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Bob B Aug 2024
(This poem can be sung to the melody of George M. Cohen's song "Harrigan.")

Who is the one who will lead us to victory?
Kamala--that's she!
Who is consistent and not contradictory?
Kamala--that's she!
For she has the courage and fight in her
To insure that she'll be the one we prefer.
Who is the star who'll make Trump give his au revoir?
Kamala--that's she!
K - A - M - A - L - A: That's how you spell Kamala.
She's PROUD of what her record has to show us.
WE know that SHE will truly try to know us.
K - A - M - A - L - A: She is bound to be
One with grit who should sit at the desk in the Oval Office.
Kamala--that's she!

-by Bob B (8-22-24)

In case you don't know or remember the old song:
larry mintz Sep 2024
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk,
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.
A party that supports Tar pitch **** is  sic
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk.

And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****
Kamala played the same old Dem playbook.
The past is an iron chain Trump is a crook
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.

Kamala played the same old Dem playbook
And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to
On Afghan and Bidenomics he scores a win
Kamala played the same old Dem playbook.

And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk
Both like rotten cheese  and all of their ilk
And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to

Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.
A party that supports Tar pitch **** is  sick
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk.
r Apr 2014
Led down from the tower
Head high and hands bound
Blindfold declined against the wall
Black square pinned to his heart
Eyes afire and shining proud
He sang...

He sang of Caruso, Townes Van Zandt
Pavarotti, Bocelli, Mercury,
Carreras, he sang of Antoine,
Of Sinatra, Lennon, Morrison, Redding
He sang and songbirds paused in flight
He sang like them all

He sang a song of himself
Of leaves of grass, of second comings
Of Byron, and Bharti, and Cummings
He sang of Neruda, and Plath, Tagore
Dickinson, Kamala Das and Naidu
Oh, he sang of them all

He sang of art and beauty
Of Mona Lisa and starry nights
Girls in green dresses and pearls
He sang of Van Gogh, of Picasso
Of Rembrandt, da Vinci
He sang of Michelangelo

He sang of sadness, pain
He sang of My Lai, Sand Creek
Of Guernica and Krystallnacht
He cried and sang of Wounded Knee
Of Katyn Forest, Sabra and Shatila
Oh, he wept as he sang

He sang of history and wonders
He sang of Olduvai and pyramids
Machu Picchu, Tikal, and Angkor Wat
He sang of a great wall, the Taj Mahal
Stonehenge, Easter Isle, Mesa Verde
His song took us to them all

He sang of courage
A song of Bunker Hill, Gettysburg
Of the Alamo, Normandy, Stalingrad
Of Lincoln, Guevara and Dr. King
He sang of Bolivar, Bhutto, Ghandi
He shamed us with their song

He sang his song...
As women sighed and peasants cried
He  sang until the rifles fired, he died
Songbirds fell from the sky
Soldiers broke their guns on stones
And marched into the deep blue sea.

r ~ 4/12/14
Robert Ippaso Feb 2024
I'm sitting pretty biding my time
Staying real quiet towing the line,
For President Biden, that lovely old man
Playing the game as only I can.

Why make loud waves, somehow act up,
When everything soon will fall in my lap,
Quiet will do it, with a giggle or two,
Hold my cards close and see this thing through.

Joe barely knows and doesn’t much care
When all he can muster is the 50 yard stare,
Once a great man now just a shell
Hell of a shame he can't hear the bell.

Time is my friend for as every week passes,
The closer I get to those fawning masses,
Cheering me on as I take our great oath
Sealing my path, cementing my growth.

Joe's a mere tool I’ll use till I'm ready,
But it needs to be soon as he's ever less steady,
Have him beat Trump, that foul mouthed buffoon,
Then on to dear Joe who shan't be immune.

The Media will gush, but just for a bit,
While I contentedly wait and quietly sit,
One gaffe way too many, they'll call for his head,
And here am I ready to jump in instead.

Madam President, sure has a ring,
A fine tune Beyonce will conjure and sing,
As to the fact I wasn't elected,
Who cares if it's me that must be selected.

For those that once doubted my
inscrutable skills,
It gives me the goosebumps and even the chills,
I socked it to Hillary and ******* the great chump,
So call me Kamala, the Queen and a Champ.
Political Satire
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
The rumblings of government
People say, “Joe Biden is too old”
“He’s not up to the job”, truth be told. Hypothetically say he steps down
the next in line is Kamala Harris
She speaks in rhyme . Embarrassed.

she laughs like a hyena that’s a start,
she makes Joe Biden look smart.
running for office, she told protesters
to continue fighting She makes a gesture
(Uncontrollable laughter) rightly so
they’re not gonna stop Nor should they.

