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YOU say, as I have often given tongue
In praise of what another's said or sung,
'Twere politic to do the like by these;
But was there ever dog that praised his fleas?
Where the sunlight splashes through
The barely moving branches of the Magnolia tree
It makes a fascinating pattern on the patio.
Amy Lowell wrote of patterns in a lovely, angry verse
When she was writing about how she hated war.

I bend to trace the patterns with my toe
And focus on the possibilities of now
With monster canons rolling down the boulevards
And goose-step imitators marching by
While in the stands a devilishly evil Buddha smiles.

A zephyr gently stirs the leaves
And all the patterns rearrange again
I look at them with half closed eyes
And I can’t find the symmetry
That I saw just an hour ago.

The Kraken still is held by chains
And though he gushes fire and venom
The patterns on the wall contain him
As he thrashes to replace the sun
With a new one of his own creation.

Amy walked a peaceful garden path
In dappled sunlight long ago
Creating lines that live today.
I trundle down a brick-lined walk
And hope that I will have tomorrow.
An ode to little rocket boy and Bozo
tread Sep 2011
Silly, silly, silly me.
To think I'm free, and that I'll be somebody?

Silly, silly, silly me.
You can't be free, and that's just it,
All you are is 'somebody.'
"Some body."

But that's not true!
Look at Trostky and Lenin,
Michael Myers and Lennon,
The other Lennon.
It's hard to differentiate in name and legacy,
Because both Lennon's were revolutionaries,
Marching around like the freshman from heaven.
But neither believed they were the result of divine intervention in the affairs of man,
Because this convention would threaten their worldview and beckon away their sanity...
In the same way that the Pope or ****** let their divine vanity commit greater blasphemy and bring them future agony.

Now neither Lennon nor Lenin came anywhere close to being men from Galilee,
In fact they were more the men of the galaxy,
Or at least, John was, with his peach fuzz beard and his belief that love is greater than fear.
The other Lenin implemented the New Economic Policy, to starve the proletariat and start his revolution on an already hypocritical trend that would continue quite the same until the very end.
And it proves something, does it not?
Violence sends a message to no one but the instigator,
Changing them to justify, and claim is wasn't misbehavior;
But that's a lie, no idea of mine is worth the death of a human mind,
And to pretend otherwise makes one delude themselves that they aren't an instigator, but an illustrator,
Painting in the blood as if ****** makes an innovator.

And for ******, there is no vindicator,
Violence is an image breaker,
Indulged in by poor imitators who think they're right, and the world is wrong.
Unaware this makes them weak, not strong.

Now John Lennon was the true revolutionary;
Although he succumbed to violence, he veered away from it, even when it was necessary.
He fought the war, and yes, the war did win,
But at least he didn't cover his scars with artificial skin,
Or deny his implicit wrongs as a result of all original sin.

John Lennon used the word '******' to the opposite effect.
He used the word to trigger something bigger and correct,
The wrong that seemed so propagated by the last colonial tide,
Of which the other Lenin defected and took colonialism's side.

John Lennon was Utopian and told us of a better world;
He interjected definition, and caused old thoughts to curl away in fright,
And bite the dust despite their might and past dominion of industrialism,
It was a schism, and it still plagues us to this day.

John Lennon understood we over-complicate way

Silly, silly, silly me.
To think I'm free, and that I'll be somebody?

Silly, silly, silly me.
You can't be free, and that's just it,
All you are is 'somebody.'
"Some body."

"Some body" is something,
And some body can change the world.
Jerm Dec 2013
Memorized by a vacant lot. At the edge of an abyss. Darkness is solitude. Solitude for a crowded my mind. There is no break for a mind. Constantly crunching away at what is reality. The concept of nothingness makes the mind clock overtime. Are we creatures of logical limitless. Or finite beings who cant grasp that nothing is infinite. We are here to observe. To learn. To yearn. In search of a purpose. In search of anything that keeps us from thinking we are worthless. We are creators. We are makers. We are breakers. We are fakers. We are individuals. We are imitators. I am you and you are me. One in the same. On an even plane.. on a round earth. We are haters. We are lovers. We are creatures of similarity. We are creatures of contrast. Idiosyncratic nuances that make us a so far apart but so alike. The performer with a mic. The crazy man on a soap box. The angry in jail. The stoners in a hotbox. The gated community members. And the thieves breaking pad locks. The rich and the poor. The nun and the *****. The killer and the doctor. The lover and the boxer. All so far apart yet always united with a common theme. One in the same. He is her and she is him. Cell by cell. Limb by limb. United until every atom that we were connected through is torn away into nothingness. Vacant lots at the edge of an abyss.
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011
It was one of those rare and beautiful sunny days the kind that is so bright it enriches every visible living thing. Still there was a lie being lived and told in this captured moment she stood straight and confident her dog set by her she was looking at the natural wonders in awe and appreciation. It was plain to see she was healthy and lived in wonderful surroundings had an all around good life. What I saw I fought forest fires in the service one in particular in the Los Padres National forest. For five days over half of the California division of forestry assisted us plus hundreds from fort Ord were called into help at times there was ninety foot walls of flame. That’s what she was really looking at her needs she would never see in her privileged life the flames of life’s destruction are forever growing closer. We lost a cat operator as he went south to fight a new fire we risked our lives he gave his. The alternative hike up to the secluded pine ridge in this pristine national forest set and look across the great valley that ends at the far horizon where mountains rise to tower in there majesty without sacrifice and risk this would be your view a charred blackened destroyed environment dead displaced wildlife as far as the eye can see filled with sadness you stumble back to your car racing to get clear of this natural disaster. Now bring the true reality of this girl’s situation into view knowing that at every turn she is being bombarded by modern life for the ultimate goal of keeping her from the most important thinking she will ever undertake. Where do I stand with my creator between her and this all important and should be all consuming endeavor. But there is a den of noise arising from modern convenience of every kind then the choking effects of materialism. If this isn’t enough then you face the greatest threat there is one true Word. Then the imitators act as interference the static they produce drowns out the true flow of guidance that can’t be duplicated the answer the enemy uses begin the erosion use the echo of men’s philosophy effectively sounds sincere truth varied ever so slightly but as it continues its course over distance and time you end up with the same damnable truth that our boys are fighting and dying to defeat in the Middle East. Truth sooner or later requires sacrifice and death to preserve it that is the true test what did it cost the one who desires to lead you and your family on the most important course you will ever under take. Take this journey with Paul one who was enlightened as much and truly more so than any other in ancient times. Follow him to the most sacred ground made so by unerring truth amidst gainsayers and scoffers and some of them came out of that darkness to light everlasting. Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: To an unknown God now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you.”

