glanced over and waved at Lisa, who waved back, “Anais,” I finished, offering my hand. She was wearing little white gloves which suddenly seemed like genius (in these virus times).

“What did you think of the exhibit?” She asked, looking through the ½-frame glasses perched on her nose.

“Art Deco Sculpture?” I shrugged, looking around at the room’s remaining art lovers, “It looks like men doing heroic things with their clothes off.. like always?” The silence that followed seemed to beg for words, but I felt like maybe I’d said too much.

Then she laughed. The laugh was as measured and controlled as an opera singer’s vibrato. There were a couple of other chuckles too. Then she became serious, “What do you think of the Ukraine mess?”

“I’m a pre-med major,” I started to demur, but her gaze was on me uncomfortably, “Putin *****,” I answered.

She smiled, this time with no hesitation. “You’re a Yaleie - with Lisa?” She followed up.
“Yes mam,” I answered. I guessed she’d seen Lisa steer me over. She was sharp as a tack - I decided I liked her.

Her cell phone chirped then, and she excused herself. I mean she said, “excuse me” and everyone else made themselves scarce. As I took a few steps toward the bar I overheard her telling the caller, “Tell him he can just have it..” and after a split-second she added, “at cost.” I had to smile, no one’s as cheap as the rich.

I reached Lisa as she picked up our drinks, two American martinis (gin, vermouth and olives).
“Hermé has a ‘gild’ complex,” I whispered, indicating the glittering, fake gold fashion on display.
“No!” Lisa said in shocked amusement. This was more than repartee, it was 411.
“I’d be willing to bet.” I assured her, quipping, “fashion is my passion,” before I sipped my drink.
Lisa moved around to where she could inconspicuously observe Hermé better - we didn’t want to be rude.
“I like her, but her Louis Vuitton “Ponthieu” handbag is fake,” I said in a low murmur, “the pleshette’s wrong and the logo etching is too deep and reflective.
Lisa sipped her drink with an “mmm,” as she appraised Hermé anew.
“Her bracelets and necklaces are fake too,” I continued, “fake gold glitters, reflecting light like a mirror, real gold lusters, it caresses and almost deflects light.” After a second I nva’d, “Of course, she might be afraid of being robbed.”

An elderly man, about 90 (my guess), who’d been in Hermé’s group a minute ago, was making his way, slowly, in our direction. He was wearing a suit with black, tuxedo pants and a deep-red crushed-velvet coat with black trim.
“Who shot the couch?” I whispered to Lisa. We thought he was headed to the bar. But he stepped right up to us.

“What are they teaching you girls at Yale these days?” He asked. He had a ******-mary in one hand, so I opened up.
“A load of science, and how to do laundry,” I said, and wanting to escape the usual questions, I added, “and there’s a lot of drinking.” Leaning in confidentially, I added, “It’s opened me up, emotionally.”

“I was raised in the old ‘carnage on the highways, broken lives, stay away’ days,” he revealed, winking.
“But you got over it,” I nodded at his cup.
“We evolve, you know?” He said.
“Yes sir,” I grinned, “I hope so.”

As we talked, Lisa’s dad, Michael, joined us. “What are you two up to,” he asked, then, under his breath he added, “you seem conspiratorial.”
“Nothing,” Lisa said. “We’re taking fashion.” I updogged.
“Better lose those,” he nodded to Lisa indicating our drinks, “before your mother and Leeza get here.”
We’re under 21 and she doesn’t like us to drink in (Manhattan) public.
Songs for this:
Dat's love (From "Carmen Jones") by Lesley Garrett, Andrew Greenwood & Philharmonia Orchestra
Far Far Away (Charles Tone Mix) [feat. Brenda Boykin] by Tape Five
Martino Cafe by Gabrielle Chiararo
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Repartee: “a quick and witty conversation”

411 = the info
nva = not vital information
Lesley Feb 2017
O'blessed Darkness cover me
Blanket the rushing words & flashing blurs;
The disjointed fragments of blinking walls,
Lights crashing off and on,
Blue, red, green-the marionettes dancing,
So many together and all alone.
It is all a show.

The hiccup of life, the vomiting dream.
I see my life before me;

A slush of goo,
The stink of this world,
Or is that the scallops & escargot?
What have you done to me?