BLM will continue after the election
Kamala and Many in her party created, a get out of jail fund For the rioters,
Those arrested In most cases,
Were back on the street in 90 minutes looting and shooting again for reparation

Recruiting stealing , destroying businesses
Lite fires Burning down police stations
Desecrating, statues, monuments, history
The sounds appearance of an insurrection.
Kamala Harris Resign or Impeach
A harsh lesson to teach

American is on her knees
Terrorist Isis,Hzbollah  Hamas
Illegal immigrants made their way here
Open borders, there is a third choice
President pro temp nominated  2023
On paper, she sounds really good.

Patty Murray Democrat Washington DC has held various positions and has been reelected five times Elementary school, teacher mother. The media ask Kamala questions she is constantly non-plus
really?  not a good look for a president

At this point, what could it hurt
Open mind Consider all options
Americans want an amiable leader
Democrats party in peril
We need a road to recovery
We are at a precipice
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Amiable 7-20-24
Friendly, sociable, congenial, pleasing admirable
Nonplus 7-19-24
Someone is perplexed or in other words who caused them to be at a loss of what to do or say, or think
july hearne Sep 2018
we stood in our scarlet, costco bought handmaiden costumes
wordlessly taking a stand
because words matter

it is a stoic thing
to make history

kamala harris
wisely having her moment
so far, the height of her career

then we re-enacted various episodes
of House of Cards
all in front of Judiciary Committee

afterwards, we were given some money.

before going home to watch netflix, we had to educate the world
on the language they are and are not allowed to use,
because we need to control the world's vocabulary
especially since so many people are ******-phobes
and we still think the term "hateful bigot" holds power.

thank god for the 25th amendment,
there is no way in hell that we will lose another election,
but if we do, we can always fall back on 25A.
*Leonard Cohen-The Future
Robert Ippaso Feb 2023
I cackle and I giggle
I'm a friendly sort of gal
And when I’m quite excited
I'll give a little twirl.

Why would all this be funny
As It's simply who I am
Just a smart and chatty lady
Not a sour old boring man?

The job I do is tiresome
Cleaning up after my boss
Helping prompt him and remind him
For he's often at a loss.

People need to understand
As the ‘Spare’ it's really tough
If you harbor any doubts
Ask Prince Harry just how rough.

We poor souls haven't a rudder
A proper job to give us strength
Maybe why we're such a target
Nipped and pricked with every breath.

The sad part is I'll never be
The leader only I can clearly see
The first woman to Preside
The gig I thought was meant for me.

But what the heck let's have some fun
Doing the little that I do
A skill of mine if truth be told
As often I simply haven't got a clue.
GaryFairy Sep 2021
Biden means button
Kamala means Lotus

Trump means trumpet. sinister?


can words brainwash?

i am not a theorist, and if i were i would research this more...this my research of science, religion, politics, and how it keeps biting me...if you want to help make the world a whole, it is somehow going to with making this nation a whole...and other ones...the pie has so many pieces and doesn't feed need you...lets study with goals toward understanding...then we have more color in our is hard to be gentle when everyone i know in real life is a cutthroat zombie...they get crap theory and lies fed to them by tv and internet...if you ever see that i am wrong please let me know
Esridersi Oct 2020
Free Speech is dead,
Kamala ain’t black -  
Joe Biden is hidin’
while Hunter’s on crack.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Kamala means lotus
And the Hindu goddess Lakshmi

Yes, I do notice
If you want to, you can ax me

San Francisco is expensive
And beauty by the bay

Will she help the country?
Yes, I hope and pray

November 3rd
Not too far away
preservationman Sep 2024
Kamala Harris controlled the stage
You could see her opponent’s rage
Vice President Harris words were stuff like bullet proof bracelets
She was Wonder Woman being Kamala Harris wonder
While her Villain could only ponder
Wonder Woman Harris full of words and answers
The Villain didn’t have a chance
Yet he tried to prance
Wonder Woman Harris was strong
Her Villain couldn’t even get the words along
There was too many lies after lies
No surprise
The villain with the cannibal mind
Answers to questions from the Villain didn’t make sense
Villain loss in his own past tense
Wonder Woman Harris had common sense
She possessed wit and charm
Her Villain set the dangerous warn and alarm
Wonder Woman Harris brought truth
Her Villain had no youth
It was clear that Wonder Woman Harris claimed victory
True Presidential candidate story.
larry mintz Nov 2024
I love painting and poetry
I dislike Kamala Harris.
Being disabled I feel embarssed
I love painting and poetry.

I dislike Kamala Harris
I love nature and chili too
I hate the Gaza war ,do you ?
I dislike Kamala Harris.

I love nature and chili too
Cooked cauliflower taste so bland.
Living in a care home -not grand
I love nature and chili too.