…When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.” At that, Paul left the Council. A few men became followers of Paul and believed. Among them was Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus, also a woman named Damaris, and a number of others. It’s your choice where you invest the rest of your life the wise have no hesitation the only drawback this cost everything many will not pay that price so they join the ranks of the deluded. Outwardly sophisticated inwardly they run with the pack of ravenous wolves who crucified the true eternal one. Go ahead judge if these words are true you will hear them again sooner than you will ever wish to hear.
Dorothy A Jan 2014
It cannot put pen to paper
But all a flower has to do
Is open up its delicate petals
Unfolding like a noble lady's fan
Broadening to blossom into a lovely jewel
Poetry without any word

A spider weaves its web
Like an author spins tales
It's intentions upon its survival, but
Its intricate home of threads and strings
Like a gossamer harp
Is enchanting to perceive
A make and design of fragile strength

The oceans and seas
Mighty and commanding
They roar and display their majesty
With crashing waves and splashy bravado
They spare few prisoners
And graveyards of sunken ships
Whisper of stories untold

Birds chirp and warble
With songs that humans long to know
For they travel through the air
In simplistic freedom
Their chorus of communication
Is a poetic symphony just as entertaining
As any band of musicians or artists

The winds blow and whistle
Though they have no mouths
If you listen close enough
You can hear their secrets
Their breath of life in the
Ever flowing
Breezes that enfold us

You'd swear the mountains
Were painted that way
Brawny and broad, peaked high above
Against the grand canvas we call the sky
Yes, paintings are poems, too
For a picture speaks a thousand words
But no mere man can make a mountain

You see
We are merely students
Taught by God's natural, creative genius
We are merely imitators
Of what nature displays
We are not originals
For we are not the first poets
Nor the first storytellers
Hal Loyd Denton Apr 2013
It was one of those rare and beautiful sunny days the kind that is so bright it enriches every visible living thing. Still there was a lie being lived and told in this captured moment she stood straight and confident her dog set by her she was looking at the natural wonders in awe and appreciation. It was plain to see she was healthy and lived in wonderful surroundings had an all around good life. What I saw I fought forest fires in the service one in particular in the Los Padres National forest. For five days over half of the California division of forestry assisted us plus hundreds from fort Ord were called into help at times there was ninety foot walls of flame. That’s what she was really looking at her needs she would never see in her privileged life the flames of life’s destruction are forever growing closer. We lost a cat operator as he went south to fight a new fire we risked our lives he gave his. The alternative hike up to the secluded pine ridge in this pristine national forest set and look across the great valley that ends at the far horizon where mountains rise to tower in there majesty without sacrifice and risk this would be your view a charred blackened destroyed environment dead displaced wildlife as far as the eye can see filled with sadness you stumble back to your car racing to get clear of this natural disaster. Now bring the true reality of this girl’s situation into view knowing that at every turn she is being bombarded by modern life for the ultimate goal of keeping her from the most important thinking she will ever undertake. Where do I stand with my creator between her and this all important and should be all consuming endeavor. But there is a den of noise arising from modern convenience of every kind then the choking effects of materialism. If this isn’t enough then you face the greatest threat there is one true Word. Then the imitators act as interference the static they produce drowns out the true flow of guidance that can’t be duplicated the answer the enemy uses begin the erosion use the echo of men’s philosophy effectively sounds sincere truth varied ever so slightly but as it continues its course over distance and time you end up with the same damnable truth that our boys are fighting and dying to defeat in the Middle East. Truth sooner or later requires sacrifice and death to preserve it that is the true test what did it cost the one who desires to lead you and your family on the most important course you will ever under take. Take this journey with Paul one who was enlightened as much and truly more so than any other in ancient times. Follow him to the most sacred ground made so by unerring truth amidst gainsayers and scoffers and some of them came out of that darkness to light everlasting. Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: To an unknown God now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you.”

…When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.” At that, Paul left the Council. A few men became followers of Paul and believed. Among them was Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus, also a woman named Damaris, and a number of others. It’s your choice where you invest the rest of your life the wise have no hesitation the only drawback this cost everything many will not pay that price so they join the ranks of the deluded. Outwardly sophisticated inwardly they run with the pack of ravenous wolves who crucified the true eternal one. Go ahead judge if these words are true you will hear them again sooner than you will ever wish to hear.
Big Virge Nov 2020
Ya Know Peoples’ Behaviour’s...
Getting... Stranger And STRANGER... !!!

NO... Away In A Manger... !!!

But PLENTY of DANGER... !!!
In... Peoples Behaviour... !!!

Because Corona’s Brought Flavours...
When It Comes To THAT PAPER... !!!

That Are A... GAME CHANGER... !!!

So Some Peoples Behaviour’s...
Beginning To Tailor...
Itself Towards... Vader’s... !!!

Because of DICTATORS...
Who Have Now Endangered... !!!
MORE THAN... Livelihoods...
Now Lives Have Been Took...

So Behaviours Now Look...
Like They’re Ready To Cook...
When Leaders Send Feds’...
To Now Fire BULLETS... !!!

At WOMEN On Front Lines...
Racism And Violence...
That Lead To Black Deaths... !!!

By... Taking of Breaths...
By Some YES Policemen... !!!

They’re Behaviours ATTEST...
To Delivering STRESS...
To Lots of Blacks HEADS... !!!

So OF COURSE Some Are VEX... !!!!!
About Treatment We Get... !!!

But... Protest Behaviour...
Who May Be IMITATORS... ?!?

Used To Be MUTILATORS... !!!
of Behaviours Now Caused...
ABUSE of THEIR Laws... !?!

Hold Up... Let Me PAUSE......................

Did I Just Call Them... " LAWS "... ?

What Do They Stand For... ?!?
Cos They’re CLEARLY NOT Made...
To Now PROTECT The Hoards … ?

I Mean... MASSES of People...
Who Seem READY For WAR... !?!

In... Different Locations...
It Seems That Behaviours...
Are Now Fighting For...

MORE Than Freedom of Thought... !!!
That’s Now Being Cut SHORT... !?!

When Clearly Behaviours...

Have Their Perpetrators...
of Behaviours That Walk...
With Talk That Is FALSE... !!!

From These CORONA Wars...
To These CLOSED Corridors...
Where Decisions Are BOUGHT !

I Dunno Anymore... ?!?
If We’ll Ever ENFORCE...
Behaviours Like Jailers...

For Traitors Who Break Laws... !!!

They Are Leaders And Lords !!!

Instead of Behaviours...
That... DESTROY The Poor... !!!

And... Coordinators...
Whose Behaviours Are PURE... !!!

Instead of These FAKERS...
And... New Age ENSLAVERS... !!!
Who Drive These Creations...
of Thoughts That I TAILOR...

To Speak On These Subjects...

Like Peoples’...

.... “BEHAVIOUR”....
They are getting STRANGER !
Elizabeth Jan 2013
Once upon a time, sweet soldier, we were everything!

We were shy glances and piercing stares,
bitter coffee and sweet cider,
nervous laughter and easy smiles.

We were all-nighters and painfully early mornings,
utter exhaustion and unexplainable energy,
distracted work days and focused only on each other.

We were photographs and video recordings,
magic tricks and storytelling,
Monty Python and Charlie the Unicorn imitators.
(We were total dorks!)