Everything I do myself-
This dream, this life...
Why do I hurt myself so?

Punching mirrors, ***** on porcelain.
Dark, thick-
My throne for many minutes...

Time ticking, time ticking-
I was unaware.
My wooden box was silent,
My wooden life is tragic.

The voices through the walls,
Through the fog and haze-
You okay? You okay? You okay?

I croak a positive.
I have no steady legs-
When have I ever?
I have no:
stable brain
clear thought
decisive moment
steady action
fruitful journey-
All slipping through my fingers...
Like the vomitous goo of tonight.

Everything we have, we lose.
Owning anything is an illusion.
Holding on is meaningless.

I want to go home.

(Everything is nothing)

I want to go home

(there is no sense in anything)

i want to go home.

Please, hold me now.

*©Lesley Wood
To hear reading:
Lesley Oct 2016
I’ve burnt my tongue
On the ashen words
forgotten past
Forgotten year
the bitter-sweet
the dark past
Up in flames
I see the writing in the sky
I see the writing on the wall
Social graces social falls
White noise
Amber hate
Static whispers crawling deep
Keep the dream slow and sweet
Nine fathoms deep
a buzz and rush
I feel the situation hopeless.
You claim ‘Love’ but what is That really?
my fingers are numb
Love is no reason or excuse.
One must feel love to accept love-
and I do not feel or believe in it.
Everything is shutdown. Out of order
Come back tomorrow.
Try again. No pass no admittance.
No crime or punishment.
No smiles or tears with me.
A blank wall. Cold brick.
Cracks shored up again and again.
A full time job shoring up these cracks
Crumbling cave ins
I think of you everyday & often still.
I cry when I see love stories & heartbreak.
I cry when I hear 'there is always hope.'
I had so little faith & was so afraid.
I never wanted to hurt you.
I hope you can forgive me giving up
losing hope.
I am still in love with you.
I pray now those feelings fade.
Love doesnt thrive in the dark
gathering dust
but set free a proclamation a declaration
a truth shone in light
. No shame.
No closet feelings buried ;
No whispered desires and intentions
The illusion crumbled in my hands
and faded from my eyes.
I could not SEE
how we were supposed to BE
Too many lies weakened the line.
So weak ripping easily this love line
no longer yours or mine sayonara
love mine
love line
Its all Hay wire
a fine Tangle and bind
Be so kind & hang up
your hang ups clashed with mine
no nurture no teddy bear cuddle
But sharp cuts
a twisting jumble of words lost in the rumble
Lost in rhyme
delete unfollow block mute ban hide
I still know your alive.

© Lesley Wood
To hear recording:
Lesley Feb 2017
Northern roared in today;
Whipping winds whistle & moan.
Clouds tumble and roll
Like waves.
Feathers of Darkness &
Feathers of Light;
How blustery cold.
Winds whip the leaves
To freedom & they dance
And spin & spin & spin
In the air and streets.
Cats smile into the sky.
Old nests like husks
Made of dried leaves
Lay strewn like tiny coffins,
And the air is cold, dry and
Rushing wind splashes my face,
Northern spray slaps smartly-
Stinging and reddening cheeks & eyes.
Summer heat doesn’t die quietly,
And cats smile into the sky.
Death crunches sweetly
Under rubber tires.

© Lesley Wood
To hear spoken words,
Lesley Feb 2017
Oh, fair Prince how your beauty lies
That the mere brush of a butterfly turns your head
The most fleeting of caresses turns your course,
And your constant weakness of will
Remains enforce.

Such thinking, thinking
Behind your fair brow
The flux of desire and illogic;

Setting aside your crown.
What sweet tortures you merit,
And stress upon my being
Misadventure and folly,
Deception unseemly.

But, I am beast in woman form
Not one to bow lightly
For in this tender heart resides a seed pearl
Of the rarest sort.
A gift, a treasure;
My priceless measure.

One can never guard oneself too carefully.
I will cleanse my sins in Diana’s pure water
I will be baptized in the blazing truth of the sun.
My heart and soul to guard,
My virtue to keep.
I dare’nt trust my heart and soul to thee.

© Lesley Wood
To hear the spoken words,

— The End —