Cooked cauliflower taste so bland
I love painting and poetry.
I hate global disharmony
Cooked cauliflower taste so bland.

I love painting and poetry
I dislike Kamala Harris.
Being disabled I feel embarssed
I love painting and poetry.
A Poem of Loves and Hates
I was sleeping in ***** when Kamala Harris came over to me with her arms outstretched. In her hands she had 4 pounds of raw dog liver. "I'm offering you raw dog liver," she said like an angel from Heaven. Another time, there was a large woman waiting for a bus in the rain when Kamala came over with a large bag of raccoon guts. "Here, eat these **** guts and be happy," she advised, and the large woman did, and she was very happy.
White House Biden ****
Shame on you
genocide joe
liar liar **** gov
burn in Gaza's hell
bombs fire ***** and all.

Kamala Harris laughing Haina
Genocide Joe hoo morena
Narcissist pooping
heartless lunatic
****** devils advocate
garbage ticking bomb.
Shame on USA, UK,Germany
France, Ukraine
Israel **** regime, go to hell
Court martial sinister satanyahu
and it's **** ****** IDF psychopaths
Free free long live Palestine!
From the River to the sea 1947.
By legions of human beings.
May all Israelites **** regime be
exiled incarcerated famined too
Thanks Israel for teaching us
Earthlings on
how to hate you..
Elizabeth Mayo Nov 2012
and I am a troubadour, but I am not your troubadour
my scarlet silks flutter, ember-red, in the breeze, not to you
away from you, from the soft kind heart of the Fool-- like you!
and beautiful and red is Kamala's mouth,
but blood demands blood and poison begets poison
and I'd frighten the heart of a Fool like you.

oh, but I am Herodias' daughter,
and yet despite this all, have I ever demanded a head?
I quoted Siddhartha! Can I please high-five myself now? No?
james nordlund Mar 2021
Would ne'er play in a patriarchal,
'men only', anything, except for it's
theme's the 24 th International
Women's Day, on 3-8-21, sadly,
it may be my last one, here, in
your poetry contest, thanx kindly.

This year's main theme's women's
leadership, especially during this
covided year, only the latest, at
least, purposely not prevented
unnatural disaster, not counting
climate crisis' natural ones,

hoisted on humanity by the fossil
fuel headed global oligarchy,
through it's spearhead, the united
**** of assassin's republican
organized crime conspiracy, as it's
latest tool exterminating humanity

to it's extinction.  Like the yoke,
that's no joke, almost defacto-slavery,
put on all newborn neck by the corp.  
structure, it's convolution, and Man,
which can only end by abolishing
fossil fuel use, "there's a beacon

in the sky meant to catch your eye",
Happy Rhodes.  It's a hopeful sign
that Kamala Harris is the first Vice
President of US whose a woman,
and President Biden's doing a great
job.  Solemn lowering of # of, and

remembering the tens of millions of
premeditatedly exterminated, in their
global class war against the lower-
middle-class to poor, targeting men,
is our duty to those martyrs, and
women are at the forefront of this,

as they are in so many vital fields
of endeavor.  Whereas the % of
mass-murdered by pandemic who
are men is more, women are more
effected in totality, specifically they
make up the largest group of front-

line health + family caregivers, and
are at higher risk, suffering the horrid
death toll from that too.  If vlad-the-
impaler, the patriarchy's, la machine's
tres facile global conspiracy didn't
illegally install Utin's **** into The

BlackHouse, a President Hillary
would have stopped the death toll
here at ten thousand, instead of the
**** of Utin's million murdered.
Joe's righting of our Ship of State
the S.S. Tea Party tugged into rocks,

may not be enough to prevent Man's
extinction, it gives US a shot though.
Tragically, in the future kids, women
will be little more than a food source
if we don't mothball NASA, stop their
Mars Colony 'exit strategy', their

'final solution', extinction of humanity
on Earth, necessitates.  Trillions spent
on it come from destroying the Earth
through fossil fuel use, when if it were
left in the ground, instead, humanity
wouldn't be extinct on Earth, awaken.
International Women’s Day 2021 - UN & UN Women Present #IWD2021:   .  Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world", "abhaya, fearlessness, is most important for an individual and a nation", "the root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science".  You know why they put a female child in charge of the global climate crisis movement, so it will only fail; don't you let it- or her legitimize supposed science, the premeditated mass-****** of 8 billion humanes.  Write on.  Have a pleasant day   :)   reality
Anais Vionet Aug 2024
I’m sorry we can’t start the morning
- I’m still stretching and yawning.
Oh, give me a skibidi break,
why’d you wait to snake me awake?
Anyway, you know not to bother me
unless you’ve brought coffee.
You can’t just insist we have to leave -
I haven’t even brushed my teeth!
I’d love to join in your drama
but I’m still in my pajamas.
Can you give me a quarter hour?
I’ve really got to take a shower.
We aren’t back in school,
who says there are rules?
You know, summer loses its charm
when you have to set an alarm.
Does running late count as exercise?
Kamala Harris! I’m SO hyped.
I guess Yale’s (5 member) Alpha Kappa Alpha ladies get to reify their nang now.
Songs for this:
Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
I Remember the Sun by XTC
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 08.07: Reify: representing something sketchy as a concrete thing.