We were late night jogs and wrestling,
motorcycle rides and beach-walking,
seekers of adventure and last minute decision making.

We were short pecks on the cheek,
and long passionate kisses,
fierce embraces and soft caresses.

We were soul-searchers and wound-healers,
dreamers and risk-takers,
keepers of secrets and whisperers of truth.

We were sanity and craziness,
possibilities and improbabilities,
with everything and yet nothing going for us.

We were in love.
JGuberman Sep 2016
a woman who stands
between day and night
with sunset hair,
and eyes the color of leaves
that will never know autumn
sees me standing in the slowly
dimming light of life,
words in the shape of a man.

your voice
like that of an angel
calling me to prophecy or worse, prayer
uses words that redefine me
like the lyrics of a memorable song
i can't even hum when you ask.
your slight accent
is faded by years
of wearing it in a foreign tongue,
like the colors of your favorite clothes
worn too often,
as i am all too often
worn too thin
by the heavy accent of your body in my thoughts.

you see me standing alone
between night and day,
an unabridged dictionary
of hope and despair,
being methodically abridged
by the great condenser of time
and his imitators,
as i am slowly reduced
to a man in the shape of words
like loved and remembered,
and later still
missed and forgotten.
published in PROPHETIC VOICES 17 (1992) p. 107
daisies Sep 2014
Make some music, write some songs,
intellectual poetry, thoughtful monologues,
for those imitators, those who chant,
those who admire your mere act.

Sell some music, write more songs
about the sinners, about their wrongs
so they'd believe, so they'd see
the chaos of their century.

Make millions out of your music, write some ******* songs
for the money. Oh, the money it brings along!
The forthcoming fame, that dazzling stardom,
and for a minute, you forgot where you came from.

Sickened by your own music, nauseated by the tasteless songs,
you mourn your very existence, your insipid outcomes.
No secrets kept to yourself, a life full of lies;
you lost yourself drowning in disguise.  

Forsake the ****** music, abandon the imbecilic songs,
book a plane off to nowhere, freed from inquietudes so overlong.
The shouts and screams are now gone.
It's you in your bed all alone.

Unable to listen to music, they're all monotonous songs
about the same subjects, the same wrongs.
You point a pistol to the anarchy of your head,
giving in peacefully to the only thing everyone dreads.

You'd be waiting for your daughter and wife
where that altar is.
Too bad no one remains here long enough
to tell us what truly happens.
Read a little from Kurt Cobain's biography and this is what came up.
susan May 2015
"be happy!
don't be sad!"
sounds fine and dandy
but what if i'm happy
being sad

sadness takes genius
to keep going
it isn't easy
holding a down turned
   wet eyes
     despairing demeanor
'woe is me' content
but i favor it
to the false bravado
by the eternally joyous

give me a good cry
compared to a forged belly laugh
after a lame joke
any day!
The Jolteon Mar 2018
Pound it until it burns
Esophagus on fire
Everything to your loivers desire

Apologize for everytime
You drank away your desires
Left in place of your fears

Crooked back as I hack
Curled into a ball
I refuse to live trapped inside
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Glory to the Highest
Sing throughout your throat
All you wandering
Call His name, scream it louder
Let it swell into your heart
You are the apple of His eyes

Glory to the Highest
All His splendor and majesty
Bow down and confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
Open your mouth, share it to other
In any particular ways

Glory to the Highest
Lets parade throughout the streets
With the banner that says
I am not ashamed
And let love and righteousness
Reign through our lives

Glory to the Highest
Every morning, there will be changes
In our actions and motives
We will become a blessing
In every corner of this world
We will become an imitators of Him

Glory to the Highest
He become the sin of this land
To set us free from all thie chains
And one can ever defeat us
For we are more than conquer
By His bloodshed on the cross

Glory to the Highest
Mansions were build
As our eternal home
All foundation was Christ Himself
Never again moths will attack
And forever we will dwell in Him

Glory to the Highest
Once we were lost like sheep
But now we were found
Cradled into His arms
And now we were close to His heart
Carried back to the green pasture

Glory to the Highest
We can move all the mountain
As if they were like dust
We can walk through water
For nothing is impossible to god
All was easy and simple

Glory to the Highest
Giants were dwarfs and weak
Through the faith that we have
Prayers can be a bridge
To a lifetime relationship
And east to west will be near

Glory to the Highest
Once we desire something
God has a heart and ears
To give us what we asked
In His time and proper place
It will be grand and beautiful
- From Of Asterisk
THEREFORE; Be Imitators Of GOD as Dear Children. And walk in LOVE, as CHRIST also has Loved Us and Given Himself for Us, an Offering and A Sacrifice to GOD for a Sweet-Smelling Aroma. But Fornication and All Uncleanness or Covetousness, let it not even be Named among Thee, as is Fitting for Saints; Neither Filthness, nor Foolish Talking, nor Coarse Jesting, which are not Fitting, but rather Giving Of Thanks... For this thou know, that no Fornicator, Unclean Person, nor Covetous Man, who is an Idolater, has any Inheritance in thy Kingdom Of Christ and GOD... Let no One Deceive Thee with Empty Words, for because of these things the Wrath Of GOD comes upon the Sons Of Disobedience. Therefore do not be Partakers with them.! For thou were Once Darkness, but now you're Light in thy LORD. Walk as Children Of Light. ( For thy Fruit Of Spirit Is In All Goodness, Righteousness and Truth) Finding out what is Acceptable to thy LORD. And have no Fellowship with the Untruthful Works Of Darkness, but rather Expose them. For it is Shameful even to Speak of those things which are done by them in Secret. But all things that are Exposed are made Manifest by thy Light, for whatever makes Manifest is Light. Therefore; He says'' Awake, thou who Sleep, Arise from the Dead, and Christ will give Thee Light.'' See then that thou Walk Circumspectly, nor as Fools but as Wise.! Redeeming the time, because the Days are Evil. Therefore do not be Unwise, but Understand what the Will of the LORD Is. And do not be Drunk with Wine, in which is Dissipation; but be Filled with the Spirit. Speaking to One another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing and making Melody in Thy Hearts to thy LORD. Giving Thanks always for all things to GOD thy FATHER in thy Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Submitting to One another in the Fear Of GOD. Wives, Submit to Your Own Husband, as to the Lord. For the Husband is Head of the Wife, as also Christ is Head of the Church; and He is thy Savior Of thy Body. Therefore, just as the Church is Subject to Christ, so let thy Wives be to their own Husbands in everything. Husbands, Love thy Wives, just as Christ also Loved The Church and gave Himself for Her. That He might Present Her to Himself A Glorious Church, no having Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be Holy and without Blemish. So, husbands ought to Love their own Wives as their own Bodies; He who Loves His Wife Love Thyself. For no One ever Hated His own Flesh, but Nourishes and Cherishes it, just as the Lord does the Church. For we are Members of His Body, of His Flesh and Of His Bones. '' For this Reason A Man shall leave his Father and Mother and be Joined to His Wife, and the Two shall Becomes One Flesh.'' This is A Great Mystery, but I Speak Concerning Christ and the Church. Nevertheless let each one of thee in Particular so Love His Own Wife as Himself, and let thy Wife see that she Respects Her Husband.... May GOD Almighty Continue to Strengthen Ours All In All In Every Aspects Of Our Life IJN... Amen and Amen IJN..!!
"Yeah i had to drop some
People out of my circle
So here's a special ******* *****
Im a rebel and an outlaw
This goes out to my enemies feel me?"

Yeah how many wanna
Come try to ****** me
My secrecy
Driving suckas in insanity
Pleas don't step to
This real G
I been hustlin' since
The age of three
Hey now my adversaries
Wanna see me buried
But don't worry
I'll grant ya wish
Real easily
Burn 'em all with the desert ease
If they don't ease
Watch the bullets
To ya mind I tease
I gives a ****
About a notion
My only mission is
To keep exposin'
Muthaphukkaz in position
Keep my critics guessin'
So stop with ******* testin'
Cuz I'll teach you
******* a lesson my immortal
Flow unlocked from my portal
Of thoughts so ****
What you thought?
I Yosef can never
Be bought
****** and ******* be
Buggin' keep my stare muggin'
Cold nights
Alone in the dark
Hittin' my spliff spark
Peep out the window
For narcs
Hey got the guns ready
Ripped like a michete
Ain't too many ready
Cuz heated mentality heavy
So brace yourself
When you in the presence of a Don
Comin' to bring punishment son

Cuz I'm an outlaw outlaw outlaw
Fools tryna get me bent
Outlaw outlaw outlaw
God save me from my foes
Leave em all exposed

Huh before I raise my
I say a deep prayer
Wonderin' if there's a
Heaven really up there
Blurred sights from a glare
But we right here
In this atmosphere
So that ******* don't steer
Or smear me
I'm an outlaw out for the law
Never talked with a
Closed jaw word to the Ra
Addicted to interruption
Of the ******' law
Merciless heartless apart from this
I'm rippin' through hearts
Deeper than an abyss
Hey here's a kiss
A slug from a drive by
Braille you third eye
Soul searchin' the sky
Like Bill I'm science guys
Thinking of ways
To improvise more
Bodies to lie and die
Rot in the beaming sun
Ever since I shun
And became a soldier
To the rebel nation
Got communications
With all my comrades
Yeah we all bad cuz we never had
Love from the start
I knew my part
My life growing in troubles
But don't worry me
Cuz it's just the outlaw in me

Cuz ima outlaw outlaw outlaw
They tryna get me bent
Outlaw outlaw outlaw
God save me from
All my foes leave all exposed

"Yeah they think this is a joke
Fools wanna see me fall
Bu5 Never that I'll still ball
Coming back at cha
I'll never die I'll only multiply
Once my cash game rise
Watch how many leechers rise
Right in from of yo
Muthaphukkin' eyes no surprise
****** n *******
Can't peacefully see the sunrise
Cuz they got all eyes
On the Don Yosef
******* haters n future hataz
From foes and imitators
Y'all only advance me greater
***** die slow punks
Imma rrise all day everyday fuckaz"
Timothy H Feb 2016
the choice must be made, early on
to break from ****** caste
resign or conform to the herd
imitators en masse

to differ from this path of sheep
avoid more traveled by
for without curiosity
feebly disqualify

in these shallows, lie shallow words
with hint of substance found
remarks of minute, shielded songs
trivial, temporal sounds

lone whispered tales who dared into
dangerous distant seas
souls and hearts tapped by the allure
of what’s beyond the reef

meaning resides in deeper seas
where there is more at stake
and to ignore is praised by most
lacking courage to take

ideas are worth discussing
for those toward meaning go
first color sunrise worth noting
for takers of breaths slow

ignorance is not kiss of bliss
interest charts a new course
sanctioned preceded expansion
infinity’s deep heart

diatribes of desperation
too wonderful for Job
standing on shoulders of giants
visibility ‘n hope

from a shaded view use reason
capacities collide
intelligence, intuition
clear out views of this side

confidence is not inflection
the deep hold a bit more
eyes would rather dart through rooms than
admit what’s in the drawer

follow ideas all the way
carry them to the brink
devote it all to the open
where air is clean to think

the song’s sustenance can increase
beyond a passage bend
if the spark looms advantageous
then chase it to the end

provide occasions to evoke
the theories tracked in snow
uncertain lies the pendulum
of which direction goes

the first foggy ports of entry
where these journeys commence
encompass only distant lights
and often awful tests

allow the stronger light to blind
and bounce it off the halls
sounding boards of experience
ancient or modern calls –

calls leviathan, nebula
noble time unwasted
mysteries must be lost to gain
temporary o’ sacred

a dim reflection skips a beat
complete with foreign tune
matter not wholly familiar
where voice and image loom

inside - or outside - looking in
peering at copy dark
impressing shadow silhouettes
awake only in part

potentials are adorned within
the self-inflicted chains
honest laughs never lean
where unseen depths remain

elude the rank and file marching
van gogh’s for a dollar
valued only after its lost,
tapped or gandered through fire

compassion is never compare
one loves and one condones
one can conjure beings and tribes
the other's shoes, always their own

but fires do not completely fade
for those who stand in awe
love and shadows sincerely make
partial beauty withdraws

beauty comes suddenly, cleanly
when the thing comes at all
for unpursued and dimly lit
zipping boundless or small

evasive through the chattel herd
beyond the unexplored
echoing all senses at once
recognized or ignored

its grandeur through stories to heirs
that echo manifests
its rhythm, bearing, and function
wise to youth, wise near death

beauty's power, intangible
a high altitude veil
unspoken in its reflection
unseen with notice fail

intend on custom prison break
drop union from revel
no suffering o' comparison
the truth now the level

so pass shallows for deeper seas
with curious woken heads
and cast off cares of aversion
for soul’s empathy instead
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Cat-like lotto being scratched off
Shades dressed to the nines
Cat Women whites and Gray's
Pulling out her men's hairballs

Chatty Patty pancakes hearts
online more calcium her
bone Inn limit
Thank God! its' Friday
However, did it come to
the number 13 Orange
Pumpkin heads
Minus the 4 days she
needed her nine lives
back in bed

So finicky to test our time
Pulling all strings her nose cute
as a  black spot button,
Beguiled black baby cat on
her futon Miss pretty Kitty

He's the Navy Seal
The coach sealing the deal
Having *** appeal from
Heaven to earth 4 For 4
Wendy Tuna smells
Fortune tells the Luna
Cat on hot tin roof tiger print tabby,
The Egyptian Robbie dancer
starry eye glancer in the long
narrow alley Maggie May
The heating cooking up his
finicky paw the last
religious supper huge day
The black cat she's got 
 hot legs I love you honey

Rod Stewart forever young
On the ladder kitten gloves of money

Lady in cat print what
Cat's meow man handlers
Not one flaw over her dresser
Becoming the cat calculator