skibidi = insert the profanity of your choice
nang = cool

01:38 08.07
Lawrence Hall Nov 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

Vice-President Kamala Harris’ Speech of Gratitude and Farewell
to Her Faithful Followers in the Early Hours of 6 November 2024
           ­                                 .
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                                                               ­          .
                                                               ­    (****)


James Floss Jun 2019
Who to hedge?
Mayor Butigedge?
Camelot with Harris?
All trying to scare us
Bidin’ my time
With this rhyme
Oh! Sleepy Joe
Establishment’s gotta go
Does Bernie Sanders
Really furnish answers?
Can Gillibrand
Instill a better plan
Choose Hickenlooper
Over Agent Cooper?
Is Eric Swalwell
Really ready as well?
Is senate Bennett
Really in it?
With smart I could I hang
Can do, Andrew Yang
There on the end,
Author Williamson
Sometimes chiming in
Hanging in
Add it up, Kamala
Show us the algebra!
Universal health care
Always and everywhere
Here’ a real shocka:
Gotta keep that DACA
We need legislation
To fix immigration
And yes we can
Care for veterans
Tax the rich, *****!
Time to shun guns
Meet the feed need
Help the poor more
All in a home zone
And note every vote
And yo:
Not your embryo
Anais Vionet Oct 2024
J D Vance has such smoky, smoldering eyes, doesn’t he?
The way those baby blues coruscate, as if from the darkness.
Are those shadows natural? No, it’s eyeliner, of course, but on
a 40-year-old man it’s called guyliner.

Any teenage girl will tell you the kohl pencil is the gateway makeup tool for self-definition, if not exactly self-improvement.

As an ex-teenage girl, I can picture the hours senator Vance spent,
hunched over his laptop watching make-up tutorials on TikTok or
Instagram, analyzing eyeliner techniques in overwhelming detail.

TikTok clips are today’s replacement for the Teen Vogue magazine
product pages of back-in-the-day. I recall watching these videos,
at 14 and devolving into a fog of envy and inadequacy.

JD began wearing guyliner in 2016, so he probably watched those
at age 33 and by now, he’s certain to have upped his game by having them permanently, cosmetically tattooed on.

Of course, Trump himself has never been one to shy away from makeup.
His weird, orange, glazed-ham look comes from his preferred spray-on concealer, ‘Bronx Colors,’ a cruelty-free makeup manufacturer in Switzerland.

If this all sounds too judgy, I’d like to say, “JD, I’ve felt your clearly adolescent girl pain, and I get your desire to represent a softer and more romantic republican political aesthetic.”

And let’s not forget that Kamala’s been known to wear makeup herself.

Here are before and after JD Vance eyeliner pics - you decide:
Songs for this:
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Falco
Gonna Get Along without you now by She and Him
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 10/09/24:
Coruscate = reflect bright light in flashes.
Robert Ippaso Aug 2021
You may well ask where am I,
Am I engaged or fully checked out,
Take a seat, happy to clarify,
Placate your mind, dispel any doubt.

I'm Biding my time and that's not a joke,
Giving the old guy time to implode,
He's senile and tired, befuddled and woke,
Any wires remaining will for sure  overload.

The Border is crumbling, COVID runs wild,
Afghanistan gone, China supreme,
Kamala in hiding, lost and beguiled,
Progressives now surging their wishlist extreme.

Nancy grandstanding, Chuck babbling loud,
Cuomo shot down, who would have known,
Just goes to show it's good to be proud,
If your cover is solid and not wholly blown.

I'm mulling and watching disasters untold,
Inflation unbridled, crime running wild,
The Media's support from lukewarm to cold,
Uncle Joe's moods ever more riled.

Well may you ask why I seldom now speak.
The answer is simple and easy to grasp,
Time is my friend as you see week by week,
And eventually bites like a poisonous Asp.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Okay, we know only what we read?
A former mayor professes she was his side chick plaything.
A mistress or sort.

While we within this attack the male with this MeToo quest.

If true?
She is not the only to rise to power of position through affairs.
We just stay quiet like it's tolerated.
But money and power have attracted many women to be caught up into this pay to play game.