Fiddler on Roof Lechaim
to Life maybe it's not what
it seems
Hollywood Stray Cats big
bang theory what priority
Black Coach  secrets Victoria
Women like cats in her diary
Windmills of the Gods

The Hail Mary mastery
Tell me your dreams
Don't spill the milk
How love drops sewed me
in silk thread the test of time
We shouldn't test ourselves
like an unfortunate crime
About time knowing oneself
Well the cat got your tongue
Chosen one shelf

Like a book  going stale
We need them
Cat Coach matchmaker
You're the miracle worker
The book speaks without
being told
But how quickly our hearts
could be sold now taking
the bar exam
And your "Miss Kitty"
making her best-baked yams
So illegally you stoled all the pink
His smile is playing on me
His tiger eyes  Cat Coach so tempted
And like hot shepherds pie flicked
It's not bad luck to see a cat
when you had lied
You get what you give
Something gives how fate pulls

Dreaming/Cat fusion/Cat Valley-pay
Just love the way he makes you feel
Not in harm's way home cooked meal
Like Independence day cool

Kissing your money goodbye
Two glasses of wine Athens
Bigger than life Black cat
Demonstrator making her
own world of peace
German tour bus
Sparkling beer and good
cheer black cat like a
good soldier
under the chair
Dark blue sailor
He was in the alley
With cans and faded glory
You would never realize
he had a cat story
The ancient days of Gladiators
All imitators full moon black cat

Came way too soon
Bodies of the women
were sold
Roman EmpireTrump
got hired play trumpets
But darkness prevails
Like the treachery
The California dreaming
but the truth primary
Love wilderness or blind love
wildfire but brings tenderness
She said, my husband,
died happily and the other lady
told her___?
But he was happy to die
From the old world or new
We get cat licked
New world marries right away
An old world  it takes 1 to 2 years
But cats life will be even better
Nine lives you could wait
Are defeat you fall into
his bait
__tails Cat dynasty
Spartacus like bonafide
Princesses in the Coach
Teaching at the college
Taking a long tree ride
Get roared out Big Tigers
coach Please Papa Preach
About Cats, I wanted to jazz this up I hope you love milk and even silk we need new threads lets dream on or go the alley make an undescribable supper maybe a little Dr. Seuss in my poem
brooke Oct 2017
love a girl like pyrite
when you found me in the mines
shook me from your baskets
saw me glint in the sunlight
said my  irises shifted like tiger's eye
i was never what you thought

love a girl like pyrite
if she's your gold then i'm a
shade of amber, a copper quarter
if I was hard then she is soft and
quick in your hands like a gardner snake
faint and without teeth, tangling through
the grass and you love the silent chase
the girls that flip belly up and
kiss your corners, kiss your
borders, rub away the ash
and lay themselves over your grenades
your sticks of dynamite you blew
me away with

love a girl like pyrite
because I was a fool's gold,
the normal luster of something
grand, sieved through your tables
back into the river, the unspoken
daughters of not-good-enough
lying in wait, picked up by farmers
by men who sell, who hock, who
pawn, washed down in Vindicator Valley
run between thumbs, turned up amongst
rocks the ordinary, run-of-the-mill
we can only be imitators of
the greatest

love a girl, who's fool's gold
would you find her?
would you keep her?
(c) Brooke Otto 2017

a phrase that's been on my my mind for a weekq
Lorraine day Sep 2013
Twenty years ago I stood upon a stage
I learned there was a man
Who gave his life to save
Each and every one of us
No predudice in sight
This man his name was Jesus
To this world
He is the light.     ( john 8 : 12)
He asked that we should follow him
By their fruits you will know.    (mathew  7 : 20)
He hoped we'd read his words
With his guidance we would grow
To become more like the master
Be imitators of him
No longer chase our own desires. ( Galatians 2: 20 )
For he now dwells within
I walked this path for many years
Wasn't easy
I gave in
To all the things I shouldn't have
My life so full of sin
I've tried to run
Tried to hide
From the good lord up above
But he is the vine.  (John : 5 : 15 )
I am the branch
He's still there -I feel his love
I now know and I realise
His hands upon me every day
I will now ask his forgiveness
Get down on my knees
And.  Pray.
Graff1980 Aug 2015
Did’st thou forget where hopeless lover sprang from
Not your modern sparkling blood suckers
Not your star crossed werewolves
Not your dainty upper crust debutantes
But from poetry
From the poems of life
Which art does so poorly imitate
From the scripture of the worker
From the not so quite ancient days
When lovers sailed away
To find their place
From the rash heartbreaks
From those verses of yesterday
Not those shades of grey
That displace your face
And find your faith delayed
But from the plays we played
And the words we said
From Romeo and Juliet
Began that creative trend
Rushing full blushing
In to their foolish end
But then again it is their love I covet
Hence my love poems are birthed
Pale imitators of past affections
So when I say I love thee
As the sun loves the moon
When I rush to reach what can never be grasped
If ever we are together
Knowing it will never really last
Let me hold you in Shakespearian affections
All lust, and love
All ash to ash and deadly brash
Kay P Apr 2016
This is who I am.

Thunder in the distance, coming or leaving? Staying or going? Coming or

Leaves falling from healthy trees like lush green flower petals, summer or autumn? Spring or winter? Summer or

Falling raindrops, water from seas you've never seen. Seas you've only touched. Creek or Sea? Lake or river? Creek or

Seeing children, small and smiling. Simple laughter, tantrum-less playdates and fairy tale stories. Park or playground? Street or yard? Park or

Playthings, dusty, slightly used. A yardsale full of stories. That was my favorite, once. Doll or teddy? Ball or necklace? Blanket or

Sheets blowing on gentle breezes. Wet, warm, drying. Not quite abandoned, but left to its devices. Lonely or purposed? Chore or necessity? Lonely or

Purposeful smiles for those you dislike. Cutting insults for those you enjoy. Love for sunshine. Love for Trash. Hatred for misses. Hatred for Jests. Cruel or fair? Friend or foe? Cruel or

Faires that leave no trace when they're gone. Festivals that stay only long enough for a single good memory. Happy memories with no roots. Steadfast or fantasy? Risky or Safe? Steadfast or

Fantasies about handholding, about side eyes and smiles, about inside jokes. Dreams about darkness, about imitators, about mistakes. Dream or Reality? Dream or Daydream? Dream or

Realities like calm water, allowing only ripples. Are you real? Is anyone? Are we dust and shadows? Real or fake? Real or fake? Real or

Thunder in the distance. Coming or leaving? Staying or running?

This is who I am.
April 29th, 2015
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2016
they say blind-solipsism is in the air, the radio speakers
keep announcing a return of a mozart,
they glorify the death of classical music
as if it were still alive and worthy a prodigy
to keep a lineage, and it is so, but only
in terms of imitation rather than composition,
like the philologist able to read ancient greek
or latin, these imitators merely revive from dead
script the breathable air from the cluster of fading ink,
than providing a revival from scripts not yet written.*

once the masters of woodwinds brass
and horse-mane hairs tightened
and scratched against violin and cello
strings: now masters of solely drums,
and how the beatified contrast resounds:
the former with music soothing
but the soul warring,
now the latter with music rousing
but the soul pacified,
once masters of orchestral arrangement,
now masters of their own destiny of
individuated chaos... once the music
of the element of air... now the music
of the element of earth - the heavy stomping
excess of drums.
Sombro Jan 2015
'Do you understand the incredible godliness of a straight line?!' my madman said to me.
'Not quite,' I said, 'But I am not beyond hope to instruction."

'We cannot see a straight line in our world,' he said, 'But we thought of one nonetheless. Something came from nothing, ex nhilo, ex nhilo.' he said.

I watched his logic at work from my place at his right hand.

'Have you ever tried to draw? Straight lines are hard, try drawing a sunset. Try to draw your hand.'

I did, though I'm not sure it was his intention.
It came out wrong.

'Look! LOOK. You see? The heart of the world is but a skewed imprint when we draw it. You cannot see the world, but the lines and shadows of the world are there, and it would take a lifetime to truly draw them.'

My madman took the pen and drew a perfect sunset, with my hand clasped around it, as one would grip something so fragile, so quick to vanish.

'There are sketch lines in all we see, the world is creating a drawing in every microsecond, every heartbeat creates universes.'

His hand shook and the pen fell, ink at his feet and his hands. He looked upon them.

He rubbed the ink on his palms.

'The world is the greatest artist... And we?'
He lay his hands on the page before him, and the truest image of a hand he could ever draw was in front of me. I saw many sunsets in his fingerprints.
'We are the imitators.'

I smiled, and my madman smiled back.
Or at least as close as he could come.
THEREFORE; Be Imitators of GOD as Dear Children.. And walk in Love, as CHRIST also has Loved Us and given Himself for us, an Offering And A Sacrifice to GOD for A Sweet Smelling Aroma... But, Fornication and All Uncleanness or Covetousness, let it not even be named among Thee, as is Fitting for Saints: Neither Filthiness, nor ***** talking, nor Coarse Jesting, which are not Fitting, but rather Giving of Thanks... For this Thou know, that no Fornicator, unclean Kind, nor Covetous Man, who is an Idolater, has any Inheritance in thy Kingdom Of Christ And GOD.. Let no One Deceive Thee with empty Words, for because of these things the Wrath Of GOD comes upon the Sons Of Disobedience. Therefore do not be Partakers with them.. For thy were once Darkness, but now You're  Light In The LORD. Walk as Children Of Light.. For the Fruit of the SPIRIT is in All Goodness, Righteousness, And Truth) Finding out what is Acceptable to thy LORD. And have no Fellowship with the Unfruitful Works Of Darkness, but rather Expose them.. For it is Shameful even to Speak of those things which are done by them in Secret. But all things that are Exposed are made Manifested by the Light, for whatever makes Manifest Is Light.... Therefore He Says; Awake, thou who Sleep, Arise from the Dead, and Christ will give You Light'' See then that thou walk Circumspectly, not as fools but as Wise.. Redeeming the Time, because the Days are evil, Therefore do not be Unwise, but Understand what the Will of the LORD Is... And do not be Drunk with Wine, in which is Dissipation, but be Filled with the HOLY-SPIRIT. Speaking to One another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing and Making Melody in Thy Heart to thou LORD.. Giving Thanks always for All things to GOD The Father In The Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ... Submitting to One another in the Fear Of GOD. Wives, Submit to Your Own Husbands, as to the LORD.. For the Husband Is Head of the Wife, as also CHRIST Is Head Of The Church; and HE Is the Savior of The Body.. Therefore, Just as the Church Is Subject to Christ, so let the Wives be to their Own husbands in Everything... Husbands, Love thy Wives, just as Christ also Loved thy Church and gave Thyself for Her.. That He might Sanctify and Cleanse her with the Washing of Water by the Word.. That He might Present her to himself A Glorious Church, not having Spot Or Wrinkle or any Such thing, but that She should be Holy and without Blemish.... So, Husbands ought to Love their Own Wives as their Own Bodies; He who Loves his Wife Loves Himself.... For no One ever Hated his Own Flesh, but Nourished And Cherishes it, just as the LORD does the Church. For we are Members Of His Body, of his Flesh and Of His Bones.... For this Reason A Man shall Leave His Father and Mother and be Joined to his Wife, and the Two shall Become One Flesh'' This is S Great Mysteries, but I Speak Concerning Christ and the Church... Nevertheless, let each one Of Thee in Particular so Love his Own Wife as Himself, and let the Wife see that She Respects Her Husband... GOD Remain Our Strength... GOD Is Love... GOD With Us..!!! GOD Bless.... Peace And Love....!!!!
Shawn Jul 2015
Good morning, get up, get going, get out, get it?
Get giggity, giggly,
Great, get in, get quite, real g's move in silence, and gesticulations get goons gone,
Go ahead, go forth with great care, go far, go out, get lost, go back,
Grasp green garments,
Go on,

Read rhetoric, read rhythm, read rhymes,
Read people,
Respond resplendently, require resolution,
Realize, rain rains, read rain rain gauge,
Risk rewards, run rapidly,  run rampantly, run triumphantly,
Rise up, rise on, ride horses, ride waves, ride on,
Red letter days,

Inhale, intake, insure, inhibit,
Intuition informs insides,
Imitators idolize, I irk, irritate, insist Immaculate
Inspire innovation, incite celebration,
Inner id ingests infestations,
Ideal installed,

Make much of it, make mistakes, make mends, make merry, make cheer, make love, make peace,
Mind, mind manners, mind time, mind love, mind peace,
Move, move over, move up, move in, move out, move on,
More so, more smiles, more laughs, more life, more understanding, more peace, more love,
Marvelous magenta muse moves me,

Exhibit excellence, energize everyone,
Eat east, eat in, eat out, eat everywhere, with everyone,
Exhale, exit anger, exit stress, exit breath,
Enters euphoria, enters energy, with ease

Need no one, need nothing, only neo Nazis,
No, need necessities, need neurons, need Nutella, nourishment,
Now know knowledge, know profound power found in numbers, now know nothing