It won't stop because of MeToo quest rose up to attack males.
Look back through decades and you see scandals at the hand of various women.

Many not guilt as many seems to think.
If she hadn't played the sneak and creep game.
Then she has to worry about not a single thing.
olu Oct 2024
the last of my breddahs i’m just following suit
at the end of the day i’m still that same ol’ yute
twenty one now, i hope you get there too
cuz if you ain’t here, i know you’ll get here soon

and perspective is mad cuz i was once you
an ambitious little boy with some radical views
cravin’ for a chance to receive and shoot
like Laca in the box, cuz i would take that too

but what i would do
just might not be true
to what you would do
but if i asked myself now what would i do
then i’d get the same answer like two plus two
cuz i still got my views

and let’s be honest
i ain’t really changed much
at least i think i haven’t cuz i really ain’t exchanged much
different ideologies and people ain’t been sayin' much
other than this same old same old for these same months

cuz kamala this and donald trump that
is no different to me than what ’16 had
the same old story pulled out the same hat
but we don’t draw the lines to try to change that

we move
and fall into a groove
even though it’s bumpy when we're wishin' it was smooth
life is always twistin' throughout different routes
i guess that’s why we always try to stay close to our roots

cuz if we never have to travel in search of our truths
then we can say the life we lived is closest to truth
am i saying that to say i’m worse off than you?
just because i’ve strayed further than you?

i think it’s mad
and honestly i’m glad
i’ve seen so many cities that i never thought i’d have
the chance of seeing
and instances of being
surrounded by some people that i never thought would be in
my life, and i’m grateful
for what they’ve brought to my table
if my last supper was today then to all of them i’m faithful

too many times we see some **** go south
saying words that shouldn’t leave our mouths
words that turn into action with a  punch in the mouth
and then it’s EMS, ambulance, blackin’ out
and it’s the USA so hospital be cost amounts

of money that we ain’t got
so we divert from those actions and those nasty thoughts
cuz if the cost of death is higher than the price of life
why wouldn’t i try to see the beauty in the strife
and never let some nasty words tell me how to live my life

that's mad
cuz i’ve seen some of my people take that **** real bad
when i’m on the pitch i can’t say i’ve not had
experiences like that
where i’m contemplating whether to abandon match
or to let that pass

but still, i’m here
my body and mind are intact
and i still got these same breddahs behind my back
and this same family to watch my back

and only experience and those people contribute to my repertoire
and only form my skillset when i’m well-aware i’ve set their bar
and those who haven’t done that yet should know exactly  who they are
because they’d know they aren’t far

because i’m only 21 and i hope that i still have lots of life left to give
i hope that my people can sort out their problems like it’s flour in a sieve
i hope we continue to broaden our horizons like Sid Meyer’s Civ
and most importantly i hope we remember to take a deep breath

and live

enjoy, pree more life
find the beauty in the struggle and strife
as we continue to strive
and find ourselves as we get surprised
by the courses of life for which we must improvise

another milestone, and another celebration
offering another chance at self-recalibration
as goals yet to be achieved are still the final destination
or so we hope to fulfil imagination

twenty-one years on this planet and now i'm forced to look in one direction
forced to find my style even when it’s gettin' hairy and i'm facin' deflection
forced to go forward even if there’s a wall with no intention
of breaking down because i have to break those barriers using nothing but a mirror,
my reflection
spoken version available at:
Kamala sunbathed
****** art
where in
heart she
fly to
virtual beach
in LA
so Leroy
fell and
took her
task there
in Philadelphia
her adherent
of folk
from downtown
here and
ole USA
Johnny come lately
Robert Ippaso Aug 2024
I am Indian by birthright,
Simply black when it feels right,
A gender champion through and through,
A Southern Belle from the Bayou.

I cover all the bases from Gay rights to MeToo,
Environmental warriors – I’ll always stand with you.
Black lives truly matter, the Homeless my pet task,
All you need is Me, you don’t even need to ask.

Show me any audience and I'll immediately relate,
Where's the very harm to myself Ingratiate;
They say my laughs a cackle, but that's blatantly untrue,
It's simply Inner-me, reaching out to Outer-you.

As to championing Hamas, that's nothing but a slur,
The fact my husband's Jewish should that thought conclusively deter,
Same deal with loving felons, what will they dream up next,
That I'm a prosecutor who's never read the text?

On drugs and immigration, they titled me the Tsar,
I never asked for that as our Border is too far,
I'd rather spend my days engaging our core base,
Cajoling them to spend for this pivotal new race.

Vance calls me a Chameleon, Trump's confused by who I am,
They'll figure soon enough the cunning of this femme,
The more I keep them guessing, the less prepared they'll be,
When finally I pounce, then they'll twig who's truly me.