Reduce, reuse, recycle,
Re-energize, refuel, revamp, repeat,
The life cycle
Wack Tastic Nov 2013
The train's boxcars traveled in skullcap colours.
Tired and lonesome beats ascend to the platforms.
Reflect back on the worlds past, a deep breath... a sigh.
Regalings of thunderous poundings,
Lackluster imitators
uh im rude like awakening knock those out who fakin'
flakin' like  they frosted i leave ya exhaushted
hard to see me when them black ants
crawlin' over eye visions cuz my visions
dehydrate your precisions
stingin' ya harder the bees like wind to breeze
ya cant slow me yall haters below me
bring force like kinobi just show me
yo head so i can fill it with led down goes yo bread
tears in the hearts of families fatalities bring joy to me
emcees beware ya in for a scare no truth or dare
pause ya like a stare first glare ya see
im in ya shadows check my plateau ruthless as Don Vito  
evils we see no remorse for those who try to show
out they *** we never chased the cash
we burned out like brass true with me class
yall dont want clash dancin' with the titan fast as lightening
strike so compellin' enticin' frightening
no late night news can fused or abuse
our images we mass murderers lowerin' percentages
of those in advantage we bringin' mo' carnage
than the average savage live in havoc
dont thread the best unless ya wanna die like the rest
ease my stress with totes of canibus while yall diss
im chillin' like maximus full potential
we never bought out chips just sought out
takin' over islands reestablish demands
with illegal contrabands one man stand dont need no fan
feel me i be the straight loco true colo ******* by nature
too a few bites from forbidden manzana
makin'  miracles like ana from lyrical content
bites critics like piranhas sound the black madonna whos gonna?
stop me once i began the tears
so you imitators
commentators beware
love it or hate it
im underappreciated
hard to be a black man
when the world is under
cover fans yea i got bands
but they dont make me dance
**** al jolston n al sharpton
im a protege of malcolm and martin
xd out my birth name and reclaim my name
**** the fame and a ***** dame
hard to maintain
the wisdom embedded in my brain
used to push *******
10 piece with a biscuit
gold ds on the regal it was illegal
but thats the only way i can make
like the federal banks
somethin' stinks
cuz im attitude is bad n rude
no  longer a foolor mule brought my own rules
to the art of war millions died
and nobody cries
when africa under attack
but yellin' isis in paris i say **** paris
they aint scared of us
but when we bust be prepared
we wipe out themust
n get off scotch free in my society
dont give a **** about any
the law they can keep eyein me
but ya gone know me homie
hate it or love it

as the world goes round and round
like my gold ds hitting the ground
i see hate all around astound
by my critics but they get nothing but crickets
aftet the meal ticket
used to be the nicest but now i turned wicked
feelin like pac did
me against the world
all i have is my son and my girls
so **** the diamonds n the pearl
my only interest are is guns ammo and few homies in cammo
whos down for the war quick to gut open ya brain til it pours
out nothing but blood
but we aint all blood
some gotta die no lie
prayers said to the sky
i get no answers only more questions
smith n wesson testing
from the teachings of a b panther as i expand tha
horizon like heat rising
sweat coming down ya cheek
no guisin'
take notes from wise guys
who lies deep behind enemy lines
still hunger for the grind
**** the one time
take a sip of the moonshine
blunts by the dime time after time
ill be right there
if ya hold me down like
like bone did St Clair and clear
out the madness my mind trapped in this game
through thick n thin gotta watch the paradigms of the djinn
cuz you could be locked in
and not now ya conscious
blinded by the nonsense
i get joy'd from reading comments
from haters n imitators
them.******* only make me greater as i stated
you can love it or hate it
Aa Harvey May 2018
Good woman

Looking for a good woman;
Been looking for her my whole life through.
Searching for some good lovin’;
This is my search and it leaves me feeling so blue.

Tryin’ to find her, looking everywhere I go.
I’m just looking for a good woman.
Won’t you give me directions to her, if you know?
I’m just looking at the women as they all pass on by.
Waiting on a good woman.
I’ve been waiting my whole life.

I’ve met the most beautiful roses,
And they all wilted away.
I’ve seen the brightest moonbeams,
And they all faded with the passing days.
I’ve woken up next to Goddesses,
And I’ve slept next to ugly hearts.
I’ve wasted too much time on empty dresses.
I’ve broken pieces of me that can’t be cured with stars.

I’m singing songs of lovin’,
But I’m lonely as a bee.
I’m writing poems about love,
But love is a thing I ain’t ever seen.
I’ve seen a thousand imitators,
And I’ve wined and dined a million fakes.
I’ve listened to other people’s stories;
All the lovers and all those I hate.
I could never believe their souls were good for me,
Because all I have ever known is misery.

Still time to find a good woman, they say.
I’ve still got time on my hands, so I pray.
I’ve been sitting on my hands forever.
I hope opposites truly do attract,
Because I am such a stupid man,
And I am still left here waiting for my love-life to get better.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Watch out for the agenda
And the political crew
Lets just say they represent
Wake up because we ******* galore
To many youngin' hittin' floor
Minds gone society gone
Guns is blown
Another body in the funeral home
They say color dont matter ?
But all i see is red
Once the flesh is cut we emotionally shattered
the world is bruised n battered
See the picture i lainted better
Than Van Gogh
But too many innovators entice
To the dough
O yea watch back cuz they quick to glue
Stick minorities to crimes
Thats not related to you
So cool demons surrounding n houndin'
Me how could this be?
If this is a holy society?
Popes are molesters churches are imitators
Of God how odd is that ?
Pack a gat in my 82 cadillac
Big grill spinnin smalls wheels vogues appeal
O so real
Ya know cant play a fake cant shake
The pain i hear the thunder clouds of pain
It's too.much of us livin' in vain
Now what im seyin' the strain
Its like that now

peep the game
like that now
get the humps up out ya back
yea i still embrace the gat
cuz the city ******
so i gotta get witty nitty in the gritty
i seen a starvin babe leechin'
on his mommas *******
but she half dead babe cryin'
look into her eyes and
you can tell she was a ******
**** how could this be
its my society
givin' drugs to the community
cant escape the rain
or the pain
just a little **** on my brain
coca leafs to puff on
henney and the boones farm
dont sway from the good
stay close to the hood
even though we got good times n bad times
kickin' dope rhymes
no punchlines
just sayin' whats on my mind
i wish i could bless the world
really doe
not have to front a show
just get some dough
that boy jesus
lived thirty three in a half years
aint neva have a job
just twelves homies
rollin' through the breeze
rocks cryin' water turns into red wine and
miracles happen in mysterious ways
still hopin' for better days
radiate my soul
chillin' unda the sun beam rays
feel me????
Jonathan Moya Oct 2020
The piano player
has already been shot.
He is no longer a musician,
less one that sold-out halls.

Once he turned the river’s chant
into a jazz so fine that fish weeped.

Now, he plays only
right-handed counterpoint.
His left is still paralyzed,
even after a year of PT.

He only knows Bach,
the old bebop has faded.

His laugh,
a faint rhythmic sigh
is the only time
he knows how to keep.

He grows frustrated
when a two-handed Schubert
plays on the classic radio station.

He was acclaimed
for the way his music
triumphed over time and adversity:
the weakness of an inferior piano,
his own chronic fatigue, his very pain.

He would admonish those
who broke his concentration
with chronic picture taking
and excessive coughing.

He grunted whenever
he heard his imitators
in the elegies of Muzak
floating from the big mall speakers.

Now, his drummer and bassist
have died. He is alone.
His past brilliance is a cosmic taunt.

He realizes that he never
could have done any of this
without them
by his side,
keeping his time

The small, sleeping audience
of the nursing home
of which he is a resident
is not convinced of his genius.
He is no longer convinced of it.

He plays jazz in his dreams.
It’s as messed up as his left hand,
messed up as his waking life.
Yo come with me shatter all enemies before they get a chance to see
Their own doom take a hit of the shrooms inhale ya wearin' death's perfume ain't no room
At the top once I drop shots bodies rot
Ascension to my throne birthed in a black hole came out the portal
Like terminator an exterminator never an animator imitators catch the vapors
No buzz contact bomb harder than Iraq check the stats we all that my crew dust any venues check your avenues get it anyway like MJ you'll fly away
Rockin' fools to sleep see my spirits ain't never sleep conscious loves to creep ya every instinct suckas scared to blink
Cuz my guns flashin' like photography no picture in ya obituary off to the cemetery
Where many soft souls warm and bodies grow old with mold
Standing at destiny gates as I await for the purge suckas get they souls take
Mortal combat true with my skills **** at will in it for the thrills suckas claim they makin' chedda?
But really got a self-feared vendetta who's the better?
Emcee Slashin' vocals work with ya know flows legendary suckas turn scary and grow weary
Keep the purgatory weary like the Jesuit orders cook up more than heat than a Mexico border
Once I make presence I levitate the Earth's water dry ya thirst makin' it worst
Suckas don't know I'm the angel that was hellsent to curse huh

Microphone prophet expose hidden topics fools can't stop it
My legacy shining blinding haters declining once the see my flows climbing
Knockin' wack suckas out the box and any suckas who wanna box?
Throw yo gloves on only to rest on a soft pillow casket tucked plucked
Every last one of ya feathers I'll stand in any weather to endeavor my new fame comes and goes take another snort of cane to my nose to close
All my wicked thoughts that brought
My way into the Hendrix spell I'm an exeprience earthly flesh been punctured
But my souls lifting and shifting into an astral plane enter into another domain where most suckas can't hang ?
Scared of my demon intuition loosen ya grip from the tension fools mad benchin'
Gainin" weight *** they can't hang with great open up ya pate only madness can relate to the lyrics I create
Laboratory rat rhymes Einstein' beat most Everytime
**** near invincible fools know the principle
Keep ya melon guarded walk around the crossroads as my energy explodes
Takin' on the god status the baddest strongest are really the saddest
One man clan none could withstand burn intellects like desert sand never land like Pan earth feedin' my pinael gland so I can get the upper hand
Back as a spiritual general takin" command
robin Jun 2017
im a drone fly dressed in yellow and black robes
a king snake, drained of poisonous nectar  
i am rotten fruit
bitter to the bite
you recoil at the taste of me
i am the ugly duckling in reverse
cracking out of my plain jane shell
only i never turn into something beautiful on the level where it counts  
i am forever out of place
with things that have a purpose
im an outsider posing as an insider
everyday of my life
constantly trying to convince myself i am a bad person so i can fit in enough to blend in with my surroundings
to not awake an arousing suspicion
that i am different from you
to lead you away from any slight possibility of you finding a weakness
i am an expert in my head, or at least that's what i tell myself  and here are some secrets to salivate on
you must believe your own lies
because then they are no longer lies
they are your truth
they are possibilities
and these possibilities grow at the tips of your fingertips
into a noose
tightly wrapped around your throat
you will learn to enjoy the suffocating feeling in time
you must suffer to feel success
please do not ask me why
because i will not have an answer for you
in time
you will learn why
i play pretend
this is why
i don't cry
so you can see. do you see?
all choked up inside
i will never hurt you
but i will always hurt myself.

wanting to love you
but im too afraid to let you in
i have no ill intentions
but for me to say that out loud
holds a weight too immense for me
to say looking you in the eyes
and you don't believe me
because i stare at the sky and my lips tremble
because im trying to hold back the earthquakes behind them
but i cant hold it all in like i use too before i met you
and i just want to let it out and i just want to let you know
and i just want to tell you
that i love you when you need to hear it  
but we both speak more with silences then words
so im sitting in silence hoping you pick up on
how i
about you
every single second of every single day
and it will never change
you will always be in the center of my brain
bouncing around in the brain of a musing insomniac

if only you knew
every late night nightmare
like you knew where to find every freckle.
i have sixteen you said.  
the half of it
if only you knew the reason why behind every time i was too afraid to cry or say the things that i should've said to make us work out in the end
im so sorry
that im so selfish
i didn't know
i'd meet a miracle in the middle of february
because if i did i would have spent every day preparing for a space in my heart with your name on it

but im going to try
im gonna get better for both of us

frankly it's gotten to the point where I don't even believe myself when I look in the mirror
gives you leeway into my heart
and i can not say i do not have ill intentions genuinely
instead I say it with a quivering lip that
you do not believe
becasuse it all adds up with you
but it adds up with me too
and when I feel small
I go back to my world of make belive
I absorb myself back into my apathetic shell
please demon of mine ralses eme

Batesian mimicry is a form of mimicry where a harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a harmful species directed at a predator of them both.
Denis Barter Mar 2018
With hands holding a Willow wand,
I seek to detect water's source,
flowing deep within the ground!
Exerting its will upon my hand,
energy exuded by water;s force
discloses where it can be found.

This gift, with which I was born,
brings blessed relief to those in need
of water, for it brings great satisfaction
when seen flowing from source to bourne,
as a consequence of my diviners reed,
which I regard as reward enough for my action.

For some, dowsing exudes a mystery,
possessed of an obscure magical property!
When water sought, is thereby detected,
The Rhythm of Life proclaims a victory?
Records show that way back in history,
Black Magic was seriously suspected!

So why am I possessed of this ability?
A gift, some think an arcane anomaly
that locates water, through my hands!
Dowsing that baffles watching spectators,
defies the efforts of charlatan imitators,
who’d benefit, from a force, no one understands!

Should you too, possess this cryptic force,
you’ll know dowsing, for hours perforce,
is most rewarding when success is reached,
and it proves an exciting moment for me
when The Rhythm of Life - water - runs free,
and its source is discovered and breached!

Rhymer.  March 21st, 2018.  

It was pure happenstance I learned I was a Dowser or Water Diviner back in 1960.  Have used it many times since.  Our present water source, comes from wells I discovered and wells dug in 1998. Always an awesome experience.  Ciao Rhymer.
Jay earnest Jul 2017
Bukowski was the best poet of all time,

my opinion--

pretty much ***** the art form,
and took out all the rhyming because songs already do that.

most are imitators--

I Respect him,
and see a little of him in my work,
mainly the fact that it's just a mockery and I don't even know if it's

the time typing it.

but I really like his stuff on death, on his last years---

now the microwave is slamming,

and now
there's a fan blowing,

and now there's
a mosquito
******* my blood--

and now
I'm just making stuff up,

and now
I'm thinking of nothing,

and now I'm wasting your time--

and time is an illusion
Chandy Sep 2021
Beneath every gangster
Lies a desire for success
The means do not justify
Throwing obscenities
Riches have a half-life
Declare a state of emergency
For all these imitators
Should strive for something greater

— The End —