I've got the Party pliant, putty in my hands,
Celebrities galore, like shiny rubber bands;
Money pouring in, donors by the score,
All the worthwhile Media gushing it's Kamala they adore.

As to any policies, I don't stay up at nights,
Why worry when my bag holds Reproductive rights;
C'mon Donald, admit you’ve badly lost,
I'm the future President and you’ll be simply Toast.
This is a humorous parody of course. But as Shakespeare proved, there is often truth in parody
Robert Ippaso Feb 2024
I know I'm slightly losing it and Jill sees that now too,
So all we can but hope for is to Bluster and to Woo.
What If I sometimes falter with names or something more,
Only Fox is bent on keeping that lame and pointless score.
The rest of my fan Media provides me with great flak,
While I air my inner Irish and repeatedly attack.

As to the clueless voters I truly feel for all,
I quietly do get them, as the choices do appall.
Trump is but a cannon with a worn-out rusty bore,
Little in the barrel spraying mayhem aft and fore.
And to my friend Kamala, words truly don't suffice,
But no-one of sound mind would want to roll that dice.

So what are we now left with that possibly makes sense,
To getting people voting and off that dreaded fence.
I'm quite the only choice if truth be clearly told,
Despite the fact I'm quirky and obviously quite old.
Thank goodness for the knowledge my team will see me through,
I bless HIM every night for this weird creative crew.

They tell me what to say whenever I might need,
Have me practice all **** day to show that I can lead.
It's a challenge for them all but what about for me,
I’m sure it’ll be worth it in the end as you will see.
And while this plan unfolds I’ll keep a low profile
Speaking ever less as has become my style.

There is one thing that worries me far more than I would care,
Jon Stewart's now resurfacing with his weird confounding stare.
Throwing comments like sharp knives as a rapper from the hood,
And jabs like some street **** with a blistering left hook.
I’m asking my top people to rush him off the air,
The answer that I’m getting is pretend he isn’t there.

None of this a problem, the story of my life,
I cherish a good brawl and every dose of strife.
Abortion is my ticket with progressives by my side,
This alone will stem the frothing MAGA tide.
Just watch me now perform with my wily stash of tricks,
For if Trump is made of Teflon, I’m made from Scranton bricks.
Satirical and humorous take
james nordlund Aug 2020
In it's six ring circus, wrapped up today at the rnc,
to little fanfare, for its competing conservative alt-
'Convention on Founding Principles', fared better.
As I told everyone in 2015, we'll be lucky if ****
doesn't go Caligula on US, declaring himself god,
for now he's saying "the election results might not
be known for over a year", and "the election is
rigged", while he and his rumpettes do everything
they can to rig it, stopping USPS, Voter ID laws,
decreasing voting days, times, polling places, etc..

Those Ridin' with Biden did far better, culminating
in Kamala's great speech before rnc's sunset eve'.
She decried the Black "vigilantes and extremists",
who did the looting and arson, criminals, for n'er
will crime be emancipation through to liberation,
as organized crime, Ebony and ivory, Black and
white supremacies, project it is, as they divide,
conquer this nation in e'r more perfect harmony.
Only Black Lives Matter can stop that **** of
Utin re-installation top plank in his own platform,

for, the rnc's platform, made up of megalomania
enablement and nothing more, was moot there.
This is just like before the 2016 election, BLM,
expropriating political coverage from Dems,
made them look subservient to the Black lobby.
Also, we're seeing the same from linos, dinos,
sinos, ainos, ginos, who helped illegally install Utin's
**** into the Black House in '16, mass-******,
mayhem, looting in Kenosha, WI, aflame, more
of the same, "electoral politics don't matter",

the name of their narcissistic, nihilistic game,
demanding they get the coverage and $ that Dems
get, instead. Remember, if you didn't vote Hillary,
you voted **** into the Black House, for the bi-
polar axi of global power, not-see repub and
totalitarian, the unpowers that unbe, and all 23
flavors in this baskin 'n robbins of supremacy, also
the global oligarchy, Utin, it's head, and all traitors.
Be most pained by the future that wasn't, or be
ending complacency, apathy, loss, occupy the vote.

You see, before O'bama gave as much to repubs
as he could, and the multi-media conspiracy, civil
wrongs movement, NAACP, etc., helped make the
tea party, to justify Black supremacy and their
genocide of non-repub newborns to men (for the
klueless klucking ****, republican conspiracy
and the rich, thru killing their natural competition),
Ebony, ivory had been working together for half a
century, liquidating ases, assets of masses for $,
power, yet it's humanity's hour, we can stop it, vote.
Inspired by quote of Søren Kierkegaard...': "The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you'll never have"; I'm allowing my poetry to be read by anyone anytime.  Just so you know, getting rid of 'zero tolerance' in schools is the next thing that Ebony is contracted to deliver to ivory; don't let organized crime destroy our kids even earlier than they do now, defend it.  Thanx for all you All do; have a pleasant morn'   :)   reality
from the Harris-Walz front
where liberal minded socially progressive
electorate doth agonizingly grunt
targeted in crosshairs scoped out
eager and ready to be mortally wounded
courtesy notorious big headed
(and bigoted) infamous
for bearing arms
as if going on a hunt
as attested to him and recorded for all of posterity on March 14, 2019 at 3:05 EDT by Analysis colunist Philip Bump, (a national columnist for The Washington Post; before that he led political coverage for The Atlantic Wire. One of the paper’s most read writers, he focusses on the data behind polls and political rhetoric), he recorded one of the most famous and insightful lines Donald Trump offered on the campaign trail in 2016 came during a stop in Iowa, shortly before that state’s caucuses.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?” Trump said, mimicking firing a gun with his fingers. “It’s, like, incredible.”

"Blast it!!" I am gunning for the glib gal
versus MAGA sugar daddy
gesticulating his arms akimbo,
whose lowball unflattering unprintable
pet phrases for Kamala
indicative of a short, and nasty brute,
whose vile (hints) might be excusable
if he suffered epileptic seizures grand mal
drops names of ruthless dictators as his pal,
who sport trademark coiffed hirsute
allocating, designating, ginning, jumpstarting,
and mandating excessive monetary resources
for his poofed hair courtesy project 2025
and then when confronted becomes immediately mute
and does a spot on rendition of Marcel Marceau
engaging in ******* with a *******.

"Arms akimbo" is an adjective or adverb that means having your hands on your hips with your elbows turned outward. For example, "She stood there akimbo". The word "akimbo" comes from the Middle English phrase in kenebowe, which means "at a sharp angle". The word was first recorded between 1375 and 1425, and may come from the Old Norse phrase i keng boginn, which means "bent into a crook".

After watching some
of the Democratic National Convention,
mainly the first and second nights,
I felt tears of joy rapture
welling up inside me
after listening to such
brilliant, fantastic, nuances
sounding out monologues
utilizing English language
to maximize stellar oratory,
which lengthy list of speakers follows suit:

On Monday, delegates heard from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, first lady Jill Biden and the president himself.

Tuesday's session featured addresses from former President Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker and others.

Wednesday night heard from former President Bill Clinton, Gov. Josh Shapiro, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Walz.

Here's the full speakers list for Thursday:

Minyon Moore, chair of the 2024 Democratic National Convention Committee
Invocation by Everett Kelly, national president of the American Federation of Government Employees, and Imam Muhammad Abdul-Aleem of Masjidullah Mosque of West Oak Lane, Pennsylvania
Presentation of Colors by the Illinois State Police Honor Guard
Pledge of Allegiance by Luna Maring, a 6th grader from Oakland, California
Rep. Veronica Escobar of Texas
Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers
Sen. Alex Padilla of California
Marcia Fudge, former secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Rep. Ted W. Lieu of California
Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin
Rep. Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, House Democratic Whip
Rep. Joe Neguse of Colorado
Mayor Leonardo Williams of Durham, North Carolina
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois
Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado
Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan
Rep. Pat Ryan of New York
Rev. Al Sharpton
Members of the "Central Park Five": Dr. Yusef Salaam, member of the New York City Council, and activists Korey Wise, Raymond Santana and Kevin Richardson
Amy Resner, former prosecutor and friend of Harris
Karrie Delaney, director of Federal Affairs at the ****, Abuse & ****** National Network
Lisa Madigan, former attorney general of Illinois
Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League
Nathan Hornes, former student at Corinthian Colleges
Tristan Snell, former New York State assistant attorney general
Gov. Maura Healey of Massachusetts
Courtney Baldwin, youth organizer and human trafficking survivor
Deb Haaland, secretary of the interior
John Russell, content creator
Rep. Maxwell Frost of Florida
Rep. Colin Allred of Texas
Joint remarks on "A New American Chapter": Anya Cook, Craig Sicknick, Gail DeVore, Juanny Romero and Eric, Christian, and Carter Fitts
National anthem by The Chicks
Kerry Washington
Joint remarks by Meena Harris, Ella Emhoff and Helena Hudlin
D.L. Hughley
Sheriff Chris Swanson of Genesee County, Michigan
Rep. Lucy McBath of Georgia, joined by Abbey Clements of Newton, Connecticut; Kim Rubio of Uvalde, Texas; Melody McFadden of Charleston, South Carolina; and Edgar Vilchez of Chicago.
Gabrielle Giffords, former member of the House
Performance by P!NK
Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona
Leon Panetta, former secretary of defense
Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan
Eva Longoria, actress and film producer
Adam Kinzinger, former member of the House
Maya Harris
Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina
Vice President Kamala Harris.

Shoot! Thar haint no other candidate
within a bajillion miles
worth celebrating with unbridled fête
cuz the other contestant
(hands down) ranks as ingrate
man dragging fetters shrilly mutters,
the opposition mumbles,
no you don't get away with freedom
them words to ****, cuz
against peace mongers
this republic for liberty,
which country stands under
the grateful dead
someone must liberate
the ship of state
one must steadily operate
even courtesy motley skeleton crew
captained, governed, and trumpeted
by weird Wharton wimp
linkedin to leitmotif reprobate
with lips he doth undulate
poisoning the fresh air
and poll looting the audiological
and visual realm of vulnerable listeners
courtesy radio and television waves.
By Elliott Blanchette

2020, what a year indeed!
For every nation, language and creed
For it exposed every good and bad deed
But it was a long lesson that we did all need.

In January, a tragedy worse than the heat of Nairobi
Was the death of a legend, a man we call Kobe
The world mourned, wept, wailed and did wonder
Was there more coming from 2020 over hill and yonder?
‘Twas then I heard of a virus
And no, not ammonia!
Was not crisp like a beer
But she was called Corona
In China, she sat, like a lioness ready to pounce
But leaked out onto foreign soil, ounce by ounce!

Trump was a man impeached
But by the start of February
He was acquitted of all charge
Was trial really necessary?

Then came a historic day
More seasoned than parsley
For the long last conviction
Of a man named Harvey
A filmmaking giant who fell from grace
All cause he never learned the value of personal space.

Then came March, my birth month of course
On the 9th day of the month, the stock market went hoarse.
Corona slipped onto our shining shores
Closing all of our venues, markets and stores

But wait, Trump said, let’s not let hope fester
We shall curb this little knock before Easter
April came and our hope seemed dim
Corona took human form and she was at the helm.

Then came May, a month I wish we could avoid
It all came to a head with a man called Floyd
A cop’s knee was upon him, as I watched the world seethe
As Floyd uttered his final words, “I can’t breathe!”
Like a volcano that just blew its top
Riots erupted and came full stop!

I watched in stunned silence as I saw two sides clash
With protestors and cops seeing each side bash.
Violence escalated and hatred doubled
I felt my heart sink, I was deeply troubled.

It spilled over into June, near the start of summer.
All nerves were on high!
My God, that was a ******!
It was then it occurred to me, yes I have a voice
To use it for hope and faith, and yes that was my choice.
There was another highlight
No need to be hiding
Look out USA, here’s Biden!
Tyson’s got nothing on him
Trump’s chances just got dim!

Now came July, with another strike
Bugs called ****** hornets came in a huge spike
They were like hoodlums intent on killing
Every honey bee and hive, their bee blood spilling!
I did much as I could to keep on living!
Until I learned of the death of Regis Philbin
Host of a great game show, if one would dare.
One called Who Wants to be a Millionaire!

August rolls around explosion and joy see
Beirut up in flames and Kamala as VP
But then tragedy struck again for Hollywood
We lost Chadwick Bozeman, the Black Panther that Could!
Our Wakandan salutes all up in the air
I asked God why Chadwick, it didn’t seem fair!
California had its own trauma
Fanning the flames
Consuming every forest
We are not playing games!

September brought another tragedy
A pioneer of change
Losing the great RBG and her great judicial range
A revered Supreme Court justice of the highest merit
Only to be replaced by a woman called Barrett.

In October, Corona reared its ugly head
As it went to attack the President instead
Many wished he went down, but it didn’t take him
Pretty soon he was back on the road on a whim.
Was it staged or was it all real?
Trump healed up way too quick, what’s the deal?

Then came that month, the dreaded November
It was served piping hot like a bowl of scorching embers!
For Trump, this month was all but fun
For old Joe Biden, it was a grand home run!
For gals everywhere, they were all, Yippee!
As Kamala Harris was elected the First Lady VP!
Yet another tragedy came, one that stung me in the neck
Was a beloved game show host called Alex Trebek.
Cancer took him severely and quietly too
Jeopardy won’t be the same, all fans cried boo-hoo!

Finally it was December
Not served as a burning timber
There was hope a-flaring
As far as I remember
Relief was coming and for all to be seen
An FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine
Yes! I thought, my faith paid off
But local leaders would just look and scoff.
They bickered for months, allegedly on our behalf
When we got 600, they gave us the shaft.

This year was a hot mess
Every event in its cause
2020, oh 2020....the year that was!

— The End —